You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 367 Du Jinglin: Your Honor, I am not guilty!

Chapter 367 Du Jinglin: Your Honor, I am not guilty!
When Du Jinglin came out, everyone was stunned.

Gao Yong and Xue Shao were both stunned.

Even Xue Qingqing opened her mouth wide.
No, boss, this is too awesome, isn’t it?
It has been only a week since the last recess.

Wasn’t Du Jinglin very arrogant and powerful the last time he fought the lawsuit?

As a result, he was sent in with his backhand?

Du Jinglin was handcuffed.
Who could have imagined this?
King & Wood Mallesons is ranked number one law firm in the country.

Du Jinglin is an ace lawyer.

During the previous lawsuit, Du Jinglin had a slight advantage.

Gu Chen produced various evidences, but still could not sentence Zhao Sisi to death.

The case was forced to adjourn.
Now, in the blink of an eye, you say the lawyer on the other side was sent to jail?

After a lawsuit, the defendant is going to jail, and the defendant’s lawyer is also going to jail?
What does it mean that he is handcuffed and brought in by the bailiff?
Du Jinglin was arrested?

Netizens were somewhat shocked
If you say this has nothing to do with Gu Chen, they won’t believe it.

This lawsuit turned out to be like this!
[Fuck, the lawyer on the other side was sent to jail? ]

[Hahahaha, the lawyer on the other side was very arrogant at the beginning, but now he has been sent to jail. ]

[Who would not be sent to jail if they confronted Lawyer Gu in court? ]

[I don’t remember, hahaha, but Zhang Wei was not sent in. ]

[What can I say about this case? Can Zhao Sisi be sentenced? The opposing lawyer has been imprisoned. Is Zhao Sisi helpless now? ]

[How did Du Jinglin get into cosplay at such a young age? 】

[I don’t care about anything else, as long as Zhao Sisi is sentenced, even two years is fine! ]

[Sentence Zhao Sisi to seven years in prison! As long as she is sentenced, it will be fine. I no longer expect Zhao Sisi to be sentenced to death.]

【As long as they can be sentenced, that's fine!!!】

Gao Yong said: "Du Jinglin was arrested. That's awesome. I can only say that Gu Chen is awesome. Gu Chen must have found some evidence and sent Du Jinglin to jail."

Xue Shao's eyes lit up, "Gu Chen is really an outlaw. We are watching the live broadcast and commenting here. We won't be sent to jail, right?"

Gao Yong laughed, "The next step is to see how Zhao Sisi is sentenced. I'm curious about how Gu Chen sent Du Jinglin to prison. It doesn't seem very scientific."

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming struck the gavel.

"I now declare the court officially open!"

"Everyone please take a seat!"

Everyone sat down.

The presiding judge Qiu Ming looked at Gu Chen and said, "Now please ask the plaintiff's lawyer to provide additional explanations for this case and submit the basis for the lawsuit."

In fact, the court already knows all the evidence in this case.

Now it’s just a process.

The police have already submitted all the necessary evidence to the court.

Gu Chen also gave some evidence to the court.
Almost all the evidence has been submitted, and now all that’s left is for the trial to begin.

Gu Chen said: "Judge, we have found new evidence."

"According to the police investigation, there was a transactional relationship between Wang Haodong and Du Jinglin. Du Jinglin once helped Wang Haodong fight a lawsuit. Wang Haodong was originally going to go to jail, but because of this lawsuit, Wang Haodong was acquitted."

"Afterwards, Du Jinglin found Wang Haodong and gave him benefits, asking him to help Zhao Sisi get a mental illness certificate. After Wang Haodong got the certificate, Zhao Sisi subsequently chose to kill Li Zhengyi, and Du Jinglin took the evidence of mental illness to commit perjury in court!"

"As a lawyer, Du Jinglin knowingly broke the law, bribed doctors, and fabricated false evidence, which is an aggravated crime."

"According to Article 306 of the Criminal Law, in criminal proceedings, if a defender or litigation agent destroys or falsifies evidence, helps a party to destroy or falsify evidence, or threatens or induces a witness to change his testimony contrary to the facts or to give false testimony, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years."

"Du Jinglin is a top lawyer with rich experience in litigation, but he engaged in improper transactions with doctors, abused his power for personal gain, and forged evidence to help Zhao Sisi exonerate herself. The circumstances were egregious and the consequences were serious."

"As a lawyer, you should abide by the law, rather than using your status as a lawyer to exploit legal loopholes, fabricate evidence, and try to help others escape punishment."

"I request the court to severely punish Du Jinglin, revoke his lawyer's license, and sentence him to seven years in prison!"

Gu Chen also knew that Du Jinglin had confessed everything at the police station.

He explained everything he had done in detail.

As for what the results of the transcript will be, only the police know.

There are some things that the police can find out even if Du Jinglin doesn't confess.

Wang Haodong has confessed everything, so it will be easy to investigate Du Jinglin.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming looked at Du Jinglin.

Du Jinglin raised his hand.

Du Jinglin wanted to speak for himself.

After all, he turned himself in and confessed a lot of things.

It doesn't need to be punished to the maximum extent, right?

He is sentenced to seven years in prison right away. Who can withstand this?

Besides, he didn't confess everything.
Du Jinglin thought about it for a whole night and came up with a way to prove himself innocent!

As a result, Zhao Sisi on the side spoke first.

"Cousin, save me!" Zhao Sisi said quickly with a pale face.

All her hopes rested on Du Jinglin.

As a result, Du Jinglin has also been arrested. Zhao Sisi never expected that Du Jinglin would also be arrested.

Even her lawyer was sent to jail?

How do we fight this lawsuit then?

Isn't she completely finished?
She can't go to jail.

Li Zhengyi has been drowned for so long. She is dead anyway. She should not be punished anymore.

No matter how much she is punished, Li Zhengyi cannot be resurrected.

She already knows she's wrong, what else do you want from her?

Can't the court give her a chance to reform? Is everyone going to keep targeting her like this?

Zhao Sisi looked at Du Jinglin and said, "Cousin, cousin, please save me. Only you can save me. I don't want to go to jail, and I don't want to be sentenced to death. Can you please let me go without charge? I still have to go back to school, and I can still serve my country. I can swim, and maybe I can even win the Olympics in the future. Cousin, please save me. I really know I'm wrong. Now that I know I'm wrong, you don't have to punish me, right?"

"Cousin, as long as you can get me out, anything is fine. It doesn't matter what happens to you. You will be sentenced to seven years at most. It's only seven years and you will be out in no time. But I really don't want to go to jail at all, and I don't want to be sentenced to death!"

Zhao Sisi asked Du Jinglin for help.

Zhao Sisi was really at her wit's end. She hadn't expected things to turn out like this.

Zhao Sisi looked at Tang Ya and said, "Tang Ya, don't hold me responsible anymore. Just withdraw the lawsuit. I can give you any amount of compensation you want. Your husband is dead anyway, why do you keep holding me responsible? Li Zhengyi also drowned to save me. He was trying to save me before he died. Can you bear to let him save me in vain?"

"Your Honor, can't you just let me out? Stop holding me responsible. I want to get out."

"Tang Ya, you just lost an ex-husband. You can still get married again. At most, you will live a life without a husband. So what? I still have a great life ahead of me. I still want to go out and have fun."

Zhao Sisi opened her mouth in various ways and was still struggling.

She never understood why these people couldn't just let her go?
Is it because she kept pressing Li Zhengyi's head in the river?

Even if she pressed Li Zhengyi's head, does that mean Li Zhengyi did nothing wrong?

Zhao Sisi is still going crazy.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming struck the gavel.


"If the defendant disrupts the order of the court again, he will be punished more severely in this case," Qiu Ming said.

This is a court, not a vegetable market.

Zhao Sisi has been disrupting the order of the court and would argue with everyone she meets.

Still want Tang Ya to withdraw the lawsuit?
This case has become one of intentional homicide. It is no longer a question of whether Tang Ya withdraws the lawsuit or not. It has become a public prosecution case.

Zhao Sisi committed intentional homicide and should be sentenced severely.

How could he let Zhao Sisi go just because of a few words?
When Zhao Sisi heard that her sentence was going to be heavier, she immediately shut up and dared not say anything.

Zhao Sisi was panicked. Her face turned pale.
Where is her father?

Why didn't her father come to the court to help her?

Even though she called her father her biological father and slapped him twice
Her father shouldn’t have not come to the court!
Du Jinglin raised his hand.

The presiding judge Qiu Ming said, "You may speak."

Du Jinglin said, "Judge, I thought about this case yesterday and I turned myself in to the police station. I also took the initiative to explain the whole situation to the police."

"At first I did want to help Zhao Sisi defend herself, but later I realized my mistake and how serious the crime Zhao Sisi committed was."

"I didn't bribe Wang Haodong in any way. I just gave him two boxes of wine as a Mid-Autumn Festival gift. Wang Haodong and I are friends, so it's normal to give each other gifts. It's not a bribe at all."

"In fact, I am also a victim in this case."

Netizens in the live broadcast room: "????"

No, Du Jinglin even said that he was a victim?

Do you want to show some face?

Du Jinglin said, "Zhao Sisi's mental illness certificate was obtained half a year ago."

"Zhao Sisi came to me in various ways to ask for a certificate. She said she wanted to commit suicide, didn't want to go to school, and didn't want to be controlled by her family. She thought that with such a certificate, she could drop out of school to have fun, and her family wouldn't be afraid of her anymore."

"Zhao Sisi has attempted suicide ten times. She suffers from severe depression."

"I thought Zhao Sisi did have mental problems and severe schizophrenia, so I took her to see Dr. Wang Haodong for a checkup."

"It turns out that Wang Haodong may have misunderstood me and thought that I was bribing him to help Zhao Sisi get a mental illness certificate."

"As a result, Wang Haodong issued a certificate like this. I didn't read it much. I originally just wanted Zhao Sisi to see a psychologist and get some treatment."

"As a result, Wang Haodong issued such a certificate, which made me think that Zhao Sisi really had mental problems. I thought she was really mentally ill. After all, who wouldn't think that someone who had attempted suicide more than ten times had mental problems?"

"As for the drowning of Li Zhengyi, I had no knowledge of it at all. The subsequent proof that Zhao Sisi produced was also the proof that she asked Wang Haodong to issue herself."

"It proves that it was opened by Wang Haodong."

"I thought Zhao Sisi was really a mental patient, so I defended Zhao Sisi in court. There was no such thing as submitting false evidence."

"Zhao Sisi begged me to help her with the lawsuit, so I did it. As for the fact that the evidence was forged, this was the first time I knew about it!"

"The reason I turned myself in was because Wang Haodong called me and said that he forged the certificate because he listened to me. But this is impossible. As a lawyer, I naturally know what is illegal and what is not."

"Zhao Sisi and I are not close, we are just relatives at most. Do I need to sacrifice my own future for a relative?"

"In this matter, it is clear that Wang Haodong himself misunderstood my intentions."

"The wine I gave him was just a Mid-Autumn Festival gift. It's nothing special. Isn't it normal for friends to give each other gifts?"

"I defended Zhao Sisi without receiving a penny. The evidence was the mental illness certificate Zhao Sisi produced. I believe that the doctor's certificate is correct, right?"

"I did not submit false testimony at all. I am also a victim. After Wang Haodong was arrested, he maliciously blamed me and put all the responsibility on me."

"Zhao Sisi herself has a lot of problems, and I'm not very familiar with Zhao Sisi. I defended her just out of my duty."

"Your Honor, I did make a mistake. I shouldn't have used false evidence to defend Zhao Sisi, but I really didn't know that Wang Haodong harmed me, and Zhao Sisi also harmed me. The two of them used false evidence to harm me! This is all their fault!"

"And Wang Haodong and Zhao Sisi have an improper business relationship! It's the kind of relationship you think. Do you really think I don't know what you did? Now both of you are putting the blame on me, right?"

"Otherwise, why would Wang Haodong help you get a certificate of mental illness? Zhao Sisi, don't you know how many times you and Wang Haodong checked into a hotel?"

"I'm the victim!"

"I just found out now that you did that kind of thing. Wang Haodong helped you to get a fake mental illness certificate, but he said that I bribed him. What does this have to do with me?"

"Your Honor, I was completely unaware of this case. I am the biggest victim. Of course, I am willing to accept punishment, but legally speaking, I was unaware and am the innocent party. Plus, I turned myself in, so I should be acquitted."

"As for what happened to Wang Haodong and Zhao Sisi, it has nothing to do with me, and I will not defend them." Du Jinglin said.

After all this talk, Du Jinglin completely shirked his responsibility.

Zhao Sisi: “???”

Zhao Sisi was stunned after hearing this.

Didn’t Du Jinglin tell her before how she should cooperate so as to be innocent?

Why does Du Jinglin just ignore her now?
And yet you say it's all her fault?
Is Du Jinglin this kind of person?
In this case, wouldn't she be sentenced to death?

Why was Du Jinglin acquitted?


All must die! !

If she is sentenced to death, Du Jinglin won't be able to escape!
The netizens in the live broadcast room were confused after listening to Du Jinglin for a long time.

Du Jinglin has been talking for a long time, but he is just saying that he is innocent?

And some netizens think that what Du Jinglin said makes sense.
Some netizens have already started criticizing Zhao Sisi and Wang Haodong.

And this time.
Gu Chen stood up.

Du Jinglin is indeed an ace lawyer. He said he was innocent in one phone call.
Others may not know what Du Jinglin did, but how could Gu Chen not know?
(End of this chapter)

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