Chapter 151 Ownership of the Sun

Ten days have passed since the sky curtain went out. Today is a day off, and it is the time of Chensi.

In the Magpie Tower, Du Ping chose a seat by the window and sat down. He ordered some food casually, "Okay, that's all."

The maid poured a cup of tea and said with a smile, "Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

I ran to the kitchen to get the flyer.

Du Ping was no longer surprised by this. The teahouse he chose was relatively remote, so the practice was not so "excessive". Some teahouses in prosperous areas have learned to invite a few beautiful women to stand at the door, and whenever a distinguished guest comes, they will happily shout "Welcome two distinguished guests." This kind of thing has been reported several times by the people of the Censorate for "corrupting the atmosphere".

Privately, many old masters complained that "the world is going downhill", but I never saw them go less often.

His Majesty was unusually silent about this. Because the emergence of the Sky Curtain brought not only gossip and profound physics, but also promoted the development of many industries.

For example, coal mining, oil exploration and mining, shipbuilding, laying of electric/telephone lines, R&D and manufacturing of electrical appliances, cement plants, and foreign trade. Foreign trade has also driven the development of traditional silk, porcelain, tea, and the promotion of kerosene lamps and honeycomb coal.

Especially the kerosene lamp, which is good quality and cheap, conquered countless families. In the past, the oil in the oil lamps was extracted from plants, which was not only expensive but also not bright enough when burning. In addition to letting students study late at night, it was basically impossible to make up for the cost of using it, so most people lay down in bed after dark.

Nowadays, the fuel for kerosene lamps is the product of petroleum separation, which is extremely low in cost and bright enough, so people are still willing to light lamps, weave more cloth or do some needlework, or meet with friends and chat.

All the above mentioned industries require a large number of people to participate, and with the Grand Canal being built from time to time, there were naturally not enough people. Gradually, people's prejudices became less, and women were able to find jobs.

Moreover, the news of the strange phenomenon falling from the sky has spread to countries such as Southeast Asia, the Western Regions, Goryeo, and Japan. It seems that wealthy businessmen in "East Asia and South Asia" are all flocking to Nanjing. As a result, the demand for food, clothing, housing, transportation, entertainment and other industries has skyrocketed. There are really not enough people, and many shops have encountered a "labor shortage", and the wages are relatively high.

As the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Jinling City has a more open-minded atmosphere, and it is also a bit embarrassing to talk about it.

Du Ping yawned. He came to the city early in the morning, went to the morning market, strolled around Jinling City, and bought some daily necessities, vernacular novels, paper, etc. The prices of vernacular novels, books, and paper obviously dropped a lot, because the court specially ordered all prefectures and counties to purchase papermaking techniques, and ordered the Ministry of Industry to study for nearly a year, supplying all kinds of materials without limit, and then improved and eliminated some processes, and announced it to the world, so that the price of paper dropped.

In addition, with the promotion of movable type printing, the cost of printing books has been greatly reduced. Although the printed books are not so beautiful, the low price, when used in one-time reading books, makes up for this shortcoming well.

As far as he knew, the Ministry of Industry was busy improving movable type printing. The next step would probably be to promote education.
Just as he was thinking, two voices of "Brother Du" interrupted his thoughts. It was his colleagues from the Science Department. They had made an appointment to go to Longjiang Shipyard in the afternoon to visit the treasure ship powered by a diesel engine.

The fat guy surnamed Chen was not polite either. He sat down while yawning and rubbing his shoulders. "Brother Du, it's too early. Hey, my waist is so old..."

"Don't complain. Although the working hours have become later, at least the change from monthly leave to ten-day leave can be considered as a disguised compensation." Another older tall and thin man folded his umbrella, clasped it on his palm and asked quietly, "Did the Ministry of Industry really develop the internal combustion engine?"

"That's nonsense. They have already made the treasure ship." Du Ping said with a smile.

"What do you know about them?" The little fat man's face was full of disdain. "More than a hundred masters have been working day and night for more than ten days in a row, and the yield rate of hand-grinding is less than half."

The two were dumbfounded. "The yield rate is so low?"

"That's not right," the little fat man said disdainfully, and then looked at the two of them with a mean look, "Do you know how His Majesty would react?"

"Getting furious?" Du Ping asked curiously.

"Hmm" the little fat boy took a sip of tea and shook his head.

"Don't be so cute and tell me quickly." The tall man also came closer, very curious, and even more curious about how he knew these things.

"Burp~" The fat man was very satisfied with the performance of the two. He burped and was about to speak, but he caught a glimpse of the female servant who brought tea and snacks. She stared at the servant with lustful eyes and ran away. He stopped.

"Hey~ I heard that His Majesty's face turned green with anger. The masters spent more than ten days grinding, but they only managed to grind out six, and they were still leaking."

"Is it really that difficult?" Du Ping was a little curious. He never asked about these things in the past and thought that with the blueprints, making a diesel engine cylinder should be a piece of cake.

"Humph, what do you think? The six cylinders are just leaking a little bit. If you really want to grind them seamlessly, it's difficult."

Du Ping thought about it and realized that without mature technology, it was not that simple. But like now, it was all done by hand, which was simply magical.

"Is it possible that people in later generations also grind by hand in this way?"

"There definitely aren't that many cars and ships. It would take a long time to grind them. I guess they also have molds like the ones used to forge swords."

"What about the waste?" The tall man seemed to have thought of something.

"You have good vision." The little fat man thought that the tall guy had the same idea as him and wanted to use these waste products. "But don't think about it. Your Majesty will ask the Ministry of Industry to repair them and use them directly on tractors. They can be sold anyway."

"Ah??? Will this work?"

"It will definitely work, but it will just consume more fuel."

The two of them were silent and reasonable. His Majesty seemed to be such a person.
Then the fat man told them about the efficiency of tractors for tilling the land, which was even more efficient than that of five people and five cows working together. The two were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths.

"But don't be too optimistic. The current cost is too high and ordinary families simply can't afford it." The little fat man smiled indifferently. This kind of thing is not something they can decide.

It is difficult to promote them before mature molds and mass production. Most of them may have to be sent to the great plains in the north, where the terrain is more suitable for the use of farming tractors.

The three of them ate and drank and chatted for a while. Seeing that it was almost time, they paid the bill and headed out of the city.

The Longjiang Shipyard is located in the northwest of Jinling City, facing the Yangtze River. In order to prevent the leakage of related technologies, it is under martial law all year round.

When the three arrived, many people had already arrived, including those from the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Science, and many military generals.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao also arrived early. In addition to touring the shipyard's production process, they also paid extra visits to the craftsmen at various posts.

Unlike Zhu Biao who was eager to try, he knew in his heart that since An Ran dared to say that the construction of the first treasure ship using dual power of diesel and sails had been completed, there must be no problem with the power, but it was not yet certain how fast it could reach.

This treasure ship is 120 zhang 50 chi long and zhang wide, which means it is more than meters long and meters wide. It is truly a huge ship. People walking on it are as small as ants.

The treasure ship was anchored by the water. Apparently, the people from the Ministry of Works had already tried sailing and confirmed that there was no problem. Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the people busy on the ship and couldn't help but sigh. If he had such a good treasure ship, he wouldn't have had to work so hard to fight Chen Youliang.

Although the September sun was not that scorching, it was still too hot to bear. Soon everyone was sweating profusely and complaining non-stop.

Fortunately, someone from the Ministry of Works came to ask for instructions soon, "Your Majesty, the treasure ship is ready, please give instructions!"

"Then let's have a trial voyage!" As it needed to be kept secret, Zhu Yuanzhang did not make it too grand and just gave the order.

"set sail!"

"set sail!"

As the order was conveyed, a "boom" sound was heard from the interior of the treasure ship. The chimney at the bow of the treasure ship first emitted a sparse white smoke, which then gradually became thicker. The treasure ship also slowly moved, very slowly at first, and then began to speed up.

"Your Majesty, please look." Following the instruction, everyone could not help but look towards the shore. There were two carriages, two horses, and two three-wheeled battery vehicles.
"The speed of the treasure ship can be roughly determined by the running speed of horses, carriages and people!" The Minister of Works Anran explained, but because the treasure ship was going down the river, its speed was a little slower than the actual speed.

Du Ping and others immediately thought of the key and couldn't help but admire the Ministry of Industry's careful thinking.

"Bring the horses!" Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up. This idea was very thoughtful and could allow him to intuitively feel the treasure ship's sailing speed.

Since the treasure ship had started to accelerate, it rushed out in a flash, and its speed was obviously very fast.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others then rode out on horseback, and the people behind them could not get any horses, so they could only trot along.
The three-wheeled electric vehicles were still too slow, and Zhu Yuanzhang waved his whip and quickly passed them. He soon caught up with several carriages and maintained the same speed as the treasure ship.

"Dad, the speed is estimated to be over 50 kilometers per hour!" Zhu Biao calculated carefully.

I estimated that at this speed, I could run about 100 kilometers per hour, which is about 50 kilometers per hour.
Without the thrust of the water flow, it is estimated that it can run 40-50 kilometers. This is the pure sailing speed without the help of sails. In other words, it only takes two to three days to reach Beiping Prefecture from Jinling.

"This is only a 6-cylinder treasure ship. If it can reach the 16-cylinder or 32-cylinder that Tianmu said, or if the manufacturing technology is improved, it is simply unimaginable." Zhu Yuanzhang sighed in his heart. People who know the business understand the horror of it. It really fits the saying, the world is so big, there is no place you can't go?

Take Japan for example. If we have a fleet of five ships, each carrying 5 people, that would be 1000 people.
Or in other words, go south and capture the key point on the sea.

Or the copper and iron mines in Australia
Time flies. For the people in the city, these three months passed in the blink of an eye, but for everyone in the Ministry of Works, it was nothing short of torture.

In three months, even if most of the Ministry of Works were used, they could only produce less than 30 cylinders, which could only arm five treasure ships, and the sailing speed was much faster than that of a horse-drawn carriage running at full speed. The Minister of Works wiped his sweat. If it weren't for the excellent results, his position would have been lost long ago.

At this speed, there would be no problem in launching a surprise attack on Japan and occupying Hokkaido. After all, we learned from Tianmu that their so-called Warring States Period was nothing more than a fight between street hooligans.

The five treasure ships, apart from the cargo, can each accommodate about a thousand people, but if it is a long voyage, the number of people will have to be reduced. The five ships can conservatively carry more than 2000 people. This fleet has already begun to take shape.

But all this is still in the planning stage. It will be implemented after the Chinese New Year next year at the latest, which is the fifth year of Hongwu.

There is nothing to be happy about in attacking Japan. The important thing is to obtain the seeds of several major grains in America. Everything else must give way to this.

"Here they come!" There was a commotion in front of the Fengtian Hall, and then they quieted down on their own.

[Recently, a fan asked: Did you know that the sun was once privately owned? I looked it up and found that it was actually true. ]

[On an ordinary afternoon in 2010, the Japanese woman (Angela Duran) came to the notary office with the documents she had brought with her to register the sun as her own planet. The notary first said in a wicked way: "Are you crazy or is the world crazy? If you can register successfully, I will eat this computer screen on the spot."]

[Oh my god, the regulations didn't really say no. The United Nations' Outer Space Jump only stipulates that a country may not claim to own any planets or stars, but it doesn't say that individuals can't own them. Out of professional ethics, the notary accepted her application and wrote on the notarized document: Angelas Duran is the owner of the sun]

[Then came the show. The Japanese woman first wrote a letter to the United Nations, asking everyone in the world to pay one dollar for the sunlight fee. Later, she took the United States to court, on the grounds that the Japanese woman's large-scale use of solar energy without her permission was an act of stealing her personal property.]

[Faced with the aggressive Japanese woman, former Vice President Al Gore of the United States calmly dismissed the issue with one sentence: The ultraviolet rays from your sun have sunburned me, pay me! ]

[According to this logic, there are several other excuses: Your sunlight is shining on my balcony, please pay the light-out fee! A more ruthless one is: Your sunlight has entered my house without permission, this is trespassing! ]

[The Japanese girl found out that the opponent was higher in rank than her, so she changed her game and started selling the land of the sun on a certain trading website, one yuan per square meter. Will anyone really buy this kind of thing? The answer is yes, there will be people who buy it, and hundreds of cute little girls are crazy about placing orders.]

[Later, it was said that in order to stop her from continuing to make trouble, the United Nations secretly gave her hundreds of thousands of dollars, and only then did she cancel the ownership of the sun, and the Japanese woman disappeared from the public eye.]

[In 2005, a company called the Moon Embassy appeared in Beijing and sold land on the moon at a price of 298 yuan per mu. At that time, my mother's salary was only 20 yuan a day, but 34 smart people placed orders.]

[Afterwards, the Yueliang Real Estate Agency was deregistered by the Industrial and Commercial Administration for suspected speculation.]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

Everyone who had prepared banknotes was stunned.

"Sure enough, only magic can defeat magic." The little fat man Chen Li murmured. This world is indeed uneven. He knows that there are 78 genders in Country M, and he also knows that there are conflicts in the northeast region and people are throwing shit at each other. It's really abstract.

"Is this money so easy to earn?"

"Why does it feel like a routine?" Hu Weiyong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In his opinion, this looked like a routine no matter how you looked at it. It was nothing more than someone hiding behind and directing it.

Logically speaking, when applying for the sovereignty of the sun, it should be reported to the higher authorities. This is beyond the authority of the notary. And considering the national conditions of that country where people are always treated to peanuts, this is still negotiable.
Of course, he didn't know the actual situation, so everything was just speculation.

Everyone was speechless, and the comments section was even more outrageous.
"If you have a big fist, you can tax other people's carbon emissions; if you don't have a big fist, your oil can be taken away by others"

"I remember that after this incident, the tax bureau first demanded payment of taxes, then related protection organizations such as skin cancer demanded compensation, and finally some people who were burned demanded compensation, and finally some people demanded that the sun be turned down during the day, otherwise they would sue her for illegal operation hhhhhh"

"Ugly people have the first right to speak, because ugly words are spoken first [狗头]"

"Handsome people are scumbags, because they are so handsome"

(End of this chapter)

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