Chapter 354 Li Zhengyi is a hero!
After Zhao Sisi finished speaking.

Tang Ya was so angry that she was shaking all over.

No, how dare Zhao Sisi do that?
You start by slandering Li Zhengyi?

Li Zhengyi saved Zhao Sisi but drowned himself.
And Li Zhengyi saved Zhao Sisi twice!
As a result, Zhao Sisi even said that Li Zhengyi touched her.
Is this something a person can say?
Li Zhengyi jumped into the river to save her, but Zhao Sisi slandered him.

He even attributed his struggle to Li Zhengyi.

Many fairies in the live broadcast room jumped out to support Zhao Sisi.

Even many netizens couldn't stand it anymore.

[No, why are there so many idiots in this live broadcast room? ]

[Li Zhengyi risked his life to save you, was it to take advantage of you? ]

[Isn't this nonsense? Who would risk their life to jump into the river to save you, just to take advantage of you? ]

[This kind of person is really against heaven. Don't save people who jump into the river in the future. Last time I saw a woman about to jump off a building, and the firefighters risked their lives to save her. As a result, there were a lot of comments in the comment section that were against heaven.]

in court.

After Zhao Sisi finished speaking, the whole audience fell silent.

No one speaks.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming glanced at Zhao Sisi coldly and said nothing.

Zhao Sisi said, "Besides, why do you say I committed intentional homicide? Or manslaughter? I am very grateful to Li Zhengyi for saving me, but it is unnecessary to put the blame for his drowning on me. Did I ask him to jump into the river? Did I control him? He just wanted to take the opportunity of saving me to touch me!"

Tang Ya said: "My husband has always been a law-abiding person. He is a firefighter. In the past six months, my husband has been on duty 28 times, 20 of which were fires, and one of which was a major fire. Li Zhengyi rushed in to save people many times, regardless of his own life. You can scold me, but you can't scold a firefighter."

"Li Zhengyi has responded to calls many times and saved many people. He is my husband and also a great firefighter. He has jumped into the river to save people many times."

"Over the years, Li Zhengyi has jumped into the river to save people three times, and was awarded a title and a bonus for one of those times."

"When he saw you jumping into the river, he immediately jumped in without hesitation, just to save you."

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. Li Zhengyi took a special leave to go home today because it's his birthday and we all miss him very much."

"He was only wearing casual clothes, but he still went to save you without hesitation."

"He ignored the danger to himself and only thought about how to rescue you, but you slandered a good man, a firefighter, without any evidence."

"My husband has sacrificed himself, but I feel shameful and ridiculous for someone like you."

"No matter how you smear it, the result will not change. The fact that my husband saved you will not change."

"Li Zhengyi had already rescued you to shore, but you chose to jump into the river again. He had already used up a lot of energy the first time he rescued you, and you kept pushing his head into the river."

"But you just got rescued and you jumped into the river again!"

“This time, you still do the same action.”

"Tell me, are you panicking?"

"You had clearly been rescued, but you chose to jump into the river again. Then Li Zhengyi went down to save you, but you still desperately pushed Li Zhengyi's head back into the river."

"You are clearly murdering someone!"

"In the back, others gave sticks and ropes, but you snatched them all!"

"Li Zhengyi's physical strength was clearly not enough, and the onlookers could see it. You were lying on your back, very calm, not panicking at all."

"The enthusiastic people threw the rope next to Li Zhengyi, and you snatched it away directly. You did it three times in total. You cut off my husband's hope of survival."

"Finally, you survived."

"Before he drowned, the last thing Li Zhengyi did was to push you with all his strength."

"Li Zhengyi died, leaving behind four of us, mother and daughter."

"I hate him. Why did he jump to save you?"

"He could have had a happy birthday and been reunited with his family, but he saved you and lost his own life."

"He didn't die because of the fast current, but because of you! It was because of you that he died!"

"He's not sacrificing himself or not being capable enough, it's all because of you!"

"Because you killed someone on purpose!"

When Tang Ya said this, she was already extremely angry.

He would not doubt Li Zhengyi just because of a few words from Zhao Sisi.

In her heart, Li Zhengyi will always be the greatest person.

Sacrifice yourself to save others, regardless of your own safety.
Every firefighter is like this.

No matter how severe the fire is, firefighters will always be on the front line!
Tang Ya said, "Your Honor, my husband will always be a hero!"

"My statement is complete."

Tang Ya finished speaking.

The whole audience burst into applause.

Everyone knows that Li Zhengyi is a hero.

But this is a court.

The law must be followed in court.

Legally, Zhao Sisi cannot be convicted at this time.

Because Zhao Sisi has already made it very clear, there is a lawyer named Du Jinglin behind Zhao Sisi.

The biggest problem now is the inability to convict.

No matter what Tang Ya said, it was impossible to convict Zhao Sisi.

Even if everyone is angry.
Even Zhao Sisi could not be convicted of spreading rumors and slander.

Because there is insufficient evidence.

Whether it is surveillance video or video shot by others, it is impossible to capture underwater scenes.

Rumors and slander are no longer important in this case.

The important thing is that under the current circumstances, Zhao Sisi cannot be convicted.

Zhao Sisi said, "I have made it very clear, and I don't want to explain it anymore."

"First, I was panicked the whole time. I didn't know what happened. I jumped into the river because I was in a bad mood. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to commit suicide. Isn't that illegal?" "Second, I didn't know anything. I was just struggling subconsciously in the river. And the second time I jumped into the river, it was because I still didn't want to live. I still wanted to commit suicide. I didn't ask Li Zhengyi to jump into the river to save me the second time. He jumped into the river by himself, but he ran out of energy and didn't consider his own situation. He drowned. I am not responsible at all."

"Third, it was too long after I jumped into the river. I was really scared. I felt the fear of death in the river, so I wanted to save myself. I used the method taught online. I could float up by lying on my back with my hands in the river. As long as the posture is correct, I can stay on the surface of the river and wait for rescue."

"Then I made this move. I saw the popular science on the Internet and then I remembered how to save myself. But I really had no way to save Li Zhengyi. I didn't know what was going on with Li Zhengyi, let alone that he was about to drown."

"When I saw someone throwing a stick and a rope, I instinctively went to grab the stick and the rope. I didn't know Li Zhengyi was behind me, and I didn't know I would kick him. If I had known everything in advance, I would have let him survive."

"I can't do anything about Li Zhengyi's sacrifice. I feel helpless and sad. I really hope it's me who died."

"That's all I can say. If you want to ask me anything else, I don't know." Zhao Sisi said.

She described it like this according to what Du Jinglin taught her.

She just didn't believe that Gu Chen could send her to jail like this.
As long as she doesn't admit it, who can do anything to her?

Du Jinglin also spoke up: "I can understand the feelings of the plaintiff's family, but Zhao Sisi is indeed a girl, she is still in her third year of college, she chose to jump into the river to commit suicide because she was depressed for a while, and she struggled in the river many times, which were all acts of self-rescue. Even if Zhao Sisi pressed Li Zhengyi's head many times and snatched the stick and rope, it was also Zhao Sisi's attempt to save herself. Although the behavior was inappropriate, it was an emergency avoidance and she does not bear any criminal responsibility."

"In addition, the authorities immediately characterized this incident as a sacrifice. Li Zhengyi died, and we are all very sad. However, this cannot be an excuse for Tang Ya to use this opportunity to cyberbully Zhao Sisi."

"I have evidence here."

"After the incident, Tang Ya posted video texts on TikTok several times, which put pressure on my client."

"The video and text posted by Tang Ya led to a large number of netizens insulting and personally attacking Zhao Sisi online."

"This has now caused Zhao Sisi to suffer from severe depression."

"If it weren't for the video and text posted by Tang Ya, Zhao Sisi wouldn't have suffered such a big loss."

"We also took Tang Ya's situation into consideration, but what Tang Ya did did violate the law."

"The law has no mercy."

"As long as Tang Ya apologizes to my client, deletes all the videos, and compensates Zhao Sisi 150,000 yuan for mental damages, that's all."

"Zhao Sisi has been severely depressed, and all of this is the result of the various videos posted by Tang Ya, which has led to a large number of netizens making personal attacks on Zhao Sisi."

"Zhao Sisi was just a junior student. Li Zhengyi drowned. Zhao Sisi did nothing at fault and she does not need to bear criminal responsibility. Innocent people should not accept these online insults." Du Jinglin said.

Netizens in the live broadcast room: "???"

Tang Ya hasn't said anything yet.

In the end, Du Jinglin asked Tang Ya to apologize and pay compensation?

What did Tang Ya do to deserve an apology and compensation?
Didn’t she just post a few videos?
Aren’t the things said in these videos true?

As a result, Du Jinglin accused Tang Ya of spreading rumors, slander, and even leading the public to make personal attacks on Zhao Sisi.

[Can't stand it anymore, Du Jinglin and Zhao Sisi just bite back, right? 】

[Can Lawyer Gu send Zhao Sisi to jail? ]

[Seeing Zhao Sisi made me lose my appetite for three days. Li Zhengyi drowned while trying to save her, but Zhao Sisi is still here asking Tang Ya for money and even asking her to apologize. It's really outrageous.]

[Zhao Sisi didn't admit it at all, and Du Jinglin directly defended it as emergency avoidance. It seems that there is really no way to deal with this case. ]

Netizens all sighed.

Because they found that there seemed to be no way to sentence Zhao Sisi in this case.

Now Zhao Sisi is biting back and asking Tang Ya to compensate for mental damages.

How to break the situation?

Even Zhao Sisi calls her Yu Yu all the time.

This is really outrageous.

Gao Yong has been watching this lawsuit until now.

Gao Yong said, "There's nothing we can do. The lawyer on the other side is quite powerful. The previous cases are really different from this case. In the previous cases, there was new evidence. Gu Chen could find new evidence and then turn the case around. But how can we find new evidence in this case? The evidence is right in front of us!"

Xue Shao also said: "Yes, in this case, the surveillance footage at the time of the incident and the video footage of the surrounding crowd are all here. So many lawyers across the country have analyzed this case, there is really nothing we can do."

"What evidence can Gu Chen find? The evidence is right on his face. There is really no way to deal with this case."

Gao Yong shook his head. "Gu Chen shouldn't have taken this case in the first place. There are still many netizens who trust Gu Chen and think that he can win this lawsuit, but there is really no way this lawsuit can be won. No kidding."

"In this case, the evidence is right here. Zhao Sisi just pressed Li Zhengyi's head. What happened? Zhao Sisi also took away the stick and rope, and even pushed Li Zhengyi. Li Zhengyi drowned just like that."

"Everyone knows that this is the fact and this is the evidence, but there is no way to convict Zhao Sisi," said Gao Yong.

In all previous cases, Gu Chen could find other evidence.

But in this case, the evidence is there and there is no way to sue.

Du Jinglin even found the Douyin video evidence posted by Tang Ya and asked Tang Ya to compensate for mental damages.

Xue Yaoting said: "Look, this case is a little difficult, but this person is Gu Chen."

"It would be a miracle if this lawsuit could be won"

"Maybe Gu Chen can really do this case that no one else can do?"

Xue Yaoting still trusts Gu Chen very much.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming struck the gavel.

"I now declare that the court is adjourned for fifteen minutes."

"The court will continue in fifteen minutes."

After the adjournment.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming also shook his head.

The other two judges, Li Hao and Hai Ruoshui, also sighed.

Qiu Ming said: "It is difficult to convict Zhao Sisi in this case. I am the presiding judge and I should not say this, but based on the evidence we have now, it is impossible to convict Zhao Sisi. Zhao Sisi was in an emergency to avoid danger."

Li Hao said: "That's true. I can see that Zhao Sisi had the intention to press Li Zhengyi's head on purpose, but this doesn't prove anything. It still doesn't mean that Zhao Sisi had a motive to kill. She can't even be convicted of manslaughter."

Hai Ruoshui said, "Now Zhao Sisi is going to accuse Tang Ya and ask her to apologize. If Du Jinglin produces proof of Zhao Sisi's severe depression, then this case will be even more difficult to handle."

Qiu Ming shook his head. "It's stipulated in the law. There's nothing we can do about it."

"This case depends on Gu Chen."

"If Gu Chen can't come up with any other evidence, then this case will be over."

(End of this chapter)

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