Chapter 103: Devaluation of Baochao

"Originally, cholera was called "Cholera". When I was a child, my grandfather called it "Foxra". Then my grandfather's father died of this disease. (Guanzhong accent)"

"It can't be the plague mentioned in Bai Lu Yuan"

"Speaking of the water quality in England back then, it reminded me of a book I read before, written by a British scholar, which said that the water quality in England at that time was so bad that the English drank alcohol instead of water [covering face]"

The last time I saw the word cholera was when I was in my third year of high school, reading Love in the Time of Cholera.

"What if someone deliberately releases cholera into a reservoir, directly contaminating the city's tap water system? Would this cause serious consequences to a city in a short period of time?"

"Regular sampling, water monitoring, and multi-level disinfection will not cause any problems. Moreover, 99% of people will not drink tap water directly, but boil it. Even if a few people drink it and get sick, there will be an immediate announcement telling citizens to drink boiled water."

"The amount of chlorine added to our country's tap water system is relatively high. So don't worry too much, bacteria and viruses won't survive long if they enter."

Ming, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the sky and mentioned public health. The various measures were very comprehensive, which shows that later generations did a very good job in this area.

It can be said that in addition to the scientific approach, the systems and institutions in various fields that have stood the test of time are also valuable experiences of the Ming Dynasty. It is said that those who plant trees will enjoy the shade, and this is the first time that we are crossing the river by feeling the way for "future generations". It feels really good.

However, he knew that urban construction and national public health were very important, and they could be planned and regulated in advance, but the specific implementation could be slowed down. Now, there was a lot of work to be done, and the real work was to vigorously develop agriculture and restore the population.

What's more important is that there is no money. Only when someone farms can there be tax revenue.

He was also helpless about this. When he was young, he thought that being a landlord or an official would make him a lot of money. However, in this position, if he really wanted to do something beneficial to the people's livelihood, he would find that the money was not enough.

"Chlorine can also be used for disinfection? What's the principle?" Surprised voices came from Sun Chuanshi and others in the Science Department. Now the only way they know to deal with bacteria and viruses is to boil water, and also use alcohol, as Tianmu mentioned.

"Record this!" Sun Chuanshi and others all knew that hydrogen and chlorine are obtained by electrolyzing saturated salt water, but the efficiency of producing chlorine by electrolyzing salt water is still too low.

In thinking on this issue, even he himself did not realize that his thinking was becoming increasingly similar to that of later generations, which was "efficiency first."

Industry, technology, etc. are all about efficiency.

As the sky screen video was replayed, Zhu Yuanzhang discovered a rather strange phenomenon: "Why is there no one collecting feces in these cities?"

After this reminder, other ministers paid more attention to this phenomenon. Yes, human and livestock feces are fertilizers needed by various crops, and crops with fertilizers will have better yields.

For this reason, although the discharge and treatment of domestic sewage was not taken into consideration when the cities were built, because feces can be reused, people will spontaneously organize themselves to collect the feces and then resell them for profit driven by interests.

Such actions have greatly alleviated the pollution of the river.

So why don't you collect the feces instead of throwing them on the street? Isn't that disgusting?
The ministers frowned and recalled, "It seems that Tianmu once said that until before the Industrial Revolution, the seed output ratio in various parts of Europe only reached 1:4. Does that mean that agriculture in that area was relatively backward?"

That is, 1 jin of seeds can only produce 4 jin of grain. In comparison, the seed output ratio in the Tang Dynasty had reached 1:13, which shows that the yield was shockingly low.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly realized that this made sense. Because people didn't know that fermented agricultural fertilizer could be used as fertilizer, the income from farming was very low and had never been increased, so they chose to develop industry and maritime trade.

"Do you know the order of European history?" Zhu Yuanzhang mentioned it. He only knew the words of the Renaissance, the First and Second Industrial Revolutions, the Age of Discovery, the Cholera Age, etc. that Tianmu had mentioned. He was not very clear about the specific order, and he had never thought about dealing with these countries before.

At this moment, I just want to be prepared and collect more information, which may be useful for the long-distance fleet in the future.

"As far as I know, the Age of Exploration in the West began several decades after Zheng He's voyages to the West. As for the rest, except for the cholera, I don't know the specific time points." Hu Weiyong sorted out the memories in his mind again. He really didn't know the specific time of those events.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it and decided that this was good news. Apart from confirming that China now had a huge lead over the West, it had no other purpose. To be precise, what he wanted to know was the current situation in Europe and the Western Regions.

[0.1% of the land pollutes 70% of the ocean]

[The world can live without RB, but cannot live without the ocean]

[The ocean is not the sewer of RB, please ask RB politicians to drink the nuclear wastewater]

[Can you imagine that these words are printed on the product packaging of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea and sold in supermarkets in Japan? This is really ridiculous.]

[Today, Xiangpiaopiao, which is competing against RB, has become very popular. The A-share listed Xiangpiaopiao has directly reached the daily limit]

[What's going on? Hasn't the Japanese yen depreciated significantly recently? Tourists from all over the world have flocked to Japan, and of course many Chinese tourists are taking advantage of the May Day holiday to grab bargains.]

[As a result, a netizen discovered in a supermarket in Japan that a juice tea product under Xiangpiaopiao had a slogan printed in both Chinese and Japanese mocking Japan's discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea]

[This photo went viral online as soon as it was posted. It was said online that the incident was the employee’s personal behavior. On May 5, Wanxiang Piaopiao posted on Weibo: Our employees are great.]

[In the early morning of the 5th, some netizens took photos of the chairman of Xiangpiaopiao personally going to the airport to pick up the employee and bring him back to China. As the incident continued to ferment, more than 4 million netizens flocked to Xiangpiaopiao's live broadcast room on the 5th and th to buy the same product]


Ming, Jinling City.

Everyone thought about this matter and it seems that a store (company) was mocking RB's discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea. Are there other messy things such as the listing of A-shares and the depreciation of the Japanese yen?
This is the second time we have heard the news of nuclear wastewater being discharged into the sea. Everyone knows that the speed of time in the future seems to be different from that of today, and it is also a mess. The time can only be determined in some emergencies.

For example, the Shenzhou 18 spacecraft landed on the moon, and there was also the Xiangpiaopiao incident.

If Tianmu had not brought it up again, Zhu Yuanzhang would have almost forgotten about it. Now, recalling the horrific pollution effects of nuclear waste water, he couldn't help but frown.

"When was the nuclear wastewater discharged into the sea for the first time, and how long did it take to reach the southeast coast?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked, and immediately a clerk quickly searched for information.

"The first discharge into the sea will be on August 2023, 8, and it will affect the southeastern coast of our country about eight months later." "So soon?" Zhu Biao exclaimed, he had also forgotten about this.

"It's not certain how big the impact is. It may still be under testing. After all, the various C-14s are too outrageous."

Zhu Biao also recalled the patients who had been irradiated, and those images still make him feel uncomfortable.

"There is no specific news!" Zhu Yuanzhang put the matter aside for the time being.

He vaguely felt that the devaluation of Baochao (Japanese yen) was more important, as devaluation meant that money became worthless.

"The Japanese yen has depreciated and is worthless. Why can people from other countries benefit from it?" Zhu Yuanzhang was puzzled.

Not to mention him, the Ministry of Revenue and others were also very confused. After all, no one had any experience in this area. According to historical experience, the exchanges between two countries were either based on a tribute system or trade. The trade was either barter or the use of gold, silver, copper and other currencies. This was the first time that everyone used paper money for transactions.

After all, the so-called paper money is nothing but waste paper and can be printed at will.

Everyone here understands this principle. If you ask me whether I support it or not, of course I do. But if you want to use banknotes as your monthly salary, then I will scold you.

Things like Zhiyuan Tongxing Baochao, Dayuan Tongxing Baochao, and Zhizheng Tongxing Baochao have all proven this point. If even officials despise such treasure notes, how can they possibly gain the trust of the people?

In front of the Fengtian Hall, civil and military officials looked at each other, their eyes all bitter.

Zhu Yuanzhang also noticed this and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. We haven't even issued the treasure notes yet!

It is not difficult to issue treasure notes. To put it bluntly, it is just the cost of a piece of paper, but it can be used to buy things from the market. Zhu Yuanzhang knew that this was nothing but naked robbery. He even had the idea more than once, but from the comments in the sky, he learned that the people hated this matter.

Of course he knew this kind of result, after all, he had experienced it himself. Unless he had no other choice, he didn't want to go down this path.

However, issuing treasure notes is the trend. The Central Plains has always been short of gold, silver, copper and iron ore. Coupled with the laying of electric wires and subsequent development, the demand for copper will inevitably reach a level that was never imagined in history. Copper shortage will become the norm. What will be used at that time if not paper money?

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that the old path of Zhizheng Baochao would not work.

In order to issue treasure notes, but at the same time not to print them indiscriminately, the issuance of treasure notes must have a theoretical support, including how much to print and when to print them.

With theoretical support, those in power will have a clear idea of ​​the printing and issuance of treasure notes. These are the economic contents mentioned in the previous comment section, which is obviously not a branch of science.

Minister of Finance Hai Yuan pondered for a moment, simulated and deduced in his mind, and said uncertainly: "Perhaps the secret lies in the exchange rate of the two countries' currencies?"

Then he shared his own views, for example, under the most ideal situation, the exchange rate of the two countries' currencies is 1:1. At this time, the two currencies can be regarded as the same currency, because the exchange rate is the same, and the things that can be bought are also the same.

If your treasure notes become worthless at this time, that is, you could buy a watermelon with 1 cent originally, but now you need 1 cents to buy it.

At the same time, my treasure notes have not depreciated, and 1 cent can still buy 1 watermelon. Correspondingly, the currency exchange rate between the two countries should change accordingly.

Hai Yuan said this, gesturing with his hands and said, "After all, my 1 cent can buy a watermelon with me, but if I exchange it with your 1 cent, it can only buy half a watermelon. In order not to suffer a loss, I will definitely not exchange it with your money at this ratio. If you want to exchange my money at this ratio to take advantage of me, I will definitely not agree. So the 1:1 exchange ratio is obviously inappropriate at this time."

The eyes of Zhu Yuanzhang, Liu Ji and others lit up. Although it was the first time they heard this view, they knew that Hai Yuan's view on the exchange rate should be correct.

"Then what is the theoretical basis for the issuance of paper money by various countries in later generations? What if the imperial court does not exercise restraint and prints money on a large scale?"

Hai Yuan thought about it and skipped the first question. "When printing money on a large scale, it is obvious that money has become worthless, so the corresponding exchange rate must change."

Zhu Yuanzhang was helpless. He asked with a fluke mentality, but no matter how many times he asked, the result would be the same. Even if he changed his words, the people of the world would make their choice with their feet.

A group of generals were wondering why the same treasure note, the same one cent, could not buy a watermelon?

Then I lost my penny? Where did it go?
Haiyuan looked at the clear yet stupid eyes of the generals, opened his mouth but said nothing.

In fact, the gains and losses of massive money printing are different from various perspectives. In short, there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. Do you really think there is such a good thing in the world that you can exchange a piece of waste paper for a watermelon?
The civil and military officials present had naturally experienced the era of Zhizheng Baochao, when the imperial court printed money on a large scale, to the point that no one was willing to accept Baochao and instead traded in silver and copper coins.

The imperial court also issued an order to ban it, but it was obviously ineffective.

Experiences are experiences, but no one has explained the basic ideas in simple terms, so everyone only knows a little and is at a loss as to what is beyond their own experience.

"What is the theoretical basis for issuing this paper currency?" Zhu Yuanzhang fell into deep thought, and then suddenly realized something: "Oh, that's not right. Why doesn't the copper coin depreciate?"

"And gold and silver."

When the people in the Ministry of Revenue heard this, they looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

After hearing this, the others started to think about it again, but without a corresponding direction, they couldn’t figure it out for a while.

Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

In addition to cursing the shamelessness of Japan, everyone was very interested in this "juice tea". Was this a new beverage invented by later generations?
Many people can't wait to go back and try it now.

Shopkeeper Wan listened to Tianmu's words and was full of curiosity about the act of opening a store across such a long ocean. This was an experience he had never thought of and therefore found it difficult to imagine.

This business is really big. How do you manage it if you open stores across borders?

Or what is this A-share listing?
What about the live broadcast room? The sales volume increased 400 times directly. It was simply a windfall. Even Manager Wan was crying with envy. Everything else was fake. Only the sales volume was real.

(End of this chapter)

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