You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 380 Zhang Wei takes action, Li Xiaoxin is almost mad

Chapter 380 Zhang Wei takes action, Li Xiaoxin is almost mad

Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Wei took out a USB flash drive.

Gu Chen was also a little confused. Usually he was the one who took out the USB flash drive, but now Zhang Wei took out the USB flash drive?

Zhang Wei was still a little anxious. If he didn't produce evidence, how could he fulfill the client's request?
Netizens in the live broadcast room began to comment frantically.


"Is Lawyer Zhang Wei finally going to take action?"

"Awesome, awesome! Lawyer Zhang Wei finally took action. Hahaha, it has to be Zhang Wei! Li Xiaoxin must be sentenced to death!"

"Li Xiaoxin must be sentenced to death for doing such a thing, no room for negotiation!"

Zhang Wei said, "Your Honor, I have evidence here to prove my client's situation."

Li Xiaoxin was somewhat happy to hear that Zhang Wei wanted to defend her.

It has to be the lawyer she hired.

Gu Chen still wants to sentence him to death?

Li Xiaoxin glanced at Gu Chen with great disdain. Is that it?

What you have said so far is useless nonsense, and you still want to sentence her to death?
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the evidence submitted by Zhang Wei was handed over to the court, which included a recording.

And this recording is all what Li Xiaoxin said.

"Lawyer Zhang, what should I do if I'm driving under the influence? I did drink a bottle of beer, and I'm really panicking now. I'm scared."

"Lawyer Zhang, I didn't run a red light on purpose. I just wanted to play with my phone at the time. Who would have thought that Wang Yimeng would rush over to me? I didn't hit him on purpose. So what can I do? Did I do it on purpose? I have no other options."

"Lawyer Zhang, I'll tell you the truth. I also damaged the dashcam and destroyed the card inside it. But I'm really scared. I don't want to go to jail, and I don't want to pay money. Please help me."

"Lawyer Zhang, do you think I will go to jail for destroying the dashcam? Is this a serious matter? Can you help me? I really don't want to go to jail. I think I did nothing wrong. Could it be that Wang Yimeng did nothing wrong?"

Zhang Wei said, "If you have anything else you haven't told me, tell me everything you have done. This will be of great help when I defend you in court."

Zhang Wei continued, "It's okay. I'm your lawyer. You can trust me. I will do my best to help you with the lawsuit. If there is something you don't explain, and it is found out in court, the consequences will be very serious. And why did you wait two hours before calling 120 and 110? Why didn't you call the police and ambulance immediately after the incident?"

Li Xiaoxin hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, I called two hours later for a very simple reason."

"Because I drank, I was afraid that the police would find out that I was driving under the influence. And I just wanted Wang Yimeng to die. Wang Yimeng begged me in various ways just to extort money, didn't he? I've seen this kind of thing many times. If it was a death in the accident, I would only have to pay the money once. Anyway, there is insurance, so I can just pay it to the insurance company."

"If it was a collision, who knows how Wang Yimeng would extort money? What can I do? If he died, it would definitely be good for me. Besides, I didn't kill him. Why didn't he call 120 himself? Why didn't the passing drivers call 120? Do all the responsibilities lie on me? Are others innocent at all?"

Li Xiaoxin said nervously: "Lawyer Zhang, these are all secrets, you must not reveal them. And you must help me win this lawsuit. If you don't help me win, I will report you. The lawyer I found before was very afraid of Gu Chen. Is Gu Chen very powerful?"

Zhang Wei frowned. "No one can guarantee a 100% winning rate in court, and Gu Chen is indeed a very good lawyer. He has fought so many lawsuits and never lost a single one. He is still very good."

"I can't tell you that I will definitely win the lawsuit. It was you who hit someone. You must bear some responsibility. You can't say you don't take responsibility."

Li Xiaoxin said, "I don't care. You have to help me win this lawsuit. I don't want to go to jail, and I don't want to lose money. Otherwise, why would I hire a lawyer? It's not like I don't know the law. I'm warning you, Zhang Wei, if you lose this lawsuit, I will file a complaint against you and make you return the money."

Zhang Wei: “???”

Zhang Wei: "It is very normal for lawyers to lose a case. Even if they lose the case, there is no reason to return the money."

Li Xiaoxin continued, "That's someone else's reason. What does it have to do with me? If I lose this lawsuit, why would I ask you to sue me?"

"Will I still lose if I don't hire a lawyer? If you keep nagging me, I'll ask you to get out and find another lawyer. It's not like I can't afford another lawyer. I've already changed lawyers. Don't think you're such a great lawyer. You're not irreplaceable."

Zhang Wei was completely speechless.

No, this guy is stupid!

Zhang Wei forced himself to say, "I will do my best in this lawsuit. I am a lawyer and I have my own principles. I also have my own way of handling lawsuits. I will do my best to fulfill the client's demands. If I cannot fulfill the demands, then there is nothing I can do."

Li Xiaoxin saw that Zhang Wei's attitude was okay, so she didn't say anything else. Seeing that Zhang Wei was about to leave, Li Xiaoxin finally said, "Lawyer Zhang, you must do your best to fulfill my request, otherwise I will definitely complain to you and give you a bad review. You also know what a bad review means to a lawyer, you don't want to see your clients give you a bad review, right?"

Zhang Wei shook his head when he saw Li Xiaoxin's attitude towards him.

There was no way, he had never seen such a customer before, this was too outrageous!
Then you can't blame him for what happens in the end.

He can help Li Xiaoxin fulfill his demands. As for the final result, what does it have to do with him?
Li Xiaoxin's request is to pay less money and not go to jail, where she would be sentenced to one or two months at most.

Everyone in the court, including the presiding judge, judges, both parties, lawyers, and the audience in the live broadcast room, were all somewhat confused and shocked after hearing the recording submitted by Zhang Wei!

Ah, is it still possible to submit evidence in this way?

Even Xue Qingqing gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up. Even if the boss came to sue in person, the most that Li Xiaoxin could be charged with was manslaughter.

But after Zhang Wei got the evidence, he could convict Li Xiaoxin of intentional homicide.

Netizens in the live broadcast room started to speak up.

"Awesome, awesome, lawyer Zhang Wei, awesome, this is what you call a genius lawyer!"

"Fuck! Zhang Wei has done what Attorney Gu couldn't do. Is this Zhang Wei?"

"Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, what do you think?"

"Lawyer Zhang Wei is so awesome. I really admire Lawyer Zhang Wei now. Lawyer Zhang Wei is even more awesome than the lawless criminals!"

At this time, Zhang Wei spoke up: "Your Honor, this is all the evidence I want to submit! The evidence I want to submit is all here, and I don't need to explain anything!"

The presiding judge Qiu Ming looked at Zhang Wei and shook his head.
Does this need any further explanation? All the evidence submitted by Zhang Wei can already prove a lot of things. For example, it is certain that Li Xiaoxin drove under the influence of alcohol.

Li Xiaoxin also destroyed the dashcam.

The most important evidence is that Li Xiaoxin really wanted Wang Yimeng to die, so Li Xiaoxin did not try to save Wang Yimeng for two hours, nor did she call 120 or 110.

The two judges also looked at each other. They had been handling cases for so many years and had never seen anything like this.

Even the outlaw lawyer Gu Cheng was helpless against Li Xiaoqin, but Zhang Wei's actions directly reversed the situation.

Zhang Wei said, "Your Honor, my evidence has proven that my client, Li Xiaoxin, did want to kill Wang Yimeng."

"I want to clarify this. Although I am Li Xiaoxin's defense lawyer, as a lawyer, I must seek truth from facts. I cannot submit false testimony in court, and I cannot ignore objective facts just because I am a defense lawyer!"

"What I hope for is a fair and impartial verdict on this case! My client, Li Xiaoxin, did want to kill Wang Yimeng, so she didn't rescue Wang Yimeng for two hours, which ultimately led to Wang Yimeng's death."

"Although my client, Li Xiaoxin, has no remorse, she is a first-time offender, but a first-time offender is not an excuse for the law to be biased. I hope the law can judge this case fairly and impartially without favoring anyone."

"But Li Xiaoxin at least called 120 and 110. If she had simply fled, the situation would have been much more serious."

When netizens heard what Zhang Wei said, they all gave him a thumbs up. This is a truly good lawyer!
Even as a defendant's lawyer, he still has to speak with objective facts!
Instead of submitting false testimony! This is what a good lawyer does!
Like the previous lawyer Du Jinglin, he was sent to jail for submitting false testimony in court.

And Zhang Wei never gave false testimony in court!

Comparing the two, the difference is obvious!

"Zhang Wei is awesome, I really admire him! Is this the value of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix?"

"Other lawyers should learn from this. Hahahahahaha. I didn't expect that I still have to rely on Zhang Wei. If Gu Chen and Zhang Wei join forces, anyone who comes will be sentenced to death!"

"Li Xiaoxin is so angry now. Who told him to threaten Zhang Wei? How dare someone threaten Zhang Wei? Zhang Wei is the concept god. Who dares to threaten Zhang Wei?"

"Now I can only say that Li Xiaoxin deserves it! Those who do evil will eventually suffer the consequences!"

Gu Chen watched Zhang Wei say these words from beginning to end, and he couldn't even interrupt.

Generally speaking, the rhythm in the court is under his control. Even when facing a top lawyer, Gu Chen is not panicked at all.

But today, facing Zhang Wei, Gu Chen really didn't know what to say. Zhang Wei really didn't play by the rules.

But he doesn't need to say anything about this lawsuit.
Li Xiaoxin must have been sentenced to death!

Now Gu Chen can only watch Zhang Wei perform silently, and wait until the necessary time to deliver a fatal blow!
Zhang Wei said, "Judge, I have concluded my statement. My client, Li Xiaoxin, did commit intentional homicide, not manslaughter."

Netizens in the live broadcast room are all supporting Zhang Wei!

Many people also said that Zhang Wei fought the lawsuit very well.

"Lawyers like Zhang Wei are truly a breath of fresh air in the legal profession!"

"Lawyers should tell the truth, instead of submitting false testimony like lawyers like Du Jinglin. Look, he is in jail now!"

At this time, the director of the law firm saw Zhang Wei involved in a lawsuit, so he clicked into the live broadcast room to take a look.

After just one glance, the director discovered that all the netizens in the live broadcast room were praising Zhang Wei, and they all said that Zhang Wei had fought the lawsuit beautifully.

The director of the law firm smiled and nodded. It has to be Zhang Wei!
No wonder Zhang Wei received ten silk banners in such a short time. This is Zhang Wei! All lawyers should learn from Zhang Wei!
The director of the law firm just took a look in the live broadcast room, and then he went to do his work. After all, he is the director of the law firm and he usually has a lot of things to do, and he doesn't have time to watch Zhang Wei fight the lawsuit.

The same goes for other lawyers in the law firm. They also don't have time to watch Zhang Wei fight the lawsuit as they all have their own things to do.

The director of the law firm doesn't care that much.

As long as Zhang Wei can get the lawsuit and receive good reviews from netizens, and not give him bad reviews, nothing else matters, as long as Zhang Wei has performance.

The director's face was full of smiles, and they had to be the two lawyers, Zhang Wei and Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei fought a lawsuit and received a banner. Zhang Wei will probably also receive a banner after fighting this lawsuit.

As expected, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick!
At this time, everyone looked at Li Xiaoxin, and netizens were a little angry!
Li Xiaoxin clearly committed murder intentionally!
But here she keeps defending herself and even lies many times!

Li Xiaoxin's behavior is so bad that she must be sentenced to death.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming also glanced at Li Xiaoxin.

Li Xiaoxin's face turned pale. She didn't expect that Zhang Wei, this idiot, would stab her in the back. She didn't expect that Zhang Wei would be such a lawyer!

Li Xiaoxin was so angry that she was shaking all over. She never thought that what she said was secretly recorded by Zhang Wei.

It's over, it's over, she's really done for now, how could she have met a lawyer like Zhang Wei? Her future is over.

Li Xiaoxin raised her hand and wanted to scold Zhang Wei. Li Xiaoxin wanted to speak and defend herself, saying that the lawyer's recording had no legal effect.

When the presiding judge Qiu Ming saw Li Xiaoxin raise her hand, he banged the gavel and said, "It is not yet the defendant's turn to make a statement. If you speak, it will disrupt the order of the court!"

The presiding judge had no intention of giving Li Xiaoxin any more opportunities to speak.

At this point, there is enough evidence to make a judgment.

Li Xiaoxin looked at Zhang Wei angrily.

Somewhat frustrated!
Wait, Zhang Wei, that stupid lawyer!
When she gets out, she must give Zhang Wei a bad review. She must give Zhang Wei a bad review!
She also wants to file a complaint against Zhang Wei, and expose all of Zhang Wei’s affairs on the Internet. She wants everyone to criticize Zhang Wei, and she wants Zhang Wei to never get a lawsuit again!!!

(End of this chapter)

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