You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 369: The verdict is announced! Zhao Sisi is sentenced to death! Du Jinglin is sentenced to 7

Chapter 369: The verdict is announced! Zhao Sisi is sentenced to death! Du Jinglin is sentenced to seven years in prison!
The court has announced the verdict!
Everyone in the court stood up.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming spoke.

"The case has been fully investigated, the chain of evidence is clear, and the evidence is complete."

"Zhao Sisi was induced to make inappropriate comments on the Internet many times, and was promised a high reward to kill someone."

"And Zhao Sisi chose to collect rewards through online live broadcasts, totaling 354748 yuan."

"Zhao Sisi published a post online about how to kill someone in a river without taking responsibility."

"So that afternoon, Zhao Sisi chose to jump into the river, and Li Zhengyi chose to jump into the river to rescue Zhao Sisi."

"During the rescue process, Zhao Sisi pressed on Li Zhengyi's head several times to cause water to enter his body, which made it impossible for Li Zhengyi to breathe normally and exhausted his physical strength. Zhao Sisi is an expert swimmer, so under these circumstances, she deliberately pushed Li Zhengyi away several times, causing the rescue work to fail."

"Subjectively, Zhao Sisi had the intention to illegally deprive others of their lives, and objectively committed the act of intentionally killing the victim, Li Zhengyi. Her actions constituted the crime of intentional homicide."

"In summary, Zhao Sisi has committed the crime of intentional homicide."

"After Zhao Sisi committed the murder intentionally, she found a psychiatrist named Wang Haodong. Zhao Sisi used an unfair deal to get Wang Haodong to issue her a certificate of mental illness, thereby fabricating false evidence in court."

"Zhao Sisi made multiple statements in court that disrupted court order, insulted and slandered the parties involved in the lawsuit, and seriously disrupted court order. She has committed the crime of disrupting court order."

"After breaking the law, Zhao Sisi repeatedly made improper comments online, insulted Tang Ya, and mobilized public opinion to threaten Tang Ya, even asking her to apologize, causing her great mental damage."

"During the court trial, Zhao Sisi showed no remorse or attitude. After comprehensive consideration, this court decided that she should be given a heavier punishment."

"According to Article 232 of the Criminal Law, the crime of intentional homicide shall be punishable by death penalty, life imprisonment or imprisonment of ten years or more."

"According to Article 305 of the Criminal Law, in criminal proceedings, if a witness, expert, recorder or translator intentionally makes false testimony, appraisal, record or translation on matters that are important to the case with the intention of framing others or concealing evidence of a crime, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years."

"Zhao Sisi was convicted of disrupting court order, insult, defamation, perjury, and intentional homicide. She was sentenced to death and deprived of her political rights for life."

"In the civil lawsuit attached to this case, it was found after trial that Zhao Sisi made inappropriate remarks on the Internet platform many times. Such remarks had the adverse effect of guiding public opinion and inciting emotions, causing Tang Ya to suffer serious mental damage. In addition, Zhao Sisi committed the crime of killing Li Zhengyi, which caused great harm to Tang Ya's family. Based on the above circumstances, according to relevant legal provisions, Zhao Sisi should bear civil compensation liability to Tang Ya's family, and the amount of compensation is RMB 892."

"Du Jinglin, as a defense lawyer, knowingly broke the law and submitted false evidence in court."

"Moreover, Du Jinglin's actions do not meet the standard of self-surrender, and this court will impose a heavier punishment on him."

"Du Jinglin knew that the mental illness certificate was false evidence, but he still used it to defend Zhao Sisi in court."

"According to Article 305 of the Criminal Law, if anyone intentionally makes a false certificate, appraisal, record, or translation with the intention of framing another person or concealing evidence of a crime, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years if the circumstances are serious."

"The court found that Du Jinglin, as a lawyer, should have upheld legal professional ethics and integrity and maintained judicial justice and order, but he committed perjury."

"In this case, Du Jinglin intentionally provided false evidence and made false statements. This perjury seriously interfered with the normal trial of the case and seriously undermined the fairness and credibility of the judicial process. The circumstances were serious and violated the crime of perjury stipulated in Article 305 of the Criminal Law."

"Based on the above facts, evidence and legal basis, this court hereby rules that the defendant Du Jinglin is guilty of perjury and is sentenced to seven years in prison."

"From the date this court issues its judgment, within the statutory appeal period, if you do not obey this judgment, you may appeal to the people's court at the next higher level. If there is no appeal or the appeal is rejected, this judgment will enter the enforcement procedure in accordance with the law."

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming has finished speaking.

When Zhao Sisi heard that she was going to be sentenced to death, her face turned pale and bloodless.

How could there be death penalty?

How can there be death penalty?
Also in the gallery were Zhao Sisi's parents.

Zhao Sisi's mother was already in tears
Zhao Sisi's father sat there helplessly.

Du Jinglin was sentenced to seven years in prison and sat there, at a loss.

He didn't know why he was sentenced for so long.
If Du Jinglin didn't know how powerful Gu Chen was before, then after this lawsuit, he finally knew how powerful Gu Chen was in litigation.

Ordinary people simply cannot find this kind of evidence.

As a result, Gu Chen managed to find all the evidence.

The police arrested Wang Haodong first, but how could they arrest Wang Haodong if there was no evidence?
Du Jinglin wouldn't believe it if someone said that this matter had nothing to do with Gu Chen.

The presiding judge Qiu Ming said, "The defendant now has an opportunity to make a statement in court."

After hearing this, Du Jinglin spoke first: "I realize my mistake. As a lawyer, I shouldn't have done such a thing, let alone submitted false testimony in court. I did make a mistake, and I am willing to bear all the consequences."

Du Jinglin didn't dare to say anything more.

If he does not admit his mistake and chooses to appeal, who knows what evidence Gu Chen will produce?
It is possible that he will be sentenced to a heavier punishment by then.

Zhao Sisi's voice was trembling a little.

Zhao Sisi said, "Judge, I know I was wrong. I know I was wrong. I really know I was wrong. Please give me a chance to make a fresh start, okay?"

"Sister Tang Ya, please give me a chance to reform. I don't want to be sentenced to death. I am willing to compensate you. I have more than one million yuan, and I can compensate you all. I don't want to go to jail, and I don't want the death penalty."

"Sister Tang Ya, Judge, I know I made a mistake. I hope you can give me a chance."

"Because Uncle Li Zhengyi also hopes that I can survive."

"Even though he knew everything, he still wanted me to survive."

"My life was also saved by Uncle Li Zhengyi."

"If I am sentenced to death, wouldn't that go against Uncle Li Zhengyi's last wish?"

"Uncle Li Zhengyi is a hero. He saved many people. The last thing he did before he died was to push me ashore with all his strength. He wanted me to survive."

"I will appeal again. I want to live."

"I hope Sister Tang Ya can give me a letter of apology. I want to live."

"I'm fine with a life sentence, as long as it's not the death penalty. I still have a better future."

"Uncle Li Zhengyi told me to live, so I want to live too."


At this time, Tang Ya stood up.

Tang Ya said: "My husband Li Zhengyi is a hero. He has saved many people. Many times, when there was a fire, he would rush in to save people regardless of everything."

"How many firefighters have sacrificed their lives fighting fires in this world? They are all heroes!"

"You said Li Zhengyi would rather you live?"

"Don't deceive yourself by saying such things."

"The day Li Zhengyi was killed by you was his birthday."

"Do you know how long he hasn't seen his family? He has been on the police, on the police, on the police. Others are on holiday while he is on the police. Others can reunite with their families, but he is still fighting fires!"

"Because, he's a firefighter!"

"You know what? The day before this happened, I took my three daughters to see Li Zhengyi."

"We met Li Zhengyi!"

"All three daughters wanted to hug their dad. Li Zhengyi was also very happy because he hadn't seen us for a long time."

"He wanted to hug his three daughters."


"At the moment when Li Zhengyi was about to hug his daughter"

"The fire alarm is ringing!"

"All firefighters, quickly assemble and take your equipment to rescue people as soon as possible!"

"Li Zhengyi was about to hug his daughter, but he went to get his equipment and rescue people without even turning back."

"My three daughters started crying. They were very young and wanted to see their dad so much. But even though they cried, they knew that their dad was a firefighter and a hero!"

"I explained to my daughters why their dad couldn't hold them."

"Because Dad has to save people!" "Because there is a fire!"

"If the firefighters could arrive one second earlier, they might be able to put out the fire and save a life!"

"They are racing against death. They are racing against time to save people!"

"That day, we were waiting at the fire department. We were waiting for Li Zhengyi to come back."

"But we received a reminder from the staff."

"The staff asked us to go home. They said this fire was quite serious. Just after one fire broke out, another one broke out. They didn't even have a break before they went to rescue people again."

"Then the staff told us to go home and wait, saying that they all knew that tomorrow was Li Zhengyi's birthday, and they could let Li Zhengyi go home to celebrate his birthday."

"I took my daughter home."

"My daughter and I went home and set it up that evening."

“We are all very happy!”

"Because we know that Li Zhengyi will have a day off tomorrow and can go home to celebrate his birthday."

"I can see my husband, and my daughters can see their dad."

"Do you know how old the youngest of my three daughters is?"

As she spoke, Tang Ya's face was already in tears.

“We made our own birthday cake.”

"We also prepared a birthday present for Li Zhengyi."

"The three daughters didn't sleep well all night. They were waiting for their dad to come home!"

"On the second day, we received a video call from Li Zhengyi, who said he was on his way home."

"You know how happy we are?"


"Zhao Sisi, it's because of you, you beast!"

"You're a fucking beast!"

"Because of you, Li Zhengyi never got to go home. He never got to celebrate his last birthday."

"Li Zhengyi did not have three daughters"

"My three daughters never got to see their dad again."

"You said your life has just begun."

"But what about my three daughters?"

"Among them, the youngest is only four years old, and the oldest is only twelve years old."

"They have no father in their lives."

"When they call for dad again, no one will ever respond!"

"How much they want their dad to hug them, but they can no longer hug their dad."

"Li Zhengyi left forever to save you."

"He's not a sacrifice!"

"He's not a sacrifice at all!"

"My husband can die on the battlefield or in a fire!"

"He is a hero in himself! Ever since he became a firefighter, our whole family has been proud of him!"

"He died in your hands! He died in the hands of a swimming champion like you!"

"You cruelly killed him!"

"He put all his heart into saving you."

"Even when I had no strength left, I used all my strength to push you ashore."

"This is because he is a firefighter, he is a hero, if the motherland needs him, if the people need him, he will stand up."

"He can be sacrificed, but he can't be killed by others!"

"You said Li Zhengyi's last wish was for you to live well?"

"I just want to ask, as a murderer, how can you continue to live?"

"Tell me, why?"

"Ah? Say something! Aren't you good at yelling?"

"Your life has just begun? Are you talking about your mother's stinky cunt?"

"Where are my three daughters?"

“Isn’t their life just beginning?”

"They will be without a father for their whole lives!"

"What are you going to do with my parents? Ah? We have old people above us and young children below us, we are such a happy family!"

“It’s because of you!!”

"You separated our family forever! We didn't even get to see each other for the last time!"

"You let the old send off the young"

"Yet you keep saying here that you have reformed yourself."

"Compensation? Even if you compensate 100 million or 1 billion today, can it be compared with Li Zhengyi?"

"Even if you pay me 100 billion as compensation, my three daughters will still lose their father forever!"

"How old are they?"

"They have no father in their whole life"

“I don’t have a husband anymore.”


"Now, you want me to write you a letter of apology, just because you want to live and have a better future?"

"Let me ask you, Zhao Sisi, are you worthy?"

"Look at my three daughters. Do you deserve to live?"

"Look! What the hell are you looking down for?"

"If you want to commit suicide, why don't you just jump into the river somewhere where there's no one?"

"Whether you want to appeal or do anything else."

"I'll stay with you until the end!"

"Zhao Sisi, I promise you with my life, no matter what happens, no matter what the court decides, I will kill you!"

"I don't want a penny of compensation, I just want you to be sentenced to death!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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