You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 359: Gu Chen’s ultimate move sentenced Zhao Sisi to death!

Chapter 359: Gu Chen’s ultimate move sentenced Zhao Sisi to death!
Hearing Gu Chen say this, Du Jinglin smiled and didn't take it to heart at all.

Du Jinglin said: "What does Zhao Sisi's ability to swim prove? People can do anything to survive. Even if Zhao Sisi can swim, it doesn't mean she is safe if she falls into the river."

"Your Honor, no matter what Zhao Sisi did in the river, she was just a victim. She wanted to commit suicide, so she jumped into the river twice. In the end, she felt the fear of death in the river, so she did all these to avoid danger."

"Unless you can prove that Zhao Sisi was not in danger when she jumped into the river, and that she could save herself in the fast-flowing water, or can you prove that Zhao Sisi was not in danger at all when she jumped into the river? Just because she can swim?"

"Your Honor, all the actions our client took in the river were to avoid danger in an emergency. He should not bear criminal responsibility."

"So far, there is no evidence to prove that Zhao Sisi jumped into the river with the intention of killing someone."

"Zhao Sisi and Li Zhengyi did not know each other at all, and they did not have any motive to kill. It was impossible for them to commit intentional homicide."

"What's more, Zhao Sisi jumped into the river and could not save herself. Everything she did was for self-protection and emergency avoidance. When people are in crisis, there is nothing wrong with paying attention to their own lives. Therefore, Zhao Sisi should not bear any criminal responsibility." Du Jinglin said.

Xue Qingqing was still a little worried when looking at this situation.

Because she followed her boss, she only knew that her boss had been doing these investigative work during this period of time.

As for other investigations, she didn't know.

The boss has already produced all the evidence that should be produced.

But Du Jinglin insisted that Zhao Sisi was taking emergency shelter.

It is true that the boss cannot produce any evidence to prove that Zhao Sisi committed intentional homicide.

Even though Zhao Sisi can swim, it is useless even if she is a swimming champion. Even if all of Zhao Sisi's actions in the river are taken into account, it cannot be classified as intentional homicide. Even now, it cannot be determined as the crime of negligent homicide.

None of this evidence together is enough.

Because Du Jinglin's defense focuses on this point.

How to prove that Zhao Sisi has a motive to kill?
How to prove that Zhao Sisi was not trying to save herself or take emergency shelter in the river?
Once a case reaches the stage of emergency evacuation, it is a dead end.

no way!
There is no way!

Xue Qingqing had fought so many lawsuits with Gu Chen, so she was still a little nervous this time.

Because, in this case, she really doesn't want her boss to lose.

The firefighter died, and it was clearly Zhao Sisi who caused the death.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it, but legally there is nothing that can be done to Zhao Sisi. What can be done?
The boss also produced various evidences.
There is really no way to convict Zhao Sisi now.

Xue Qingqing was also a little worried. If the boss lost the lawsuit, his winning rate would no longer be 100% in the future.

The key point is, if even the boss loses the lawsuit, who can speak for Tang Ya?
Tang Ya is the real victim.

As long as Zhao Sisi insists that she was taking emergency precautions, no evidence will be of any use.

Unless there is evidence to prove that Zhao Sisi intended to kill someone.

But Zhao Sisi is not stupid at all, and she would never admit that she committed murder on purpose.

So this case is a dead end.

The scene fell silent for a while.

Xue Qingqing was very worried.

Du Jinglin glanced at Zhao Sisi.

Zhao Sisi was originally very nervous, but after seeing how supportive her cousin was, she was no longer nervous at all.

My cousin is still the best!

With such a powerful cousin, she must be innocent!

I hope Gu Chen doesn’t take out the most crucial evidence.

Even if Gu Chen is a god, it is impossible for him to find those evidences, right?
How could others know what she was thinking?
She knew how to swim, but she jumped into the river that day because she couldn't stand her family members constantly scolding her.

So she wanted to jump into the river and try
Anyway, she can swim, so nothing will happen if she jumps into the river.

Zhao Sisi jumped in without thinking.

But Zhao Sisi herself really hates men.

She often posts all kinds of outrageous remarks on Xiaohongshu.

Zhao Sisi even said that her father was her biological father, saying something like "just because you gave birth to me doesn't mean you are my father", which is an outrageous statement.

Zhao Sisi often has high-intensity confrontations with netizens on Weibo and is keen on these things every day.

As a result, one day, Zhao Sisi discovered a group.

There is a group owner in this group.

As long as she posts some outrageous remarks online, she will be given money.

So Zhao Sisi started to do it.

The group owner is quite mysterious, even Zhao Sisi doesn’t know where he came from.

But Zhao Sisi was very happy because not only was she doing what she loved, but she could also get money.

As a result, the group leader once told her that as long as she could do this, she could get a lot of money.

So Zhao Sisi gave it a try.

As a result, Zhao Sisi really came up with a solution.

That's how you can kill people!
So Zhao Sisi decided to jump into the river and then did this.

All decisions are premeditated.

But Zhao Sisi didn't let anyone know about this.

Zhao Sisi didn't dare let anyone know, which was why he had been nervous until now.

How could Zhao Sisi have imagined it would be so serious?

Aren’t things usually not pursued?

Why did they bring her to court this time?

Especially when Zhao Sisi found out that the opposing lawyer, Gu Chen, still had a 100% chance of winning, she became even more worried.

Zhao Sisi is very scared.

If she didn't do anything and just struggled in the river and caused someone's death, a normal person would definitely feel very guilty.

Only Zhao Sisi could be so incredible.

Even though Du Jinglin told Zhao Sisi many times that it was okay, Zhao Sisi was still very scared.

She wasn't afraid of anything. She just felt guilty.

After all, if anyone knew about it, she would be sentenced to death.
Death penalty, then everything is over!
But now that the lawsuit has lasted for so long, Zhao Sisi feels that everything should be fine, right?
Gu Chen hasn't been able to produce any evidence after all this time.

The only evidence is that she can swim.

But what's the use?

Zhao Sisi had thought about what to do if Gu Chen found out that she was a good swimmer, so she immediately contacted Du Jinglin for a report.

Du Jinglin told her there was no need to worry and there was no way to convict her.

At this point in the lawsuit, Zhao Sisi has felt relieved.

She is not afraid of anything now.

Gu Chen can’t find it!
And it’s impossible for Gu Chen to have any evidence!

In order to conceal her tracks, Zhao Sisi didn't even go to get the money.

She just wanted to wait for a while, when the heat died down, before going to get the money.

She really doesn't dare to take the money now.

If they were caught, they would be doomed. Zhao Sisi thought she was still very smart.

No third person knew about this.

What are you afraid of?
Ha ha.

In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of!

What Gu Chen, what an outlaw, what is there to be afraid of?
When netizens saw how arrogant Zhao Sisi was, they couldn't help but criticize her.

[No, why doesn't Zhao Sisi feel any guilt at all? Why is she so arrogant? ]

[Alas, there is nothing we can do. Lawyer Gu has tried his best. Now all the evidence has been produced, but there is no way to convict Zhao Sisi. There is really nothing we can do if we cannot convict her.]

[There is no way. This Zhao Sisi is too outrageous. It seems that she has no guilt at all. She is so arrogant and thinks that what she did is right. Is there really no way to convict Zhao Sisi legally? ]

[There is really no way to convict him. If there was any evidence, I guess Lawyer Gu would have produced it.]

[Yes, if Lawyer Gu doesn't produce any strong evidence now, then there's probably nothing we can do. If she just knows how to swim, even if we know that Zhao Sisi is breaking the law, we can't do anything to her.]

[This is incredible. Even Lawyer Gu can’t sentence Zhao Sisi? ]

[After all, Lawyer Gu is just a lawyer. Lawyers must abide by the law. The law cannot sentence Zhao Sisi, so Zhao Sisi is innocent. There is nothing anyone can do about it. There is really nothing anyone can do.]

[It reminds me of the previous burial case. No one can convict the person because he has all kinds of advantages. Do you have any solution? ]

[This is really the case I know, but they still can't convict the person. How can they convict him? The presiding judge knows that the three beasts killed someone, but they are innocent! Do you have any solution? ]

[I lost this case, but I don’t blame Attorney Gu. I can only say, there is nothing I can do. I tried my best.]

[Damn, I spent half a day watching this live broadcast of the lawsuit. It made me so angry! ]

Netizens were in despair.

They didn't think there was anything wrong with Gu Chen's ability.

They knew that Gu Chen had done everything he could in this lawsuit.

If there was new evidence, it would have been presented long ago.

Now is not the time to discuss evidence or no evidence
Netizens don’t think there will be any more evidence.

After all, all the evidence is now on his face.

Zhao Sisi jumped into the river and Li Zhengyi went down to rescue her. All the evidence was on her face.

But there is no way!

Unable to convict!

This is the reality now!

Gao Yong sighed, "There's nothing I can do. I tried my best. It's great that Gu Chen can come up with this evidence, but there's really nothing I can do."

Xue Shao also shook his head. "What can we do? Wasn't there nothing we could do about the shocking corpse burial case before? We shouldn't take this kind of case. It's really impossible to convict them."

Gao Yong said: "That's right. No matter how awesome Gu Chen is, this case is beyond the capabilities of lawyers. Not every lawyer can solve it."

Xue Shao said, "Okay, let's do this. It would have been better if Gu Chen had not taken this lawsuit in the first place."

Gao Yong said: "There is no other way. Gu Chen thought it was worth a try, and now we have seen the results."

And in a law firm.

A law firm called Zhang Jinzhong.

Zhang Jinzhong himself doesn't like Gu Chen, and he often comments online about how Gu Chen's lawsuits were not handled well.

Zhang Jinzhong himself is not very popular on the Internet, but he relied on Gu Chen's popularity to become popular himself.

Although he was scolded by netizens, Zhang Jinzhong is a lawyer himself and knows the edges of the law. He will not be prosecuted for just trying to gain popularity online.

Zhang Jinzhong saw that Gu Chen was finally going to fall.
Isn’t he the lawyer who claims to have a 100% winning rate?

Isn't he known as an outlaw?
That's it?

Are you about to lose the lawsuit?

Zhang Jinzhong posted a TikTok video, saying, "What do you call a lawless lunatic? Didn't he lose the lawsuit? What's the use of a 100% winning rate, except for bragging and marketing? People who don't know him would think he is a real gold medal lawyer. If he has the ability, he can be like Du Jinglin, like a real gold medal lawyer. But he still can't do it, right?"

"Lawyers like this usually only know how to market. They rely on marketing, popularity, and pressure from netizens to win lawsuits. If you really want to talk about their abilities, I don't think they have much ability. In this case, the opponent is the top lawyer from King & Wood Mallesons. Gu Chen went up to fight the case, but he still lost, right?"

"Even though netizens put pressure on me this time, it still didn't work, right? In the end, when it comes to litigation, it still depends on your own ability. It's not just the pressure from netizens that will work."

"The family members have finished commenting on this case. Please give me a follow."

After the Douyin video was posted, Zhang Jinzhong was very happy.

Because Gu Chen is about to lose the case!

As soon as Gu Chen loses the case, his video will immediately become popular.

He posted such a video, but he did not curse Gu Chen, he just followed Gu Chen's lead.

So generally speaking, it's okay.

Even though the rhythm of his video this time was a bit heavy.

If Gu Chen loses the lawsuit, will you still dare to sue him?
If Gu Chen dared to sue him, he would bully him online, saying that Gu Chen, a law firm, bullied him, a small lawyer.

By then, Gu Chen’s reputation will be even worse.

After all, there are many brainless netizens on the Internet who just follow the trend.

In the past, Gu Chen always won the lawsuits and there was no one to criticize him.

Now that he has lost the lawsuit, some mentally challenged netizens will probably criticize Gu Chen.

Anyway, no matter what, Zhang Jinzhong can take advantage of the popularity and make a lot of money.

Xue Qingqing whispered: "Boss"

Xue Qingqing didn't want Gu Chen to lose.

She has followed Gu Chen for such a long time and has never seen her boss lose a lawsuit.

But today's case is really difficult to fight.

Everyone thought Gu Chen was about to lose.
But Xue Qingqing just blindly had confidence in Gu Chen.

She felt that as long as Gu Chen filed a lawsuit, he would not lose!

Even the presiding judge Qiu Ming looked at Tang Ya with sympathy.

In fact, Qiu Ming had been waiting for Gu Chen to speak.

Waiting for Gu Chen to refute.

Because based on the current evidence, there is really no way to convict Zhao Sisi.

Not only did Zhao Sisi not break the law, she was also acquitted.

Qiu Ming is the presiding judge and he also has emotions.

But when he files a lawsuit, he still has to follow the law.

Qiu Ming looked at Gu Chen again.

Alas, no way
If this is the case, then the court can adjourn for a while and prepare for the verdict.

Seeing that Gu Chen had not responded, Qiu Ming prepared to strike the gavel.

At this time, Gu Chen stood up!

Gu Chen has been waiting for such an opportunity!
He just wanted to wait until now to give Zhao Sisi the final blow!
This blow will definitely kill Zhao Sisi! !

(End of this chapter)

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