Chapter 31 Weeds and Gardenias
Data flashed through Li Shimin's mind, and he sighed, "In the ninth year of Kaihuang, there were 710 million households in Sui, in the eighteenth year, there were 870 million households, and in the fifth year of Daye, there were more than 900 million households and a population of more than million."

"The population of later generations is more than 20 times that of the Sui Dynasty. Why do you think this is? Now that the mountains and rivers are broken and people's livelihood is declining, is there any good way to restore the population?"

The ministers were silent for a moment, tacitly ignoring why His Majesty did not mention the number of households in the Tang Dynasty. After all, the population was re-registered in the seventh year of Wude.


Fang Xuanling stroked his beard and pondered. As far as he knew, in the seventh year of Wude, there were more than two million households in the Tang Dynasty and the population was less than nine million.

In other words, from the fifth year of Daye to the seventh year of Wude, in just fifteen years, the population increased by one-fifth.

A group of ministers started discussing again, and they basically talked about the same old clichés, such as reducing taxes and levies, recuperating, building water conservancy projects, and encouraging agriculture. Now there may be more, such as vigorously promoting chemical fertilizers and finding high-yield crops.

Perhaps there is also the need to conduct a nationwide agricultural technology census, promote advanced farming technology, adapt to local conditions, etc.

Li Shimin glanced at his ministers expressionlessly. He did not hold much hope for this.

This move is just to take advantage of the situation to suppress the secret voices of opposition. Although the opponents may not be selfish, if you take advantage of the situation to suppress them now, you will not be constrained everywhere when you want to do something big in the future.

After all, promoting fertilizers and finding high-yield food crops were things he had to do.

Restore the population, develop education, and recruit talents through imperial examinations, thereby reducing the influence of aristocratic families on the court.

West Market.

"How much? Did you see clearly just now? How much did Tianmu say?"

"14 million!"

"Did you see clearly?"

"believe it or not"

"How much is 14 billion?"

"That's 14 billion."

"How much is 14 million?"


"Hey, you don't know either, right? I'm talking as if you know it." The tall and thin scholar stroked his beard and smiled disdainfully.

The rich businessman was furious and said angrily: "Even if the housing prices in Chang'an City increase by more than 100 times!"

".No, why are you yelling so loud!!!"

Jiangling City at the end of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Bei swallowed hard. How much is 14 billion?

How can the same piece of land feed so many people?

Even chemical fertilizers and high-yield crops don’t have such exaggerated effects, right?
Zhuge Liang recorded the data of the two countries and had a deeper understanding of future generations. Precisely because of his deeper understanding, he had more awe of the national strength of future generations.

Being able to feed 14 billion people was something we never dared to think of before.

"It's truly a fairyland!" Zhao Yun exclaimed.

"It's much better than I imagined."

Everyone looked at him and smiled as he tried to think of a good word for a long time.

"How much food is needed every day to feed these 14 billion people!" Mi Zhu sighed. When he was in Xuzhou, he was in charge of military supplies and food for his lord, and he knew how difficult it was to be in charge.

Not only food, but also firewood, rice, oil, salt, clothing, food, housing, transportation, etc. Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

Not only China in later generations, but also the United States in later generations had an extremely scary population.

"The United States mentioned by Tianmu is the best in the future. Not only is its geographical location extremely advantageous, but its national strength is also terrifyingly strong!"

Everyone looked serious and nodded in agreement.

The future China alone is beyond their reach, and now you tell us that there is a current overlord who is number one in the world?
"The United States not only has a superior location and strong strength, but also rich resources. Its grain production is also among the best. The per capita grain production is 3-4 times that of later generations. It is simply..." Pang Tong could not find words to describe it, but its national strength was so strong that it was breathtaking.

The military strength is also unfathomable. After all, it is a hegemon, not a fat sheep!
And when we talked about the US-Soviet rivalry before, it seemed that the United States won.

There are no weaknesses!
This is a good place. If it weren't for the long ocean, Zhuge Liang would have wanted to persuade the lord to give up Jing and Yi states and attack from afar.
"Tianmu said that the great plain where the Mississippi River runs through is one of the only three black lands in the world. Is this black land really so magical?"

"Tianmu specifically mentioned it, so this black soil must be much more fertile than ordinary land!" Pang Tong continued.

"That makes sense, but it's a pity that Tianmu didn't mention the location of the remaining two pieces of black land." Liu Bei took over the conversation and then instructed: "Shiyuan, Yide, Zilong, Jichang, please pay attention to this matter."

"Don't worry, big brother. I'm here to watch over you. I'm sure you'll have news soon!" Zhang Fei patted his chest loudly.

The rest of the people agreed.

"There is one more thing!" Zhuge Liang frowned and said, "Looking at the later history mentioned by Tianmu, by the time of the Ming Dynasty, the national strength was almost the same as that of the Han Dynasty. Why did such a drastic change occur in just two or three hundred years?"

The improvement of national strength is the result, and the reasons behind this change are what they need to find out.

Tianmu's commentary clearly stated that the advantage that time travelers have over anyone in ancient times is that they know the future direction of development, not just one or two industrial technologies.

It can be said that if we know the reasons and take the right path, even if the sky disappears one day, we can still rely on ourselves to reach the level of future generations, or even surpass them.

Such vision!

Ma Liang's eyes were burning. Is this how a military advisor thinks?

[Which emperor in history has the best fate? #History#Historical Figures]

[Which emperor in history had the best fate? ]

[First, the pain of starting a business does not exist]

[Second, brothers fighting, no]

【Third, the father and son doubt each other, no】

At this time, there were already sporadic comments floating by, and Liu Bei and others knew that this was another function of the sky curtain, real-time comments, what a clever idea!
Danmu: Qianlong

Danmu: The Craftsman Emperors of the Ming Dynasty

[Fourth, the ruler is young and the country is in doubt, no]

[Fifth, there is no interference of relatives in government affairs]

[Sixth, the powerful official backstabbed, no]

[Seventh, the generals become powerful, no]

[Eighth, the Queen Mother’s handicap, no]

[Ninth, the harem is making trouble, no]

[Tenth, eunuchs and powerful officials, no]

[11. The national strength is declining. No, the national strength is already at its peak upon his accession to the throne]

During the Zhenguan period, in Chang'an City, Li Shimin took a deep breath, this was too good a fate.

It is simply outrageous that there is none of the various disasters that can be imagined and have occurred in history.

It’s really so annoying!

A group of ministers also thought about it for a while, and as the later generations said, it was a pure pleasure.

V you 50, let me play this one.

[12. Threat from external enemies, no]

[Thirteen, there is no successor, he does not exist, but he has a lot of descendants]

[Fourteen, poor health means you can’t enjoy life. This doesn’t exist. He is in good health and has a very long life.]

[Fifteen, the prince's threat, does not exist, no son dares to do so]

[Sixteen, sons fight for the throne, there is no such thing, or no son dares to do it]

[Seventeen, domestic instability, peasant uprisings and rebellions, do not exist]

[He is Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, Aisin-Gioro Hongli]

[He was in power for the longest time in the world and lived to be eighty-nine, the longest among emperors in history]

[He went to the south of the Yangtze River six times and lived a carefree life. No one in history had a better life than him]

Late Han Dynasty, Nanjun.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise, no, this is a purely fun game!
I went to Jiangnan six times, just for pure enjoyment.
What is the relationship between the Kangxi and Qianlong eras and Qianlong?

"Why doesn't it matter? If he hadn't spent all that money, wouldn't he have paid it all to the foreigners? At least a few hundred million taels more."

"What you said really makes some sense [狗头]"

During the Hongwu period, Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry that he laughed.

He did not say anything at this moment, but just ordered his men to record Tianmu's comments.

"He completely enjoys the blessing of Yongzheng [covering face], without the efforts of Kangxi and Yongzheng, how could there be happiness?"

"Pay less attention to marketing accounts. The treasury and territory he left to Jiaqing exceeded those left to him by Yongzheng."

"Are you serious about the treasury he left for Jiaqing? After six expeditions to the south of the Yangtze River, ten military exploits, and the construction of Wanfu Tower, the treasury was already empty. Except for Heshen, only an empty shell was left. "

Heshen is the national treasury

What followed was a long debate, with basically two factions: one believed that Qianlong was excellent in both civil and military affairs, while the other believed that Yongzheng was not bad.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't bother to remember it. He would die sooner or later anyway, so why bother?
"Yongzheng's New Deal reforms, he was only emperor for thirteen years, never went to Jiangnan once, bore the most infamy, but he was exhausted hahaha [covering face]"

"It would be strange if I didn't get criticized for being harsh on civil servants"

"The policy of isolation in the late Qing Dynasty had a huge impact on the economy, leading to the decline of national strength"

The sky screen changed the scene again. Looking at the surrounding environment, it was the U-shaped teaching building in the south, and the time was night.

The sound of singing could be heard on the radio, classrooms were emitting bright lights, and students were crowded against the corridor railings.

The video shooting angle turned around, from which we could see young boys and girls playing and frolicking on the railings of the corridors on the second, third, fourth and fifth floors. The evening breeze blew by accompanied by the music on the radio, and the night seemed playful and peaceful.

The cause of the incident was also introduced on the sky curtain. It was nothing more than that the Chinese teacher had a broken heart and was singing and playing the guitar in the radio room without realizing that the microphone was on.

Chen Li has seen similar copywriting about a music teacher who has broken up, a class teacher who has broken up, a dean of studies who has broken up, and a principal who has broken up. It is all a cover for promoting a song, but the song is "Wild Grass and Gardenia", which is neither surprising nor joyful, and is told in a leisurely manner. There is a different kind of calmness and composure, flowing like a brook.

During the Zhenguan period, in Chang'an City, Li Shimin was somewhat moved. From these young men, he saw the shadow of a prosperous age and the beauty of peace.

What do most of the young men of this age in Chang'an City do?

Start a family, farm, join the army, do odd jobs in a restaurant, serve dishes and water, shout and hawk, run errands for the rich, wander around the countryside, steal and do something, and hang around in troubled places.
At Yipinju in Xishi, Erzhu, who happened to catch a glimpse of the sky, wiped the sweat and tears from his eyes, took a few deep breaths, grinned and shouted, "I'm coming! I'm right here!"

"Hurry up, deliver it to Master Jia on the second floor. Be quick and efficient."


[How can withered weeds be worthy of gardenias]

[On this winter night, I cannot keep your early summer]

[You turned and left me and became a passerby in the past]

[I wish you a better life than me in the future]

[How can withered weeds be worthy of gardenias]

[I'm not good enough to give you the home you want]

[The passing glances become a scar in the memory]

[No one will come to help me wipe it anymore]

Her Voice Has a Broken Feeling [Crying]

"In fact, the flowering period of gardenia is from May to June, which is also the time when weeds grow wildly. The only difference is that one is pure white and stands proudly on the branches, while the other is very inconspicuous and rooted in the soil."

"Just like: I am the three-inch snow on the eaves, and you are the stunning guest in the world"

"Any song sounds better on the radio"

Because of the youthful campus filter

Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

Liu Bei and others looked at the future generations. Even though it was not the first time they saw it, they were all staring at it.

This is the private school in later generations.

Or school?

High school? Or college?
The classroom under the skylight was brightly lit. The students were dressed in uniform and were holding glowing objects in their hands, shaking them rhythmically from side to side. They seemed to be immersed in the moment.

Zhuge Liang imprinted this scene deeply in his heart. This would become the motivation for his future efforts to recreate such a prosperous Han Dynasty.

During the Hongwu period, when Zhu Yuanzhang saw the young man on the sky curtain clicking on the small blue words, he knew that the sky curtain was about to end.

As expected, the whole thing continued to linger in the sound of music, and finally the sky slowly dimmed and fell into silence.

Zhu Yuanzhang summoned his important officials to organize the contents of this record.

This was true in all the time periods including Zhenguan, Jian'an, Yuanshou, and Qin Wangzheng.

Li Shimin looked at the sky, his heart filled with fighting spirit!

(End of this chapter)

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