Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 27: Ancient Emperors' Nicknames

Chapter 27: Ancient Emperors' Nicknames
Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

Zhang Fei looked at the comment section and laughed out loud, making everyone else laugh.

This Qianlong is too miserable.
"After being beaten to the gates of the capital, retreating is considered a victory? It's just the style of the Spring and Autumn Period [covering face]"

"Thanks to Emperor Zhenzong of Song, otherwise Emperor Qianlong would have to go there once every two months"

"I have to stamp my name on the top of the mountain and write a few hundred bad poems"

"Imitating Qianlong: Overlooking the Nine Provinces from the South Gate of Heaven, the mountains and rivers are majestic and magnificent. With ten complete martial arts in my hands, I hope to live forever in the 100th year of my life."

"Come on, he can't even write the first two lines. Only when he has all the skills can he write poetry."

"Emperor Taizong of Tang was spit on by Wei Zheng when he wanted to go to Mount Tai. How could Emperor Zhenzong of Song have the nerve to do that?"

"Wei Zheng was the biggest troll in the early Tang Dynasty. I don't know how Li Er could hold back."

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Wei Zheng was so angry that he was shaking. Although he didn't know what the word "troll" meant, based on his understanding of people in later generations and the context, he knew that nothing good could come out of their mouths.

Li Shimin's eyes twitched and he could no longer hold his face. Tang Chu, Li Er, are they talking about him?

This is really outrageous and disgraceful!
When did I say I would go to Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to the gods?
Hmm? Maybe later?
Good job, Wei Zheng!
"The first person in history to lose money after winning a fight [covering face]"

I thought you were scolding Cixi [狗头]

Empress Dowager Cixi Never Won

The Sino-French War was won, but the Qing Dynasty still had to pay compensation

Another familiar name. I’ve seen it mentioned before in the first thing the emperors did after traveling back to the modern era.

Zhu Yuanzhang recalled that it seemed like the harem was interfering in politics during the Qing Dynasty.

When the Qing Dynasty was mentioned, Zhu Yuanzhang felt like something was stuck in his throat.

The specific location was not mentioned in the sky, we only know that the threat came from the north.

Humph, at worst I can just sweep the entire north!

Zhu Yuanzhang: I have little education, tell me what mountain this is; Eunuch: Emperor Taishan; Zhu Yuanzhang: I think you have too many clans.

"Change the mountain, go to Mount Everest to worship the Buddha"

"I remember there was a donkey cart god of war, was it that guy?"

"In this regard, Che Taizong still has some points [dog head]"

"Li Shimin and Zhu Yuanzhang were the most qualified to go, but they did not go."

"Li Shimin was not allowed to go because of the ministers, and Zhu Yuanzhang was not allowed to go because of Emperor Zhenzong of Song"

"Li Shimin did not go, but his son Li Zhi did. When Li Zhi was in power, the Tang Dynasty had the largest territory, so it would have been fine for him to go."

[A comprehensive review of the Internet nicknames of the 19 emperors]

[There are many historical figures who have been given appropriate nicknames by netizens. These nicknames are interesting and frequently appear on social media. This article will provide some scientific knowledge and take stock of the origins of these nicknames.]

[First: Qin Shi Huang, nicknamed Zu Long. Zu Long is the oldest dragon in Chinese mythology. Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of China, and the emperor was also called the True Dragon Son of Heaven, hence the name]

During the reign of King Zheng of Qin, Ying Zheng, dressed in black, twitched his eyes. Fortunately, Tianmu did not say anything outrageous, so he was relieved for the time being.

He tucked his sleeves behind his waist, looking like he was watching a show.

[Second place: Liu Bang, nicknamed Liu Lao San. Liu Bang was the third child in his family, hence the name.]

[Third place: Liu Che, nicknamed Wild Boar. Emperor Wu of Han, Liu Che, had a nickname called "Zi'er". "Zi" originally meant wild boar, and in ancient times, naming a child "Zi" meant hoping that the child would be strong, and it had no derogatory meaning.]

During the Yuanshou period, Emperor Liu Che cursed and said that this was outrageous and that the person had no idea of ​​how to respect others!

But before he could finish his words, he saw that the third person was himself. Although Tianmu emphasized that there was no derogatory meaning, Liu Che still felt offended.

"How can this be possible!" Liu Che's neck turned red and he gasped as he lifted the table. The bamboo slips, drinking utensils and fruits on the table rolled away with a clang.

Yecheng in the late Han Dynasty.

Cao Cao, who was still nominally a minister of the Han Dynasty, also frowned in dissatisfaction. The King of Qin was cruel and ruthless, and he levied excessive extortion. In addition, he was extravagant and lustful, and he was obsessed with immortality. He burned books to make the people stupid, and he collected soldiers from all over the country to cast twelve golden men to weaken his people.

Its severity is unprecedented in history, otherwise how could it have attracted so many responses when it was just a call?
Qin II had only been on the throne for three years, so how incompetent could he be? Since ancient times, weren't the kings who lost their countries the ones who took the blame?
The ministers spoke out for justice and quoted Sima Qian's words to criticize him.

The King of Qin had a greedy heart and acted in a self-motivated way. He did not trust his meritorious officials and was not close to the scholars and people. He abolished the kingly way and established private power. He banned documents and implemented cruel laws. He first used deception and force and then used benevolence and righteousness, and started the world with tyranny.

How could such a cruel and murderous monarch have a better reputation than our Taizu and Emperor Xiaowu?
This is so absurd and unbelievable!
[Fourth place: Liu Xiu, nicknamed the Great Mage and Son of the Planes. Liu Xiu was called the Great Mage because of a record that in the Battle of Kunyang, Liu Xiu's 2 soldiers defeated 40 new troops due to a meteorite rain, hence the name. Son of the Planes means the Son of Heaven, and Liu Xiu became emperor for three years and had an invincible luck, hence the name.]

[Fifth: Wang Mang, nicknamed the time traveler. Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty and established the Xin Dynasty, carrying out major reforms. Many of his measures were not in line with the times and were very advanced. Archaeologists have also unearthed some cultural relics that were advanced at that time, so Wang Mang was also called a time traveler.]

[No. 800: Sun Quan, nicknamed Sun Shiwan. The name Sun Shiwan comes from the Battle of Xiaoyaojin during the Second Battle of Hefei. At that time, Sun Quan claimed to have an army of , but was defeated by the men led by Zhang Liao and fled in panic, hence the name.]

There was an uproar in Jiangdong.

In Jianye, the ministers under his rule were in chaos and whispering to each other, while Sun Quan felt as if he had eaten a dead rat!
In the future, will my 10 soldiers be defeated by 800 people?
Damn Zhang Wenyuan! I swear to kill you!
In Jiangling City of Nanjun, Liu Bei and others also looked incredulous.

No wonder people used to say that chocolate was placed in front of Huo Qubing’s tomb, wine was placed in front of Li Bai’s tomb, and Zhang Liao was placed in front of Sun Quan’s tomb!
In Tianmu’s words: Even if there were 100,000 pigs, it would take Zhang Liao half a year to catch them!

800 people defeated 10 people!

Guan Yu and Zhang Liao had a deep relationship and were from the same hometown. He stroked his beard and praised sincerely: "Wen Yuan is really a brave general!"

Zhang Fei also felt admiration for him, what a great man!
Zhao Yun, Ma Liang and others had no connection with Zhang Liao, but the battle of Xiaoyaojin mentioned by Tianmu made them understand Zhang Liao from a side perspective, and they sincerely admired him.

He has the courage of a champion marquis!
On the other side, Lu Su in Jiangling City paced back and forth, pulling his beard and muttering to himself from time to time.

"The Battle of Xiaoyaojin, is this a glimpse of the future? But when will it happen exactly?"

"First, he killed Guan Yu, forcing the Sun-Liu alliance to break up and fight to the death. Now he is defeated miserably at Xiaoyaojin!"

"My Lord, my Lord, can you please let me be more careful?"

In his opinion, there was no problem in taking Jingzhou strategically. If Liu Bei's army occupied the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, once it became powerful, it would inevitably threaten Jiangdong. How could the lifeblood of the country be in the hands of others?
But killing Guan Yu was a stupid move!
Who in the world doesn't know that Liu, Guan and Zhang are as close as brothers!
Fortunately, the Battle of Yiling was a great victory, otherwise the Shu army would have gone down the river and Jiangdong would have been destroyed within ten years!

"It would be nice if Gongjin was still here"

[No. 7: Li Shimin, nicknamed Erfeng. Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin, once wrote an article called "Ode to the Mighty Phoenix", comparing himself to a phoenix. Because he was the second oldest son, netizens called him Erfeng.]

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin was calm and composed, with an indifferent look.

In fact, I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, it seems that future generations have a good reputation for me.

Look at the comments of others, it's just rubbing salt into the wound.
One of the ministers saw that His Majesty was very pleased, so he flattered him and said, "Your Majesty is a natural beauty. Your great talent and strategy terrify the people all over the world, and your benevolence and grace will benefit future generations for thousands of years. You are truly a man of heaven, and future generations will all respect you."

The corners of Wei Zheng's mouth twitched constantly, and he finally stopped moving forward, not wanting to spoil the fun at this moment.

[Eighth place: Li Xian, nickname: Liuwei Dihuang Pills. Li Xian, the Emperor Zhongzong of the Tang Dynasty, was called Liuwei Dihuang (Emperor) Pills because his parents, younger brother, nephews, and himself were all emperors.]

[Ninth place: Li Longji, nicknamed Happy Sanlang. The nickname Happy Sanlang was not given by contemporary netizens, but comes from the literary work "Helin Yulu" by Luo Dajing of the Song Dynasty, in which Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Li Longji is called Happy Sanlang.]

In the Eastern Capital of Luoyang, many common people tried to hold back their laughter, but some could not and ended up misleading some of the people nearby.

It's really that Tianmu's complaints are too funny, the six emperor pills, the happy Saburo.

Someone asked dissatisfiedly: "What are you laughing at?"

"I remember something happy!"

"how about you?"

"I also remember happy things."

[No. 10: Zhao Kuangyin, nicknamed Zhao Da Hei Pangzi. Zhao Da means he is the eldest of two brothers, and Hei Pangzi means he got the name because the portrait of Taizu shows Zhao Kuangyin with dark skin and a bit bloated.] During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

When Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the picture of Emperor Taizu of Song, he couldn't help but think of his own portrait and his face turned dark.

There were rumors all over the place before, and he tried very hard to stop them, but there were still many unruly people who criticized the emperor behind his back, despised him, mocked him and made fun of him.

The world has been peaceful since dozens of people were killed in the vegetable market.

Will this sky curtain take me away again?
It’s not that I’m afraid, but I feel aggrieved!

This damned villain, if he were born in our Ming Dynasty and dared to spread such evil words to confuse the people, he would be skinned alive and his tendons would be pulled out.

[No. 11: Zhao Guangyi, nicknamed the God of Carriages of Gaoliang River. After becoming emperor, Emperor Taizong of Song, Zhao Guangyi, launched the Battle of Gaoliang River against the Khitan. He was defeated and managed to escape by driving a donkey cart, so he was called the God of Carriages of Gaoliang River.]

"Oh~" The people of Jinling City suddenly realized that you are the donkey cart god of war, Che Taizong mentioned earlier!

I have to say, you are the ones who are at a disadvantage!
In the Imperial College, Master Du had a calm expression but was complaining madly in his heart.

【Twelfth: Zhao Gou, nicknamed Wanyan Jiumei. Song Gaozong Zhao Gou surrendered to the Jin Dynasty and became the "Lord of Jiangnan" conferred by the Jin Dynasty, so he was called Wanyan Gou. Because he was the ninth child and weak by nature, he was called Jiumei.】

Nanjun and Jiangling City in the late Han Dynasty.

Since such videos are usually too far away and useless at present, Zhuge Liang did not record them. He was able to spare time to think, and he found that many of the ridicules of later generations were nicknames given to emperors because of their stupidity and absurdity.

Another thing is, the temple names in later generations seem to have become cheaper?
Like this car, it belongs to Emperor Taizong of Song and Emperor Gaozong of Song.

【13th: Zhu Di, nicknamed Judy. Zhu Di, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, has an English nickname because of the homophonic pun. In addition, because his reign title is Yongle, netizens also gave his reign title an English version: happy.】

"Happy? It sounds like nonsense." Zhu Biao asked heartlessly.

Zhu Yuanzhang glared at him unhappily, and was furious when he thought of Zhu Laosi's eventual usurpation of the throne.

"Happy Judy, hahaha, quite funny"

During the Zhenguan period, many foreign merchants and quite a few Hu merchants lived in the market town near the West Market.

Many people who have traveled far and wide have also heard the word Happy, as if they had met an old friend in a foreign land, so they shouted Happy Judy.

[No. 14: Zhu Qizhen, nicknamed the Great Ming War God, Ming Baozong, Wala Student, and Gate-calling Emperor. Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen should be the emperor with the most nicknames. Except for Gate-calling Emperor, which was derived from his restoration of the Duomen Incident, the others were all derived from satires of the Tumu Incident.]

Chen Li felt a little strange. The emperor who was called the gate meant coming from the city gate, not restoring the throne and seizing the gate. So he opened the comment section, and the first comment made him dissatisfied.

"The Emperor who called himself the Gate-Keeping Son of Heaven was not because of the coup d'etat, but because hundreds of thousands of troops were annihilated by 30,000 Wala troops and he was captured. The Wala people asked him to shout at the city gate and ask the generals guarding the city to open the gate. He was so disgraced by the royal family that he was called the Emperor who called himself the Gate-Keeping Son of Heaven."

"Bao Zong has no positive nickname, and one person has exhausted the luck of the Ming Dynasty"

The Battle of Tumu Fortress Destroyed the Family Assets of Emperors Yongle and Xuan

"So how did the Ming Dynasty, which lasted for nearly two hundred years after him, come about? [Covering face]"

"Yu Qian and Zhang Juzheng's lives were extended [covering face] You don't think it was Bao Zong's credit, do you?"

"After being rejected by the goalkeeper, he came back to take the position and killed the dedicated goalkeeper"

"Isn't it called Pig Rider?"

"I cannot wash my hands of killing Yu Qian. What a scumbag! Without Yu Qian, the Ming Dynasty would be another Southern Song Dynasty!"

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang held the dragon throne in his hand, his face was ashen and his eyes looked murderous. All the ministers looked at each other secretly and none of them dared to come forward to persuade him at this time.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were completely wiped out by 30,000 Wala troops!
Captured, knocking on the door, killing the guards after restoration, killing Yu Qian, and the Southern Song Dynasty!
You have to know that after the fourth prince ascended the throne, the capital was moved to Beijing. Beijing is surrounded by borders, so once the city gates are opened, the army will be at the gates of the capital!
Damn Zhu Laosi, doesn’t he know that Beijing is close to the border!

"Someone come here!" Zhu Yuanzhang shouted angrily.

The young eunuch came running over, not daring to pick up his shoes after they fell off, and trembling, he replied, "Your servant is here!"

"Go and bring the fourth son here!" He couldn't bear it any longer. He was determined to teach this unfilial son a lesson today no matter what!
Look at what's happening. He still remembered what Tianmu had said about future emperors, including one who cultivated immortality, one who opened a zoo, one who was a carpenter, and one who was a loser.

I didn’t expect that what Tianmu said before was actually good!
The more I thought about it, the angrier I got, and my face turned pale with anger!
"Yes!" The young eunuch did not dare to stay long, and quickly agreed. He turned around and ran away while wiping the sweat off his face. By the way, he clamped his shoes with his feet and put them on while running, looking extremely funny.

On the other side, the teenage Zhu Di had already escaped, crying and shouting as he went to find Queen Ma.

My father has been deceived by Tianmu's evil tricks. He has been beaten a lot in the past few months and his buttocks are still bruised.

"Mother, I feel so wronged!" As soon as he saw Empress Ma, he cried out at the top of his lungs.

[No. 15: Zhu Houcong, nicknamed Daochang. Emperor Jiajing, Ming Shizong Zhu Houcong was the eleventh emperor of the Ming Dynasty. During his reign, he did not attend court for more than 20 years and was obsessed with cultivating immortals and Taoism, so he was called Daochang.]

[No. 16: Zhu Youjiao, nicknamed Carpenter. Emperor Xizong Zhu Youjiao was the 15th emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He was devoted to carpentry throughout his life, so he was called the Carpenter Emperor.]

"How many ridiculous emperors appeared in the Ming Dynasty? They failed to destroy the country and let the people down"

"If you understand the Song Dynasty, you won't talk about the Ming Dynasty."

Jiangling City in Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

Liu Bei and others took a deep breath. The emperors of the Ming Dynasty were truly one ridiculous after another.

[No. 17: Nurhaci, nicknamed Wild Boar Skin. In Manchu, Nurhaci means Wild Boar Skin. Because the Jurchen tribe was a hunting nation, they often chose to name their children after ferocious animals. For example, Dorgon means badger in Manchu.]


good good!
Zhu Yuanzhang has a captivating gaze. We finally caught you!

[18th: Kangxi, nicknamed Kang Mazi. Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty had smallpox when he was two years old. After recovery, he had pockmarks on his face, so he was called Kang Mazi. It was precisely because he had smallpox that he was chosen as the successor.]

[19th place: Qianlong, nicknamed the Flower of Wealth on Earth. The Flower of Wealth on Earth describes the taste of Emperor Qianlong. Qianlong did not like plainness and elegance, but liked complicated and gorgeous things, which seemed a bit vulgar, so he got this name.]

"Am I, the Great Han Chess Saint, not qualified enough? [狗头]"

"Did the Chess Master become the emperor?"

"Emperor Jing of Han, don't you know?"

You have to wear a helmet when playing chess with him

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bei was speechless. He was laughing at others just now, but before he could even lower his mouth, he heard someone making fun of his ancestors.

"The Emperor Calling for the Gate was the result of the Oirat capturing Bao Zong and asking him to open the city gate. It was not the coup of seizing the gate."

"Cricket Emperor Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji"

I am the Cricket King

Zhu Yuanzhang turned his face away and stopped looking at the comment section to avoid having a heart attack.

What a shame!

Damn Zhu Laosi, I won’t stop until I beat your butt in half tonight!
Zheng Ge, Zhu Zhu, Xiu Er, Er Feng

Different time and space.

Did Ying Zheng not expect that he would be so popular in later generations?

Liu Xiu was stunned for a moment. Was "Xiu'er" a compliment or an insult? Was it a way of expressing intimacy? But why did he feel so much younger than he was?

Li Shimin remained calm and was still happy in his heart. Look, those people in later generations were even more vicious than Wei Zheng, but they still couldn't find any fault with me.

Humph, what's wrong with me becoming a Zen master?
Zhu Yuanzhang. Didn’t watch it.

"Isn't Qianlong's nickname Qing Zhangzong?"

"Aren't you a stamp maniac?"

"Qian Xiaosi, Zhang Zong"

(End of this chapter)

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