You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 368 The verdict has been announced! Zhao Sisi is sentenced to death!

Chapter 368 The verdict has been announced! Zhao Sisi is sentenced to death!
[Is it possible that Du Jinglin is really innocent? ]

[Fuck, this is a shocking piece of news. Zhao Sisi and Wang Haodong are actually in that kind of relationship? ]

[Is there a video? Looking for resources! ]

[Here are the resources, only two dollars! ]

[Turtle, this figure is still very good. 】

[I've also seen the resources, brothers, let's go first. ]

[If false evidence is deliberately produced, it is possible that Du Jinglin could be wrongly accused.]

[I don't think Du Jinglin is a good person either. Can you send Du Jinglin in as well? ]

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all eating melons.

Some netizens actually found the video.

However, this video evidence cannot be played in court.
But any videos on small websites have nothing to do with the court.

Many netizens were quite excited.

Because in this case, no matter what Du Jinglin does, Zhao Sisi will definitely be sentenced, there is no way to escape!
Zhao Sisi jumped into the river, causing Li Zhengyi to drown.

This case is actually not a big deal and should have been sentenced long ago.

As a result, Zhao Sisi found an ace lawyer and the lawsuit has continued to this day.

Even many netizens don't care about Du Jinglin.
Du Jinglin is a lawyer, he should make the judgment as he sees fit.

The key is Zhao Sisi.

Zhao Sisi killed someone!

Usually it's version T0, where viewers post outrageous comments on different websites.

Netizens are eager for Zhao Sisi to be sentenced as soon as possible.

Even if it is not the death penalty, netizens can accept it.

As long as people like Zhao Sisi can be sentenced, it is more important than anything else.

Du Jinglin felt that he was innocent and listed various pieces of evidence.

After Gu Chen stood up, he said, "Your Honor, Du Jinglin went to the police station last night and told us everything. The police also took a statement. The content of the statement should be consistent with what Du Jinglin just said."

"I'm here, and I happen to have Wang Haodong's transcript."

"Wang Haodong said that he and Du Jinglin had close business dealings, and it was Du Jinglin who helped Zhao Sisi get the mental illness certificate."

"In addition to a box of wine, there was also 20,000 yuan as a bribe. Although the money was not much, it was also a bribe to Wang Haodong."

"This is not the only transaction between the two of us."

"There have been many private transactions between the two of us before, and the evidence is all here."

"In fact, Du Jinglin already knew that he was going to help Zhao Sisi get a fake mental illness certificate."

"Du Jinglin knew that the mental illness certificate was fake, but he still used it to commit perjury in court."

"We just tested Zhao Sisi a few days ago. Zhao Sisi does have some depression tendencies and is occasionally a bit absent-minded, but this does not meet the criteria for a mentally ill patient."

Gu Chen said, "Zhao Sisi, am I right? Does Du Jinglin know that your mental illness certificate is forged?"

Zhao Sisi saw that she had an opportunity to speak, and she quickly said, "It was Du Jinglin who helped me to get it done! I just said that I wanted to drop out of school and didn't want to go to school anymore. I said that it was too painful at home, and Du Jinglin said that he would help me get a fake mental illness certificate, and then everything would be fine. He also asked me for money. I was hanging out outside at the time, and I had a rich boyfriend, so I had quite a lot of money."

"So I gave Du Jinglin 100,000 yuan and asked him to help me get it done. Then I made a fake mental illness certificate. He knew everything. He knew everything!"

Zhao Sisi didn't care about anything anymore.

Du Jinglin no longer cares about her anyway.

Zhao Sisi still felt a little resentful. Why was she the only one to be sentenced?

Wang Haodong and Du Jinglin, both should go in!
Zhao Sisi said, "Your Honor, I will confess everything. I will confess everything. I can confess anything. Everything I said is true. If I say anything false, I will be struck to death by lightning."

"The thing is, half a year ago, I felt that life was meaningless. I didn't want to go to school or work, and my family kept scolding me."

"I wanted to drop out of school, but my family didn't want me to, so I thought about committing suicide many times. Of course, they were all fake, and I was just fooling my family."

"Then I found Du Jinglin, who said he would help me get a fake mental illness certificate, saying he had connections, but he wanted money."

"I gave them 100,000 yuan, and they helped me get the certificate. I also got to know the doctor Wang Haodong and added him on WeChat."

"As a result, Wang Haodong flirted with me in various ways. I didn't even think about talking to him at first, but I didn't dare ignore him completely, after all, he helped me to issue a fake certificate."

"Then I broke up with my boyfriend and I had no money, so I thought about how I could make money."

"So I met someone online, and he said I could get money if I completed the task."

“So I started”

"Under his guidance, I even killed Li Zhengyi."

"But I really didn't mean to do that. I was just impulsive. I didn't intend to kill Li Zhengyi. I didn't think he would really die."

"Then I was very scared. I knew it was okay for a mentally ill person to kill someone, so I went to find Wang Haodong."

"Then, I asked Wang Haodong to help me get a certificate of mental illness for that day."

"Wang Haodong said that it was okay to issue a fake certificate, but I would have to pay something."

"I followed Wang Haodong to his home, and that's what happened next."

"I asked Du Jinglin to help me with the lawsuit."

"I have realized my mistakes now, Judge. I really don't want to die. Please give me a chance to make a new beginning."

"I want to live, I don't want to die. Li Zhengyi is dead, please let me go, okay?"

Zhao Sisi’s face turned pale and she became weaker and weaker as she spoke.

She told all she knew and all she could say.

Du Jinglin: “????”

Du Jinglin saw Gu Chen take out a USB flash drive which contained a bunch of evidence.

They are all evidence of various private transactions between him and Wang Haodong, including audio and video evidence.

There are also the transcripts of Zhao Sisi and Wang Haodong
Du Jinglin knew that everything was over.
It's all over.

Du Jinglin said, "Judge, I have already surrendered myself. Even though Wang Haodong and I have a good relationship in private, I really didn't know that he helped Zhao Sisi to issue a false certificate. Maybe Wang Haodong misunderstood me, or maybe Wang Haodong and Zhao Sisi framed me."

Gu Chen said, "You are not turning yourself in. Before turning yourself in, you should call the police and explain the situation. And after turning yourself in, you should confess all your criminal facts. This is called turning yourself in. Trying to shirk your responsibility in various ways is not turning yourself in."

"This is not the first time you have given false testimony in court."

"When you helped Wang Haodong fight a lawsuit before, you also submitted false testimony in court. Otherwise, why was Wang Haodong acquitted of all charges and only had to pay compensation?"

"I have submitted all the evidence to the court, so I don't want to say more."

"Du Jinglin did not surrender himself. He submitted false testimony in court many times and bribed doctors to fabricate false evidence. As a lawyer, he broke the law knowingly, which is an aggravated crime."

"Zhao Sisi committed the crime of intentional homicide and even attempted to use false evidence to exonerate herself."

"Zhao Sisi has made inappropriate comments online many times, and has repeatedly led the trend online to discredit others. More importantly, Zhao Sisi has no remorse. After killing Li Zhengyi, she tried every means to exonerate herself."

"Li Zhengyi was a firefighter and a hero. He should have had a happy family. He had three daughters, a wife, elderly parents and young children. The day he died happened to be Li Zhengyi's birthday."

"Li Zhengyi should have had a happy life. As a firefighter, he saved lives many times and participated in fire rescue operations many times regardless of his own safety."

"Such a hero died at the hands of Zhao Sisi."

"Zhao Sisi was a city swimming champion who had been swimming for ten years. She deliberately chose to jump into the river in order to kill others." "Zhao Sisi did it. A hero left this world forever because of what Zhao Sisi did."

"A beautiful family was destroyed."

"Zhao Sisi must take responsibility!"

"I know that in this type of case, the victim has never been sentenced in the past, because people who drown in the river will desperately grab the rescuers around them."

"If someone accidentally falls into the water, rescue must be done within one's capabilities and with extreme caution."

"There has never been a case like this that has been sentenced before. But today's case is a typical example!"

"If someone takes advantage of this and deliberately kills someone in the river, who will dare to rescue people who fall into the water in the future?"

"People like Zhao Sisi committed intentional homicide with vile and cruel methods. They must pay the price!"

"The meaning of the law is to maintain fairness and justice!"

"Li Zhengyi's family has been broken, and the people who destroyed Li Zhengyi's family, why should they live? If Zhao Sisi is not sentenced to death, is this society still fair?"

"Intentional murder must be punished by death!"

"Zhao Sisi must also compensate Li Zhengyi's family."

"Even if Zhao Sisi is sentenced to death, what will happen?"

"Because of Zhao Sisi, Li Zhengyi's entire family was destroyed. What about the elderly? What about the children? Who will be responsible?"

"There is no such precedent in the law, and today's case should create such a precedent!"

"Otherwise, someone else will die while saving others."

"If there is no sentence today, there may be people like this in the future who will exploit loopholes in the law, deliberately jump into the river, and then kill others."

"Zhao Sisi has no remorse. She forged evidence and pretended that she couldn't swim. She made all kinds of evidence flawless just to avoid responsibility."

"If we hadn't found evidence of Zhao Sisi's illegal activities, would she have jumped into the river again next time? Would she have used the same method to kill people?"

"Moreover, Zhao Sisi also insulted others in court, challenged the court order, and physically attacked others."

"Such a murderer must be severely punished!"

"My statement is complete."

Gu Chen finished speaking.

All his evidence was submitted.

All that needs to be said has been said.

Du Jinglin, as a lawyer, knew the law but broke it and must be severely sentenced.

What is surrender?

Going to the police station is called surrendering?

In addition to explaining the situation to the police, when you surrender yourself, you must also carefully confess all your criminal facts.

If you don't cooperate with the police and talk nonsense, that is not considered surrendering.

As for Wang Haodong, as a doctor, he accepted bribes and issued false certificates.
This does not require Gu Chen to go to court.

The court will naturally bring prosecution.

Moreover, Wang Haodong’s job as a doctor will definitely be lost.

Gu Chen doesn't need to worry about these.

If the court makes a ruling, it will not be a problem to sentence Wang Haodong to seven years.

Then Wang Haodong will have to pay compensation.
He has done too many illegal things and must compensate the victims.

If nothing unexpected happens, Wang Haodong will be sentenced to seven years in prison and pay a large fine.

If Wang Haodong pays enough compensation, his sentence may be reduced, at least to five years, which is very likely.

Gu Chen was too lazy to care how the court sentenced Wang Haodong.

He came here just to fight the lawsuit against Zhao Sisi.

Gu Chen doesn't care about what others say.

Zhao Sisi must be sentenced to death.

As for Du Jinglin, it was just that Gu Chen happened to discover that he had given false testimony in court, so let's go in together.

Anyway, this is not the first time that Gu Chen has sent the other party’s lawyer to jail.

After Gu Chen finished speaking, netizens in the live broadcast room cheered.

【Lawyer Gu is awesome! 】

[This is too good to be true. Zhao Sisi must be sentenced to death! ]

[Yes, I didn’t dare to think about sentencing Zhao Sisi to death before. I thought sentencing Zhao Sisi would be a victory. Now I think she must be sentenced to death!]

[I don't care about others, but Zhao Sisi is so rebellious, how can she not be sentenced to death? ]

[Lawyer Gu is awesome. This time he also sent the other lawyer to jail! ]

[This is Lawyer Gu. Who dares to criticize Lawyer Gu? ]

[Hahahaha, do you remember that there were a bunch of fairies who criticized Attorney Gu online? Then they were sued by his lawyer team, and the three people in the lead went to jail. A bunch of people below apologized, deleted their posts, and paid compensation. No one can escape.]

[Hahaha, it’s that little fairy, right? A little fairy who blasted Lawyer Gu online was sent to prison for three years.]

[I know that too. Didn’t the court just rule on that case recently? They sentenced him to three years in prison, and none of the remaining people got away. It is said that more than 200 fairy haters were all prosecuted, and those who should apologized apologized, and those who should compensated paid compensation.]

[I am so amused. Is there anyone who dares to criticize the lawless lunatics online? Zhao Sisi is also criticizing Lawyer Gu. If she doesn't execute him, who will? ]

[You don’t really think that the title of “outlaw” is a nickname we came up with, right? It’s because Lawyer Gu is really good at handling lawsuits. ]

[Hahahaha, awesome! I haven't paid attention to this case. After all, Lawyer Gu has been involved in lawsuits non-stop recently. It turns out that this case has already been judged. I feel relieved now.]

Netizens posted one after another.

After Gu Chen finished speaking, the court adjourned for another 30 minutes.

The court will adjourn for thirty minutes before making the final judgment.

Zhao Sisi and Du Jinglin were sentenced together.

While waiting for the court to reopen in 30 minutes, netizens thought about the verdict of the Yuncheng Court in the past two days.
Many fairies have criticized Gu Chen online before, trying to stir up trouble.
The person who criticized the most harshly was sentenced to three years in prison.

Two other people were also sentenced.

As for the others, it was a one-stop service of apology + deleting the post + paying money.

A bunch of fairies were sentenced.

Gu Chen didn't even take over the lawsuit, it was the lawyers from the law firm who filed the lawsuit.
Soon, half an hour passed.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming and two other judges walked in.

The presiding judge Qiu Ming said:

"All rise!"

"Now, this court announces the following verdict!"

(End of this chapter)

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