Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 123 Brain Divisions and Functions

Chapter 123 Brain Divisions and Functions

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

When the monkey in the sky curtain skillfully typed out a string of English letters, Li Shimin's eyebrows never relaxed. He knew that some of the speculations made by the sky curtain made sense.

It may be easier to instill knowledge into people's brains than to make monkeys "enlighten", not to mention some guesses that sound ordinary.

People who have access to brain-computer interfaces can control computers and other machines through their "thoughts". Does that mean that paralyzed patients can control various machines to serve them through their thoughts, such as going out, serving tea, or controlling cars through their "thoughts"?
There is so much room for imagination when it comes to the combination of humans and machines.

Someone in the comment section added that there is much more to it than that. For example, for paralysis caused by spinal damage, the damaged part can be artificially skipped and the electrical signal can be passed on to achieve the effect of recovery.

Li Shimin didn't understand the principle behind his theory at all. He only knew that diseases like paralysis were no longer a problem.

From the current research, this kind of brain-computer interface research is mainly used in medical fields, but.
"Huh." Li Shimin let out a long breath. He knew that this kind of research was like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins. It was impossible for it to stop, not to mention that there were whips outside hitting it, forcing it to keep moving forward.

Perhaps he was also a conservative in that era.

As they were thinking this, they saw the search button above the screen being clicked. This was the second time they had seen this function being used.

[Brain-computer interfaces are quite popular recently. In fact, to understand the principles of brain-computer interfaces, we must first understand the structure of the brain and its functions. Today, I will review it with you.]

[If the human body is like a computer, then the brain is the most complex CPU. Although it weighs only 2% of the body, it consumes about 17% of the body's energy and 20% of the body's oxygen]

[The brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms and is divided into two hemispheres, connected by the corpus callosum. The brain contains 75%-80% water, and the rest is fat and protein]

[It contains more than 1000 billion neurons, and each neuron has about 3 synapses. These neurons transmit signals through the interconnection of synapses.]

[Generally, the more synapses the brain has, the faster the information is transmitted. Neurons also have axons and dendrites. The axon is the only outgoing structure of the neuron, and the myelin sheath is a multi-layered cell membrane structure wrapped around the axon. These axons covered by myelin are also called dendrites.]

[Together, they make up the brain's white matter, which enables different areas of the brain to communicate with each other effectively and is thus responsible for the functions of various areas of the brain]

[We first find the cerebellum from the bottom of the brain, and then go into the cerebellum to see the hippocampus that emits green light. It is responsible for memory storage and emotional processing]

[The purple light is from the thalamus, which is responsible for transmitting sensory and motor signals; the yellow light is from the amygdala, which is responsible for processing emotional responses, especially fear and anxiety. When we face threats or danger, the amygdala will be activated.]

Jinling City.

Everyone was confused by the knowledge of brain structure before they could even react. In just a two-minute video, many generals felt like they were listening to a foreign language.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang, Liu Ji and others listened very carefully, they still felt that they could not understand.

Although there are corresponding animations when explaining the sky screen, most people have never seen the structure of the human brain before, and they don’t even understand the overall structure. In addition, there are all kinds of complex new terms, and the speed of the video on the sky screen is relatively fast.

Not to mention understanding, just remembering it has become a big problem.

This was like a dam of knowledge bursting and flooding, and Zhu Yuanzhang and others could only try hard to memorize and digest it.

"Write it down quickly. Painters should also keep busy and draw the structural diagram." Following Hu Weiyong's order, the clerks had to work hard to copy every word onto paper.

"Cerebellum, hippocampus, thalamus, amygdala, frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, brain stem, choroid plexus." Zhu Yuanzhang also helped to record, but he only wrote a very brief part. It can be seen that the entire structure of the brain is extremely complex and the division of labor is very clear.

"In other words, different human behaviors will activate different brain areas and make them active? Just like the parietal lobe is responsible for distinguishing temperature, so putting your hand into boiling water can activate it?"

"Logically, it should be so, but how can we prove and confirm it through experiments?" People in the Science Department were also thinking about it. This is really difficult. Although they believe in the conclusions given by the students of Tianmu, any theory and conclusion should be proven through experiments.

They are also happy to prove these theories. There is nothing more exciting than this, just like aerospace and moon landing mentioned by Tianmu.

What can be questioned is science, and what cannot be questioned is religion, NASA.
Since Tianmu would mention medical content from time to time, the director and judge of the Imperial Medical Bureau also sat behind the civil officials. At this time, they all concentrated on memorizing the relevant content.

They had a general understanding of the concept of later medical science, which was to first perform dissection to understand the functions and mechanisms of various organs and blood, and then diagnose and prescribe the right medicine based on the symptoms.

This is a completely different approach from that of traditional Chinese medicine. Everyone in the Imperial Medical Service, from top to bottom, could not fully accept it in their hearts.

If one can learn to treat patients through dissection, then coroners should be the best doctors and butchers should be the best veterinarians.

This was a joke that had been widely circulated in the Imperial Hospital.

But then penicillin and allicin left everyone speechless. Theories of bacteria and viruses revealed the imperfections and even errors in traditional Chinese medicine. Now, with brain-computer interfaces, we can artificially control the pigs' leg-lifting and leg-stretching movements in experiments. In other words, in the near future, brain-computer interfaces can make paralyzed patients recover as before.

All this benefits from a deep understanding of the human body, brain structure, and the process of electrical signal transmission, which is a real contribution.

Anyone who is selected to join the Imperial Medical Service must be well versed in medical theory and have no problem with comprehension. Although they gradually become convinced of this methodology, they still have some resistance in their hearts.

"We imperial doctors are going from bad to worse, and are almost becoming the coroners that everyone hates. It's really unlucky." Zhang Yuanshi sighed inwardly, feeling that he was sitting in this position of imperial doctor with trepidation. When they thought that they might have to dissect corpses and brains in the future, their faces were not very good.

"Such a complex brain is actually responsible for directing me who earns 3000 yuan a month. It's a waste of talent."

Why does such a sophisticated structure make up so much waste?

《Pay attention! The person who invented the brain is a genius.》

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the people in the comment section showing off and couldn't laugh at all. He was like an old farmer working diligently in the fields. Based on the corrections in the comments section, he asked the painter to correct the corresponding marked positions.

Apart from that, there was nothing else to see. Even the young man from Tianmu just glanced over it and skipped it. It turns out that they don't like studying either.
The subsequent videos were all actively searched and browsed by the younger generation. Most of them were supplements to the brain-computer interface experiments, which supplemented the cause and effect. Everyone also learned that Tsinghua University also made corresponding brain-computer interface connections at the same time in the future.

[Among the fragments of "The Analects of Confucius. Zheng Xuan's Annotations" unearthed in Turpan, the most special one is the one found in the owner of Tomb No. 1969 in Astalamu in 363. This fragment is a homework book of a child named Bu Tianshou. It is 538 cm long and 27 cm wide, which is a little bigger than "Along the River During the Qingming Festival"]

[This fragment unearthed in Turpan is well preserved, and contains 79 previously unseen lost texts, making a significant contribution to the restoration of "The Analects of Confucius. Zheng Xuan's Annotation"]

[As we know, "The Analects of Confucius. Zheng Xuan's Annotation" is the annotation of "The Analects of Confucius" made by Zheng Xuan, a great Confucian scholar in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was highly respected in the Han, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties. It is the officially recognized annotation of "The Analects of Confucius". Unfortunately, it was lost after the Tang Dynasty.]

[Why is the shroud of the tomb owner a child's homework book? Here we have to mention a funeral custom in Turpan before and after the Tang Dynasty. At that time, people would use paper to make part of the shroud for the deceased, because paper itself was a good thing in the Tang Dynasty, especially for the remote Turpan area (central Xinjiang)]

[However, it would be a waste to use new paper that has never been written on to make birthday hats or shoes for the dead, so usually waste paper that has been written on is used to make them, and the one in Astamo No. 363 is no exception.]

[His family made birthday shoes and hats for him using a homework book written by a 12-year-old boy named Bu Tianshou from Turpan during the Tang Dynasty. The homework assigned by the teacher at that time was to copy this Confucian classic.]

[Because of the dryness in Turpan, the exercise book was well preserved even if it was reused and folded into a shroud. In this way, by chance, the exercise book was preserved.]

[Of course the most interesting thing is that Bu Tianshou not only copied down many chapters of The Analects of Confucius. Zheng Xuan's Commentary in his homework book, but also wrote two doggerel poems at the end.]

[The first poem is: He says it is easy to write sideways, I say it is difficult to write sideways. You should read sideways and look sideways.]

[The second poem is: It is time to finish writing the book today, so please do not complain that it is too late. Tomorrow is a holiday, so let the students go home early.]

[You can see that even after more than 1000 years, children today look pretty much the same as they did in the Tang Dynasty.]

[Of course, the hand-copied "The Analects of Confucius. Zheng Xuan's Commentary" in the homework book by this child not only has rich historical value, but more importantly, it makes us feel the human touch]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin and others were all stunned when they saw it, and then they realized that the "Analects of Confucius. Zheng Xuan's Annotation" was lost after the Tang Dynasty? How could such a large Confucian classic be lost?

War! Obviously, this Confucian classic would not have been lost unless there was a long-term, large-scale war.

Li Shimin pondered for a moment, then smiled and said to the civil and military officials: "My fellow officials, one day, you might as well put one or two copies of Zheng Xuan's annotations on the shelf. Future generations will thank us."

Everyone was not used to His Majesty's kind face. After thinking about it subconsciously, even Wei Zheng was speechless, and many people were complaining in their hearts.

"How presumptuous!"

"No, why don't you let us go? Are we going to be dug up by future generations?"

"Ahem, let's just forget about this." Li Shimin saw that the ministers looked constipated, so he coughed twice and said, "Let's just leave it at that. This is just forcing people to do something."

You said that you had to watch Zheng Xuan's annotations being lost, which seems a bit regrettable, but if you said that he placed them in his own tomb and was eventually dug out to continue the tradition, it doesn't seem like something to be happy about either.

"Your Majesty"

"Your Majesty is wise. I will put several baskets there. I will pile up the Analects, the Great Learning, and the Doctrine of the Mean!"

"It would be a pity if such a good book was lost." Cheng Yaojin interrupted everyone loudly, offered a flattery easily, and then held his head high, waiting for the emperor's reward.

Wei Zheng, Fang Du and others were all numb
"This rough guy is really not afraid of being nauseated."

"No wonder she is so loved by His Majesty?" Thoughts flashed through everyone's minds.

Li Shimin was overjoyed. He thought Yizhen was loyal and said, "Well, you are a good man!"

After saying this, he looked at the civil and military officials with expectation.

Before the civil officials could say anything, the military generals followed Cheng Laohei's example and jumped out to express their loyalty. At worst, they would just build a simpler tomb.
(End of this chapter)

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