Chapter 23 Renting a New Home

"But, please come with me."

The old butler looked at the silver of high quality and no longer had any doubts. He took him to the accounting office.

Although a young female worker is rare and has decades of exploitation value, there is a contract after all. Since she has brought money to redeem her, there is no reason for him to hold on to her.

Besides, three taels of silver is not a small amount, so the Liu family still made a profit this time.

"Go and gather your things."

Before Wu Fengdeng left, he patted Jiang Qiyu's arm, and the latter nodded vigorously with tears in his eyes.

She had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

This made the female workers next to her envious.

They were either sold by their families or enslaved due to debts, so they wanted to be free again. But the world was cruel and they were destined to work in this yard until they died.

It can only increase envy.

Accounting office.

The old butler used a key to pry open a wooden box, put his head in to rummage around, and then pulled out a contract of sale.

"You borrowed thirty coins before. According to the contract, you need three taels of silver to redeem yourself, and Jiang Qiyu will not be paid while working here."

"If you have no objection, please sign it."

Wu Fengdeng picked up the brush and signed his name on the contract. Then he tore the indenture into pieces and left Liu's dyeing workshop with Jiang Qiyu.

She didn't have much luggage, just a worn quilt and mattress, and two sets of clothes, tied tightly on her back.

Seeing her thin body, Wu Fengdeng was worried that the bag would break her waist, so he reached out and picked it up.

"Brother Fengdeng, where are we going?"

Jiang Qiyu followed behind him and looked up and asked.

"I can't leave the barracks right now. Otherwise, I'll be labeled a deserter and wanted. I'll have to stay in Guyang County for a while."

"I still have some money left, so I'll rent a place to live and settle down first."

Of course, Wu Fengdeng wanted to take Jiang Qiyu away and run away, and it would be best if they could settle down in the State of Qin immediately.

But unfortunately, he is currently a member of the Patriotic Defense Army. If he leaves the base without permission, he will be labeled a deserter and wanted nationwide.

Considering his current strength, this would undoubtedly be courting death.

After wandering around Guyang County for quarter of an hour, Wu Fengdeng finally chose a courtyard located in the south.

It was a thatched hut and a side room. The yard was dilapidated and overgrown with weeds. No one had lived there for a long time.

The room was very dark, with only a simple wooden bed and a table, chairs and benches, all of which were covered with dust and cobwebs.

There was a clay stove and a water tank near the door, but nothing else.

It can be said to be very simple and shabby.

The reason for choosing this place, besides the relatively cheap price, the most important thing is that it is close to the military camp and has high security.

Bandits are wreaking havoc right now, not only in nearby villages, but even in Guyang County, bandits are often robbing. Jiang Qiyu, a weak woman who can't even tie a chicken, would have no way of resisting if she were to encounter them.

It’s safer to be closer to the military camp.

"This yard is a bit run-down, but the price is right, eighty cents a month."

The landlord was a middle-aged woman with a big belly and a plump and fair face. She held a handful of melon seeds in her hand, and a pile of melon seed shells fell out when she turned the seeds.

The narrow eyes sunk into the crack of flesh looked around casually and with great contempt.

In this chaotic time, her property was extremely valuable, so she dared to offer this dilapidated yard for eighty cents.

If it had been two years ago when things were stable, no one would have lived here for fifty cents.

Jiang Qiyu hesitated when she heard the price of eighty coins. "Brother Fengdeng, didn't you just say fifty coins? Eighty coins is a bit expensive."

"Still expensive?"

The fat woman had very sharp ears. Before Wu Fengdeng could say anything, she put her hands on her hips and sneered.

"Little girl, eighty cents is already a fair price. If you don't believe me, you can go to Guyang County to look for a place. If there is a place with a lower rent than this, I will rent it to you for free!"

Jiang Qiyu looked soft and soft, but he was really angry at this time. He asked, "But you just said it was fifty coins. How can you change your mind at the last minute?"

The fat woman rolled her eyes, continued chewing melon seeds and said incoherently: "Fifty cents is the rent, thirty cents is the deposit, I can't just let you guys mess up my house, who can I go to for justice if something goes wrong?"

"Is there any need for you to destroy this place?"

Wu Fengdeng would not suffer such a loss, and directly took out a string of fifty coins: "Do you want it? If not, forget it, let's go find another one."

The fat woman wanted to get angry, but suddenly she caught a glimpse of the purse in his hand, and the word "Wei" on it was very conspicuous.

A member of the official family?
The flesh on the fat woman's face froze, and then she clapped her hands and revealed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Okay, okay, fifty cents is fifty cents. It seems like it's not easy for you guys."

The fat woman was able to make a name for herself in Guyang County despite having a big belly, so she must be very tactful.

Going against the officials?

court death!

After she left, Wu Fengdeng and his companion cleaned up the yard, cutting the grass, clearing the dirt, watering and sweeping the floor.

Fortunately, Jiang Qiyu is good at housework, and the courtyard was completely new by evening.

Afterwards, Wu Fengdeng filled the water jar and went to the market, where he bought some pots, pans, bronze mirrors and other items. He also bought twenty kilograms of corn and ten kilograms of corn flour, some cabbage and radishes, and a piece of bacon.

These had cost him nearly a hundred dollars.

When the night was completely dark, the two had their first meal of the day.

Bacon and cabbage, plus a few pieces of pancakes.

Jiang Qiyu looked at the place she had cleaned up with her own hands with satisfaction. Although it was not much better than a rural house, it was the first real place for her to live in during her six months of exile.

After all the hardship comes happiness, good days are yet to come.

As she thought about it, she couldn't help but chuckle with joy.

very nice.

"What are your plans next?"

Wu Fengdeng thought for a moment, and then said, "I remember you mentioned before that your family used to sell pancakes, right?"

In the original owner's memory, he and Jiang Qiyu had talked about their life stories when they were in exile. Jiang Qiyu's family did not rely solely on farming for a living, but also often sold pancakes to make money, which was considered a side job with considerable income.

"Mmm, my sesame pancakes are delicious!"

Wu Fengdeng nodded, then took out all his remaining money and said slowly: "I live and eat in the barracks, so I don't have to worry about my livelihood, but you need a way to make a living right now."

"There are about three hundred copper coins left. You can buy some more noodles and sell pancakes at the market tomorrow."

Jiang Qiyu has a free status and can earn money by working in Liu's dyeing factory, but working is not a good way out after all.

It just so happens that she has a skill, so it would be suitable for her to start a small business.

Jiang Qiyu did not refuse politely. He felt warm inside as he held the purse in his hand. He said seriously, "Brother Fengdeng, consider this money as a loan from me. I will give it to you when I make money from selling pancakes."

What she said was very sincere. To be honest, the fact that she had this shelter and was able to stay well and warm was entirely due to Wu Fengdeng.

Grateful but too embarrassed to express it out loud, Jiang Qiyu just secretly vowed to make a lot of money for Wu Fengdeng.

(End of this chapter)

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