Chapter 148: Past Events in America

"From here (Jinling) to Goryeo, then to the north of Japan (Hokkaido), and then go northeast." Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly drew a route. If you go north along this route, you will reach the Bering Strait. The closest point between the two continents is only a hundred kilometers away.

"What if we take down these strongholds? We can build supply points there. Store diesel, food, fresh water, etc. on these islands. Then we can go to the northernmost part of the continent closest to the Americas. From west to east, we can reach North America without changing direction."

Liu Ji and others fell into deep thought, because the map was copied from later generations, and only had a rough outline, and no one knew how far the two banks were. But it was obvious that this route only needed to protect a few strongholds along the way. Although these places looked far away, that was for a country without diesel engines.

If we can really build a fleet of naval forces, build these strongholds along the way step by step, and then approach the Bering Strait little by little, and then cross it, there is no need to worry about the performance of diesel engines.
"Your Majesty is wise!" Liu Ji expressed his support sincerely. This was much better than taking the route to Southeast Asia. After all, that route was really long, passed through many regions, and had too many variables.

"There are also some problems. The operating time each year is too short. After winter, it is too cold here." Zhu Yuanzhang drew another line in the Liaodong area. The temperature in these areas is related to the latitude and cannot be intervened by human power.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this route was better than the previously mentioned ones. After all, the supply points along the way were all controlled by our Ming soldiers, and since we were sailing in the summer, there was no need to worry about climate, navigation, and other issues. All that was needed next was to cross the American continent and find the seeds we needed.

Then they will return to the designated place in the summer. Or they can send soldiers to this continent in small batches. As long as this long route is continuous, the continuous supply of materials and soldiers will be the greatest guarantee for logistics.
What’s even better is that such a long supply line does not require the mobilization of a large number of troops, and does not require the common people to carry or shoulder things. Supplies can be transported in truckloads, so there is no problem of exhausting the people.

"If that's the case, the treasure ship can be reduced in size, using quantity instead of quality." The Minister of Industry said calmly, like an ant moving house.
This kind of treasure ship fleet is actually easier to build. The warships left over from the original naval battles can be patched up and used. The only difficulty is the diesel engine. Each ship must be equipped with at least 8 cylinders.

A group of people checked and filled in the gaps again. At least this plan was the most feasible. As for the previous plan to go across the ice, it was completely ignored.

[This is the first time in my life that I have heard that if I eat one more piece of meat, I will be criticized by the whole school]

[Recently, a university cafeteria in the country of Kimchi issued a notice stating that at around 2024:6 p.m. on June 7, 5, a Chinese woman packed an abnormal amount of meat]

[He also said: Each person can only eat one piece of meat. If you pay the same meal fee but receive different services, who will pay the fair fee? Finally, he said: You took so much, don’t leave any leftovers.]

[You said it so seriously. To be honest, I had already started to reflect on it until I saw the dinner plate the girl posted.]

[Here is a ball of brown rice, three McNuggets, and a box of drinks.? No, you mean the two slices of lean meat in the broth, right? ]

[Since it is so easy to break through the defense, I would like to ask the comrades in Shandong to double the export price of cabbage]

[More importantly, this incident also made netizens from other countries unable to bear it]

[Da Goose Netizen: Just based on this, I thought it was leftovers]

[Foreign netizens: The sauces on the Chengdu hotpot are richer than this]

[Dezi netizen: Look at this big pot of meat [Photo: Free side dishes at a Chinese restaurant] [Photo: Leftover watermelon rind]]

Jinling City, Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.


".No, if you can't afford to open a canteen, then don't open one. It's shabby and stingy." Many people were too tired to complain. They thought how much food was wasted before!
Moreover, you can clearly choose to pay for additional dishes, or choose to have a fixed quantity, but you insist on letting others help themselves, and then they take one or two extra pieces of meat. If you don't know, you would think you are breaking the law!

You are a country in the 21st century, being so stingy and shameful!
"It fits my stereotype of them: arrogant and stingy."

"I saw on Skynet that they even eat watermelon rinds, but I didn't believe it at first."

“Witness the diversity of species.”

".In Korea, it's like this. The Koreans just need to starve to death, but in Korea, university cafeterias have to consider many things."

".Puff, cough cough" Manager Wan was choked. These people learned quickly. Not only did they learn the formulas, they also said a lot of other sarcastic remarks and rumors.

Mr. Su on the side scratched his head and did not join the crusade. He believed that it was simply a gap in national strength.

Because we first see the future, we habitually use the future as an anchor for judgment, and then our evaluation of Africa, India, and Korea is based on this anchor. Especially Korea, with its small territory, has increased excessive tariffs on foreign goods in order to support its own enterprises. The result is predictable.

Even after analyzing this layer of reasons, he still disliked it from the bottom of his heart.
《Oh, I thought it was an appetizer before dinner.》

"Are there any kimchi people? If not, I'll wash the dishes [with picture: unwashed bowl with some uneaten rice grains on it]"

"Brother, you are an ADC, the damage is so high [dog head]"

"I will be fired if I eat this bowl [Picture: pork ribs and kelp soup, filled with pork ribs]"

You are at least indefinite

[In 1492, Columbus discovered the American continent, which is now the Bahamas. Since Columbus originally sailed west to India and thought he had already arrived in India, he called the Bahamas the West Indies and the people there Indians]

[There is no doubt that the Indians are the masters of the American continent. They developed a huge civilization long before the arrival of Europeans, and there was a period of peace between the two in the early days.]

[The Indians lost to the whites not because of laziness or stupidity. If it weren’t for the hellish difficulty start, they would not have lost to the white colonists.]

[How to talk about the start of this hell difficulty? This requires us to start with the environment in America. In the total grain output around the world, corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes are all very important crops, and they come from the cultivation of Indians]

[Similarly, cassava, peanuts, cocoa, cucumbers, etc., 50% of the world's plant foods actually come from Indians, which gives many people a feeling that America is very rich.]

[But in fact, this is not the case. These crops were actually created by Indians through intercropping and cultivation over thousands of years. There are very few crops that can be domesticated in the Americas, and wild corn does exist in the Americas.]

[But it took the Indians thousands of years to successfully cultivate it 5000 years ago, and it was not until the arrival of the white people that large-scale cultivation was achieved.]

[Because in most cases, the Indians could actually achieve food supply by picking and catching bison. There were so many things to eat in the rainforest anyway, so why would they pick up hoes to plant? This caused the Indians to remain in the late Stone Age or primitive agricultural civilization stage, making it difficult for them to keep up with the world's pace and build modern civilization.]

[Secondly, the terrain of America is also a major factor. The large amount of rainforest makes it difficult for the Indians to communicate with each other. At the same time, there is a lack of domesticated animals in America, making long-distance transportation difficult.]

[This made it so that different tribes of Indians were unaware of each other's existence. For example, the three major Indian civilizations in American history, the Maya, the Aztecs, and the Incas, did not know each other's existence. These factors made it difficult for Indian civilization to break through the Stone Age.]

In front of the Fengtian Palace in Jinling City, everyone took up their pens and wrote it down in detail. This is the history of America!
Among the crops mentioned were potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, cassava, peanuts, and cocoa, all with extremely exaggerated yields.

"Peanuts can be used to extract oil, but what are cassava and cocoa used for?"

"Half of the plant foods come from the Indians." Even Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked. It can be seen that the Indians' talent in farming and the richness of this continent are truly a gift from God.

"What is the Stone Age?" someone from the Science Department asked in confusion. It was the first time they heard this term.

"Could it be the ancient times? A period when copper and iron could not be smelted on a large scale?" Liu Ji was knowledgeable and speculated accordingly.

"Ah? Doesn't that mean that there is basically no major threat in this area?" Everyone was stunned. They thought they would run into the all-powerful and domineering Country M. It might not be that strong but it was still a threat. They didn't expect that the American continent at this time was so backward?
"They may not be the biggest trouble. The rainforest, miasma and inconvenient transportation are the most troublesome!" Liu Ji and others quickly grasped the meaning, and everyone's faces turned ugly.

With today's medical technology, a person might get sick from all kinds of diseases if he traveled to Huguang and Guangdong provinces, let alone crossing a rainforest.
Even though we now know that it is bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. that are at fault, it is, after all, a sparsely populated area with no mature medical system, so if you get sick you are almost waiting to die.

Even the three major civilizations were unaware of each other's existence, which shows how difficult it is to cross the rainforest.

"It turns out that the so-called Great Plains are what was cut down."

"No, no!" Liu Ji interrupted everyone's emotions, and his mind was full of thoughts.
Others were a little anxious and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Silence!" The eunuch attending on the emperor shouted in a low voice when he saw that his majesty had a deep frown on his face.

Liu Ji turned a deaf ear to it. His eyes were dull and pictures flashed through his mind, finally stopping at 30 degrees north latitude, which is the subtropical high pressure belt.

"Around 30 degrees north and south latitude, isn't that the subtropical high pressure zone? This should be a desert. The north is not right either. The light and heat conditions don't support the formation of rainforests."

"Ah?" Although most people remember it, they are not so concerned about this kind of geographical knowledge, so they need others to remind them before they can remember it.

"That means there is actually no problem with this piece of continent in the north." Everyone felt relieved. This was the first time they saw someone use geographical knowledge in a convincing way.

They would not believe it if they were told that they could not find sweet potatoes, corn or potatoes in such a vast area in the north.

Because when Tianmu mentioned these crops, he referred to their place of origin, etc.

Although these crops may have been planted sporadically as the Indians moved around and domesticated them, they were certainly not rare and were most likely already widely used, as has been deduced before.

What Tianmu said just happened to confirm this point, that is, after thousands of years of domestication, it is impossible for it to be rare.

What they fear is that the whole continent is really covered with rain forests, which is torture. But think about it, the formation of rain forests requires the simultaneous occurrence of rain and heat, and the American continents such as Qiongzhou and Nanyang regions obviously do not have such conditions.

[Some people may wonder why Indians don’t cut down rainforests, which hinder transportation and restrict agricultural development. In fact, it’s not that they don’t want to cut them down, but that they have no way to do so.]

[Logging requires iron tools, and iron tools require metallurgy to be manufactured. Metallurgy requires cooperation between tribes to be invented. However, due to the lack of communication between tribes in America, it is difficult to invent metallurgy. Even if someone invents metallurgy on his own, it cannot be mass-produced.]

[Because the American continent lacks shallow copper and iron mines, and deep copper mines require iron tools to dig, they are trapped in the Stone Age in this vicious cycle.]

[All of the above are completely opposite in Eurasia. Eurasia is regarded as the world's road. It has domesticable crops and animals, a large number of shallow copper and iron mines, flat terrain and rich tribes. Therefore, Eurasia has shaped a large number of civilizations.]

[Therefore, the Indians did not start to develop vigorously until the white people came. It is undeniable that the white people initially brought the dawn of civilization to the Indians. The Indians exchanged the spices and cultivated crops in their hands for a large number of weapons, horses and iron tools in the hands of the white people.]

[Many Indian tribes developed prosperous trade civilizations and then entered a stage of civilization explosion, but the time left for them was too short. After the fur trade, the colonists gained a foothold and destroyed the Indians' habit of chasing buffalo migrations, and soon began to persecute these indigenous peoples.]

[The Indians were no less powerful in their struggles against the white colonists. In a hundred years, they developed from a single tribe in the Stone Age to a large tribal alliance similar to the Huns. They fought back and forth with the Spanish colonists and even repelled the colonists many times.]

[The war lasted from the 17th century to the 18th century, and the population dropped from more than 3000 million to more than 1300 million, but there was no humiliating surrender. In fact, it was not because the white colonists were so powerful, but because they brought a terrible thing: plague]

[It may include but is not limited to: measles, influenza, smallpox, cholera, etc. These are infectious diseases developed from animals. Indians who have not domesticated wild animals have almost no immunity to such virulent infectious diseases.]

[As a result, a large number of Indians began to fall ill and die. From the 16th to the 18th century, the prevalence of plague caused the Indian population to drop by 95%. Many developed Indian civilization capitals eventually became ghost towns.]

[This is actually the real reason why the Indians lost to the whites. The decline of the Indians is actually full of tragedy. They are not lazy or stupid, nor are they weak or for other reasons.]

Zhu Yuanzhang and others obviously had no empathy for genocide. What's more, they didn't even know these so-called Indians.

People in later generations lack a correct understanding of the cruelty of war. Throughout history, both sides of a war are basically aiming for life and death, and to exterminate an entire clan.

Wars are all about fighting for living space, otherwise who would dare to talk nonsense with others with their heads down? The colonial war mentioned by Tianmu is the truest background of this world.

How could it be like the later generations?
"This is a good thing. At least we won't encounter any major obstacles when searching the North American continent." Liu Ji and others said, feeling relieved.

"Yes, we are the elite troops of the Ming Dynasty. It is easy for us to deal with a bunch of savages holding stones."

"Don't underestimate the enemy. They just don't have the right weapons, they are not stupid!"

"Don't worry, we are not going to invade. We just want to find crops like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, peanuts, etc. We can even exchange them for something else." Everyone was in a good mood, but they were also praying in their hearts that the best seeds they were looking for were in North America.

"The money earned from war is far less than that from business." Zhu Biao also remembered what people in later generations said.

Since they are all nomads, the cost of buying land should not be high. After all, we always have a lot of things that they don't have, such as porcelain, tea, spices, silk, glass, etc. Taking these rare goods, perhaps we can exchange them for a lot of land.

On the contrary, if it was a war, the distance would be so great and the cost of ruling would be very high after the war. At least the court was not mentally prepared for this.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang never had such great aspirations. He was already very satisfied to be able to rule the Central Plains and bring eternal well-being to future generations.

(End of this chapter)

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