Chapter 124 Placebo Effect

Fang Xuanling gritted his teeth and pointed out the inconveniences, mainly two points.

First, it is not easy to preserve. Tianmu also said that only in a dry place like Turpan could the fragments of "The Analects of Confucius. Zheng Xuan's Notes" copied by Bu Tianshou be preserved. Given the moist soil in Guanzhong and Central Plains, it would be difficult for normal paper and bamboo slips to be preserved for thousands of years.

The second is war. Large-scale and long-term wars are the reason why "The Analects of Confucius. Zheng Xuan's Annotation" was lost. Then there would be a situation where the tombs were luxuriously built and the burial objects were rich. It is possible that the warlords who had their own troops would have visited them countless times without the need for future generations.

As for tombs that were built in an ordinary way, during times of chaos, they would become piles of weeds in less than ten years, making it impossible to conduct "archaeological" research there.

Li Shimin listened to him patiently and sighed. These two points were very realistic issues that could not be influenced by human power.

[The seafood of the daily life will finally no longer appear on the dining tables of our country]

[Recently, the media reported that my country unilaterally cancelled the registration validity of Xiao Rizi aquatic product export enterprises in my country without prior notice. This report immediately attracted attention from many parties.]

[In fact, since last year, when the United States chose to discharge nuclear wastewater into the ocean for its own selfish reasons, despite opposition from the whole world, it has discharged nuclear wastewater a total of 6 times, and will continue to do so for the next years.]

[After Japan discharged nuclear wastewater, my country took emergency measures, which was to completely suspend the import of its seafood. According to statistics in 2022, Japan's seafood exports to my country amounted to 871 billion yen, accounting for 22% of its total.]

[As a result, Xiaori not only did not know what was good for him, but also insisted on discharging nuclear wastewater into the sea, causing serious nuclear pollution crisis in my country and even coastal countries around the world.]

[In order to ensure the safety of the people's food, my country suspended the registration of processing and storage facilities of aquatic product export companies in Japan. This is reasonable. However, the boss refused to accept it and shamelessly asked my country to import its contaminated aquatic products. The meeting lasted more than 60 minutes, and I never gave in.]

[I, the blogger, breathed a sigh of relief when I heard this news. Some people are also worried that Xiao Ri Zi seafood will go through a third country and be “laundered” before entering my country.]

[In fact, this possibility does exist. After exports to my country were blocked, small-scale enterprises have secretly invested in and acquired seafood companies in other countries, allowing these companies to openly sell their domestic seafood under the name of local production.]

[Although my country has imposed strict restrictions on its seafood and banned the import of all its seafood, and consumers have learned to identify seafood from their origin, they cannot resist various cheating methods. Therefore, we can only hope that the customs inspection is more effective, or simply not choose to import seafood. This is the safest approach.]

[Of course, my country's complete suspension of imports of its seafood has not been without results. According to Xiaorizi's statistics, its exports to my country have dropped by 2022% compared with 99.3. This is why they have been jumping up and down to ask my country to open its market.]

Jinling City, in front of Fengtian Palace.

Everyone's brows were furrowed.

"This Japanese country is really too much. They pick up the bowl to eat and put it down to curse!"

"Selling contaminated fish is a good way to calculate."

"How can we bear to let it get ahead of us?"

All the civil officials were so angry that their teeth were itching. Even though they all emphasized the demeanor of gentlemen, they were so angry that they started cursing. On the one hand, they lamented that future generations did not fight back, and on the other hand, they were angry at Japan for being too aggressive.

This kind of bandit logic is both ridiculous and hateful. Although everyone has no business experience, they can still see the basic host and customer situation. How dare they take advantage of their big customers?
While doing things that harm major customers, he also asks major customers to buy more of his seafood. It would be considered kind of him not to spend money to hire someone to beat you up.

Hu Weiyong frowned. People in later generations were too kind. The Japanese country really deserved death. It would be too easy for them if they were not severely punished.

From the way he conducts himself to his words, his inherent selfishness and ungratefulness are clearly revealed, just as Your Majesty's evaluation of him: he forgets the greater good for the sake of small gains, and fears power but does not cherish virtue.

"Tui, what a bunch of bastards! Why don't they eat it themselves?" A general cursed angrily. They were not afraid of fighting on the battlefield, but they still remembered vividly the tragic scene after the pollution mentioned by Tianmu. Such a horrible thing was actually exported to other countries!!!

"They are not stupid. They eat it even though they know it is contaminated. Of course they are trying to trick people into buying it."

"What a beast!" Everyone's three views were shattered. This level of shamelessness was unprecedented.

Everyone talked one after another and basically restored the facts. As a result, they became more and more angry and were extremely disgusted with Japan.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also amused by the various crimes committed by Japan. These days, anyone can dare to take advantage of others. He hated Japan the most, and after learning about the various crimes committed by Japan, he finally lost all his mercy.

If he had not wanted to let them fight each other to consume their strength, he would have ordered generals such as Xu Da to lead their troops eastward to resolve the future crisis of Japanese pirates in the Ming Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, perhaps we can learn a thing or two from the unified management system implemented by future generations for importing companies." Hu Weiyong had already digested his emotions and said calmly.

"Mr. Hu is right. As our Ming merchant ships travel all over Southeast Asia, foreign businessmen will come to our Ming to do business in the future. We have to formulate relevant regulations in advance." Zhu Yuanzhang said that global trade will become more and more frequent in the future, and many systems need to be formulated from the beginning, so that we can act in accordance with the Ming Law.

"Cold knowledge: Customs prohibits the import of Japanese Wagyu beef, so if a domestic barbecue restaurant says the meat is RB Wagyu beef, you can report it. It is either a scam or smuggling."

"They sold it to Ecuador (many companies were registered), and then resold it to my country from Ecuador."

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

"These people are so unscrupulous for the sake of money that they are worse than pigs and dogs." Li Shimin and others were disgusted by the fact that Japan used third-party countries to "launder" seafood, and no one in the whole country thought that this was wrong. They even had the nerve to question and demand the opening of the market.

This behavior of bypassing supervision through a third party is extremely bad, because there is no writing on the fish to indicate where it is from, and anyone can change its origin as long as he goes against his conscience.

It is difficult for you to prevent this. You can only conduct random inspections and ban the app if you find any problems. This is equivalent to increasing your prevention costs in disguise.

Fortunately, there are countermeasures such as canceling the effectiveness of corporate registration and completely stopping imports, so various countries will take it easy. [This is the most magical thing in science. During World War II, Henry, a military doctor, wanted to perform surgery on a soldier, but there was no painkiller.]

[The nurse was anxious and gave the soldier an injection of normal saline solution (0.9% saline solution, its osmotic pressure is the same as that of human plasma and tissue fluid), which theoretically should have no effect. The saline solution was gradually injected, and the soldier's pain miraculously disappeared.]

[When Henry returned to Harvard University, he found that about a quarter of the people who took this so-called placebo had pain relief.]

[A placebo can be a glass of water, a piece of candy, a machine that looks powerful, or a fake master who looks like an immortal, and thus the placebo effect is formed]

[Therefore, in the Western medical field, every new drug will go through a process called double-blind experiment before it is launched on the market. The basic principle is to let the sick subjects eat sugar pills and test drugs without knowing it.]

[The results were jaw-dropping. A considerable number of subjects felt that the sugar pills they took, thinking they were medicine, made them feel better. The reason why many new drugs cannot be marketed is that their effects are not much different from those of sugar pills.]

[It is also very simple to trigger the placebo effect. The more gentle and patient the doctor is when diagnosing the patient, and the longer the diagnosis time is, the more likely it is to trigger this effect. In terms of medicine, people have found that blue pills are more effective than white pills, and capsules are better than ordinary pills.]

[This placebo effect, which seems bizarre from a scientific point of view, was actually discovered 300 years ago. For so many years, people still don’t understand what it is. It is extremely unscientific but has been repeated countless times in scientific investigations and experiments.]

[In the field of psychology, hypnotists can even make people's bodies form blisters from burns simply through hypnosis. This means that people can use the power of faith to do many things. In theory, if you are devout enough, a cup of horse urine can save you trouble.]

In front of the Fengtian Hall, everyone was in an uproar, just because this statement was too superstitious.

Zhu Biao widened his eyes and opened and closed his mouth. It was obvious that his three views had been greatly shocked. 1/4 of the people would relieve pain after taking placebo. This number was too exaggerated.

In other words, the fact that so many diseases have been cured throughout history is not necessarily due to the doctors' superb medical skills or the effectiveness of the drugs, but rather it is something called the placebo effect that is at work.

After all, Tianmu said that as long as the performance is realistic enough, the probability of triggering the placebo effect will be greater.

This seems so absurd to people who have just accepted scientific thinking, and from ancient times to the present, no one has ever doubted whether their illness can be cured by medicine.

This feeling of running naked for thousands of years with your head covered
"Is hypnosis referring to the art of Zhuyou?" Liu Ji had read many ancient books, so when he saw the description on the sky curtain, the first thing he thought of was the art of Zhuyou, also known as witchcraft. It is said that wizards in ancient times could use this art to communicate with heaven, earth, humans, ghosts and gods.

Seeing that most people were confused, Liu Ji gave a brief account of the event. Due to the long time since the event, there were not many ancient books left, so he only knew the basics.

The art of Zhuyou influences people through some methods that would make people frown upon seeing them today, such as magical instruments, bells, spells, etc.

"But I may be overthinking it." Liu Ji finally explained. He couldn't tell whether it was the same thing or not, but this method of hypnosis that could make a person's body 'burned' out of thin air felt very weird.

"This is a double-edged sword. The key lies in whether the person who knows this magic is good or evil. If used well, it can cure diseases and save lives." Zhu Yuanzhang concluded, "However, Tianmu has pointed out the placebo effect. In the future, many medicines and talismans drawn into water may become ineffective."

The ministers also smiled bitterly. Sometimes knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing. If they have a good memory and still remember this effect when they are sick, they will probably mutter it in their hearts before taking medicine every time. After all, no one wants to entrust their life and property to a quack doctor without knowing the truth.

[The opposite is the anti-placebo effect, which is easy to understand. That is, something that should be effective will be much less effective in the hands of skeptical people. In their eyes, holy water is like mahjong.]

[Speaking of this, I think many people can understand why, when they go to see those friends who are masters from various backgrounds, some people always feel particularly great and full of joy, while others despise them in their hearts and look painful]

[So when we judge a person who is regarded as a master by others and hear all kinds of miraculous stories about him, you can use placebo to quietly judge whether he is a charlatan who is betting on probability.]

[The nature of the placebo effect is still debated, but it seems to be a particularly good bridge between science and non-science.]

"After buying the medicine, I feel half of my illness is cured"

"No, I usually feel halfway cured after asking about the price of the medicine [狗头]"

"Traditional Chinese medicine, Taoist talismans, and incantations are all placebo effects"

Does the placebo effect deceive the brain, and then the brain commands the body to produce corresponding hormones?

In fact, many drugs play a supporting role, helping the immune system defeat the disease.

Canned peaches are a placebo

In front of the Fengtian Temple, everyone was startled. As expected, the comment section mentioned Taoist talismans, traditional Chinese medicine and incantations.

From the various scenarios mentioned in the comments section, we can see that the placebo effect is almost present in every corner of life. Zhu Yuanzhang and others also calmed down and accepted this statement, but they would definitely experiment it if they had the chance.

And it just so happens that this experiment is relatively easy to do, as it does not involve any other new materials or new technologies.

Late Han Dynasty, Nanjun.

Liu Bei and others thought of a real example. Zhang Jiao drew talismans to save people, and he must have saved many people during the plague at that time. This was probably the reason why so many people followed him fanatically to rebel.

Everyone looked at the heated discussions in the comment section, which mentioned many life scenarios, and therefore had a deeper understanding of this phenomenon.

(End of this chapter)

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