Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 26 Why Zhu Yuanzhang Didn't Go to Mount Tai to Offer Offerings to the Gods

Chapter 26 Why Zhu Yuanzhang Didn't Go to Mount Tai to Offer Offerings to the Gods
[Take a piece of superconducting material, cool it with liquid nitrogen, and then put it on a magnetic track]

[At this time, if you push it, it can move on the magnetic track. Not only will it not fall, but it will also have great buoyancy. This is the quantum locking of superconducting materials, also called flux pinning]

[However, this anti-magnetism can only be maintained for a very short time. As the temperature rises, the material loses its superconducting properties.]

[Is this kind of superconducting material rare? In fact, there are many, such as yttrium barium copper oxide, lanthanum barium copper oxide, iron-based superconductors, magnesium boride superconductors, and even some metals have a certain degree of superconductivity when cooled.]

[Get a piece of superconducting material, and buy cheap and easy-to-use liquid nitrogen, and you can also conduct a superconducting magnetic levitation experiment at home]

[But what is the point of such an experiment even if it is done? ]

[There is a background setting in the movie Avatar, where humans discovered a superconducting element on Pandora, so they went to rob it 4 light years away]

[There are many islands on Pandora that are floating in the air because they contain superconducting elements]

[The principle is just as described at the beginning of the video]

In the sky, you can see a small object floating on the path of the ring magnet. With a slight push of the finger, it flies around the path of the ring magnet at a very fast speed.

Then, the young man in the sky placed a tangerine on it. The superconductor carried the tangerine and kept floating and rotating.

During the Zhenguan period, the people of Chang'an were stunned as if they were seeing a god.

It's that simple?
What’s the difference between this and turning stone into gold?
The difference is that turning stone into gold is only a legend.

Is this the principle that allowed iron birds to fly in later generations?
[But the temperature currently required to meet superconducting conditions is too low, the highest is more than minus 100 degrees Celsius]

[Of course, if it can be superconducting at room temperature, that would be the long-awaited room-temperature superconductivity]

[In addition to low temperature, another method is high pressure, which is equivalent to using huge pressure to control these lattices so that they do not vibrate randomly]

In the palace, all the civil and military officials were in an uproar, chattering about the matter.

If this thing is made bigger, can it carry people?
Although the floating distance does not seem to be very high, isn't it just a disguised form of flying? Flying low is still flying!

Throughout history, how many people can refuse to fly?
It can carry people and goods. Just imagine that with this thing, the ability to support troops and transport food and fodder will increase exponentially, and there is no need to conscript labor. In addition, it is also very beneficial in daily government affairs and can greatly strengthen the court's control over the local areas.

There are so many benefits. This is an opportunity to profoundly change the Tang Dynasty.

"Everyone, this magnetite is easy to find. If liquid nitrogen is only used for cooling, perhaps it can be replaced by other means. But these superconducting materials are unheard of by me." Zuo Pushe Fang Xuanling said, pulling his beard.

Li Shimin nodded, but later generations also said that low-temperature superconductivity was not feasible.

No, didn’t the iron birds of later generations fly using this method?
As for the tool for measuring temperature, Li Shimin had long wanted someone to make one, but he had not yet decided on the scale.

As mentioned in the sky curtain, the scales used in later generations did not weigh sixteen taels per catty.

Since we are going to make this tool in imitation of later generations, we should maintain the same standards as later tools. Otherwise, the various values ​​mentioned in later generations will have to be converted again, which would be a waste of time.

The video on the sky screen is relatively short and is being played again at this moment. Everyone is watching it attentively.

"By lowering the room temperature to -270 degrees Celsius, room temperature superconductivity is achieved"

"There could be a faster way, which is to directly define minus 270 degrees Celsius as room temperature [狗头]"

You Know the Definition

"This is a good idea!" Zhang Fei laughed heartily in Nanjun during the late Han Dynasty.

Guan Yu looked at him as if he were a fool.

The sky turned again, and it was the school playground.

A male student was playing with a stack of student cards.

[Passerby A: Dude, are you using your student ID to make a nest? ]

[The male protagonist looked disdainful: Tsk]

Not long after, another man ran by and picked up the student ID.

[Pedestrian B: Hey, why do you, a man, lose your student ID?]

After saying that, he threw it away.

[The male protagonist comes from a distance, cursing: No, what the hell are you doing picking up my student ID?]

Soon after, a girl who was taking a walk came over and picked up the student ID.

The male protagonist walked over happily.

[Male lead: Can you show me your student ID? ]

【Girl: Give】

[Male lead: It looks like it’s mine. We are really destined to be together. Do you want to add me on WeChat? I’ll treat you to a meal later.]

[Girl: Okay]

The camera pulls back, and Passerby A and Passerby B, who appeared before, look at the man and woman in the distance with firm eyes.

【Pedestrian C: What are you two doing here? 】

[Passersby A and B said in unison: Study!] "There is one person in our school who lost his student ID three times in a week and posted a white wall every time! He added a selfie of himself and said it was his student ID. He even added WeChat to treat me to a meal after he found it. Later, our dormitory specifically waited for his student ID. After he treated us to his student ID three times, we realized something was wrong [狗头]"

《You have to know how to play》

"Puff~ cough cough cough" In Yecheng at the end of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao spat out a mouthful of tea and was choked badly.

Good man, according to later generations, you are the ones who know how to have fun.

《Acknowledge that the student ID is mine:x; Wait with the beauty for the owner:√》

"Then after waiting for a long time, I asked the girl if she wanted to go back first. Besides, it's so cold that she could easily catch a cold. Then we walked together and sent her to the dormitory. We could also take the opportunity to contact her on the way. When we got to the dormitory building, I put the student ID card with the girl and told her that I was going back to the dormitory. I also asked who lost it and tried to rescue her. Then I told her that I added her on WeChat and it would be easy to deal with her after adding her. "

"Universal nationwide, right?"

South County.

Zhang Fei laughed out loud.

Many soldiers laughed along, saying that this young man was too cunning and had so many tricks up his sleeve.

Guan Yu squinted his eyes and looked at the soldiers around him. Fortunately, his daughter was still young.

However, when he thought about how many young boys Tianmu might lead astray and might even take away his own cabbage in the future, he became upset again.

Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and others could not understand Guan Yu's desire to protect his son, but seeing the expression on General Guan's face, they still tried to hold back their laughter.

[The most amazing thing about Emperor Zhenzong of Song was that he went to Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the gods. Other emperors were not willing to go there.]

[Not to mention the Southern Song Dynasty, even if you want to go there, you have to apply for a visa from the Jin Dynasty first. There is no point in going there.]

[After that, whenever the emperor heard someone suggest going to Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the gods, he would think that even a scumbag like Emperor Zhenzong of Song went to Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the gods, and you want me to be on the same level as him, isn’t that an insult?]

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Jiangling City in Nanjun.

"Lick the face", "rotten fish and shrimp".

Everyone looked strange. Pang Tong had complained before that people in later generations cursed too harshly, but now it seemed that hey, hey, he had underestimated them.

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang had great contempt for the emperors of the two Song dynasties in his heart, but he could not say that.

It was also for this reason that after completing the unification, he did not choose to go to Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth.

[As the Son of Heaven, Qin Shi Huang went to Mount Tai to report on his work. He could proudly say to the heavens that he had swept across the world and unified the eight wildernesses, conquered the Xiongnu in the north and conquered the Baiyue in the south, and opened a new chapter for China by standardizing writing and wheels. Those achievements are not to be underestimated.]

[When Emperor Wu of Han went there, he could also proudly say that he had conquered Nanyue and conquered the Western Regions. Even the Xiongnu, who had been arrogant for a hundred years, were beaten by him and the people in the far north of the desert dared not move south. In addition, he redefined the Han nationality and made the Han nationality the faith of the entire nation. Don’t you think this achievement is not cheap?]

[Even if they were relatively mediocre, Emperor Gaozong and Emperor Xuanzong of Tang could at least raise their heads and report: The nine thousand miles west of Chang'an is all our Tang territory, and the tributes from all nations are unparalleled in the world, and all the nations within the four seas are submissive. This is barely enough, right?]

[Even the worst Emperor Guangwu of Han, Liu Xiu, could report that he reunified the country and allowed the Han Dynasty to continue for nearly 200 years]

[Hey, then what did Song Zhenzong report? I defeated the Khitans north of the Yellow River and signed an agreement. I only need to pay them protection fees every year and they will not come to attack me. I also swore brotherhood with them. I don’t have to live in fear anymore.]

[He said that it was lucky that the heavens didn't kill him with a thunderbolt, and he still had the nerve to come to Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the gods]

In the 32nd year of King Zheng of Qin, Xianyang.

Ying Zheng has been a little annoyed in the past few months. Previously, Tianmu had revealed that Qin II had died, and Liu Bang, Xiang Yu and others had risen up in rebellion. For this reason, batches of people were captured bloodily in the past few months.

But he doesn't know him.
After examining each case one by one and observing their demeanor, he felt that he had not caught them.
There is no evidence, it’s just that my intuition didn’t catch it.

Adhering to the principle of killing rather than letting go, all three tribes were killed without leaving a single person alive.

In addition, the remnants of the six nations have quieted down recently and are causing less trouble, which is not good news.

When I heard Tianmu's words at this time, I didn't feel happy.

In the past three months, after stopping taking the elixir, my energy has become less and less than before.

After all, Fusu was too cowardly, and it would be difficult for him to maintain peace in the country during this turbulent time.

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin was so angry that he laughed.

Cheng Yaojin muttered in a low voice: "How shameless! No wonder the young man is cursing at him."

He thought his voice was small, but everyone heard it roughly, and everyone pretended not to hear it.

It is extremely disrespectful for a minister to discuss the emperor, even though Emperor Zhenzong of Song was an emperor of a later generation.

Everyone has a scale in their heart, and after thinking about it in their heart, they all think that it is indeed shameless.

Winning the fight and still having to pay compensation, what kind of crappy achievement is this?
I bother!

[If everyone follows his standard, 10 out of 8 emperors would have been able to go there. Then what is there to brag about in this Fengshan ceremony at Mount Tai?]

[Before Zhu Yuanzhang went there, he was on par with the Qin Emperor and Han Emperor. But after he went there, he was instantly on the same level as the scumbag Emperor Zhenzong of Song. If it were you, would you still go there?]

(End of this chapter)

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