Chapter 22 Redemption
“Dragon Stab, Scorpion Pick, Phoenix Chop, these three simplest spear moves are also the most important. If you master all of them, even if you don’t have any martial arts skills, you will be able to defeat anyone of your level.”

Wu Fengdeng was very pleased with this, and his motivation for progress became even stronger.

After the meal, Wang Hu gathered together the people who had gone on the mission yesterday and gave each of them five hundred copper coins and a piece of Zhu Yan's blood.

As the captain and the main fighter who killed the old man, Wu Fengdeng was rewarded even more generously, a full 100 taels of silver and a piece of top-grade Zhu Yan blood!

It is said that in the original formula of Zhuyanxue, additional precious medicinal materials such as blood ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum were added, and the effect of replenishing qi and blood is more than twice the usual one.

In addition, the old man's background was also found out.

His original name was Du Jianlian. He was a member of the Yin-Yang School of Qi State. For some unknown reason, he was able to sneak into the territory of Wei State some time ago, become a bandit, and was a guest of honor for the surrounding bandits.

The tragedy he committed in the western suburbs was for the purpose of plundering the human body's five elements and internal organs for cultivation.

He originally wanted to use this as bait to attract warriors and soldiers to come over, so as to obtain stronger and more delicious internal organs. After all, warriors' bodies are much better than ordinary people, and their condensed qi and blood are more beneficial to his practice of martial arts.

But he never expected that his self-proclaimed clever trap was broken by just a dozen scouts, and he died on the spot.

So this was his first crime and his only one.

Wu Fengdeng figured out the whole story and felt relieved, but there were still a few small doubts that he couldn't figure out.

Because there are frequent wars in China now, and border control between countries is very strict. How did an old man in the late Skin Refining Realm get in?
And those inexplicable words he said when we were fighting yesterday, which are even more suspicious when I think about them now.

After everyone else left, Wu Fengdeng couldn't help but ask, "Sir, how did Du Jianlian..."

"Do not ask."

But Wang Hu just raised his hand to interrupt him, with no fluctuation on his stern face.

"You can't handle the twists and turns. You have done an excellent job in this mission. Go down and practice."

"In the past two days, bandits have committed crimes repeatedly, and have even extended their tentacles into the barracks. Many equipment warehouses and granaries have been stolen. The commander-in-chief and the county government are already drafting a petition to suppress the bandits and report it to the court. There will be a thorough operation to eliminate the bandits in the near future."

"You will have a lot to do by then, so you need to improve your skills."

Seeing how serious he was, Wu Fengdeng had no choice but to give up the mystery.

However, Wang Hu's next sentence cheered him up.

Suppress the bandits!

And from what I hear, they want to completely wipe out all the bandits in Guyang County, and I estimate the scale of the movement is not small.

There is more money to be made!
Wu Fengdeng was about to turn around and leave with excitement when he suddenly felt a cold and dangerous breath approaching.

He was a burly man, wearing bronze armor, with thick eyebrows and a short beard. His face was solemn and he exuded a strong coldness.

"This is... the captain!"

These days he has learned about the Weiguo officer system.

Taking the garrison of Guyang County as an example, there are five people as squad leaders, ten people as platoon leaders, and above them are centurions, generals, thousand-man leaders, deputy generals, and main generals.

The man in front of him was wearing dark brown bronze armor, darker than Wang Hu's armor. He was the captain of a thousand men!
Xu Tailai glanced at Wu Fengdeng, and his eyes suddenly turned cold for no reason.

"Go down."


Wu Fengdeng sensed his slight displeasure, but although he was puzzled, he didn't take it to heart. After returning to the barracks, he began to digest the top-grade Zhu Yan blood. The strong and surging medicinal power turned into rolling blood and qi, washing his body over and over again, making his muscles stronger and his skin tougher each time.

It took him five days to digest this top-grade substance. Now when he lifted the stone plate again, it weighed 1,600 kilograms.

According to the level of two thousand kilograms in the later stage of skin refining, he has completed one fifth of it.

Although it is not much, it has only been about ten days since he last advanced to the middle stage of skin refining. This progress is already amazingly fast.

"It's time to redeem Jiang Qiyu. We don't know when we can defeat the bandits. If the battle gets stalemate and we can't get away, Jiang Qiyu's business will be delayed."

"I have saved more than three taels of silver, which is enough to redeem myself. The rest can be used to rent a small house, but I guess I can only rent it for one month, which is barely enough to last until I get paid."

Wu Fengdeng took out the three hundred coins that he had been given yesterday, and also the copper coins and silver that he had saved over the past four months, which amounted to about three and a half hundred copper coins.

After saying hello to Wang Hu, he walked out of the camp carrying a bulging bag of money.

Liu's Dyeing Factory.

Wu Fengdeng stepped into the narrow ramp, turned the intersection, and the view in front of him suddenly opened up.

The yard was built with blue bricks, with seven or eight large water vats neatly arranged. A dozen female workers were scattered around, each busy with their work.

Most of them are bloated women in their forties who have worked as servants in the Liu family for many years. The long-term dyeing work has left them with natural dyes that are difficult to wash off.

Jiang Qiyu sat on the steps with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, holding cotton and other materials and immersing them in the water again and again. His palms had turned red and stiff in the cold water.

"Hey hey hey! Who are you?"

Wu Fengdeng had just walked into the yard when a man suddenly emerged from the corner of the wall.

He looked to be in his sixties, already quite old, with curly grey hair and a felt hat, like a butler or supervisor.

Wu Fengdeng pointed at Jiang Qiyu and said, "Redeem her."

As soon as the words fell, all the female workers around looked at him. Jiang Qiyu looked up blankly, and then smiled sweetly.

"Brother Fengdeng!"

She quickly stood up, wiped her wet hands on her body, and hurried to follow.

"You... I just remember that the beggar lying on the side of the road dying was you!"

The old butler stared at Wu Fengdeng's face for several times before he realized that it was the same face as the disheveled beggar in his memory.

When he and Mr. Liu went out to check the accounts, they passed by the refugee slum and noticed two beggars curled up on a tattered rattan mat.

One of them was pale, breathing weakly, and was on the verge of death. The other one begged them for a long time, and only then did Mr. Liu give them some money and food in exchange for selling himself.

The dark and thin beggar was able to survive. Unexpectedly, in just a few short months, he had undergone such a great change!

What was even more surprising was that he thought Wu Fengdeng would not come to redeem her. After all, three taels of silver was not a small sum, and it was even more rare in such troubled times.

Moreover, he had been recruiting slaves for so many years that it was common for people to sell their children. They all said they would come to redeem their children, but until now no one had been able to fulfill their promise.

"Have you really collected the three taels of silver?"

Wu Fengdeng took out his money bag, held three taels of silver in his palm, and said slowly: "Gather the money, give me her indenture."

(End of this chapter)

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