"Hey, this guy is really good."

Du Shaojie was immediately amused. They dared to do this, which was equivalent to setting up a competition in broad daylight. Moreover, it was not a fair competition, and asymmetrical rules were set from the beginning.

However, strictly speaking, all of this does not violate any laws or regulations.

Luo Qin, Wang Yongli and others stood behind the boss, not daring to breathe. Even a fool could see that the boss was really angry. Although he was smiling at the moment, the murderous intent in his eyes could hardly be hidden.


Du Shaojie stared at the copycat noodle restaurant not far away for a long time, then waved his hand and took a few people to his own [Northwest Noodle Restaurant].

When the manager saw the boss coming, he felt like he had seen a savior and hurried over to explain the situation.

"Recently, our noodle shop has stopped recovering from the bottom, and the good situation has been ruined by someone. We are in a state of balance with the other party for the time being, but in the long run, we may not be better off than the other party."

The manager's face was full of worry and he was not very optimistic about the future situation.

"It's too early to talk about the outcome now. You should have the other party's menu in your hand, right? Bring it over so I can see it."

Du Shaojie found a seat by the window and sat down, then began to learn about the variety of snacks (dishes) in the copycat restaurant.

In his opinion, except for some new varieties that he had just promoted, the other varieties were exactly the same. In order to better understand the situation of the opponent, he then asked someone to go to the copycat store to buy some snacks (dishes) and bring them back.

He tasted them and found the food tasted pretty good. If the snacks (dishes) of the Northwest Noodle House could score 100 points, then the other one would probably be around 60 to 70 points.

Looking at the price again, the other party can offer a discount of about 20%.

"Sure enough, low price is king. However, the consumer groups are not exactly the same. There is some overlap in the middle, and the rest are groups with poor spending power."

Du Shaojie glanced at the store manager and said.

The manager nodded continuously. The knock-off stores had a huge impact on him. Even if the prices were low, they could still make a lot of money. This was because the cost was low and the ingredients they bought were all low-end goods at a low price.

If we engage in a price war with the other party, we will have no chance of winning unless we lower the quality of the ingredients.

"Now all stores have adopted new operating procedures and specifications. We have increased the portion sizes a lot, but it is still not enough to compete with their lower prices. After all, their slogan is 'large portions to satisfy your hunger', and their portion sizes are not much different from ours."

The manager is competent and can see the problems clearly.

The biggest disadvantage of [Northwest Noodle House] is the high cost. It is almost impossible to compete with copycat stores on price. Everyone knows that the boss has high requirements for ingredients and will never lower the requirements because of cost issues.

"We can observe it again. Just now we talked about consumer groups. Although our consumer groups overlap with each other, there are still big differences. The new system has just been implemented and many people don't know about it yet. This will take some time."

Du Shaojie actually wanted to talk about the issue of customer screening. This process takes time, and he estimated that it would take one or two months for the results to gradually show up.

But this does not mean that we should do nothing during this period. In addition to strengthening internal management, we can also think of other ways, such as "takeout".

The "take-out" mentioned here is not the model of later generations, but a small window is opened outside the restaurant to sell some dishes, which can be packed away. Dine-in is not provided.

He left the manager to his own business and wandered around the restaurant.

"Can you try [cold noodles] or [sesame noodles]? What else? Oh, there's [beef in soy sauce], [Texas braised chicken], [spicy chicken], etc."

Du Shaojie recalled that he had contracted a "snack shop" in Xijiang. The snack shop opened a similar takeaway window, mainly selling [pepper and sesame chicken], which was quite popular locally.

Taking into account the eating habits of people in Shanghai, he considered choosing a few more to try.

"The food sold at the window outside must be cheap and good quality to attract people."

Du Shaojie made up his mind and went to the manager to discuss the specific operational details.

The store manager thinks this method is very good. As for the specific variety he chooses, he prefers [Spicy Chicken] because he is afraid that the pasta will conflict with the varieties in the store and would be unappetizing.

Du Shaojie nodded and gave up on the [Beef with Marinated Sauce] and [Dezhou Braised Chicken]. After all, these things are not considered Northwestern specialties.

Noodles can increase the variety of the store, and you can try [Spicy Chicken]. As for the effect, it remains to be verified. The taste difference between the north and the south is quite large. The varieties that are popular in the northwest may not be popular in the south.

The store manager was very capable and completed the take-out window in less than a week without affecting the overall layout of the store.

Du Shaojie has been busy these days, and whenever he has time, he goes into the simulation scene to conduct repeated experiments. In the end, he improved the original [Spicy Chicken] and came up with the Du version of [Hand-Torn Chicken].

[Hand-shredded Chicken] no longer emphasizes the spicy taste, but instead downplays the peppery and spicy taste, and focuses on the salty and fragrant taste. Those who can eat spicy food can add more spicy food, and those who can't eat spicy food can leave out the chili.

On this day, he personally made a portion of [Spicy Chicken] and a portion of [Hand-Torn Chicken].

Compared with beef, chicken is cheaper. You can choose the best "three yellow chicken" as the ingredient. There is no need to choose the more expensive "local chicken".

At noon, the takeaway window was officially open for sale. Customers gradually came forward to inquire, and under the strong recommendation of the waiter, customers gradually bought the [Hand-shredded Chicken]. Some asked for half a chicken, and some asked for a quarter of a chicken.

Anyway, it is weighed. If you want a quarter chicken, you can choose the drumstick part, and you need to add half a chicken head. If you want the chicken breast part, you need to add half a chicken neck.

By noon, all the [Hand-shredded Chicken] were sold out, while less than half of the [Spicy Chicken] was sold.

The same is true at night.

Half a month later.

The statistics showed that the sales of [Hand-Torn Chicken] every day was much greater than that of [Spicy Chicken]. It seemed that the spicy [Spicy Chicken] was not selling well here, so the store made a decisive adjustment.

From now on, the store will only sell [Hand-shredded Chicken].

During the past half month, Du Shaojie not only tried various seasonings repeatedly, but also gained experience in processing chicken.

After the operating procedures were fixed, he passed on the production methods and experience to the chefs in the store, then had a meal with Xiaoya's family and rushed to the capital.

[Northwest Noodle House] The Beijing store is the second pilot unit, and they will transplant the successful experience of the Shanghai store here.

The first step was to open a takeout window, and then start trying to sell [Spicy Chicken] and [Hand-Torn Chicken] at the same time to compare which one sold better.

For half a month, Du Shaojie went out early and came back late, and could only see Qi Yan at night.

"Hubby, you are busier than me now."

"There is no other way. Now [Northwest Noodle House] has been forced into a corner by the copycat stores. If we don't work hard, we will have to close down."

"I think you will find a way!"

Qi Yan wasn't complaining, she just felt a little sorry for the man.

However, in the catering industry, she doesn't think anyone can defeat Du Shaojie. The other party has always been the undefeated god of war in her mind.

Du Shaojie smiled and did not explain. In fact, this time it was really dangerous. [Northwest Noodle House] has not yet resolved the crisis. It can only be said that he blocked the sudden attack of the copycat restaurant. It is hard to say who will win or lose.

Qi Yan walked up to the man and kissed him. Just as she was about to say something, Du Shaojie's cell phone rang.

"Boss Du, the copycat store is really ambitious. They opened 10 new stores in one go, and they are all right next to our stores. What a shameless bunch."

The call was from Su Dapeng, who told Du Shaojie that the copycat store did take follow-up actions.

Du Shaojie immediately understood that the copycat restaurant was not just a simple ride-sharing store, but was actually in a fight with the Northwest Noodle House.

"Have you found out who their boss is?"

"We found out that there are several bosses behind them. You should know one of them, Li Changsong, the former president of the Yangcheng Catering Association."

When Du Shaojie heard the name, he immediately thought of that face.

Li Changsong originally had little presence in the Municipal Association. After Peng Wanli and Wu Yingcai fell out, he became the president. Later, due to conflicts with Du Shaojie and others, he was defeated and finally resigned.

"Well, this Li Changsong and I don't get along. He's quite sinister. Dapeng, don't worry about these people for now. Don't worry too much. Let's just run our business steadily according to our plan."

Du Shaojie said there was no need to be afraid, as it seemed that the opponent did not have the strength to defeat Northwest Noodle House.

Just like the new variety he just developed, the other party cannot copy it, which shows that they do not have high-end talents.

"OK, I see."

Su Dapeng hung up the phone immediately, and felt more at ease.

Du Shaojie is like a god in the entire catering company. Everyone has become accustomed to one thing, that is, as long as the boss takes action, everything will be successful.

Time flies.

The development speed of the copycat store is amazing. In a short period of time, the number of its stores has reached half of that of [Northwest Noodle House]. It should be noted that [Northwest Noodle House] has developed to its current scale through several years of hard work.

The statistics for Beijing are also out. Here, the sales of [Pepper and Spicy Chicken] are obviously better than [Hand-Torn Chicken].

It seems that the tastes of consumers in different places vary greatly. Du Shaojie directly used the platform of the chef training school to hold a training class in Beijing, focusing on teaching the methods of [Pepper and Spicy Chicken] and [Hand-Torn Chicken].

Then, we asked the backbones of each store to go back and start comparative testing, choosing the one that sells best.

The snacks (dishes) sold in the takeaway window are mainly to attract popularity, with very thin profits, which is the true "small profits but quick turnover". (End of this chapter)

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