You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 381 The court pronounces the sentence! Death penalty!

Chapter 381 The court pronounces the sentence! Death penalty!
Li Xiaoxin didn't dare to speak anymore.

If she continued to speak, she would be disrupting the order of the court.

But she wanted to defend herself!

Zhang Wei was clearly the defense lawyer she hired, but Zhang Wei turned around and stabbed her in the back?

What's the point?
What should she do now?
She can only wait until the presiding judge asks her to make a statement, and then she can make her final statement.

There's still a chance for this case.
The recording submitted by Zhang Wei is not legal either!

This kind of recording cannot be directly used as evidence!
Li Xiaoxin knew that when she got out, she would definitely give Zhang Wei a bad review!
Even if I have to go to jail for a few years, I will still give Zhang Wei a bad review!
I heard that Zhang Wei has been a lawyer for so many years and he hasn’t got a single bad review?
Then Zhang Wei just wait, she will bring people to Zhang Wei’s law firm to cause trouble!

She wants to find Zhang Wei's leader to complain about Zhang Wei! !
A lawyer like Zhang Wei is basically stabbing her in the back!!!

The presiding judge Qiu Ming looked at Gu Chen and said, "The plaintiff's lawyer may speak."

Gu Chen said, "Li Xiaoxin drove under the influence, ran a red light, maliciously damaged the dashcam, destroyed evidence, and then shifted the blame to others. Li Xiaoxin had a clear motive for committing the crime, and chose to call the police two hours after the incident, which led to Wang Yimeng's death. Together with the evidence submitted by Lawyer Zhang, it is enough to prove that Li Xiaoxin deliberately did not call the police within two hours. Li Xiaoxin has committed the crime of intentional homicide by omission. I hope that the law can punish Li Xiaoxin severely!"

"Intentional homicide must be punishable by death."

"Originally, my client Wang Yimeng was a college student with a bright future. He even studied law and was determined to serve the country in the future."

"But Wang Yimeng was hit by a drunk driver, and the other party not only refused to apologize, but also tried to shirk responsibility. Li Xiaoxin did commit intentional homicide."

"Wang Yimeng's family was broken up. His death brought great pain to his parents, who only had him as their only child."

"Because of Li Xiaoxin, all of this is gone."

"Only Wang Yimeng's parents know this kind of pain, the pain of losing a child."

"Therefore, Li Xiaoxin must be sentenced to death!"

"If there is no death penalty for intentional homicide, how can we explain to Wang Yimeng who died?"

"Your Honor, I have concluded my statement," said Gu Chen.

It was precisely because of Zhang Wei's cooperation that Li Xiaoxin was sentenced to death.

If you commit intentional murder, you will definitely not be able to escape.

At this time, Li Xiaoxin was already a little excited.

No, why should she be sentenced to death?

She just accidentally hit someone while driving, she didn't do it on purpose.

Even if he hit and killed a college student, he shouldn't be sentenced to death, right?

She can pay compensation or go to jail.

Li Xiaoxin raised her hand with red eyes.

Even if the presiding judge didn't allow her to speak, she would have spoken.

Li Xiaoxin said: "Judge, I protest!"

"I didn't hit anyone on purpose, how could it be murder? Why must I kill Wang Yimeng? All the responsibility cannot be on me. Why didn't those passing drivers call 120 or 110? Just because I didn't call 120 or 110, Wang Yimeng died. All the responsibility is mine? Then those drivers should also be sentenced to death. They didn't call!"

"Also, the recordings Zhang Wei produced cannot be counted as evidence. I was just joking. The recordings were just something I made to fool Zhang Wei. They were just some random words I said. They were not my true thoughts. It is illegal for Zhang Wei to secretly record them and use them as evidence."

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming struck the gavel.


"The defendant, Li Xiaoxin, disrupted the order of the court. She will be warned once. If it happens a second time, she will be expelled from the court."

Once the court expels Li Xiaoxin from the court, Li Xiaoxin will not even have the last bit of hope for defense and will still be sentenced in the end.

Li Xiaoxin: “???”

Can't she even say a word in court?
The presiding judge won't let her speak now.

She also wants to complain to the chief judge! Wait!!
The voice just fell.

The presiding judge Qiu Ming said, "The court is now adjourned and will resume in half an hour."

The presiding judge and the judges need to discuss how the case will be finally decided.

Netizens in the live broadcast room have exploded.

【6666666666! 】

[What is Li Xiaoxin still calling? ]

[Is it right to hit someone? If you hit someone and don't save them, that's intentional homicide, and intentional homicide is punishable by death. 】

【Wait for the court to decide. 】

[To be honest, this kind of person is really disgusting. ]

[As disgusting as the previous female driver, what can anyone do? ]

[When will Lawyer Gu take over the case of the female driver? ]

[I didn’t think there were so many fairies before, but now I find out there are really so many fairies! There are many more fairies than I imagined! It’s too exaggerated! ]

[Why did Li Xiaoxin give a bad review to lawyer Zhang Wei? If it weren't for Zhang Wei's actions, Li Xiaoxin would probably still be at large! ]

[Brothers, you must give Zhang Wei a thumbs up! ]

[We also want to send a banner to Zhang Wei!!]

[We just need a righteous lawyer like Zhang Wei! If anyone dares to say anything bad about Zhang Wei, I will just criticize him! ]

The presiding judge Qiu Ming said: "Now the evidence is all here. All the evidence of Li Xiaoxin's crime is here, including her psychological activities and behaviors after the crime."

Judge Li Hao said: "I think he should be sentenced to death. This behavior is too bad. He hit someone but deliberately didn't call. It was raining heavily at the time. Wang Yimeng asked Li Xiaoxin for help in various ways, but Li Xiaoxin ignored him. This constitutes intentional homicide."

Judge Yan Ruohai nodded and said, "We also need to make financial compensation to Wang Yimeng's family. Wang Yimeng did nothing wrong, and Wang Yimeng's family was an only child. His death is a huge blow to the family."

The presiding judge Qiu Ming nodded, "That's settled then. Let's discuss the specific economic compensation."


Half an hour passed quickly.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming and judges Li Hao and Yan Ruohai all came out.

The court is reopened!
Plaintiff: Wang Yimeng’s parents.

Plaintiff's lawyer: Gu Chen

Defendant: Li Xiaoxin.

Defendant’s lawyer: Zhang Wei.

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming struck the gavel.

"All rise!"

"Now, I announce the verdict on this case!"

Everyone in the audience stood up.

Wang Yimeng's father and mother stood in the plaintiff's seat.

They both have white hair.
Originally, both of them were in their forties and had few white hairs.

But after their son left, their hair turned white overnight.

Now it’s finally time to judge Li Xiaoxin!

(End of this chapter)

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