You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 353 The court is in session! The ultimate battle!

Chapter 353 The court is in session! The ultimate battle!
Everyone in the courtroom stood up in unison.

Under everyone's eyes.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming, Judges Li Hao and Hai Ruoshui entered the courtroom.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming looked around the room at everyone.

"Please take a seat."

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming struck the gavel.

The recorder said, "Now the court record is announced."

“Parties to a lawsuit should abide by the court rules”


The recorder looked at the presiding judge and said, "Reporting to the presiding judge, the plaintiff Tang Ya and the defendant Zhao Sisi, the court is ready and the trial can begin now."

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming: "I now declare that the court is officially open!"

Qiu Ming: "The case is as follows. On August 8, Zhao Sisi chose to jump into the river near Jiangcheng River. Firefighter Li Zhengyi passed by and jumped into the river twice to rescue Zhao Sisi. However, due to the rapid flow of the water and many other factors, Li Zhengyi unfortunately drowned. Now Li Zhengyi's wife Tang Ya is suing Zhao Sisi."

"Please state your claim, plaintiff."

Gu Chen looked at Tang Ya.

Tang Ya said, "Dear presiding judge, judges, I am Li Zhengyi's wife and the mother of three daughters."

"My husband, Li Zhengyi, is a firefighter."

"He is also the father of these three children. The oldest is only 8 years old and the youngest is only 29 years old. They all lost their father forever on August ."

Du Jinglin said: "Protest."

"Your Honor, I think the plaintiff's client is being sentimental. This is a courtroom, where the law is enforced, not a place for storytelling. Please do not talk about things that are irrelevant to the trial."

"In court, it is not allowed to use various means such as sensationalism and inducement to disrupt the normal judicial process."

Tang Ya had just opened her mouth to say a few words when Du Jinglin protested.

The netizens in the live broadcast room all looked solemn.

The lawyer on the other side is not simple.

These are not lawyers Zhang Wei and Zhang Fei.

The opponent is the ace lawyer of King & Wood Mallesons, and the pressure is overwhelming from the beginning.

Tang Ya was at a loss for a moment.

Gu Chen said, "My client is making a statement. This case should have made the cause and effect of the matter clear. August 8th is indeed Li Zhengyi's birthday, and Li Zhengyi is indeed the father of these three girls. In court, we must not only follow the law, but also the facts."

"Is it possible that my client is wrong in telling the truth?" Gu Chen asked.

Du Jinglin: "I protest. It's fine to tell the story. This case is between Li Zhengyi and Zhao Sisi. What does it have to do with how many daughters Li Zhengyi has? Does the number of daughters Li Zhengyi has affect the verdict of this case? The plaintiff is just trying to win sympathy."

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming struck the gavel.


“Protests work!”

"When the plaintiff explains the case, he should not impose content that is irrelevant to the case." Qiu Ming looked at Tang Ya.

Du Jinglin's protest was successful as soon as he came up.

This was the first time that Gu Chen suffered a defeat right from the start among all the lawsuits he had fought.

After seeing this, netizens in the live broadcast room were all shocked.

[No, is the top lawyer across from me so powerful? ]

[Fuck! I rarely see Attorney Gu get humiliated. Usually it’s because Attorney Gu successfully protests and the judge warns the defendant. Now the judge warns the plaintiff.]

[The lawyers across the street are from King & Wood Mallesons, the top-ranked law firm in the country, so they are quite good.]

[Counselor Gu, can you please send this Du Jinglin to jail? I am not happy with what he is seeing! ]

[It doesn't matter whether Du Jinglin is sent in or not, let's send Zhao Sisi in first. ]

After seeing the judge warn Tang Ya, Zhao Sisi became even more arrogant.

Her cousin is very good at litigation.

What kind of outlaws are on the other side?
Is it useful to sue?

Who made her know her cousin?
Tang Ya then said, "Okay, then I'll get to the point."

"I believe everyone has seen the video online. When my husband was rescuing Zhao Sisi, it was divided into two stages."

"In the first stage, my husband saved Zhao Sisi. During the rescue process, Zhao Sisi fought back and struggled desperately. Is this what should happen?"

"If she had cooperated, my husband would have rescued her long ago. After all, my husband is a firefighter and his rescue skills are very professional. Even so, my husband still rescued her."

"During the rescue process, Zhao Sisi pushed my husband's head into the river water many times. This is clearly intentional murder! Deliberate killing! Zhao Sisi did it on purpose!"

The defendant's lawyer Du Jinglin raised his hand.

Tang Ya didn't say anything else.

Du Jinglin said: "Judge, I would like to ask my client two questions now."

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming: "You may ask questions, but you are prohibited from asking questions that are not related to this case."

Du Jinglin nodded and looked at Zhao Sisi, "Why did you choose to jump into the river?"

Zhao Sisi said: "Because my life is very uncomfortable, I am in pain every day, my mood is very bad, and that day I found that I failed several subjects, which made me even more depressed. I was also scolded by my family, so I ran to the river and wanted to jump into the river to commit suicide. I don’t care about anything else, I just want to commit suicide. I feel that living in this world has no meaning for me. I am not happy at all. I want to ask you a question, is it wrong for me to want to commit suicide?"

Zhao Sisi usually goes to bars to play, and she was exposed to society early, so she has a quick reaction.

Du Jinglin said: "Is suicide wrong? It's not wrong, although from a social perspective, when we see people committing suicide, we will try to save others, but legally, people who commit suicide are not at fault."

Du Jinglin then asked: "Second question, why did you struggle when you were being rescued? Why did you press your hands on Li Zhengyi's head?"

Zhao Sisi said: "After I jumped in, I found the river very scary. I felt like I was about to drown, and then I didn't know anything. I just wanted to survive. I closed my eyes and struggled in various ways. I wanted to survive, so I struggled. As for pressing Li Zhengyi's head, I really didn't know it was Li Zhengyi's head. I was struggling in the river at the time, and suddenly I found something that could support me, so I kept pressing it." "If I knew it was Li Zhengyi, I wouldn't do it, and I wouldn't press Li Zhengyi's head. I regret it very much, but that wasn't my original intention. I already know I was wrong. What else do you want me to do? I couldn't see anything clearly at the time, and I didn't expect there would be such serious consequences. Woo woo woo, I live in guilt and self-blame every day now, and I feel very sorry for what I have done."

"I didn't know anyone came to rescue me. I was already unconscious at the time. If I had known the firefighters would come to rescue me, I would definitely not have struggled so much."

Zhao Sisi explained it again.

Du Jinglin said: "The situation is now very clear. My client Zhao Sisi will be replaced by Zhao Sisi from now on."

"Zhao Sisi jumped into the river because of various reasons and wanted to commit suicide."

"When a person is being rescued from suicide, he is struggling. This is because he wants to save himself."

"As for pressing Li Zhengyi's head, it was an unconscious and panic-stricken act of self-rescue. A drowning person will instinctively want to grab anything around him that can be grabbed. This is not illegal." Du Jinglin said.

Tang Ya shouted angrily: "You are talking nonsense!"

"The video is right here! Right here!!"

"Everyone can see that Zhao Sisi had just jumped into the river less than five seconds ago when my husband happened to pass by and jumped right in! There was surveillance video at the time! The surveillance video and the video of the onlookers can all prove this!"

"How could you lose consciousness after jumping into the river for five seconds?"

"Five seconds after you jumped into the river, my husband was saving you! In those five seconds, you couldn't have lost consciousness, and you certainly wouldn't have struggled! You didn't show any signs of struggling at all. You can see in the video that all your struggling movements were to press down on my husband's head, pushing it deeper into the river."

"You even used both hands to press down on my husband's head to prevent him from floating up. As soon as he floated up with you, you desperately pressed him down! You even made all kinds of personal attacks on him! Are you struggling?"

"In that situation, it was impossible for you not to know that someone was trying to save you! You could have just done nothing and waited to be rescued, but you desperately pushed my husband's head into the river. Aren't you deliberately killing someone? You were deliberately killing someone!!!"

Netizens saw the video, and this is exactly what made them angry.

It was obvious that Zhao Sisi was deliberately pushing someone's head into the river.

Zhao Sisi did all this on purpose!
If Zhao Sisi hadn't done this, how could Li Zhengyi have drowned?

Can Zhao Sisi's casual words that she was struggling wildly and lost consciousness explain it now?

If the law cannot judge such people
Who knows what the little fairy will do to others after jumping into the river?

Anyway, it’s not illegal to kill people in the river!
Isn’t this murder by Zhao Sisi?
Du Jinglin looked at Zhao Sisi and said, "For the crime of intentional homicide, there must be a motive. Does Zhao Sisi know Li Zhengyi? If Zhao Sisi doesn't know Li Zhengyi, and the two sides don't have any hatred, Zhao Sisi has no motive to kill Li Zhengyi. Besides, Zhao Sisi committed suicide by jumping into the river. How would she know who would come to save her?"

"Therefore, Zhao Sisi had no motive to kill anyone, and the crime of intentional homicide does not exist."

Zhao Sisi nodded aside, "Yes, yes, that's it! Do I know Li Zhengyi? Why would I kill Li Zhengyi? Killing someone means paying with one's life. If I did something like this, I would also be sentenced to death. Have I eaten too much? Why would I do such a thing?"

"I just wanted to commit suicide. Is it wrong for me to want to commit suicide? Besides, I was struggling in the river. I was scared even if I jumped into the river for a second. Is it wrong for me to struggle? I did everything just to save myself. Don't slander me!"

Zhao Sisi directly started three-dimensional defense.

Tang Ya questioned: "Then why do you say you are confused? Aren't you lying? Do you think everyone in the court is mentally retarded and can't understand what you are saying?"

Zhao Sisi burst into tears.

Zhao Sisi said: "I didn't want to say it, but you forced me to say it."

"Your Honor, will it be okay if I tell the truth here?"

The presiding judge Qiu Ming glanced at Zhao Sisi coldly and said, "You can tell the truth. No one in the court will make personal attacks on you."

Zhao Sisi said: "Tang Ya is right. I just jumped into the river and Li Zhengyi came to rescue me within 5 seconds. I did not lose consciousness, but I was really scared. Of course I would be scared if I jump into the river because I can't swim! The river water is flowing, not like a swimming pool."

"I felt like I was going to sink at any moment, so I was scared."

"But I did lie to everyone. I didn't lose consciousness."

Tang Ya said, "Look, you are a liar, you are deliberately killing people! You said you lost consciousness when you were not. If you didn't lose consciousness and knew someone was trying to save you, why did you struggle so hard in the river? My husband is a firefighter, he would have rescued you in no time if you hadn't struggled."

Zhao Sisi said: "I"

"I didn't mean to say it."

"But since you insist on me saying it, I have no choice but to say it."

"I didn't struggle at first, but Li Zhengyi took advantage of me jumping into the river and went into the water to save me. He took the opportunity to touch me!"

"You don't know that the moment he jumped into the river and hugged me, his hands touched my upper and lower parts. He was clearly taking advantage of my misfortune and did this while I was jumping into the river!"

“I’m even more scared!!”

"I thought the person who jumped into the river to save me was a hero."

"But I didn't expect that he was such a man! He didn't want to save me at all, but wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to do this to me! I was very scared and panicked, so I struggled and resisted in various ways. Then I was still drowning, and I was even more scared. I struggled in various ways. I really didn't mean to press Li Zhengyi's head on purpose."

"Later, I found out that Li Zhengyi was actually a firefighter."

"But I really couldn't imagine that Li Zhengyi was such a person! I was scared and terrified. I didn't dare to tell anyone, but I was clearly a victim!"

"This is why I struggled in the river. I didn't want to say it because I didn't want everyone to change their impression of Li Zhengyi."

"But I really wasn't wrong."

"Li Zhengyi jumped into the water to save me. I am very grateful."

"But he touched me randomly and did things like that, which was inappropriate!"

"He can't just jump into the river to save me and then touch me, right?"

Zhao Sisi finished speaking.

As soon as Zhao Sisi finished speaking, many fairies in the live broadcast room jumped out.

[Fuck, sisters, it turns out that Li Zhengyi is such a lowly man? ]

[I finally know why Li Zhengyi jumped into the river. Look at the position of his hands in the video. It is indeed not right. You have to know the method when saving people.]

[Yeah, you can touch me like that just because I'm saving someone? This is outrageous. This is really too outrageous.]

[I also discovered this, wow, sisters are so pitiful, jumping into the river is fine, but even jumping into the river can still lead to encountering a filthy man. ]

【Who among my family members understands?】

(End of this chapter)

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