You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 363: There is no death penalty for mental illness, right? Then I have to cheat and find evid

Chapter 363: There is no death penalty for mental illness, right? Then I have to cheat and find evidence!
Gu Chen knew that there was no way to continue fighting this case.

If the case goes to court again, the court will most likely acquit Zhao Sisi based on this certificate of mental illness.

According to normal procedures, an investigation would have been conducted.

See if Zhao Sisi had an attack on the day Li Zhengyi drowned.

But the problem lies with the certificate that Du Jinglin produced.

Du Jinglin has already proved that Zhao Sisi had mental problems on the day Li Zhengyi drowned, and there is also a medical examination certificate issued by the hospital.

This is a sure kill.

Du Jinglin has already proved it.
All Gu Chen can do in this case now is to adjourn the court!
If the court had not been adjourned, Zhao Sisi would have won the case.

Gu Chen said, "Judge, I request an investigation into Zhao Sisi's crime to fully prove whether she had normal consciousness, whether she was mentally unstable, or whether she was ill when she committed the crime. Although Du Jinglin produced evidence of post-incident testing, that was done three hours after the fact, and is not evidence that Zhao Sisi committed the crime at the time."

"Zhao Sisi acted meticulously and asked the other party to give her rewards from her live broadcast room. No matter what Zhao Sisi did or what she said, the other party would give her money directly from the live broadcast room, not through bank transfers."

"The motives of both parties in the transaction were clear and the means of transaction were diverse. I think it is necessary to re-investigate this case."

Now there is no way to continue the lawsuit in court.

This case must have new evidence and must be investigated!
If the investigation fails to yield any evidence, then there is no way to sentence Zhao Sisi in this case.
Zhao Sisi was acquitted simply by saying she was mentally ill.

Who can do what?
Direct three-dimensional defense, no one can do anything about it.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming nodded.

Qiu Ming stood up and said, "I hereby announce that the court will adjourn this case! The court date will be announced later!"

The case is adjourned!
Because this case is of great importance, it is impossible to make a direct verdict now.

Even if Gu Chen didn't stand up and say this, Qiu Ming was planning to adjourn the court.

Zhao Sisi did make a lot of outrageous remarks, but what do these outrageous remarks have to do with mental illness?

Even if many people are not mentally ill, the comments they make online are still outrageous.

This is where the complexity of this case lies, and it must be investigated seriously.

Moreover, a foreign criminal A has been arrested and the police are investigating. It is normal that there may be more evidence in the future.

The case was adjourned, but Zhao Sisi still couldn't be locked up.

Logically speaking, Zhao Sisi is now a murderer, with solid evidence.

But no one could do anything to Zhao Sisi.

The word "mental illness" directly blocks all roads.

However, the police can still restrict Zhao Sisi's actions.

If Zhao Sisi wanted to leave the province during this period, she would definitely be stopped, let alone going abroad.

After all, it is very difficult to go abroad because of the lawsuit. A professional player of LPL wanted to go abroad to play in the game, but was not allowed to go abroad because of the lawsuit. What’s more, Zhao Sisi is involved in a murder case?

The netizens in the live broadcast room felt helpless when they saw the court adjourned.

[The court is adjourned. Damn it. Zhao Sisi should be arrested and sentenced to death.]

[There is no way, how can you sentence a mental patient? ]

[The mental illness was diagnosed by the hospital, or it was diagnosed a long time ago. What can you do? ]

[I am dying of laughter. Is this mentally ill person pretending? Zhao Sisi seems quite normal to me. How can a mentally ill person like Zhao Sisi be like this? Is she acting? ]

[There is nothing we can do about it. You just need proof. To put it bluntly, if you can prove that you are mentally ill, you can do whatever you want. You are innocent anyway.]

[Hahaha, awesome! How dare you say that? How dare you!]

[Don't think about it. How can a certificate of mental illness be so easy to issue? In this case, no one dares to issue a certificate without authorization. The doctor still issued a certificate of mental illness to Zhao Sisi, which means that Zhao Sisi may really be mentally ill, otherwise he would not have issued such a certificate.]

[Is it impossible to sentence Zhao Sisi? ]

[It's very difficult. I don't think I can make a judgment. It's very tiring. I've even produced the proof of mental illness. There's really nothing I can do.]

[This is too typical, the most typical, it’s okay even if they broke the law, right? Why don’t we hold such people accountable? They must be held accountable! ]

[In the past, people would call it jade jade at every turn, but now it’s even more so, and even mental illness has come out. Does this mean that you are not breaking the law? ]

[It seems that people with mental illness do not have to bear criminal responsibility according to the law. Let's see what the law stipulates. Is Zhao Sisi suffering from severe depression? Or is she suffering from intermittent depression? It's hard to define here.]

[Outrageous, too outrageous.]

[Why can't these criminals be punished? If they break the law, they must bear criminal responsibility! ]

Netizens posted comments one after another, feeling anxious, but there was nothing they could do.

Seeing that Zhao Sisi had broken the law, the other party turned around and produced evidence proving her mental illness. What could anyone do?
Netizens are helpless.

Just like the previous case.
A man and a woman got married, but the woman raised the price at the wedding, asking for a dowry of 8.8 yuan, a car fee, and a change of name fee, each of which was tens of thousands of yuan. She also gave thousands of yuan in red envelopes to the woman's aunts and uncles.
After this process, the woman had to pay an extra 20 yuan for the wedding gift. Of course, the marriage was not successful and the two sides broke up. What did the court decide in the end? The woman was ordered to return half of the wedding gift.
They haven't even gotten married yet, but half of the betrothal gift has been taken away.

There is also a case where a man and a woman got married, but the woman disappeared right after the wedding. When the woman was found, she slandered the man for making a mistake. In the end, they divorced, but the betrothal gift was not returned.
The 38.8 yuan betrothal gift was wasted, and the dowry was just two quilts. The couple filed for divorce just five days after their marriage, and the man didn't get a penny of the betrothal gift.

There is no such thing as a cool-off month after a divorce in this world. You can get married at any time, and you can also get divorced at any time.

The man is still going through legal proceedings, what can I do?
They just refuse to return the betrothal gift, and I can't say anything about my grievances.

These cases are all cases that have just come out in recent days.

Just as Gu Chen was suing Zhao Sisi, a lot of news appeared on the Internet.

Some people have even come to Gu Chen's law firm to ask Gu Chen to sue them.

It’s just that Gu Chen never has the time.

This case alone is complicated enough.

Du Jinglin produced evidence one after another.
Even if Gu Chen directly proved that Zhao Sisi had killed someone, it would be of no use.

A mentally ill person who kills someone is not guilty and does not need to bear any criminal responsibility.

The court was adjourned.

Gu Chen and Xue Qingqing returned to the law firm.

Gu Chen asked Xue Qingqing to handle the work, and then Gu Chen went to investigate. Xue Qingqing felt a little dazed when she saw that there were several more cases coming to Gu Chen.

When can we let the boss take a break?
There are other great lawyers in the law firm.
But these people have to ask Gu Chen for help in the lawsuit.

They are willing to pay high legal fees!

They are going to look for Gu Chen.
The people at the law firm can't do anything.
It just so happens that Gu Chen himself is a lawyer
Xue Qingqing looked at these cases and said, "One case was about a male driver who accidentally ran over and killed a cyclist on the road. As a result, the male driver was asked to kneel down, was slapped in the face, and was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to seven years in prison. He also had to pay a million in cash."

"There is another case, a murder case involving a buried body. They say there is a clue. Let the boss investigate the case."

"There are also cases where female drivers drove against traffic and beat people, bullying veterans."

“There are two more divorce cases”

“How many cases are there?”

"The boss hasn't even dealt with Zhao Sisi's current case yet." Xue Qingqing was also a little overwhelmed. Zhao Sisi's case alone was difficult enough to handle, not to mention a bunch of other cases.

Because Gu Chen is now well-known, some people would rather pay a high price to hire Gu Chen to sue them than to find other lawyers.

After the previous lawsuit, Gu Chen could rest for a few days before a new lawsuit came.

As a result, the lawsuit has not yet been filed, but there are already a bunch of lawsuits waiting in line.

Yan Yuting said: "What should I do? These people insist on suing the boss. I found other lawyers for them, but they were unwilling to do so. They said that they wanted the boss to sue them. They said they only believed in the boss's ability."

Xue Qingqing said, "Let them come one by one. Don't be anxious. The boss can only file a lawsuit after he finishes one. Those who can't wait can find other lawyers. There is no other way. These four cases will be put here first. Ignore the subsequent cases for now and find other lawyers to fight them. Our law firm doesn't only have the boss as a lawyer. The other lawyers are also very good."

Xue Qingqing sat on the chair and sighed, "I don't know how the boss will fight Zhao Sisi's lawsuit. Anyway, I don't have any other way. The boss has gone out to investigate again. I don't know if he can find the key evidence."

Because she was too tired during this period, Xue Qingqing couldn't bear it anymore.

She is resting at the law firm
She originally wanted to let Gu Chen rest, but Gu Chen insisted on going out to investigate.

How can we keep fighting lawsuits without even having time to rest?

Yan Yuting said: "Boss, you will definitely win this lawsuit. Zhao Sisi committed murder intentionally. Her motive was so clear, it was just for money. She even posted on the Internet. Now she is fine with a simple mental illness?"

Xue Qingqing shook her head, a little worried. "There's nothing we can do. This is what the law stipulates. The opposing lawyer is also quite powerful. It's not easy to win this case. This lawsuit has been going on for a long time. The boss hasn't had a rest."

Compared to this case, Xue Qingqing was more worried about Gu Chen's health.

Gu Chen did go to investigate.

There is definitely something wrong with this case.

Zhao Sisi has been taken away by the court for professional forensic identification.

Forensic identification can determine whether Zhao Sisi is mentally ill.
But Gu Chen knew that mental illness was too difficult to detect nowadays.

If a person is depressed, it is easy to be detected as having mental problems.

In modern society, many people are under great pressure, and many are diagnosed with depression.

There are many people who have mental problems and are mentally abnormal.

No matter what the results of the forensic appraisal are, they are actually of little use.

Because Du Jinglin has the medical examination report from the hospital.
That day, it seemed as if all of Zhao Sisi's actions and words, which were originally very annoying, could be reasonably attributed to Zhao Sisi having mental problems.

Soon, Gu Chen received a call from the court.

The appraisal results from the judicial department over there have come out.

Gu Chen said: "How is it?"

Lin Xiaoyan, a staff member of the court, said: "Lawyer Gu, the examination showed that Zhao Sisi did have some mental problems."

Gu Chen: "Really?"

If she is really mentally ill, it would be difficult to sentence Zhao Sisi to death in this case.

Lin Xiaoyan said: "The results of the appraisal are as follows. After comprehensive evaluation, Zhao Sisi does have mental problems, but she does not have any neurological lesions. Brain imaging has also been examined and there are no organ lesions. The blood indicators are also generally normal."

"The test results show that Zhao Sisi does have mental problems, but they are not serious and she is not in a state of severe mental illness. Zhao Sisi did take drugs to control depression before."

Gu Chen asked: "Then I understand."

In other words, despite the appraisal results showing that Zhao Sisi had mental problems.

But this cannot fully prove that Zhao Sisi is mentally ill.

If you have some jade syndrome and you act crazy or stupid, you may be detected as having some mental problems.

But this is still far from the level of severe mental illness.

If a person with depression is asked to pretend to be mentally ill, it can be done.

It is entirely possible that Zhao Sisi knew that she was going to be examined and pretended to be mentally ill.

After all, in modern society, it is still difficult to directly detect whether a person is mentally ill through instruments.
Unless the patient is severely mentally ill and his organs are already malfunctioning or diseased, it can be said to be a true mental illness.

Obviously Zhao Sisi is not this kind of person.

"There is still hope for this case!" said Gu Chenxin.

He decided to go to the hospital where Zhao Sisi was examined.

If we can find the doctor who gave Zhao Sisi the certificate.
Then all the gray evidence in the system can be unlocked!
Gu Chen has always been curious why the two pieces of evidence at the bottom of the system were gray when he opened the system before.

The evidence that Zhao Sisi committed intentional homicide has been confirmed, but two pieces of evidence are gray.

Moreover, the system did not provide any prompts, and Gu Chen did not know how to unlock these two gray pieces of evidence.

When the lawsuit reached this point, Gu Chen finally had some clues!

The key lies in this hospital!!
How does this hospital conduct testing?

Who did the testing?
Who issued the certificate to Zhao Sisi?
Gu Chen can unlock the evidence as long as he goes there!
Then the case can be reversed!

Justice will prevail!

(End of this chapter)

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