You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 362: Mental illness, huh? Then I can only send you all in.

Chapter 362: Mental illness, huh? Then I can only send you both in.
Du Jinglin directly said that Zhao Sisi was a mental patient!
As soon as the news came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Is Zhao Sisi mentally ill?
If Zhao Sisi is mentally ill, then this case will be useless no matter how hard we try to prove that Zhao Sisi has committed murder!
Killing someone because of mental illness is legally not a crime!

Du Jinglin's trump card directly solved the case!
In other words, all the efforts Gu Chen had made before could only prove that Zhao Sisi had committed murder, but Zhao Sisi could still not be convicted legally!
As long as it can be proven that the person is mentally ill, it will be difficult to sentence him to death, and he may even be acquitted.

There are several situations in which a mentally ill person is sentenced to murder.

1. A mentally ill person who is completely incapable of criminal responsibility.

When a mentally ill person causes harmful consequences when he is unable to recognize or control his own behavior, he is deemed to be completely without criminal responsibility if confirmed through legal procedures.

In other words, when someone kills someone, because he is mentally ill and unable to recognize the consequences of his actions, he does not have to bear criminal responsibility.

2. Mentally ill persons with limited criminal responsibility.

If a mentally ill person who has not completely lost the ability to recognize or control his or her own behavior commits a crime, he or she shall be subject to limited criminal responsibility. Although such mentally ill people suffer from mental illness, they still have certain cognitive and control abilities, but these abilities are weakened compared to normal people.

However, such people still have to bear criminal responsibility, but their punishment may be mitigated or reduced.

3. Intermittent mentally ill persons with full criminal responsibility.

An intermittent mentally ill person who commits a crime when he is mentally normal should be deemed to have full criminal responsibility. During the period of mental normality, his cognitive and control abilities are no different from those of a normal person.

If a person commits a crime when he is mentally normal, he shall bear criminal responsibility. If his act of murder meets the conditions for the death penalty, such as the means of committing the crime are cruel and the consequences are particularly serious, he may be sentenced to death.

It is only a possibility; it is still very difficult to sentence someone to death.

In this case, the situation becomes more complicated.

It is also necessary to identify Zhao Sisi's mental state at the time of the incident from multiple aspects.

Behavioral performance, verbal expression, witness testimony, psychiatric forensic evaluation, and relevant medical examinations to prove whether Zhao Sisi was mentally normal at the time of the incident.

This is also the reason why Du Jinglin asked Zhao Sisi to go down.

Du Jinglin went on to say: "The evidence is right here. This is a test done by a hospital. They did a test on Zhao Sisi a month before the incident."

"The results of the examination showed that Zhao Sisi was severely depressed and had strong suicidal tendencies. Her mental state was already abnormal and she could be identified as a mental patient."

"Zhao Sisi's mental illness is moderate, with intermittent onset. Occasionally, she may return to normal, so she can still go to school normally, but her mental illness is getting worse."

"There has been no solution for some time."

"There are some psychiatric drugs in Zhao Sisi's home. I also brought these drugs to the scene. These are the drugs that the doctor prescribed for Zhao Sisi a month ago."

"In addition to these medicines, there are also diagnosis certificates and treatment plans given by doctors. These are all available."

Du Jinglin said: "Originally, I would not have produced this evidence because it concerns Zhao Sisi's personal privacy, but now that things have come to this, I have no choice but to produce this evidence."

"Zhao Sisi's mental problems are very serious. She has had conflicts with her family many times over such a long time."

"You can also see that Zhao Sisi's behavior is very abnormal. She attempted suicide many times. Is this something a normal person would do?"

"And after Zhao Sisi jumped into the river and was rescued, she said something. Who asked Li Zhengyi to jump into the river?"

"This sentence also shows that Zhao Sisi was in the period of illness at the time and her mental state was seriously unstable. If she really wanted to kill someone by jumping into the river, she should have chosen a place with fewer people. It is very easy to be rescued if she jumps into the river to commit suicide in a crowded place."

"Moreover, Zhao Sisi herself was mentally ill, and was induced to do various things. None of this was Zhao Sisi's original intention."

"In addition, if you watch Zhao Sisi's TikTok, you will know that Zhao Sisi recently had a big quarrel with her family, and even Zhao Sisi made all kinds of exaggerated remarks, which can prove that Zhao Sisi has become mentally ill."

"In college, many students also think that Zhao Sisi is not mentally normal. Here are the chat records, but Zhao Sisi herself did not know that her college classmates were discussing her behind her back like this."

"Whether from Zhao Sisi's behavior, her words, or the testimony of witnesses, it can be seen that Zhao Sisi was extremely mentally ill when she jumped into the river. She had already developed a disease. When facing a mentally ill person, it is possible for her to do anything."

"In addition, after the incident, Zhao Sisi also underwent a mental examination. The results of the mental examination were very poor. The proof is here."

"Your Honor, I am indeed sorry that Li Zhengyi has left this world. As a firefighter, he has done everything he could."

"But Zhao Sisi did not commit murder intentionally. She is a mental patient and has been instigated and provoked many times. Even her daily words cannot be used as evidence."

"The comments from Zhao Sisi's various accounts are not normal either. This doesn't mean anything."

"I have also communicated with Zhao Sisi's family, who expressed their willingness to make the greatest possible compensation and ask for the victim Tang Ya's forgiveness."

"We are all very sad about Li Zhengyi's sacrifice, including Zhao Sisi."

"When Zhao Sisi was mentally normal, she was still crying and apologizing. This was the only time she accepted an interview with the media. She said that she accidentally killed the firefighter uncle. That was her mentally normal state."

"Since the incident, Zhao Sisi's mental state has become increasingly unstable. I feel very sorry and helpless."

"Li Zhengyi is a hero. He has left this world forever."

"We shouldn't harbor the greatest malice towards Zhao Sisi. After all, Li Zhengyi's final push was also to save Zhao Sisi."

"If Zhao Sisi is sentenced to death, then wouldn't Li Zhengyi's rescue be even more ridiculous? The girl that Li Zhengyi saved with all his might was punished."

"Zhao Sisi is also a patient, a mental patient."

"Zhao Sisi's family will do their best to compensate Tang Ya."

"In the future, we will also put Zhao Sisi under stricter control, and we can even apply for state help when necessary."

"Your Honor, I have concluded my statement."

Du Jinglin finished speaking.

By the way, I also submitted all the evidence.

All of these evidences are evidence that Zhao Sisi has mental problems.

Du Jinglin had no other choice.

If this ultimate move was not used, there would be no way to save Zhao Sisi.

This is also because Zhao Sisi is his cousin and he dotes on her very much.
So Du Jinglin didn't care about anything and just wanted to save Zhao Sisi first.

Zhao Sisi must not be sentenced to death under any circumstances.

Otherwise, with the evidence that Gu Chen had produced before, there would be no problem in sentencing Zhao Sisi to death.

In that situation, no one could save Zhao Sisi.

Fortunately, Zhao Sisi's mental state is indeed not very stable at ordinary times.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming looked at the evidence, and soon staff from the court came to verify the evidence.

After a while, the presiding judge Qiu Ming said, "The evidence is valid."

Zhao Sisi’s mental illness diagnosis is true!

These pills are real!

All the outrageous remarks Zhao Sisi made on the Internet are true!
All the evidence presented by lawyers on both sides is true!
Qiu Ming was also a little confused.

The case has become very complicated at this point.

Zhao Sisi is mentally ill, but the key is to see whether Zhao Sisi had a complete self-awareness when she killed Li Zhengyi in the river, whether she was just having a mental illness? Is her mental state stable?
All of this needs to be inferred based on the situation at the time.

Various investigations and analyses are also needed to determine Zhao Sisi's mental state at the time.

Unless it can be completely proved that Zhao Sisi's mental state was not affected at all at the time, Zhao Sisi can be convicted of intentional homicide and sentenced to death.

Once it is proven that Zhao Sisi was mentally affected at the time, she will be acquitted.

The netizens in the live broadcast room all felt a little scalp-tingling.

Can’t even judge this?
The evidence Du Jinglin produced one after another brought the case to a standstill.

Du Jinglin even took out the mental investigation conducted on Zhao Sisi on the day Li Zhengyi drowned.

The mental investigation showed that Zhao Sisi's mental state was indeed very unstable and she had become ill.
This can prove with a high probability that Zhao Sisi's mental state at that time was greatly affected
In this case, the case leans towards Zhao Sisi being not guilty.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all posting comments.

[Is there still no way to convict Zhao Sisi? ]

[Damn, maybe Zhao Sisi is innocent.]

[Is Zhao Sisi mentally ill? The most important thing is, if she is mentally ill, why didn't she say it earlier? At first, they said Zhao Sisi couldn't swim and was struggling. Later, they said Zhao Sisi could swim, but they couldn't convict her of intentional homicide. Later, Lawyer Gu produced so much evidence, but it was still useless.]

[Yu Yu again, a mental patient again, outrageous. I think Zhao Sisi is amazing, but I can't tell that she is mentally ill. This is version T0. Does she mean she is mentally ill? ]

[Mental illness is not against the law, right? Does that mean Zhao Sisi is innocent? ]

[Damn, if she is really mentally ill, then Zhao Sisi should be acquitted. ]

[If this is the case, no one can judge it, and it will be useless no matter how much evidence Lawyer Gu finds. ]

[It’s very difficult now. Zhao Sisi is expected to be acquitted with high probability.]

Netizens were speechless.

Once the mental illness test certificate is submitted, there is no way to convict Zhao Sisi.

In one sentence, what should we do if a mentally ill person becomes ill?
So what if he killed someone? If you ask, it means he is mentally ill again.

Direct all-round three-dimensional defense, there is no solution.

Everyone knows that Lawyer Gu has tried his best.

Lawyer Gu brought out all the evidence.

All the evidence that should be obtained and all the evidence of murder that should be found have been found.

If it were any other lawyer, the case would probably have ended before it even got here.

But even if Gu Chen found all the evidence, he still couldn't convict him.

I'm mentally ill, what can you do?
Killing is not a crime!
It is not illegal for a mentally ill person to kill someone!

How to do?
How to convict?

So what if the evidence is conclusive?
I have a golden ticket to immunity from death in my hand, what can you do?
Gao Yong said: "Damn it, he is a mental patient, right? There is no way to judge him, it's hopeless."

Xue Shao shook his head. "Mental illness is like a golden ticket to immunity from death, unless you can prove that the certificate of mental illness is false, or prove that Zhao Sisi was not mentally ill when she killed someone that day."

Gao Yong said, "How can we prove that this certificate of mental illness is fake? Who would dare to issue a fake certificate for such a serious matter? If the matter is investigated, wouldn't it be a big deal? There is no way a hospital would dare to issue a fake certificate. If these certificates are all real, then there is nothing we can do."

Gao Yong continued, "It's very difficult to prove that she wasn't ill when she killed someone. How much time has passed since the incident? How easy is it to prove that she wasn't ill when she killed someone? It's been a long time since Zhao Sisi killed someone. Even if you investigate Zhao Sisi now, you can prove that she isn't ill now, but how can you prove that she wasn't ill then? It's useless."

"The key point is that on the day of the incident, Zhao Sisi was taken to do a mental examination. The situation was so chaotic that day, why did she go to the hospital for a check-up? This is not right."

Xue Shao shook his head. "It seems that we are really going to lose the case today. There is no way to convict Zhao Sisi. I originally thought that at worst, she would be charged with manslaughter. At least she would be sentenced first. Now she is directly acquitted. Where can I seek justice?"

Gao Yong sighed, "Gu Chen is already amazing for taking the case to this extent. If it were lawyers like Zhang Wei and Zhang Fei, Zhao Sisi would have been sentenced to death long ago."

Xue Shao said: "If Zhao Sisi hired Zhang Wei as her lawyer, Zhao Sisi would have been sentenced before Gu Chen even made a move."

Xue Shao said helplessly: "There is nothing we can do. The person opposite is a top lawyer from a top law firm in the country. There is still a big gap between him and a lawyer like Zhang Wei."

"This is the ultimate showdown. There is no other way. Gu Chen used his trump card, while the other party used his certificate of mental illness."

"Gu Chen, what should we do?"

"Let's end this case here. We have done our best. There is no point in continuing."

Xue Qingqing felt helpless as she looked at the evidence the other party produced.

The hospital's test report confirmed that he was mentally ill.
There is also the test report of Zhao Sisi on the day she killed Li Zhengyi.

In addition, Zhao Sisi insulted Gu Chen in court, quarreled with her parents at home, and acted arrogantly at school.
Putting all the clues together made everyone think that Zhao Sisi was mentally ill.

Is this case really going to end like this?
Gu Chen sat down.

He was truly stunned.

Who would have thought that Du Jinglin would produce a certificate of mental illness?
However, when the lawsuit reached this point, Gu Chen still felt something was wrong.

Zhao Sisi is a little mentally unstable, but to say that she is a mental patient is far from the truth.

Mental patients are not like Zhao Sisi.

In other words, there is something hidden in this case!

After fighting the lawsuit for such a long time, it was the first time that Gu Chen met such a great lawyer.

But so what?
Who says this case can't be won?

He can also check the evidence!

If we find evidence, the worst that can happen is that we can send the other lawyer in as well!
(End of this chapter)

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