You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 361 Du Jinglin's killer move! Zhao Sisi killed someone and was released without charge?

Chapter 361 Du Jinglin's killer move! Zhao Sisi killed someone and was released without charge?
When Gu Chen brought out all the evidence, everyone was shocked.

No one expected that Gu Chen would actually produce evidence.

No one expected that Zhao Sisi was actually this kind of person!
Zhao Sisi has been convicted of intentional homicide!

So much evidence has come out!

It just so happens that the trial is being held in court today. Even if Gu Chen does not take action, the police can follow the clues and investigate to Zhao Sisi, because the suspect has been arrested and the charges are very simple: provoking disturbances and inducing others to kill. Other charges will be listed one by one after the investigation is completed, and the prosecution will also bring public prosecution later.

Zhao Sisi can no longer run away.

When netizens in the live broadcast room saw Gu Chen take out the USB flash drive and saw so much evidence, they all started to comment.

【Lawyer Gu is awesome! 】

[Lawyer Gu! ! Holy crap! ! ]

[I am completely stunned!!]

[This can allow Lawyer Gu to find evidence? 】

[This is the outlaw, awesome! ]

[This outlaw is so handsome! Let’s sentence Zhao Sisi! ]

[Sentence, sentence, must be sentenced. Wasn't Zhao Sisi very arrogant just now? Why is she not so arrogant now? ]

[Hahaha, is there really anyone who dares to call someone an outlaw? He is probably facing the death penalty now, there is no way he can escape.]

[Okay, okay, this is an outlaw! Awesome!!!]

[Sentence, directly sentence Zhao Sisi to death, execute immediately! ]

[Zhao Sisi is a bitch, she does everything, right? She does everything for money, right? Isn't she just a walking 50W? She must be sentenced! ]

[Once the USB flash drive is out, life or death is in danger. Send Zhao Sisi away directly. Where is the stretcher team? You can just carry her away. ]

Netizens were frantically posting comments in the live broadcast room.

Everyone hopes that Zhao Sisi will be sentenced to death.

Seeing this scene, Xue Qingqing looked at Gu Chen and was also a little shocked.

When did the boss find this evidence?

Did the boss go out to investigate while she was resting?
Only the boss can win this lawsuit. If it were anyone else, it would be impossible for them to win the lawsuit.

The boss is so awesome.

Gao Yong gave a thumbs up, "Awesome! Gu Chen is really awesome. No one else can win this lawsuit except him. If he doesn't come, who can win this lawsuit?"

Xue Shao nodded, "Indeed, my brother-in-law is so handsome. Zhao Sisi was very arrogant at the beginning, and he was still very arrogant at the end. What's wrong with him now? Is he mute? Why are you shaking? Wasn't he quite good at cursing just now? Is he scared silly now?"

Xue Yaoting said: "This is Gu Chen. If it were any other lawyer, they would probably have no chance of winning this case. But only Gu Chen could win this impossible case."

At the same time, students from the law departments of Peking University and Tsinghua University were all quite excited.

This lawsuit is really going to be won!

The key now lies in how the final judgment is made!

How the first instance is judged is crucial!
Can Zhao Sisi be sentenced to death?

After all, there has never been a related case before.

Gu Chen said, "At this point in the case, all the evidence has come out, and everyone has seen what Zhao Sisi did. Zhao Sisi premeditated the murder, and her actions were meticulous. She could have killed someone even without knowing Li Zhengyi. She deliberately jumped into the river in a crowded place, waiting for others to rescue her. In this way, no matter who rescued her, they would be killed by Zhao Sisi."

"Zhao Sisi committed intentional homicide, which is a heinous crime. Afterwards, she refused to admit that she could swim and tried to get away with it. She also posted all kinds of false statements online, stirred up trouble, and had close dealings with criminal A. She even disrupted the order of the court and attacked me personally."

"The chain of evidence is complete and the facts of the crime are sufficient. We request that Zhao Sisi be sentenced to death and that Tang Ya be compensated for civil losses."

"Zhao Sisi, you can scold me, and I don't need to compensate, but you must compensate Tang Ya's family. Li Zhengyi has three daughters, a wife, and elderly parents and young children. What you did destroyed the happiness of a family and caused a family to break up."

"For Tang Ya's family, the sky has fallen!"

"And all this is because of you!"

"If it weren't for you, Li Zhengyi would have gone home to celebrate his child's birthday, and the whole family could live happily together."

"So, you have to pay the price!"

"Kill to pay for life, debt to pay for money, it is only natural!"

"The law is just. It will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor will it wrongly accuse a bad person!"

"My statement is complete."

Gu Chen finished speaking.

There was applause.

Zhao Sisi was completely panicked.

It’s over, what to do?
What should we do now?
Gu Chen submitted all the evidence.
The key is that all these evidences were found by Gu Chen.

Even her secondary account on Xiaohongshu was exposed.

How did Gu Chen do this?

Zhao Sisi's face turned pale and she could no longer hear what the presiding judge was saying.

"Cousin, cousin, save me!" Zhao Sisi looked at Du Jinglin on the side and quickly asked for help.

She can only ask her cousin for help now.

"Cousin, as long as you can save me, anything is fine, no matter how much money it costs. I want to survive, and I want to live happily and comfortably. I can't let my life be completely ruined because of Li Zhengyi!" said Zhao Sisi.

Zhao Sisi looked at Tang Ya again, "Tang Ya, can't you just let me go? Li Zhengyi is dead, can't you just remarry someone else? There are so many good men out there now, you can find someone tall, rich and handsome. You can't even thank me enough, why do you keep holding me responsible? We both have a bright future!"

Tang Ya looked at Zhao Sisi with red eyes without saying a word.

Zhao Sisi has a bright future.

What about her?

She has three daughters and she has a very happy family.

Her husband is a hero.

Is this something that someone else can replace?
There are many people in this world, and there are always better people.

But there is only one person like Li Zhengyi in the world.

Li Zhengyi left, leaving only her.

Now the murderer wants her to thank her?

What's the point?
Du Jinglin sighed.

If Zhao Sisi had told him everything earlier, things wouldn't be like this today.

Now ask him what to do? What can he do?
There was nothing he could do.

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have taken this order.

It is normal for lawyers to help people with lawsuits and defend others.

There are also lawyers who will defend murderers. No matter how serious the crime is, there will always be someone to defend them.

But this case is too special.

He came to defend, no problem.

But if this happens, he doesn't know how many of his fans will leave, and how many people will criticize him online.

This lawsuit was filed today. It would be fine if he won. But if he lost, the public pressure would be quite great, which would have a great impact on Du Jinglin's life.

Du Jinglin looked at Zhao Sisi's eyes asking for help and felt helpless.

All the evidence is here, how can you help with the defense?
Moreover, Zhao Sisi was stubborn before and even scolded people in court.
Thinking of this, Du Jinglin could only use his ultimate move.

There is really nothing we can do now.

But he had to protect his cousin no matter what.

If his cousin was really sentenced to death, how would he explain it to her family?

Although Zhao Sisi himself committed a crime, he is a defense lawyer after all.
Next time I visit relatives, I’m doomed.

Seeing Zhao Sisi's pleading eyes, Du Jinglin softened his heart.

Forget it, give it a go!
Help Zhao Sisi!
Gu Chen, you have produced the evidence, right?
Then he also has a big move! This is the trick that Du Jinglin prepared from the beginning.

It is also his trump card.

He didn't plan to use it now.

But there is no other way.

Du Jinglin said, "Judge, this is the first time I've heard of this as well. To be honest, I didn't know Zhao Sisi had done this before."

"But I know Zhao Sisi better."

Du Jinglin stood up and took out a USB flash drive.

"Before I submit these evidences, I would like the bailiff to take my client away to rest first." Du Jinglin said.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming nodded.

The bailiff came and took Zhao Sisi away.

After Zhao Sisi was taken away.

Du Jinglin stood up and took a sip of water slowly.

Everyone thought that the case should have ended here.

But when Du Jinglin took out the USB flash drive, everyone's attention was drawn to the USB flash drive.

"Zhao Sisi is my cousin. We grew up together when we were little. I am a little older than her."

"I know Zhao Sisi very well. When she was little, she was always a very good kid. She loved studying and did very well in school."

"But after she entered high school, the pressure from her family was too great."

"Zhao Sisi's parents often quarreled and fought, and they also beat and scolded Zhao Sisi, which left a very deep trauma on Zhao Sisi."

"This caused Zhao Sisi to suffer mental torture for a long time."

"Finally, after entering college, Zhao Sisi began to have problems."

"Zhao Sisi had a relationship in college. The other party PUA Zhao Sisi for a long time and even made Zhao Sisi a dog."

"Zhao Sisi did everything she was told, just to make the other person happy."

"But later on, this man made Zhao Sisi pregnant, and she had an abortion."

"Then the man fell in love with someone else and ran away."

"Zhao Sisi was in agony every day, crying all the time. She tried to commit suicide many times, but was stopped every time."

“These are all photos taken.”

"Zhao Sisi has attempted suicide ten times."

"Slashing wrists, hanging, jumping off a building."

"Zhao Sisi tried to commit suicide many times, but was saved by his classmates and family every time."

"The family also found a psychologist for Zhao Sisi, but even that psychologist was scared away."

"Zhao Sisi tried to commit suicide many times and made these comments online. You may think it's outrageous, but I want to explain that Zhao Sisi has been hurt."

"It's normal for a hurt person to do these things and say these things. From the time we broke up, Zhao Sisi began to hate all men."

"She was hurt in her heart, so she was led by others to commit crimes step by step."

"In the final analysis, this case was caused by someone else who deliberately led Zhao Sisi. If we have to talk about responsibility, A should bear the main responsibility. Zhao Sisi was the one who was led to commit a crime and was looking for death."

"Over the years, Zhao Sisi has experienced breakdown and pain."

"She has no choice but to go crazy all the time."

"So I just found out that Zhao Sisi has evidence of severe depression."

"She is indeed severely depressed, and the situation is very serious."

Du Jinglin spoke.

Everyone at the scene fell silent.

Because in addition to just talking, Du Jinglin also produced some evidence.

These evidences illustrate the harm that Zhao Sisi suffered.

Originally, these were all Zhao Sisi's privacy, but now Du Jinglin can no longer care about so much.

He must find a way to defend Zhao Sisi.

Everyone was watching Du Jinglin pull out pictures, chat records and other evidence.
Gao Yong said, "Not good. This Du Jinglin is really capable. He is indeed an ace lawyer. He is ten thousand times better than lawyers like Zhang Wei. If Zhao Sisi had hired Zhang Wei as her lawyer, she would have been sentenced to death long ago."

Xue Shao also felt a little nervous. "There won't be any changes, will there? Doesn't the lawsuit end here? It has been proven that Zhao Sisi committed murder intentionally. She must be sentenced to death."

Gao Yong said: "I don't know what evidence Du Jinglin will produce. If he puts all the blame on A, and adds in the fact that he is severely depressed, with all the evidence, he may not be sentenced to death, and a life sentence may be possible."

Xue Shao: “???”

Xue Shao: "No, why is she sentenced to life imprisonment? What did Zhao Sisi do? Doesn't she know it? Murder is murder, and murder means death. Why is she sentenced to life imprisonment?"

Gao Yong said, "I know Du Jinglin. He must have foreseen the worst outcome before filing a lawsuit, so he made the most thorough preparations. Zhao Sisi found such a great lawyer. The lawsuit is not over yet, at least not yet."

Xue Qingqing watched Du Jinglin produce evidence one after another.
Xue Qingqing also felt some pressure.

This lawsuit has now reached its climax.

But this case should be over!

The boss has produced so much evidence!

It has even been proven that Zhao Sisi committed murder!

Isn’t this enough?

Isn’t this enough to sentence Zhao Sisi to death?
Is it possible that Zhao Sisi's sentence can be re-sentenced?
If the verdict is really changed, then Du Jinglin will win the case.

Zhao Sisi killed someone and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Who can accept this?
Tang Ya couldn't accept it.

Li Zhengyi’s three children couldn’t accept it even more!

Netizens were also panicked.

Is it possible that the death penalty will be commuted to life imprisonment?

Some netizens are a little scared.

Isn't this the death penalty?
Who can accept this if it's not the death penalty?
Even if they are sentenced to life imprisonment, they cannot accept it!

As a result, Du Jinglin produced a certificate.

"This is the examination of Zhao Sisi conducted at the beginning of this year."

"Zhao Sisi, suffers from mental illness."

"Your Honor, I sympathize with Tang Ya's family."

"But Zhao Sisi is a mental patient."

“She should be acquitted!”

 Recommended: "Who hurt the junior brother?"

  Introduction: [The male protagonist has two personalities: the main personality is stable + the second personality is crazy]

  【Daily relaxed and funny + passionate + group favorite. 】

  Jiang Xiaofeng's life creed:
  Creed 1: Is a 99.99% chance of winning a sure win? Even if it is 100%, there is still a possibility of failure! Any chance of winning less than 10,000% is risky!
  Creed 2: Never fight alone if you can, run away first if you can fight alone!
  Creed Three: The world is big, but dog life is the most important. When in doubt, saving your life is the most important thing!
  Creed Four: If there is an opportunity, don’t even look at it. After all, opportunity = risk = danger = injury = life in danger = death!
  But it is obvious that every time I encounter an opportunity, I should run away first. Why is it that those opportunities seem to have legs and come to me?

  Jiang Xiaofeng has always been troubled by this problem.
  After all, it is not shameful to be afraid of death, and it is not shameful to save one's life, because in his previous life, he cherished this hard-earned new life extra.

  But what Jiang Xiaofeng didn't know was that it was precisely because of his previous life that he developed a second personality in this life, a crazy personality whose beliefs were completely opposite to his.

  Crazy criticism of Jiang's life creed:
  Creed 1: Whatever I set my sights on is mine!

  Creed 2: A 0.1% chance of winning? Isn't that 100%?
  Creed Three: You are surrounded by me!

  Creed Four: Don’t get close to me. I can even chop myself up, so how can I tolerate you?
  All the senior sisters in Xuantian Sect knew that once Jiang Xiaofeng was injured, he would go crazy and become a completely different person.


(End of this chapter)

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