Chapter 382 Girls helping girls?

Presiding Judge Qiu Ming spoke.

"Li Xiaoxin drove drunk and ran a red light. After knocking down Wang Yimeng, he did not call 120 emergency number for two hours, nor did he provide assistance to Wang Yimeng."

"Wang Yimeng asked Li Xiaoxin for help many times. Li Xiaoxin had the obligation to ask for help, but for two hours, she locked the car door and played with her phone without taking any rescue measures for the injured. This inaction led to the serious consequence of Wang Yimeng's eventual death."

"Li Xiaoxin also destroyed the dashcam, destroyed the evidence, and maliciously defamed Wang Yimeng, claiming that it was Wang Yimeng who ran a red light. Based on Li Xiaoxin's subsequent behavior, it can be determined that Li Xiaoxin deliberately failed to rescue Wang Yimeng, which constituted the crime of intentional homicide by omission."

"Li Xiaoxin committed traffic accident and intentional homicide, and was sentenced for multiple crimes."

"In accordance with Articles 133 and 232 of the Criminal Law, Li Xiaoxin is sentenced to death and deprived of her political rights for life."

"Li Xiaoxin's murder resulted in the death of Wang Yimeng, which caused serious damage to Wang Yimeng's parents. According to relevant laws and regulations, Li Xiaoxin should bear civil compensation liability to Wang Yimeng's parents, and the amount of compensation is RMB 303 (¥453). This compensation is intended to compensate Wang Yimeng's parents for various economic losses suffered due to Wang Yimeng's death, including but not limited to funeral expenses, mental damage consolation money, etc."

"The judgment of this case is concluded. Within seven working days from the date of delivery of this judgment, if the defendant is dissatisfied with this judgment, he or she has the right to appeal to the People's Court at the next higher level."

"This trial has ended. All parties and litigation participants should abide by the trial rules and leave the court in an orderly manner after the trial. The court is now closed."

The case has been concluded.

Li Xiaoxin sentenced to death!
Li Xiaoxin was stunned when she heard the verdict.

Isn't it really a death penalty?

Is this a death sentence for her?
Li Xiaoxin looked at Zhang Wei with red eyes.

It’s all because of Zhang Wei!
Not only will she be required to pay so much money in compensation, she will also be sentenced to death!

This is all Zhang Wei’s fault!!!
The court session ended and Li Xiaoxin was put in jail.

Li Xiaoxin was a little angry.

"Bad review! We must give Zhang Wei a bad review!"

"Police, let me file a complaint against Zhang Wei! I must file a complaint against him!!" Li Xiaoxin screamed in prison.

The case has been decided.

Zhang Wei was very satisfied.

Although he lost the case in the end, strictly speaking, he won the lawsuit again.

Because he has basically completed all the client's demands this time.

The final civil compensation was only more than 300,000 yuan, and Li Xiaoxin did not have to go to jail for too long.

There is no way. Li Xiaoxin’s request is that she does not want to go to jail for too long. She can only go to jail for one or two months at most.

Now Zhang Wei has completed his client's litigation request, and netizens are praising him.

Soon, many netizens came to Zhang Wei’s law firm to present Zhang Wei with banners.

Zhang Wei was all smiles when he saw so many netizens coming to present him with banners.

"Master is so awesome! He won another lawsuit! And so many people came to give him banners. It's really amazing. So far, Master hasn't received any bad reviews!" Zhang Fei exclaimed on the side.

It turns out that the master’s ability to handle lawsuits is still very outstanding.

Zhang Fei said he wanted to learn more from Zhang Wei.

Zhang Fei only received three silk banners after winning a lawsuit.

But Zhang Wei won the lawsuit and received eight banners.

There are also many netizens who admire Zhang Wei very much.
Zhang Wei’s popularity has risen again!

Well-known lawyer Zhang Wei!

On the Internet, no one doubts Zhang Wei's litigation skills anymore.

One netizen even wrote the following words on a banner for Zhang Wei:

[Beyond the Outlaws]

Some netizens believe that Zhang Wei’s litigation skills are even better than Gu Chen’s.

Gu Chen has already been recognized as an outlaw in the industry.

As a result, a Zhang Wei has emerged now. Zhang Wei is even better at litigation than Gu Chen!

What Gu Chen couldn't do, Zhang Wei could do easily.

The director of the law firm also praised Zhang Wei and Zhang Fei for a long time.

"You should learn more from Zhang Wei and Zhang Fei. Look at the cases you usually handle. Many people give you bad reviews and complain about you. What's worse, some people come to the law firm to complain and cause trouble!"

"Look at Zhang Wei and Zhang Fei, especially Zhang Wei. Has he received a single negative review in all the years since his debut? He always fulfills the clients' requests, and the clients have never expressed dissatisfaction."

"Especially in all the lawsuits Zhang Wei has fought this year, not a single client has expressed dissatisfaction! Not a single client has given a bad review! Although Zhang Wei has lost cases sometimes, losing is losing. Has anyone ever given a bad review? Has anyone ever questioned Zhang Wei's ability to fight a lawsuit? Zhang Wei is the role model you should learn from in the future!"

"And who is Zhang Wei's opponent? Zhang Wei's opponent is Gu Chen! Facing such a lawyer, Zhang Wei has won many lawsuits and has always been undefeated. No client has ever called or expressed dissatisfaction! In fact, many clients have even presented Zhang Wei with banners!"

"This is the signature of our law firm! You should all learn from Zhang Wei!" said the director.

The director doesn't care what case Zhang Wei takes.

As long as I can get the lawsuits, make money, and not cause complaints from customers, that's fine.

Is anything else important?
Inside Gu Chen’s law firm.

Gu Chen had just finished an interview with the media and returned to the law firm with Xue Qingqing.

As a result, as soon as I returned to the law firm, before I even sat down to rest, someone knelt at the door.

Gu Chen said, "What's wrong? Why are you kneeling at the door of the law firm?"

The middle-aged woman saw Gu Chen and said, "Lawyer Gu, I have a case that I would like to ask you for help. Only you can help. I have asked other people, but they all said they can't help."

Gu Chen said: "Come in and talk to me, no need to kneel."

After returning to the law firm.

Xue Qingqing poured a cup of tea for Gu Chen and the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman is called Huang Tian.

Huang Tian has a son named Sun Yuxuan.

Huang Tian said: "Lawyer Gu, this is what happened. My son was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance because he broke someone's legs. I wanted to find a lawyer to plead for a sentence reduction, but I had already found a lawyer in the first instance, and the court did not support it and still sentenced my son to life imprisonment."

Gu Chen frowned, "Why break someone's legs? If the situation is particularly serious and causes the other party to be disabled to the third degree, he will be sentenced to more than ten years in prison, life imprisonment, or death penalty."

Generally speaking, even if you break someone's legs, you will not be sentenced to death.

Under normal circumstances, the sentence is more than ten years in prison.

If the situation is particularly serious, it is difficult to sentence him to life imprisonment.

Gu Chen did not expect that he would be sentenced to life imprisonment right from the start.

Gu Chen said: "In this case, as long as you are willing to make civil compensation and pay for medical expenses and other expenses, you will not be sentenced to life imprisonment. Have you paid the compensation?"

He broke someone's legs and said he would definitely bear the medical expenses, so how could he be sentenced to life imprisonment?
Huang Tian shook her head and said, "Lawyer Gu, we don't have any money."

Huang Tian said: "Lawyer Gu, this is the case."

"My son has been married for a year and usually dotes on his wife."

"My son was quite good. Before he got married, he relied on himself to buy a car and a house. After he got married, my son handed over all his monthly salary and kept nothing for himself, leaving his wife to be a housewife." "Later, my son found out that his wife Wang Ru had cheated on him and slept with a man from the same community."

"That man is an unemployed vagrant and Wang Ru's ex-boyfriend. After Wang Ru cheated on him, that man filmed her."

“It took more than a year.”

"It was later discovered that Wang Ru had been having an improper relationship with a man from the same community, and they were together the day before the wedding."

“Until things broke out some time ago.”

"The man showed all the videos to my son."

"After my son saw it, he was very angry and furious, so he went to court to file for divorce."

"The court ruled that the property of both parties would be divided equally"

"My son was dissatisfied with the first-instance judgment and chose to appeal."

"The female judge of the second instance is Liu Ting."

"After the second trial, Liu Ting said that cheating did not affect the division of property in the divorce, and Liu Ting gave all her property to Wang Ru. All the property after marriage was given to Wang Ru."

"My son has pre-marital property, including the car and house."

"But the female judge Liu Ting turned the pre-marital property into a gift."

"In other words, the judge awarded all of my son's pre-marital and post-marital assets to Wang Ru."

"My son didn't get a penny, and Wang Ru and her ex-boyfriend kicked him out."

"But this house was bought by my son himself before he got married!!"

"My son has nothing to eat, nothing to drink, and no money at all."

"All the property was awarded to my ex-wife by Liu Ting!"


"Why did the second trial have to make such a ruling?"

"My son went to ask for help and filed an administrative appeal, but it was all in vain!"

"Because Liu Ting has a certain degree of discretion!"

"Within this discretion, whatever Liu Ting does is reasonable."

"Besides, how could my son know so much? He went to several departments, but it was useless."

"Finally, my son was so angry that he couldn't take it anymore."

"Wang Ru cheated on her husband. My son said it didn't matter, just get a divorce. Cheating is cheating. My son wanted to kick Wang Ru out of the house!"

"As a result, Liu Ting has now forced my son to leave the house with nothing."

"All pre-marital property has become Wang Ru's!"

"My son doesn't have a penny!"

"You know, after getting married, Wang Ru didn't make a penny! She said she was a housewife, but in fact, Wang Ru played with her phone every day at home, chatted with others, played games, and never did housework. She never cooked or washed clothes. The house was always a mess!"

"One year! Wang Ru spent a year relying on my son's money. She did nothing but cheated on him."

"I have surveillance video at home! All of it was submitted to the court."

"But it's no use!"

"The female judge, Liu Ting, said she didn't care about anything and just said a bunch of legal provisions that I couldn't understand."

"In the end, all the property was awarded to Wang Ru by the female judge."

"Although my son has handed over his salary, he has a savings of 500,000 yuan!"

"When my son wanted to use his savings, he found that the court had frozen the money."

"Then the money was transferred to Wang Ru."

"In the end, my son was left with no money at all"

"My husband was hospitalized at the time and needed 20 yuan for surgery. As a result of this incident, and without the medical expenses, my husband passed away."

"My son was going crazy."

"Then, my son found Liu Ting's home."

"Finally, my son took a stick and broke both of Liu Ting's legs."

“Then my son turned himself in.”

"Liu Ting's family was very angry and came to my son to ask for compensation. They wanted my son to pay for medical expenses, lost wages, mental damages and other expenses. They asked us for two million!"

"The results of it?"

"My son said he was willing to pay compensation. He took full responsibility for what he did and he was willing to pay any amount."

"But... my son has no money because all his money was awarded to Wang Ru by Liu Ting."

"My son can't afford to pay a penny."

"Then Liu Ting's family asked me for money, but where did I get the money?"

"We have no money in the family. We have spent all our money on my husband's medical treatment and funeral, and even borrowed money from others."

"After my son finished his funeral, he went to beat someone up and then turned himself in and went to jail. Now the court has sentenced my son to life imprisonment at first instance."

"When Liu Ting's family saw that they couldn't get the money from me, they went to ask Wang Ru for money, saying that they had awarded Wang Ru so much money and helped her so much, so it was normal for them to ask for some money now. But Wang Ru directly blocked Liu Ting's family."

As Huang Tian spoke, her eyes were already filled with tears.

She lost the two most important people in her life.

Her husband left this world.

Her son was sentenced to life imprisonment.

If her son died, she probably wouldn't be able to live in this world.

Now the problem is. She also has a son.

Her son was sentenced to life imprisonment
But Huang Tian no longer knows whether she will ever see the day when her son is released from prison alive.

A friend told Huang Tian to sue Gu Chen.

So Huang Tian took the train to Kyoto and found Gu Chen.
She doesn't understand a lot of things.

She only knew that she had to find Gu Chen.
Because my friend said that in this kind of case, only Gu Chen can help.

I'm afraid that other lawyers are not reliable.

Huang Tian said, "Lawyer Gu, I know that hiring a lawyer to sue someone costs money. I can write an IOU. I will work like a slave to pay it back in the future. I just hope that Lawyer Gu can save my son."

"My son broke someone's legs, which was wrong. I just hope he can be sentenced to two fewer years."

"I am 60 years old. I don't know how long I can live. I want to live until my son is released from prison. I want to see my son again."

(End of this chapter)

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