Chapter 152 Giraffe Virus Evolution

[I finally understand why novels are all about princes from the Beijing circle, but not princes from the Guangdong circle]

[I went out for dinner at a friend's house in Guangdong. At first I thought we were going to a big restaurant, but we ended up going to a farm in Shankala. I almost suspected I was being trafficked.]

[I thought this was just a minority, until I saw a reply from a Cantonese person: My father's partner, a very rich uncle, likes to go to Shankala to find the traditional soup. Although it is very delicious, the road is really difficult to walk.]

[It’s normal that there are no Cantonese princes in novels. How can a prince wear short-sleeved shirts, shorts and slippers? His means of transportation to work is a small electric stove. His favorite drink is herbal tea. He will take you into the mountains to eat free-range chicken.]

[When the prince of the Beijing circle takes his wife to a high-end restaurant and spends a lot of money on the heroine on various occasions, the prince of the Guangdong circle invites the heroine to a teahouse for morning tea, returns a pack of tissues, and even asks the front desk for a free parking ticket when parking]

[If you go to Shankala Farmhouse and see Yue B parked at the door, then this restaurant may be delicious. If it is Yue A, then it is definitely good. If it is all Yue Exy, then it is definitely very delicious. If it is all Yue Yi and Yue X, congratulations, you are in luck]

[Other princes flirt and linger on the soft leather sofa, but the prince in the Guangdong circle carries the heroine to the mahogany stool and throws her on the stool to betray and intentionally hurt her, because Guangdong people's homes are basically all solid wood furniture, and throwing someone down would probably make them look ugly even if they don't bleed]

[There is also a unique style in business wars. The prince of the Beijing circle is able to make plans and win the battle thousands of miles away. He can easily win the war of public opinion, financial war, and acquisition war. The prince of the circle either pours boiling water on the opponent's fortune tree, or drills two holes in the opponent's dragon boat, making them lose the dragon boat race and go back to kneel in the ancestral hall.]

Jinling City, Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

Everyone was laughing so hard that they fell over. They had already learned from the sky that the Cantonese circle was the Lingnan area.

The various magical operations of the prince of the Beijing circle sound very grand and impressive, but they are all very unfamiliar and incomprehensible things. In fact, a group of "ancient people" who lived 600 years ago seem very distant emotionally.

On the other hand, the customs and practices of Lingnan are simple and friendly. For example, people may walk a long way to visit someone just to have a bite of delicious food, or return tissues and ask for parking tickets.

To put it simply, it means spending what should be spent and saving what should be saved, with flesh and blood, just like the boy next door.

In the dragon boat races between clans, kneeling in the ancestral hall is a very real tradition in many places. During festivals, worship, repairing the ancestral hall, weddings and funerals, if you want to fish in troubled waters and not work, you will be scolded at the least, or kneeled in the ancestral hall at the worst.
Even the mahogany furniture in the house made everyone sympathize with it, because it looked similar to the eight-immortal table and rectangular stools in everyone's home.
"Is the word 'Prince' used so casually in later generations?" Everyone was a little surprised. The last time they heard it was used on pandas, but at least they are still national treasures and can make money for the country.

"I guess so. They even dare to tease the emperor. What's the big deal about calling himself a prince?" Someone curled his lips and said in a low voice. Although there was some disapproval in his words, the national conditions were different and everyone was still cautious.

Everyone also thought it made sense. Take the current emperor for example, he has been teased and laughed at by Tianmu many times.

"Isn't this rebellion?"

"Maybe there is no emperor anymore."

When these words came out, everyone was shocked, "What do you mean?"

"Have you forgotten the debate between the two elders in the election of country x?" the man said nonchalantly. At the foot of the capital, everyone knew that there must be different forces supporting them behind the scenes, but in the final analysis, the systems of today's countries are completely different from those of later generations. Later generations completely abandoned the model of 'family rule'.

The problem of the royal family of the Ming Dynasty is quite humorous. In addition to the countless fertile lands awarded as rewards, more than one-third of the country's taxes are used to support the royal family. It would be strange if the country did not perish.

"Will there really be no chaos without an emperor?" someone asked, but then he changed his mind and cursed himself for being stupid, because the result was here, so it definitely wouldn't happen.

“It’s really hard to imagine!”

This was the first time such a thing had ever happened to humankind. Not only the common people, but even the officials in the imperial court were extremely surprised by it.

However, due to taboo, everyone just ignores it.

【The thing that kills the most people on this planet is not war or natural disasters, but viruses. 】

【In the last century, there was a virus called smallpox that killed 5 million people on Earth. So some people say that viruses are a possibility for the extinction of mankind.】

[According to our current definition of living things, the smallest unit of living things is the cell, and all living things are made up of cells. But viruses are smaller than cells, so viruses are a kind of living non-living things]

[The structure of a virus is very simple. It has a protein shell on the outside and some genetic material such as DNA or RNA inside. DNA is a double helix structure, and the genes on it are in pairs. In order to ensure integrity, it is not easy to mutate. RNA is a long chain and no one pairs with it, so it often mutates.]

[Viruses cannot survive in nature on their own. They must parasitize other animals. These animals are their natural hosts. Viruses will not cause any harm in the bodies of natural hosts. For example, the SARS virus will not cause any trouble in the body of a civet cat. The same is true for AIDS in gorillas.]

[There are many viruses in our bodies that live in peace with us, because if they don’t live in peace with the host, they will die. ]

[But when the virus enters the body of a non-natural host, it either cannot adapt to the environment or temperature and dies, or it is discovered by the immune system and can only survive by mutating.]

[But not all viruses are harmful to the human body. Some are even beneficial to the human body. The most exaggerated thing is that a virus was found that only attacks cancer cells. Cancer is a disease that we are helpless against in the 21st century.]

[The story is that about 100 years ago, a woman was diagnosed with cancer. Later, she got the flu and found that her cancer was partially cured. That was the first time people realized that viruses might be able to treat cancer.]

[However, after 100 years of research, there is no case that a virus can completely cure cancer. However, there are still examples of effectively extending the life span of patients.]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

Everyone was busy copying the relevant content. For them, this was the first time they understood the difference between DNA and RNA, and why RNA was so prone to mutation.
"Natural host. Doesn't that mean that all animals may contain viruses that are deadly to humans?" Everyone was shocked. This guess was not unreasonable, because viruses do not show aggressiveness in the body of a natural host, so the natural host will be normal. Until these viruses are transmitted to other hosts, causing a series of hazards.

"Don't panic. At least there won't be any big problems with the poultry, livestock, cats and dogs that we come into contact with on a daily basis." Zhang Yuanshi from the Imperial Hospital said this. This makes sense because humans have been dealing with these animals for thousands of years. If there really were a virus that was seriously harmful, something would have happened long ago.

"It turns out that the virus mutates just to survive." Some imperial doctors in the Imperial Hospital communicated with each other. Previously, they thought too much about viruses, thinking that viruses were bad, but this is obviously not the case. Viruses are unconscious self-reproduction activities.
"This is really weird. It has no consciousness and is not a living thing, but it is alive."

"This should also be considered a living thing, but it just doesn't meet the definition of human. It has no consciousness but can move, which is very strange." An old Chinese doctor named Gu from the Imperial Hospital started to think hard and said that the various behaviors of this virus have obviously exceeded the understanding of most people.

After the baptism of the sky, especially the discovery of bacteria and viruses, the existing medical books and theories, especially the pathogenic mechanism, have great loopholes. At present, the Imperial Hospital has begun research and is preparing to rewrite the medical books.
"What is cancer?" In front of the Fengtian Hall, Zhu Biao and others were confused again. The medical theories of later generations have made great progress compared to today, but how difficult it must be for them to have a disease that they are still helpless against.

Facing the Crown Prince's inquiring gaze, Envoy Zhang felt a little uneasy, but he still chose to tell the truth: "This minister is not very knowledgeable and has never heard of this disease."

Everyone was a little disappointed, but since this disease involved cells, such a microscopic disease, it was not normal in ancient books, so they did not take it seriously.

[Currently, there is a theory about human evolution called viral evolution theory, which says that it is possible that human evolution or biological evolution was triggered by viruses. They originally proposed this theory to solve the problems that Darwin's theory of evolution could not explain.]

[Darwin's theory of evolution says that all creatures on Earth evolved into the current situation through gene mutation, survival of the fittest, and evolution.] [But a very strange thing is that biological gene mutations only occur in individuals, and they are all mutations of disease and defects, without any positive effects, such as mutations that have positive effects on survival, such as the ability to heal wounds, the ability to breathe underwater, etc.]

[However, no such situation has been found so far, only defects and diseases have been found.]

[The most typical example is the evolution of giraffes, which cannot be explained by the theory of evolution. The most common view at present is that the low leaves were eaten up over a long period of time, and in order to survive, giraffes slowly evolved their necks to be longer. This statement has a loophole, that is, why did herbivores such as cows, horses, sheep, and elk of the same period not evolve, but only giraffes evolved? 】

[Another theory is that giraffes live in Africa and evolved long legs to avoid being hunted by their natural enemies. Then they couldn't lower their heads to drink water, so they evolved long necks. This theory is just as unconvincing as the one above. Besides, Africa is a vast continent, so wouldn't it be easier to be spotted if they evolved long necks?]

[Also, long legs and a long neck are a huge test for the heart's blood supply, so the heart must also evolve accordingly, otherwise the brain will be doomed to failure due to insufficient blood supply. This is a complete set of evolution.]

[We all know that the direction of gene mutation is random, and giraffes, like us, have a double helix DNA structure, so the possibility of mutation is very small. At most, your nails may become a little longer, his neck may become an inch longer, and someone else's skin may become thicker. In short, there are all kinds of strange things. It is very mysterious to think that a whole group of people will have a whole set of mutations, and the original Sivaghar will disappear after the mutations.]

[The evolution of the Sivaghar deer into the giraffe cannot be explained by evolution, but if it can be explained by this virus evolution theory, it would be very shocking, just like African swine fever only affects pigs.]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin and a group of civil officials thought about it carefully, and what Tianmu said was indeed impeccable.

If you want a population to mutate and iterate quickly, it would be much more reasonable to think from the perspective of viruses. First, there are viruses that only target a certain population. If the genetic material of these viruses combines with the DNA of the Sivagharius, then mutations may occur.

This alone could explain why other populations were not affected (or evolved accordingly).

Second, the spread of the virus is obviously faster and more stable than natural evolution.

Third, only viruses can lead to a whole set of evolution so smoothly and without leaving any trace.

"Let's record it first." Li Shimin said. At present, these studies are far from the level of the Tang Dynasty, and they can't be used directly. So they can only be recorded as anecdotes. They are not useful at present, but they may be useful in the future.

"This statement is obviously more reasonable." Fang Xuanling and others were convinced. At the same time, he also had a strong interest in various studies of later generations, because just by reading these studies, he could see flashes of wisdom.

And they are not like folk tales, which are castles in the air and cannot stand up to scrutiny. These studies are very rigorous in logic and are a pleasure to read.

[The question is, could the evolution of human beings also be related to viruses? ]

[The first thing people consider is human wisdom, but they have never known where this wisdom comes from. This wisdom is not consciousness. All animals have consciousness, but only humans have wisdom.]

[Why do only humans have intelligence? This characteristic displayed by a single species is particularly consistent with the characteristics of viruses. It may be that we are infected with a certain virus that makes us intelligent, but this virus will not infect other animals. ]

[In fact, when this theory was proposed 60 years ago, most scientists did not accept it at all, because this theory was just a hypothesis without evidence.]

[Why did I come up with this hypothesis out of nowhere? Because at that time, I discovered that the evolved E. coli were all infected by a virus called a bacteriophage.]

[After it infected E. coli, E. coli became particularly tenacious and showed an evolutionary characteristic. So they thought, could it be that this virus caused the evolution of E. coli? So they proposed viral evolution]

[In 2000, the famous science magazine Nature published a paper saying that the placenta of mammals was caused by evolution triggered by viral infection]

[That is to say, mammals are different from other animals. They have placentas in their bodies, so they can give birth to offspring in the mother's body. This is actually very magical. The blood type of the fetus may be different from the mother's blood type. Logically, the DNA is different, and the human immune system will think that the fetus is a foreign body in the human body and will attack it.]

[But why the mother did not attack the fetus? It was all thanks to the placenta. There is a kind of multinucleated cell on the placenta, which can transfer nutrients between the mother and the baby without interfering with blood and other genetic materials.]

[This cell was later studied and found to have genes derived from viruses.]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned by this article. It reveals a lot of information.

First of all, the human body will attack foreign objects that obviously do not belong to the body. This kind of judgment method is very wide, such as blood type, DNA and so on.

"Human, no, animal placentas are all modified by viruses."

"This also explains why some animals lay eggs, some animals, and humans, are viviparous. Simply put, some animals do not allow it and do not have a placenta."

Everyone felt their scalps tingling. Although these studies are said to be pursuing truth and revealing the truth, the results of some studies are really hard to accept.

If these contents had not popped out from the sky, they would definitely think that the people who came up with these conclusions were crazy.
Humans and many viruses are in a never-ending battle, and you tell me that humans have been transformed by viruses???
Tianmu then came up with a major conclusion, that is, as the giraffe's heart becomes stronger, its blood pressure must also become stronger, otherwise blood will not be able to flow to the brain.

Because the blood pressure is very high (the giraffe's blood pressure is the highest among animals), then why don't the blood vessels in the giraffe's head burst when the giraffe lowers its head and moves its neck violently?
The answer is that there is a tissue behind its brain called "lost", also known as "qijing network".

This organization is also found in the Okapi, its only close relative. However, the Okapi does not have a long neck. The Okapi is like a donkey, and the Lost organization is completely useless to it.

In other words, the giraffe evolved the 'confusion' tissue before its neck became longer, and this tissue is to ensure that its blood pressure does not collapse after its neck becomes longer.

"Too explosive." Everyone who understood what was said widened their eyes, and were so shocked that they couldn't utter complete sentences. This meant that the evolution of giraffes was 'premeditated' and it didn't seem to be a natural evolution.

Otherwise, the long neck should have come first and then the "confusion" organization, which is the "closing the fold after the horse has bolted" model.

"It's extremely exciting!" Liu Ji clenched his fists, feeling a little excited. This is 'Hearing the Truth in the Morning'.

The scientific department and others repeatedly pondered the logic, but could not find any loopholes in Tianmu's words.

"These virus evolutions could only happen in the past. Now you can go to the hospital and get cured [dog head]"

"The deer's legs have become longer in order to run faster. Should the legs of its natural enemies also become longer?"

"Perhaps the potential stimulated by filling your stomach and saving your life is different."

(End of this chapter)

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