Chapter 147 Rubber Tree

[I thought Yuai really didn’t like taking a bath, until I saw it clapping happily under the shower, and then I realized that my previous method was wrong]

[Last summer, due to the hot and rainy weather in Chongqing, the butts of the two siblings Yu Ke and Yu Ai were covered with a lot of mud. If they didn’t take a bath, their fur would rot and fall off, so the breeder prepared to give them a bath]

[The breeder first gave Yu Ke a bath. Yu Ai looked at her brother who wanted to escape but couldn't, and laughed at his misfortune.]

[The next second, she was dragged by the breeder to take a bath. She was so anxious that she screamed like a pig being slaughtered. This posture was more difficult to suppress than the pigs during the Chinese New Year. Yu Ai fought hard in the front, and Nanny Li behind her was so embarrassed that she looked like an emoticon]

[This summer, in order to better cool down the national treasures in the zoo, the curator went to Guangzhou Chimelong Zoo for a visit and study. After returning, he first installed a cooling spray in the yard of the Four Happiness Meatballs. In an instant, the park became fairy-like, and the Four Happiness Meatballs turned into little fairy bears.]

[A shower was installed in Ke Ke Ai’s yard. Yu Ke Yu Ai really likes this shower. Yu Ai, who used to have trouble taking a shower, now claps her hands happily. This is the first time I see Yu Ai embodying her elation.]

[Yu Ke and Yu Ai even moved their eating area to under the shower. They insisted on eating bamboo shoots while taking a shower. The breeder even prepared a bathtub for them. When Yu Ai saw that there was less water in the bathtub, she would stand up and signal for more water.]

[When the shower head broke, the brother and sister would wait below, eating bamboo shoots while supervising the breeder to repair it]

[The brother and sister are really smart. When it rains, they bury their heads under their bodies to prevent them from getting wet. But under the shower, they raise their heads and enjoy the shower. They really know the difference between the two.]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

The ministers temporarily put aside the issue of the "plant factory" and there was nothing noteworthy in the comment section.

At this time, I saw another video about "white bears, tapirs, and tapirs". I have to say that the "Yu Ke Yu Ai" raised in the sky has shiny hair, chubby, and clumsy. I want to rub it when I see it.

Especially when Yu Ai was leaning against the wall under the shower water, grinning and dancing, her "popular" look melted the hearts of all the tough men. They surrendered one by one and showed aunt-like smiles.

Such a cute bunch. If it weren't for the fact that he knew that Your Majesty didn't like to waste time on toys and didn't like extravagance and waste, he would have kept a few at home, Hu Weiyong thought to himself. Although he also liked polar bears, he was more in line with Tianmu's fashion.

It can even be used to win over the officials of the six ministries, the famous local scholars, and the potential scholars. After all, these scholars now admire Tianmu very much. White bears are rare in Jinling, and things are rare and valuable.
Zhu Yuanzhang knew that white bears would be very popular in later generations, but he didn't expect people to be so obsessed with them and give each panda a name, like last year's "Third Prince of Xizhimen", which was very popular and a big name.

He also specifically asked people to learn about the eating habits of polar bears. After an investigation, it was found that giant pandas can eat 30-40 kilograms of bamboo or other vegetables a day.

This was a bit extravagant for an emperor who grew vegetables in the imperial garden. Although it was not difficult to feed such a bear, the country had just been stabilized and the people were still in hardship. As a ruler, he had to be cautious in his words and deeds and could not indulge in such extravagance.

Once this precedent is set, the simple style that has been painstakingly created in recent years will be wiped out. This is what the saying "what the superiors like, the subordinates will follow" means.

If we make a fuss over pandas, dignitaries from other places may think that Your Majesty likes this chubby animal, so they will capture an elephant as a tribute next time, or even try their best to capture some strange and cute animals. The harassment suffered by the people will then be endless.

Song Huizong's love for strange stones is a good example.

Besides, Sichuan had not been recovered last year.

Secondly, he was also worried that his subordinates, including the princes and grandchildren, would become addicted to it, lose their ambitions, and delay official business. After he sternly rejected several proposals to "open a zoo", no one mentioned it anymore.

After taking a look at the cute panda, he put his attention back into the plant factory.

He knew about vacuum diodes, but Tianmu mentioned transistors. How to emit light of different colors is a science. Can they be decomposed using a prism?

No, the LED lights on the skylight look small, so they don’t use such a stupid method. Besides, the decomposed light is still colorful and does not filter out other colors.
[The natural rubber we often talk about refers to the natural latex collected from the Brazilian Hevea brasiliensis tree. It is an elastic solid made through coagulation, drying and other processing procedures. It has strong elasticity and good insulation, plasticity, water and air insulation, tensile and wear resistance.]

[So the application range is extremely wide, such as rain boots, hot water bottles, elastic bands used in daily life; surgeon gloves and blood transfusion tubes used in the medical and health industry; tires used in transportation; irrigation and drainage hoses and ammonia bags used in agriculture; aircraft, tanks, cannons, gas masks used in national defense, and even rockets, man-made spacecraft, etc.]

[During the war years, this was a strategic material. If you traveled back to the end of the Ming Dynasty, after poetry, soap, alcohol, smallpox vaccine, etc. had been used up, you might try to extract rubber. Rubber trees are native to Brazil, so it might not be so easy to get them.]

[In addition to rubber trees, rubber can also be extracted from rubber grass and dandelions. The two are close relatives. It is said that the origin of rubber grass is in Xinjiang, my country. It looks a bit like dandelions and is easy to find. However, the quality of rubber extracted from rubber grass and dandelions is much worse.]

[The Brazilian rubber tree can live for about 1 years, but it is not until the sixth year that the latex can be tapped. Each adult rubber tree is tapped every two days, and about half a pound of juice can be collected each time, of which only 4/ is rubber, and the rest is water.]

[Pour the rubber solution into a container, add acetic acid and stir evenly. After 30 minutes, it will form a dough-like gel. Squeeze out the water and wash off the acidic liquid on the surface. After drying, it will become natural rubber.]

[The extraction of rubber grass and dandelion is also very simple. First, boil the dry roots of dandelion and rubber grass, peel and core them, and separate the root pulp from the root bark; then boil the root pulp in a sulfuric acid solution, filter it, dry the residue to obtain rubber, and keep the filtrate for later use; finally, boil the root bark in water; then boil it in an alkaline solution, filter it, and dry the residue to obtain rubber]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

Ministers and clerks did not dare to neglect it at all. If it could be called a strategic material, it must be in great demand and there was no substitute. It was definitely a good thing.
After all, there are so many magical things in later generations, but they did not receive such high praise from them.

But when they heard the name Brazil, everyone became worried.

"South America again?" Liu Ji was quite interested in several countries in South America, and immediately told them where they were located.
"Fortunately, there are alternatives. Dandelions? Rubber grass? The origin is in the Tianshan area of ​​Xinjiang, which is the Western Region? This is easy to deal with."

"Dandelions prefer cool weather and are both cold-resistant and heat-resistant. They mostly grow on low hillside grasslands, roadsides, fields, and riverbanks. They are both medicine and food, and have the effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and dispersing nodules, and are a diuretic." Zhang Yuanshi from the Imperial Hospital followed suit.

In fact, dandelion has many functions. It can be used to treat carbuncle, breast carbuncle, carbuncle, red eyes, sore throat, lung carbuncle, intestinal carbuncle, damp-heat jaundice, hot stranguria, etc. In addition, it can also treat snake bites and promote milk secretion. It works well for external application or internal administration.

For example, Sun Simiao used dandelion to treat thorny poison and swelling.

These thoughts flashed through Zhang Yuanshi's mind, but these effects had little to do with rubber extraction, so he skipped them. He guessed that rubber grass also had similar habits and similar effects, because the two were close relatives, so they should not be far apart.

"I didn't expect that dandelion has this effect besides clearing away heat and detoxifying. I just don't know the quality and yield of the rubber extracted from them."

"The first thing to worry about is that the environment in the Tianshan Mountains where rubber grass grows is unusual."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded frequently and said, "That makes sense. We should first transplant the rubber grass back and study its growth environment and habits before we can make a comparison."

“In addition, we will encourage private planting and purchase the dried fruits at a certain price.” Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while and estimated that he would not need to say anything, as the public would spontaneously conduct research and purchase related grassroots products to form an industrial chain.

Fortunately, this method produces less rubber, otherwise he is really afraid that people will abandon growing crops and switch to growing dandelions.

"The rubber extracted from dandelion and rubber grass seeds is not enough, right?" Hu Weiyong also frowned. Although he didn't know the rubber content of dandelion and rubber grass seeds, their roots were only a little bit, so even if they were all rubber, how much would it be?

"It would be great if it could be synthesized. Wait, the rubber extracted here is called natural rubber. Can rubber really be synthesized artificially?" Everyone was a little uninterested in extracting from dandelions and rubber grass. It seemed that it would take dozens of truckloads of grass to make a tire. If you calculate the cost, it would be sky-high.

"Rubber is widely used. If the output of rubber trees is not enough, there is a high probability that there is a way to synthesize it artificially!" Everyone knew that the naming of industrial and scientific fields in later generations was extremely standardized, otherwise they would not add "natural" in front of rubber, so it is likely that it can be synthesized artificially. Thinking of this, everyone took out new paper and prepared to copy down the synthesis method.

[However, natural rubber still needs to go through a series of processes to meet international standards. First, it is soaked in water for 20 minutes to wash away impurities and dust, and then it is manually cleaned.]

[Since the composition of each rubber tree is slightly different, the color is also different. For example, the video shows a rubber factory in Thailand.]

[The rubber is then hung up and put into the fire, where it is smoked with firewood for five days and five nights. After smoking, the impurities are removed manually. Workers will grade the rubber according to the amount of impurities. The higher the grade, the more expensive it is.]

[The rubber is then compacted with a heavy press and sprayed with calcium carbonate solution before export. The purpose of spraying calcium carbonate solution is to prevent mold.]

[In order to improve the quality and performance of natural rubber products, additional materials and additives need to be added, such as reinforcing materials, antioxidants, vulcanizers, rubber softeners, fillers, pigments, etc. Different materials and dosage combinations can give products different performance and uses. ]

[For example, most tires are currently made of a mixture of natural rubber and synthetic rubber. The higher the performance requirements, the higher the proportion of natural rubber. Synthetic rubber is synthesized from petroleum through a series of processes, which are too complicated to be described here. Then some reinforcing agents, such as carbon black, are added to the mixed rubber.]

[The coal powder is reacted with the oxidant under high temperature conditions to produce a large amount of tar and gas mixture, in which the tar component contains a large amount of carbon black particles with a high specific surface area.]

[Rubber trees generally grow in tropical areas. Thailand is the largest exporter of rubber. my country also vigorously plants and develops the rubber industry in Hainan.]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

"Uh, it's gone?"


"At least we have a direction," Sun Chuanshi from the Science Department encouraged everyone.
Zhu Yuanzhang took in everything in front of him. Sun Chuanshi was a bit cunning and knew how to read people's expressions. Du Ping was a material for studying physics, and there were several good materials among them.

Thinking back to the synthetic rubber, Zhu Yuanzhang was somewhat helpless. He had originally planned to copy down the method of synthetic rubber, but he didn't expect that this was the case.
Speaking of which, Tianmu always said that oil is the blood of industry. The composition of oil is extremely complex, and the task in the Science Department is extremely heavy. From last year to now, no one has been able to conduct research. Most of the team has been stuffed into research in communications, energy, food, weapons and other areas.

There is even no time to study theories of physics, chemistry, etc.

There is no way, there are simply not enough people.

Now we have telephones for communication, but the switchboard system covering the whole country has not been designed yet. However, the Ministry of Science has proposed a compromise. That is to build in sections, setting up a military intelligence transfer station responsible for conveying messages every few hundred kilometers. In this way, from Jinling to Beiping, intelligence and orders can be quickly conveyed through two or three transfer stations, which is more practical than waiting for the switchboard.

In terms of energy, there are electricity, coal, oil, etc. Even if electricity is not yet available in the countryside, coal, kerosene lamps, etc. are becoming popular very quickly.

Weapons include improved muskets and cannons.

In terms of grain, the main research is on breeding, fertilizers, etc. Breeding is an extremely long process, and fertilizers rely on the research of chemical theory, so there are basically no results.

Other research areas such as biology and medicine are temporarily under the charge of the imperial doctors of the Imperial Medical Bureau.

Perhaps by next year when we admit another group of students from the Imperial College, we will be able to allocate some manpower to invest in petroleum research.

Everyone watched His Majesty in trance, but did not dare to disturb him, so they could only focus on the comment section, hoping to get some inspiration or even the synthesis process.

"People say it's not easy to be a human being. In my opinion, even being a tree in this world has its ups and downs [covering face]"

"Do you know what Horrible Homo erectus is? The years when dinosaurs ruled the earth were not so dark."

Rubber, corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, all in America, a great place to travel

"You can go through the Bering Strait. It will freeze in the winter, but the conditions are extremely bad and the logistics may not be able to keep up. I don't know if people can withstand it and then cross North America to the south. I don't know if there are any terrible bacteria or viruses in the local area. If you are lucky, you may be able to get through [covering face]"

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin and the others were all enlightened: "Yes, we only need a small group of troops to pass through, take a few seeds and come back, maybe we don't need to build a treasure ship at all!"

Then he waved his hand and said, "Bring me the geomancy map!"

Several important officials also gathered around tacitly. They had never thought about the problem of the sea surface freezing before, so they had never considered this matter. The videos of later generations were all from their perspective. For them, crossing the sea was not a problem at all.

Fang Xuanling and others couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. If they had thought of this method last year, perhaps they would have been able to retrieve the seeds.

If we set out in autumn to the narrowest part and wait for winter, the logistics can be guaranteed if we only supply a small number of people. We set out when the ice freezes in winter and can only adapt to circumstances when entering the American continent. We agree to come back in the winter of the second or third year.
The main problem is whether the northern forces are willing to provide convenience.
Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others were also stunned, and then ecstatic.
This plan is obviously much more practical than crossing the ocean, and it is a multi-line operation that does not interfere with each other, which is equivalent to an extra layer of protection.

"Talk first! If we can't reach an agreement, we'll fight!" Zhu Yuanzhang had a fierce look on his face. He could give in and distribute these seeds to the barbarians in the north, because whether it was potatoes or sweet potatoes, they would sprout as soon as they were cut into pieces, and they could not be controlled at all.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to use it as a bargaining chip or as toll.

"If we can't reach an agreement, I don't mind helping these barbarians calm down." Zhu Yuanzhang said with a sneer. He was still very confident in the current strength of the Ming Dynasty. The power of the improved artillery alone was enough to shut up these barbarians.

"But even the sea there is frozen, so it's obviously very cold. The coldest place in the world is more than 50 degrees below zero. We don't know how low the temperature will drop when we get to the Bering Strait."

Liu Ji sighed and said that the further north you go, the colder the winter will be. This is common sense. As someone who was born in Wenzhou Prefecture, he cannot stand the northern climate.

Recruiting soldiers from the north might be of some use.

The generals were also excited when they heard this, and they were ready to fight. "Finally, we have a chance to make a contribution."

Seeing that the people in the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Engineering were busy as hell and making countless achievements, they couldn't sit still.

Since the Sky Curtain appeared, the value of the nerds has far exceeded theirs. If you don't fight, Your Majesty might think you have raised a bunch of useless people. Now you finally have a chance to prove your worth.
"Traveled to the Immortal Cultivation Era and Flying to South America to Get Rubber Trees [Dog Head]"

"Fuck, why do you need rubber when you are cultivating immortality? Blowing bubble gum?"

(End of this chapter)

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