You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 360: The ultimate killer! Zhao Sisi is sentenced to death!

Chapter 360: The ultimate killer! Zhao Sisi is sentenced to death!
Gu Chen has been waiting until now.

He always has a big move in his hand!
This big move can convict Zhao Sisi!

Because this case is rather special, Gu Chen has never used this big move.

Perhaps someone might ask why Gu Chen had to wait until now to use his ultimate move.

Wouldn't the lawsuit have been over if the ultimate move had been used at the beginning?

In fact, this is simply impossible.

Because in a lawsuit, besides considering the law, the most important thing is the bias of the judge!
The presiding judge has a certain degree of discretion.

Even though the crime is the same, there is discretion and Zhao Sisi may not necessarily be sentenced to death.

Perhaps Zhao Sisi will be sentenced to life imprisonment, or perhaps she will be sentenced to manslaughter, both are possible.

Gu Chen has evidence in his hands, but this evidence must be used at the most critical moment.

So Gu Chen wanted to make Zhao Sisi go crazy all the time.

No matter from the beginning when Tang Ya started debating with Zhao Sisi.

It was only until Zhao Sisi's ugly face that I saw
Now netizens’ emotions have reached their peak.

Zhao Sisi thought no one could control her, so she became more and more arrogant.

Gu Chen did this just for his emotions!

Let everyone's emotions reach their peak!

Of course, the final judgment must still be based on the law.

But in this case, the probability of Zhao Sisi being sentenced to death will greatly increase.

This is also why many death row inmates will try various ways to plead for lighter sentences when they are in court.

Not everyone who kills someone will be sentenced to death.

Logically speaking, the crime of intentional homicide should be punishable by death, right?

However, in the actual judicial process, some people are not sentenced to death.

Whether it's surrendering yourself or there are other methods
When litigating a case in court, you cannot just look at the evidence.

For example, you cannot offend the presiding judge.

If you disrupt court order in court, your sentence may be increased.

The last man who provoked the presiding judge and said things like "I'm afraid of you, the presiding judge" and "Come and kill me if you dare", I guess the grass on his grave is already nine meters high.

After seeing Gu Chen stand up.

Zhao Sisi remained calm.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming also stopped what he was doing.

Gu Chen said: "Your Honor, I still have a USB flash drive in my hand, and the final evidence is in this USB flash drive!"

"I can also let everyone know what Zhao Sisi did!"

"Zhao Sisi was guilty of intentional homicide from beginning to end!"

Zhao Sisi saw Gu Chen take out another USB flash drive with a look of disdain on his face.

How could Gu Chen still have evidence?
Isn't this nonsense?

If Gu Chen really had evidence that she committed murder, he should have brought it out long ago.

You wouldn't have waited until now to take it out, right?
Now that Gu Chen has produced the evidence, it is obvious that he is just pretending.

Zhao Sisi said, "Gu Chen, stop talking nonsense and spreading rumors and slander here. You are such an idiot and you are still a lawyer. I have wanted to scold you for a long time. You just ride on the popularity every day. You have filed so many lawsuits just to ride on the popularity and rely on netizens to put pressure on you. Otherwise, how many lawsuits can you win? You keep yelling and yelling, fighting lawsuits every day, and you still run a law firm and live off others. Who do you think you are? Come on, come on, I beg you to sentence me to death, or you just stop yelling, okay?"

Zhao Sisi started to criticize directly.

She doesn't care that much.

So what if I scolded Gu Chen?
Is it illegal to swear?
The worst that can happen is I can just apologize afterwards, what's the problem?
"Why should I be afraid of you, an outlaw? An outlaw? Are you bragging? Please sentence me to death today, please." After Zhao Sisi was certain that Gu Chen had no evidence, she became more and more arrogant.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming struck the gavel.

"Warn the accused once."

"If the defendant disrupts the order of the court again, he will be expelled from the court." Qiu Ming glanced at Zhao Sisi.

"Oh, yes, yes." Zhao Sisi rolled her eyes at the presiding judge and sat down to rest her eyes.

"Don't waste my time. Can you finish early? I still need to go out and play." Zhao Sisi said.

Zhao Sisi was speechless.

When will this trial end?
She didn't intend to ask for much compensation for mental damages.
Even if it costs one hundred thousand, what can it do?
She made back all the money she earned in one day by selling the goods.

"Your Honor, my client is already severely depressed and her mental state is not normal. She could have done anything. She has not committed any crime. It was Tang Ya who has been guiding netizens to cyberbully Zhao Sisi, and the plaintiff's lawyer has been exerting pressure on her. My client is severely depressed, which is also very normal."

"Therefore, the plaintiff's lawyer and the plaintiff's client should apologize to Zhao Sisi and make compensation for mental damage." Du Jinglin said on the side.

When netizens in the live broadcast room saw Zhao Sisi scolding Gu Chen like that, they were so angry that they gritted their teeth.

[No, in all this time, I have never seen anyone dare to insult Lawyer Gu like this.]

[You said that Lawyer Gu is a gigolo? Fine, fine, this little fairy really doesn't know how to live or die. ]

[Lawyer Gu has fought so many lawsuits, and even helped others fight lawsuits for free. He usually broadcasts legal education live. What a good lawyer he is. Why does this little fairy keep yelling? ]

[Damn it, if Zhao Sisi isn't sentenced to death, I'm really going to lose my defense.]

Netizens are very angry.

Gao Yong said, "Fuck you idiot, why are you insulting Gu Chen like this?"

Xue Shao was also a little angry: "This stinky guy insulted my brother-in-law like this, right?"

Everyone was very angry.

Only Gu Chen was in the court, without any emotion.

Xue Qingqing on the side was already a little angry.

Gu Chen was not angry with Zhao Sisi at all.

Getting angry, arguing, and debating with version T0, isn't that just asking for trouble?

Gu Chen said: "Judge, the other party, Zhao Sisi, insulted me in court. There are at least hundreds of thousands of viewers watching the live broadcast. My reputation has been seriously damaged. According to Article 246 of the Criminal Law, if someone publicly insults others or fabricates facts to slander others, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years. Zhao Sisi should compensate me for my reputation loss and mental damages of 100,000 yuan."

Zhao Sisi: “???”

Didn’t she just say that she wanted to pay a compensation of 100,000?

The key is to let her go to jail?
Seeing Zhao Sisi gritting her teeth in anger, Gu Chen smiled indifferently.

Gu Chen said: "Judge, this matter is not important. It doesn't matter how many years Zhao Sisi is sentenced to, because what comes next is the real evidence."

"As Tang Ya's defense lawyer, I must give Tang Ya justice! And give Li Zhengyi justice!"

"You can infringe upon my rights, but I cannot allow the rights of my client to be infringed upon."

Gu Chen submitted the USB drive.

This USB flash drive contains Gu Chenfang’s final trump card.

Soon, netizens saw the evidence in the USB flash drive.

Some evidence is chat logs.

Some other evidence is the transfer records.

And records of Zhao Sisi using various small accounts to post various remarks online.

[Fuck it, why is it called highway instead of mother road? ]

[I invented a few new characters. I think 嫖, 奴, 奸, 尤, 妖, these are objectification! These characters are not good. Why not change them to male radicals? 】【girl help girls, I want to set up an all-female company! 】

[Isn't it normal for a man to give a 58.8 yuan betrothal gift? Aren't the wedding fees 6.6 yuan and the change of name fee 3.3 yuan normal? Why are all men so stingy? ]

[Why are there only men in Journey to the West, and no girls? Why? ]

[Does anyone really play this game called Black Myth? Is this game really disgusting? Isn't this an insult to us?]


There are all kinds of outrageous remarks.

There are also various rhythmic remarks.

When Zhao Sisi saw these comments, there were also chat records
Zhao Sisi's face turned pale instantly!
This is impossible!

How did Gu Chen know?

How did Gu Chen find out these things?
Absolutely impossible! !

Gu Chen also checked out the chat records?
Zhao Sisi's face turned pale.

If that happens, she's finished.

She regretted her decision immensely.

Why was she scolding Gu Chen for no reason just now?

Isn't this courting death?

It can be seen from the evidence that this seller issued various tasks and asked Zhao Sisi to do them.

As a result, Zhao Sisi really did it and got the money.

After all this, Zhao Sisi has already earned tens of thousands here!
Zhao Sisi can make money every time she goes out to post messages and make various comments.

All chat records are clearly visible to netizens.

Until the last chat record.

This person asked Zhao Sisi to kill someone and offered a high price.

Zhao Sisi didn't dare to do it at first, and didn't answer immediately.

It was not until two days later that Zhao Sisi came up with a solution and took on the task.

[A: Have you thought it through? ]

[Lively and cute little fairy: I have thought it through. I can do it. ]

【A: I’ll give you the deposit first. 】

[Lively and cute fairy: Sure, I can pay the balance later. I’m afraid I’ll be in danger during this period.]

【A: OK.】

The chat record ends here.

And the deposit was deposited into Zhao Sisi's bank card.

Of course, it wasn’t as easy as transferring the money to Zhao Sisi’s bank card.

The sum of money was huge, and Zhao Sisi didn't dare to take it directly.

So the other party gave rewards to Zhao Sisi directly on the live broadcast platform.

Zhao Sisi earned this money while live streaming.

The evidence is here
Zhao Sisi's face turned pale.
It’s over, it’s over, everything is over!
Du Jinglin, who was standing by, was also a little shocked when he saw the evidences that Gu Chen produced.

No, Zhao Sisi did such a thing, why didn’t you tell him?

And is Zhao Sisi really going to kill someone?

Du Jinglin's brain thinks quickly.

There is another way!

Yes, there is a way!
What can this chat record prove?
Nothing can be proved!
Does this chat record have a direct relationship with Li Zhengyi’s case?
It's obvious that there is no connection at all!
Zhao Sisi was fine in the end. Even if she made those remarks online, the impact was not that big. At most she was educated, or even suffered some administrative punishment or detention, and that was it.

After all, these remarks did not leave any substantial serious consequences.

If it constitutes the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and it is very serious, the sentence will only be a few years, which is not a big problem.

Du Jinglin glanced at Zhao Sisi.

Zhao Sisi was so scared that she was trembling all over and her lips turned pale.

Completely finished
Gu Chen said: "This person with the online name A is actually a member of Country B. Zhao Sisi has made various inappropriate remarks online many times and has led the trend many times, which is illegal."

"Moreover, the two sides planned many monetary transactions and even asked Zhao Sisi to kill someone."

Gu Chen continued, "At 7 o'clock this morning, A was arrested and brought to justice. A has confessed all the facts."

"I found a professional technician and used technical means to find the records of Zhao Sisi posting on Xiaohongshu using her secondary account."

"The IP address of this small account is Zhao Sisi's IP address, and the background data is exactly the same."

Everyone saw the comments Zhao Sisi made using her second account.

[I'll teach you a trick to get rid of your nausea and vomiting. Find a crowded place and pretend to jump into the river. Men are usually mean and will try to save you. Then you push them into the water. At the end, just say that you fell into the water because you were struggling and you were trying to avoid danger. If that doesn't work, just say that you are a jerk or you are mentally ill. You can say anything.]

[I did this last year, nothing happened, I didn’t even apologize, just like that, simple as that!]

The key point is that there are more than a thousand likes next to this comment.

Here are some outrageous remarks.

Gu Chen said: "This is what Zhao Sisi posted online using her fake account."

"And, Zhao Sisi called A afterwards."

"A happened to be recording."

Gu Chen played the recording again.

This recording was made a few days ago.

In the recording, Zhao Sisi said: "No, it's been so long, why don't you give me the money? It's okay if you don't transfer it directly, just give it to me during my live broadcast, it's safer this way."

"A firefighter has already died. What else do you want? Do you want me to do the same thing again? Isn't this too much?"

"I don't dare to do anything now. There are a lot of people staring at me recently, and they are scolding me online. You must give me more gifts and more money!"

"Otherwise I won't do anything anymore and everyone will have a hard time!"

Gu Chen said: "All the evidence is here."

"Zhao Sisi first pretended to jump into the water, and then found a crowded place to deliberately jump into the water, and then found an excuse. In fact, Zhao Sisi's life was not in danger at all."

“She’s a swimming champion in her own right.”

"In all previous cases, the victims have never been sentenced, because the victims' struggle after falling into the water is indeed normal."

“You can also go and have a look at the videos of these previous cases.”

“No matter how hard you struggle, you’re not like Zhao Sisi.”

"She had just jumped into the river for less than five seconds, and someone came to save her, but she desperately pushed his head into the river. Was she struggling? This was clearly intentional homicide."

"All of Zhao Sisi's subsequent actions were aimed at killing Li Zhengyi."

"Adding all these pieces of evidence together, it is enough to form a chain of evidence!"

"Zhao Sisi committed intentional homicide and should be sentenced to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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