Rebirth: Starting from the Cafeteria

Chapter 197 Special Zone or Small Fishing Village

Next, Du Shaojie went to visit Director Luo again and cooked a table of authentic Cantonese cuisine at Director Luo’s home.

Director Luo was filled with emotion. How many years have passed? The saplings of that year have grown into towering trees. He told Du Shaojie that Du Xiaomei need not worry about school matters in the future, as someone will secretly take care of her.

It would be inconvenient to cook for Dr. Lin when he was invited to dinner, so Du Shaojie invited him to the Cantonese Restaurant for dinner, which was considered as showing courtesy.

Finally, Du Shaojie treated Xiaomei's classmates and roommates to a meal. He personally cooked the meal, and the dishes were exactly the same as those he had treated Uncle Chai and the others to, except that the portions were larger.

When they parted, Du Xiaomei kept crying.

She didn't know what other people's brothers were like, but Du Shaojie was absolutely great to her. An elder brother is like a father, and no one can do better than her own brother.

"Why are you crying? I have to come back in two days. I need to go to Shenzhen, but there is no airport there. I still need to come back to take a plane. You should take good care of yourself. Don't do any strenuous exercise in the next few months. Wait until you are fully recovered before you do anything else."

Du Shaojie gave up his rental house and storefront, and boarded the train to Shenzhen with his luggage.

Shenzhen at that time was still a big construction site. There was no airport, but there was a train. He went there mainly to build his own house. Otherwise, there would be nothing to see if he went there now.

Of course, the locations of self-built houses are relatively remote, but as long as they are located in future population gathering areas, there is no problem.

To be honest, although Du Shaojie had expectations in his mind, he could still see the shadow of the small fishing village when he arrived in Shenzhen. The plan was grand, but it was still on paper.

"Master Du, I have helped you build your own house, but I have something to say in advance. After you build the house, you may not get any income for a while, and I don't know how long you have to wait."

"It doesn't matter if there is any income or not. At worst, I can use it myself in the future. I don't plan to rent it out anyway."

After Cai Jing met Du Shaojie, she took him around and found everything was desolate. After all, the Special Administrative Region was only established in August this year, so it would take time to change its appearance.

Building your own house is easy, the key is whether you can endure the loneliness.

Du Shaojie doesn't care about the income from the house itself. His requirements are simple: a house facing the street and with spacious space.

Things went smoothly. The land that Cai Jing helped find was over 300 square meters. It was a bit far from the current prosperous area and was indeed very remote.

But this place is backed by a deep bay, so it is very convenient to go to the sea.

There is a village not far away, and the planned main city road is not far from here.

He knew very well what kind of development this place would have in the future.

Even now, in two years this place will slowly become prosperous and you can make money by opening a restaurant.

Du Shaojie bought the land without hesitation, spending more than 3 yuan in total. It seemed expensive, but he still felt it was worth it. In a few years, Shenzhen would implement a land auction system, and by then, it would cost several times more to buy the land.

The money he had was only enough to pay the initial fees, so he called Wang Yuxiu and asked her to send some money over.

Afterwards, Cai Jing helped him contact a design company and a construction company. The design drawings took half a month to come out, but after communication, the two sides basically determined the overall idea.

After all, it’s just a three-story building of more than 300 square meters with a yard, nothing complicated.

As for the construction company, he signed a framework agreement with them. After the design drawings came out, the two parties signed a supplementary agreement to determine the final project cost and other matters.

The construction start date is scheduled for the beginning of next spring. You can call to discuss the specific details.

Du Shaojie did not run away after signing the supplementary agreement. The agreement could be signed by mail. Anyway, Cai Jing would help to check it, so he had nothing to worry about.

After finishing these things, Cai Jing sent a car to take him to Baiyun Airport. When he arrived, there were only two hours before take off, so he had no time to see Xiaomei at all.

Fortunately, Cai Jing promised to find a way to inform Xiaomei, so he flew back to Xijiang directly.


Su Dapeng, Dong Jun, Yu Jianxin, Huang Tingting, Qin Xiaomei and others came to Du Shaojie's house one after another. The other party had been away for more than a month, and everyone had a lot of things to talk to him about.

Zhong Fuxiang didn't come because he was stuck at his private restaurant.

Du Shaojie and everyone sat in the yard next door. Dong Jun prepared a few dishes and everyone drank and chatted.

It was not until after ten o'clock in the evening that everyone dispersed.

In general, including the [Dezhou Braised Chicken] store, snack bar, private restaurant, [Dapanji] specialty store, etc., all operate normally, and some minor problems that occurred have been effectively resolved.

Du Shaojie slept soundly at home. When he woke up in the morning, he was the only one left at home.

He went out to buy breakfast and then went to Liang Meiqin's house.

"Shaojie, you are finally back."

Liang Meiqin has been suspicious recently. Whenever she hears any noise, she rushes to the yard to check. Every time she thinks it is Du Shaojie who has returned, but she is disappointed every time.

Finally seeing each other today, she reached out and kept touching his cheek.

"You guys, you've gained weight."

"Hahaha, have you ever seen a chef who looks as skinny as a monkey? Let's go and have breakfast first."

Du Shaojie was amused by Liang Meiqin's appearance. He pulled her to sit at the table, and the two started eating together.

Liang Meiqin talked about her recent condition while eating. Her condition has improved. As long as she doesn't go to the street, she can walk around the house by herself. Liang's mother took her to the hospital to check her eyesight a few days ago. Her eyesight was close to 0.1, and she could see blurry shadows. She couldn't see anything clearly beyond 4 meters.

But for Liang Meiqin, this is already a huge improvement.

"The doctor said that my eyesight is still recovering and it is best not to correct it with glasses. I have to continue taking medicine and receiving treatment."

Liang Meiqin was in a good mood. After dinner, she cleaned up slowly by herself and refused to let Du Shaojie interfere.

Du Shaojie was naturally very happy. If he had been holding on to a glimmer of hope before, hoping for a miracle to happen, now he had seen the dawn of victory.

"This is really great news. Come, let's celebrate."

Du Shaojie opened his arms and Liang Meiqin naturally stepped forward to greet him.

He held the person in his arms and walked around the room several times before putting him down.

Liang Meiqin seemed very excited today, as if she had endless things to say. Du Shaojie didn't leave until almost noon and went to the private restaurant.

"Master Zhong, thank you for your hard work during this period!"

"Why are you working so hard? It's not like you're working for nothing. Manager Du, I'm glad you're back. Check the accounts quickly and pay our salaries and bonuses. Don't say those useless things."

Zhong Fuxiang was naturally very happy to see Du Shaojie.

It was rare that he even made a joke and then drove Du Shaojie out of the kitchen. There were four tables at noon today, and he didn't let Du Shaojie intervene, so he asked him to go and settle the bill quickly.

Du Shaojie did not arrange for the bonus to be distributed because he knew that he would not stay in Yangcheng for too long.

Zhong Fuxiang was joking just now. The salary was definitely paid on time, and the one that was not paid on time was the bonus.

Neither the private restaurant nor the [Big Plate Chicken] specialty store has a full-time accountant. In fact, most small restaurants use the form of running accounts. However, he felt that was not good, so he found a part-time accountant.

The accountant and the cashier reconcile the accounts once a week, which greatly facilitates Du Shaojie's accounting work.

After calculation, the private restaurant made a profit of 3.1 yuan last month.

Zhong Fuxiang received the first-tier bonus, 50 yuan per month, which was increased by 40% based on performance, that is, 70 yuan. Now, in addition to Zhong Fuxiang, Dong Jun and Yu Jianxin are also receiving the first-tier bonus under him, while people like Huang Tingting, Xiao Jianjun, Qin Xiaomei and others are receiving the second-tier bonus.

To be honest, the profits from the private restaurant now exceed his expectations.

"It's a waste to leave the lounge upstairs there. Those special customers don't come every day, so it can be fully utilized."

After he finished his work, Zhong Fuxiang explained to him that a private room is a lounge with tables and chairs. If an important guest comes, can't they just remove the tables and chairs in advance?

Private restaurants are doing so well now that reservations need to be made three to five days in advance. How can we do this without increasing the utilization of space?
After listening to this, Du Shaojie was a little moved. The old comrade was indeed different, with strong subjective initiative. So he gave Zhong Fuxiang another 100 yuan bonus without saying anything, calling it a "rationalization suggestion award."

When he went to the south this time, he clearly felt that prices had loosened and some commodities had started to increase in price.

The era of low income, low prices, and supply of materials with coupons is about to pass. During this process, the dual-track system will continue for a long time, but everything has changed.

"Thank you, Master Zhong. Next year, I plan to raise the bonus standard. As long as everyone works hard, I won't treat anyone unfairly."

Du Shaojie decided to follow the trend of the times to avoid being hit hard by the wage reform.

Zhong Fuxiang couldn't help but laugh. No matter how it was changed, the most important thing was that everyone could benefit.

Du Shaojie then went to the [Dapanji] specialty store, where the situation was also very good, with monthly profits having stabilized at around 2 yuan.

Of course, neither the private restaurant nor the [Big Plate Chicken] specialty store has calculated the rent. This cost will also be added starting next year, so that the real financial data can be obtained.

Four p.m.

Du Shaojie went to the bureau, there was nothing to do, he just wanted to show his face.

Then he went to the snack bar, and the day passed like this.

"Brother! Why are you here?"

"I came here from the bar, and I'll pick you up from school on the way."


When Du Shaojie returned home, he picked up Xiaoya.

Xiaoya has grown very fast in the past two years and is now over 1.63 meters tall. However, her personality has not changed much. She is still lively, cheerful and loves to eat. She is definitely a foodie.


Du Shaojie prepared several dishes carefully, and Du Xiaoya ate them with great relish.

Even Wang Yuxiu ate half a bowl of rice more than usual, which showed that during the time he was away, she and her mother didn't have anything good to eat.

It’s not that there are no good ingredients, but that they can’t be made to taste good. (End of this chapter)

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