Chapter 104 Guanghan City

[If one day you hear about organizations like China Lunar Construction and Development Corporation and China Lunar Administration, don’t be surprised]

[Our spectators have already named our first lunar municipality, Guanghan City]

[If the last time the United States landed on the moon was true, then I think it was just a space trip. Now we not only want to land on the moon, but also build our own lunar base]

[During the construction of the entire lunar base, we have several problems to solve, namely water, electricity, building materials, site selection and other issues]

[First, regarding the water issue, our scientists have previously discovered that there are many crystals on the surface of the moon, and these crystals contain 0.02 grams of water.]

[In total, there may be 1200 trillion tons of water on the moon, which will provide us with a large supply without having to transport it from the earth across hundreds of thousands of kilometers]

[The second question is what kind of electricity to use. In the past, we might say that we need to use solar panels to supply electricity.]

[In fact, our country is currently the only country in the world that has miniaturized nuclear power, and there happens to be a large amount of a substance called helium-3 on the moon, which is a very good raw material for nuclear power.]

[This substance is rare on Earth, but its reserves on the moon are enough for humans to use for 10,000 years. One of its biggest advantages is that it does not have any radiation and has strong power. If it is used as a raw material for nuclear power generation, it will be very good as an energy supply device.]

Ming, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao, and a group of civil and military officials were all so shocked that they stood up.

Moon, Guanghan City
The first time I came into contact with the moon landing was not long ago. At that time, I was just shocked by this statement. It was just a few words without any specific details to support it.

When it comes to the moon, everyone's only impression is of Chang'e flying to the moon.

Few people think about these trivial things, such as whether there is water on the moon, what the temperature is like, etc. Even if they do think about it, they will think it is similar to the Earth.

"So there is no water on the moon like on the earth?" Zhu Biao swallowed and tried hard to digest the information hidden in the sky. This was really subversive to people's cognition.

"Except for water, other things may be different from the Earth." Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a moment and said softly, "Like outer space, astronauts need to wear tight clothes when they go out."

"Could it be that the air or its composition is different?" Someone in the Science Department speculated. Although some people had noticed this before, they had not figured it out.

After all, on Earth, isn’t the existence of water, air, etc. a matter of course?
Liu Ji also felt his three views were shaking. Although he had seen the stunning scene of Voyager 1 flying over Saturn's rings, that was too far away after all. At this moment, the information revealed by the sky curtain through some assumptions was enough to subvert his three views.

Water, air, temperature, soil, etc. are probably very different from those on Earth.

No wonder the goal of Chang'e 6, which was previously seen, was similar to that of Chang'e 5, which was to collect lunar soil from the far side. At that time, he thought, what was there to study about soil.

It turns out that they were studying its composition and whether it contained water.

[The third is the site selection issue. Last year, Harbin Institute of Technology announced a plan called "Lunar Caves". There are more than 300 caves on the moon. The difference between caves and the surface of the moon is:]

[The temperature on the lunar surface during the day can reach as high as 172 degrees and as low as minus 130 degrees. The temperature difference between day and night can reach nearly 300 degrees.]

[Lunar caves are hollow tubes formed by the flow of volcanic lava in the past. They are similar to caves on Earth and have a good thermal insulation effect.]

[The temperature in the lunar cave can reach 16-19 degrees. We can even wear our T-shirts and live or work.]

[The fourth problem is the material problem. There is a lot of lunar soil on the moon, and there is also some hard basalt. At Northwestern Polytechnical University, we use a device similar to a land reclamation device to break up these basalt rocks. After breaking them up, we can use 3D printing technology to build.]

[Each brick is printed into different shapes, or various equipment with complex shapes, or materials are directly built by robots]

[So building our own city on the moon, or building our own lunar base, I think it will happen soon and is just around the corner]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

"Yes, the temperature on the moon is really different from that on Earth."

"The temperature during the day is enough to roast a person, so why is it so cold at night?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded. According to the temperature classification of later generations, the temperature of boiling water is 100 degrees. A high temperature of 170 degrees can cook a person, not to mention roasting him. The temperature of an ice-water mixture is 0 degrees. At more than 0 degrees below 100, a person can be directly frozen into an ice sculpture.

With such a big temperature difference between day and night, not to mention animals, even plants would die. This may be the reason why the moon is so desolate.

No wonder astronauts have to wear such thick clothes when leaving the spacecraft. It turns out these clothes can keep warm and insulate.

"Why is the temperature on the moon so different from that on the earth?" Many people in the science department looked confused. The temperature changes on the earth are mainly due to the changes in the four seasons, but the daily temperature changes are far from being so exaggerated.

Even in places like the Western Regions and the Northwest where the temperature difference is very large, there is no specific data on the temperature difference between day and night, but Sun Chuanshi dares to guarantee that it is not so exaggerated.

Not to mention the southern region, according to the current measurement data of Ming Dynasty, the temperature difference between day and night is only about ten degrees.

What about the moon? It's a change from cold winter to hot summer, which obviously has nothing to do with the seasons.

Liu Ji frowned, his mind working wildly, as if he had caught a hint of inspiration: "No, the temperature of the moon is like boiling water in winter. When it boils, it is over 100 degrees. When the fire is turned off, it cools down and freezes in a short while." "What?" Hu Weiyong, Wang Guangyang and others on the side did not hear him talking to himself, and they all looked at him in confusion!
The attention of Zhu Biao, Zhu Yuanzhang and others was also drawn to this, and for a moment the area in front of the Fengtian Hall became quiet.

"Above 0 degrees below zero is the normal state. Over 100 degrees during the day means someone has burned you!" Liu Ji's fists trembled in his sleeves, and he added with shining eyes, "It's the sun!"

"What?" Zhu Yuanzhang and others were stunned for a moment, then realized that they were talking about the temperature of the moon, and their faces changed again and again.

"That is to say, if the place is not exposed to the sun, a temperature of more than 0 degrees below zero is normal," Liu Ji added.

Everyone was shocked, but soon someone stood up to oppose it because there was a ready-made example to prove that this view was wrong: the earth.

This time, not only the Ministry of Science, but Zhu Yuanzhang and others also began to hesitate. It seemed that both sides were right. It was cold at night because there was no sun, and it was hot during the day because the sun was out.

Moreover, the sky screen clearly mentions the temperature difference between day and night on the moon, which shows that this statement is correct.

But why is the temperature measured in Jinling City at night only 5-8 degrees?

Liu Ji also knew the loopholes in this statement, and for a moment he couldn't figure out why the earth was special.

[Then we can't help but ask, when the world's aviation technology is generally stagnant, why do we still spend so much energy on exploring the moon and building a lunar base? ]

[I have summarized several points here. First, the number of lunar caves is limited. According to international law, the moon is the high seas. The hundreds of lunar caves are like uninhabited islands. First come, first served. Only those who occupy it first are qualified to say "since ancient times"]

[We have the ability to do it now. If we don’t do it, we may be sinners for all eternity.]

[Second, the helium-3 reserves on the moon are very rich, and we are one of the few countries in the world that is expected to make a breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology. Once a breakthrough is made, it will mean that mankind has mastered the use of stellar energy, which will trigger the next technological revolution, and its prospects are immeasurable.]

[1: The moon is the first step for mankind to enter the universe. The moon's gravity is 6/ of the earth's. Going to Mars from the moon is much more fuel-efficient than going from the earth.]

[There are also many advantages to conducting scientific research on the moon. For example, in astrophysics, the moon has no atmosphere, so there is no electromagnetic interference, which makes it very suitable for building radio telescopes.]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Although Li Shimin knew that these things would not be used in the next dozens or hundreds of years, he still had people record the words of the sky curtain verbatim.

The gravity on the moon is lower than that on the earth. No one can imagine this scene. Does this mean that people can jump higher?
Not to mention the fact that there is no atmosphere. Although air is invisible and intangible, and its presence is only felt when one is suffocating or drowning, it is obvious that no one can survive without air.

Some people may want to ask, "What should we do with the air after building a cave?" However, when we think about the fact that this question has never been mentioned in later generations, we can see that it is not a difficult question.

These are the basic conditions and environment for human survival, and everything is different from what you imagined.

Li Shimin felt that his worldview was shattered. Even if it was a myth, it was just that Chang'e flew to the moon.

He simply could not imagine the grand spectacle of a city appearing on the moon, which would mean that future generations would have the ability to fly out of the universe and into the vast and mysterious universe.

Ming, Jinling City.

The people of Jinling City were stunned by the video. Although it was just a hypothetical plan, it was obvious that the plan was so detailed and had contingency plans for various issues. It was obvious that they were not joking.

The environment there, from the air, gravity, water to the land and light, was completely different from what anyone imagined.

The moon, the round jade plate that countless Chinese people have longed for for thousands of years, has finally taken off its mysterious veil and revealed itself before everyone.

Looking at the Earth from the desolate surface of the moon, it is a huge blue disk hanging far above the ground. That is the Earth standing under our feet.

On it is the city of Jinling where we have lived for generations.

Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

Shopkeeper Wan also learned about the landing location and mission of Chang'e 6 from the sky curtain. When he verified the information with what the sky curtain said, he found that both of them were correct.

With an understanding of the lunar surface temperature, atmosphere, water, etc., we are now digging soil from various parts of the moon to verify the feasibility of building a base using local materials.

"Guanghan City. Will I have the chance to see it in this lifetime?" Shopkeeper Wan looked at the desolate land, feeling indescribable emotions in his heart.

"With such a high temperature difference on the moon, growing watermelons would be too sweet"

"Guanghan City First People's Hospital should have it."

"Guanghan City, it sounds like Guanghan City's sister city, is it under the jurisdiction of Sichuan?"

"I can hear the sound of your abacus in Nanjing"

"Then I have to take out the "Huainanzi" and say it has been around since ancient times [狗头]"

(End of this chapter)

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