Chapter 383 This Silly Girl
As Huang Tian spoke, she knelt in front of Gu Chen again.

Faced with such a case, Gu Chen sighed.

It is difficult to defend her son in this case.

No matter what, the crime committed by Huang Tian’s son Sun Yuxuan is still very serious.

Gu Chen really sympathized with Sun Yuxuan's situation.

But this case is indeed difficult to prosecute.

It was reasonable that the court directly sentenced Sun Yuxuan to life imprisonment in the first instance.

Broken legs and comminuted fractures have already caused serious injuries to Liu Ting.

It is probably difficult for Liu Ting's family to give a letter of forgiveness.

In fact, this case is very simple.

Wang Ru cheated on her with her ex-boyfriend, and Sun Yuxuan was so angry that he decided to divorce her directly.

So Sun Yuxuan sued Wang Ru.

As a result, female judge Liu Ting awarded all of Sun Yuxuan's property to Wang Ru.

Even Sun Yuxuan’s pre-marital property became Wang Ru’s.

It just so happens that Sun Yuxuan’s father is still in the hospital waiting for money to save his life.

As a result of this incident, Sun Yuxuan's money was frozen and all the funds were transferred to Wang Ru.

In the end, Sun Yuxuan's father died.

So after Sun Yuxuan held a funeral for his father, he found Liu Ting with a stick.

Finally, Sun Yuxuan took direct action and broke Liu Ting's legs.

Then Sun Yuxuan turned himself in.
Despite her surrender, the court still found that Sun Yuxuan had committed intentional injury, resulting in Liu Ting's legs being comminuted fractures.

The court's first-instance judgment was that Sun Yuxuan was dissatisfied with the judge's decision and then directly retaliated maliciously.

In addition, Sun Yuxuan did not receive a penny in compensation, and had no property to enforce compensation.

This resulted in the court not reducing his punishment even though Sun Yuxuan surrendered himself.

Huang Tian looked at Gu Chen and said, "Lawyer Gu, can you help me? I will definitely collect the lawyer's fees. I will write an IOU."

When Gu Chen was involved in lawsuits before, he actually looked for all kinds of evidence and then helped defend in court.

But this lawsuit is different.

It is a fact that Sun Yuxuan broke Liu Ting's legs, which is illegal.

If Gu Chen defends Sun Yuxuan, it can only be a defense for reduced sentence, not a defense for innocence.

It’s just that the court’s first-instance sentence against Sun Yuxuan was indeed too heavy.

Sun Yuxuan broke Liu Ting's legs, and Sun Yuxuan was indeed wrong.

No matter what the circumstances, solving problems should not involve violence or hurting others.

Sun Yuxuan was actually not wrong.

Because Sun Yuxuan tried to resolve the problem peacefully in the past.

But there is no way.

Sun Yuxuan and Wang Ru divorced because Wang Ru cheated on him.

Wang Ru’s cheating partner also sent the video of the affair to Sun Yuxuan.

This is a man, can he still bear it?

Sun Yuxuan didn't say anything, nor did he retaliate against Wang Ru. He just wanted Wang Ru to leave the house with nothing.

This request is reasonable, right?

Wang Ru cheated on her husband, so it is normal for her to be kicked out of the house.

But generally speaking, the law will not rule this way now.

Even if the woman has cheated, the court cannot now order her to leave the house with nothing.

The woman can still get some property, but it will be less.

It’s just that in recent years, many cases have occurred.

In many divorce cases, even normal divorces, men are awarded much less property.

Judges have a certain degree of discretion.

There is nothing that can be done about this. The judge can make the decision as long as it is within the scope permitted by the law.

Most people have no recourse; the court’s decision is what it is.

Take the case of Sun Yuxuan for example.

The first instance court ruled that the property of both parties should be divided equally
Is this reasonable?

Not reasonable.

Firstly, after getting married, Wang Ru didn't earn a penny and became a full-time housewife at home.

To put it nicely, she is a full-time housewife, but to put it bluntly, Wang Ru actually does nothing.

Sun Yuxuan raised Wang Ru as a princess.

Wang Ru didn't earn a penny, didn't do housework at home, couldn't cook, and only created garbage, and then let Sun Yuxuan clean up everything.

And Wang Ru didn't give birth to a child
So after one year of marriage, Wang Ru didn't earn a penny.

Wang Ru herself does not have a penny of property.

In the end, the two divorced. It was Wang Ru who cheated.

Now let Sun Yuxuan give half of his property to Wang Ru?

Did Sun Yuxuan do something wrong?

Sun Yuxuan cooks and does housework at home. He hands over his salary to Wang Ru every month and spends all the money on Wang Ru.

Sun Yuxuan already dotes on Wang Ru enough.

But is this useful?

Should Wang Ru cheat or not?
Of course, cheating is not illegal, it is just a bit problematic from a moral point of view.

So after Sun Yuxuan found out about the affair, he was very angry, but he still did not have the urge to kill Wang Ru.

Sun Yuxuan knew that he still had parents.

Wang Ru's cheating was her choice.

Sun Yuxuan didn't catch Wang Ru on the spot, and he wouldn't retaliate against Wang Ru afterwards.

There is no need to sacrifice your life for a woman.

Sun Yuxuan chose divorce.

You can cheat on me, and I can choose to divorce you.

But there should be some logic in the division of property, right?
Sun Yuxuan earned his own money and did all the housework at home
In the end, you and Wang Ru will split the property 50-50?
Sun Yuxuan definitely cannot accept this.

So Sun Yuxuan chose to appeal.

There is nothing Sun Yuxuan can do about it.

That's what the judge ruled.

Even if Sun Yuxuan felt dissatisfied, he couldn't say anything.

Because judges have a certain degree of discretion.

Not every legal article explains clearly how to judge in cases of infidelity or when the woman is at fault.

The reality is still very complicated.

In particular, many aspects cannot be simply characterized.

For example, if a woman can have children and be a housewife, but has no income, how should the property be divided during the divorce?
Many things cannot be broken down one by one.

Many divorce cases in reality are too complicated.

Therefore, the judge can exercise discretion as long as it is within the scope of the law.

As a result, Sun Yuxuan met a female judge, Liu Ting.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ting’s sentence was even harsher than the first trial.

The first instance court only ruled that the property of both parties should be divided equally and that they could divorce.

As a result, the second instance court ruled that Liu Ting gave all of Sun Yuxuan's property to Wang Ru.

For Sun Yuxuan, the sky was falling.

Sun Yuxuan really has no choice.

He has done all he could.
In the end, Sun Yuxuan did not seek revenge on Wang Ru. Cheating is cheating.
But the verdict is a matter of judgment.

Sun Yuxuan found Liu Ting and ended up doing something very irrational.

Finally, the interesting thing is -

Sun Yuxuan was left with no money and had no way to compensate Liu Ting.

Why is there no money?

This was judged by Liu Ting.

Under normal circumstances, if you injure others, you must compensate for the medical expenses.

If you don't have money to pay compensation, you will have no choice but to go to jail, and the judge will definitely increase the sentence.

If you hurt others, you can make compensation afterwards. You may not even have to go to jail for too long.

But this can’t be blamed on Sun Yuxuan.

Sun Yuxuan was originally rich.

He has more than 500,000 yuan in his own account.

This was the judgment made by Liu Ting personally.

How was Liu Ting sentenced in the first place?

Was the verdict in this case really reasonable?
Even if she has discretion, can Liu Ting make such a judgment?

In the end, Sun Yuxuan was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Because of lack of money, Sun Yuxuan's mother wanted to help find a lawyer but no lawyer was willing to take over.

On the one hand, this case is indeed difficult to defend.

Sun Yuxuan did injure someone and beat him to a disability. The evidence is conclusive. How can we help defend him?

The most I can do is to help with the defense and reduce the sentence.
On the other hand, Sun Yuxuan's mother has no money.

How to find a lawyer without money?
Which lawyer is willing to take over?

Many lawyers are very realistic and would not help with a lawsuit without charging money.

Unless it is legal aid, a lawyer will come forward to help with the lawsuit.

But in this situation, those who understand will understand.

Legal aid belongs to legal aid.
It is different from the lawyer you hire with your own money. There is a big difference.

Gu Chen thought for a moment and said, "This case is difficult to fight. I can help with the defense, but I can't guarantee that I will be successful. Sun Yuxuan was sentenced to life imprisonment. I can only do a sentence reduction defense, not a not guilty defense."

Gu Chen knew that the only defense he could use in this case was to argue for a reduced sentence.

He could take over the case.

Because the sentence given to Sun Yuxuan by the court in the first instance was indeed too heavy.

Injuring others and causing serious injuries is generally punishable by more than ten years in prison, life imprisonment, or death penalty.

But the severity of the injury also depends on the degree
For example, how serious is the injury? What level is it? Can it be cured with follow-up treatment? Will there be any sequelae?

The final judgment will still depend on the condition of the injured, whether the defendant is remorseful, compensation, the cause of the incident, and other comprehensive compensation aspects.

The cruelty of the means and the serious consequences of the crime must also be taken into consideration when ultimately sentencing.

If someone injures another person and causes injury, as long as it is determined to be a serious injury, the minimum sentence will be three years.

Serious consequences such as lifelong disability may result in a prison sentence of more than ten years.

Sun Yuxuan was sentenced to life imprisonment
In fact, it is already the maximum penalty.

In cases where someone is beaten and seriously injured, the death penalty is generally not imposed.

The sentence given to Sun Yuxuan is really too heavy
Huang Tian said, "Lawyer Gu, as long as you can help defend my son, as long as you can reduce his sentence, it will be fine. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I can write you an IOU for the lawyer's fee."

In fact, if Gu Chen takes legal action now, the lawyer fees will be very high.

Otherwise, too many people would come to sue Gu Chen.

But Sun Yuxuan’s situation is indeed very special.

Gu Chen said: "I will only charge 2000 yuan for this case. The company is having an event right now. I can help you fight this lawsuit for 2000 yuan."

It is impossible for Gu Chen to handle the lawsuit without charging any money.

He can fight the lawsuit for free, but he can't let Xue Qingqing suffer with him every day, right?
Every time there was a lawsuit, Xue Qingqing was the one running around.

These 2000 yuan are equivalent to travel expenses.

Gu Chen also refused to accept the money.
After hearing this, Huang Tian's eyes turned red and she knelt in front of Gu Chen again.

Didn't she know that a lawsuit against Gu Chen would cost a lot of litigation fees?
She also knew that Lawyer Gu only charged 2000 yuan, which was already a free lawsuit for her son.
Gu Chen said, "Don't kneel before me. The company is really holding an event. Stand up and tell me everything again. Then I will take over the lawsuit. Qingqing, you go get a contract."

Xue Qingqing blinked at the side.

That's why she likes her boss.

The boss is such a nice person.

The boss is already the boss of the company, he can totally avoid filing a lawsuit.

But the boss still files one lawsuit after another.

In previous lawsuits, Gu Chen always stood on the side of justice and helped the weaker party to defend themselves.

But this case is completely different.

Gu Chen was standing on the opposite side.
Because Sun Yuxuan did break someone's legs, he will definitely be sentenced.

But the boss still took over the lawsuit.

Because of three words.
Xue Qingqing also knew that this lawsuit was unfair to Sun Yuxuan!
Why did Sun Yuxuan break Liu Ting's legs?
To put it bluntly, wasn't it Liu Ting who made the final judgment?
Finally, the boomerang also hit Liu Ting.

Sun Yuxuan clearly did nothing wrong and wanted a divorce, but in the end all his property, both pre-marital and post-marital, was awarded to Wang Ru.

And this is the second-instance judgment.

Sun Yuxuan has no choice at all!

He was so desperate.

This is the only decision he can make.

Xue Qingqing follows Gu Chen and likes Gu Chen because...
Gu Chen often files lawsuits just for the sake of fairness!
Sun Yuxuan is not wrong!

He wanted a divorce, but he couldn't get a penny.

In the end, even Sun Yuxuan's father left this world forever because he had no money for surgery.

In this situation, what will Sun Yuxuan do?
This is Sun Yuxuan and his mother.
If Sun Yuxuan didn’t have a mother, his father would have left this world because of this incident.

What Sun Yuxuan has done is probably not just breaking his legs.

What will Sun Yuxuan do to Liu Ting?
No one can know this.

The boss wanted to take over the defense of this lawsuit, but only charged two thousand dollars.

And you have to know, how long has it been since the boss had a rest?
Zhao Sisi’s case had just been concluded and Li Xiaoxin’s case was about to begin.

As a result, now it comes to Sun Yuxuan's case.
Xue Qingqing felt a little distressed.

The boss can obviously take a rest in the company.

The company has so many lawyers, and Gu Chen is already the boss, so why does he need to do it himself?

But in fact, Gu Chen is always on the front line.

Just because Gu Chen said something
He is a lawyer.

He was a lawyer at all times.

Even though he became a boss and made a lot of money, he never forgot his original intention.
He will still stand on the front line and be a good lawyer.
Gu Chen will still do what he should do.

Xue Qingqing felt warm in her heart.

She redrafted the contract and gave it to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen and Sun Yuxuan's mother signed a contract.

This also means that Gu Chen has officially taken over the lawsuit.

After seeing off Sun Yuxuan's mother.
Xue Qingqing looked at Gu Chen and said, "Boss, you should take a day off. I am worried about you continuing to fight lawsuits like this."

Gu Chen rubbed Xue Qingqing's head and smiled, "You can take a day off. I'll let the others follow me. You girls can't stand such high-intensity work. Take a good rest."

Xue Qingqing stood up, straightened Gu Chen's collar, and said, "Boss, I'll follow you. No matter what lawsuit you want to fight, I'll accompany you. I can do it. Don't think of me as a delicate girl. The boss is working hard on the lawsuit, and I can't fall behind."

Seeing that Xue Qingqing wanted to continue the lawsuit with him.

Gu Chen also shook his head helplessly.

This silly girl
Obviously her family is so rich, but she still always stays by his side without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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