Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 32 The Charm of Matchmaker's Language

Chapter 32 The Charm of Matchmaker's Language
At the end of the Han Dynasty, Jiangling City in Nanjun.

In a paper-making workshop, everyone rolled up their sleeves and worked busily.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and other generals personally stirred the pool, while Liu Bei picked up a bamboo curtain to swing the materials in the wooden trough, and then pressed on wooden boards and stones.

When the water was almost drained, Liu Bei hurriedly ordered: "Light a fire!"

Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Jian Yong and others were busy with the hay and tree trunks and branches that had been piled up in advance.

Soon fires were lit everywhere, flames leaped up, and a thin temporary wall also quickly heated up.

Everyone carefully separated the wet papers one by one, and Zhang Fei and others imitated the ceiling by brushing water to mark the positions on the wall. They worked together and soon covered the wall with papers.

These tasks could have been done by craftsmen, but since they were of great significance, everyone did it themselves.

Seeing the water on the paper turning into mist and evaporating bit by bit, Liu Bei excitedly peeled off a corner himself and slowly pulled it down, making a slight hissing sound.

Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu and others also helped to peel off the remaining papers, which felt rough and a little warm to the touch.

"We did it?" Liu Bei's voice was a little hoarse and trembling.

"Brother, we did it!" Zhang Fei laughed.

"It's really done!"

This is paper!

Divide it into pieces and bind them into volumes and it becomes a book!

Ordering someone to bring pen and ink, Liu Bei spread the paper on the paper pressing stone and turned to look at everyone.

"What should I write?" Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong.

"How about writing the 16th year of the Jian'an period of the Han Dynasty and the lord's name?" Zhuge Liang suggested.

Liu Bei nodded, suppressed his trembling hands, and gently wrote a few words.

The ink spread on the paper and was absorbed, and the nine words were written.

Liu Bei in the 16th year of Jian'an in the Han Dynasty.

Then everyone wrote down their names one by one.

Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Sun Qian, Jian Yong, Zhao Yun, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang.
After everyone had finished writing, Liu Bei started another row, wrote the word "China", and carefully handed it to Zhuge Liang for filing and preservation.

Similar things are happening in Yecheng and Jianye.

From this point on, bamboo slips have completed their historical mission.

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin was strolling in the West Market with a young eunuch. There were crowds of people along the way, and there were many more Hu people and Hu merchants than before.

After a little inquiry, Li Shimin wanted to slap himself in the face.

It turned out that the news of the Tang Dynasty's sky curtain falling from the sky had spread to Central Asia, Goryeo, Japan, Southeast Asia and other places. Countless foreign people and merchants flocked to the area, eager to get a piece of the pie.

And what Tianmu taught was also learned by Hu Shang.

Things including fertilizers and high-yield grain also spread.


So he hurried back to the palace without even eating, and immediately summoned all the ministers into the palace.

Today is a day off, and a group of important officials who were originally relaxing and strolling around immediately entered the palace.

When most of the people had arrived, Li Shimin briefly explained the cause of the incident, and the ministers were all depressed.
It’s so difficult!

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Du Ping and two classmates were standing in front of a pot with the oil still bubbling.

The three of them wanted to replicate the soap that Tianmu mentioned.

Originally, the three of them did not want to get involved in this mess, but they had to find a way to make a living as they were short of money. It happened that Gao Chen knew a secret method of making osmanthus flowers, and the osmanthus fragrance he made was much richer than that made by ordinary people.

After a detailed analysis, the three of them still felt that the market was uncertain and the chances of success were still quite large, so they joined this vigorous soap-making movement.

"It really fell over!" The more mature Ji Changshou stood in front of the pot holding a basin of filtered wood ash water. The aroma of lard kept stimulating his taste buds, and he swallowed unconsciously.

Ji Changshou, who noticed this, felt a little embarrassed and his face turned red to his ears.

"Pour!" The tall Gao Chen didn't pay much attention. He took the wooden stick for stirring and waved it to give orders.

"Cough, cough, cough, pour it!" Du Ping, who was in charge of lighting the fire, was choked by the thick smoke and had tears in his eyes. He also urged.

Ji Changshou felt very regretful in his heart. Now both of them were urging him, so he had no choice but to turn his head away and slowly pour the filtrate down.

"Zha~" The boiling oil suddenly boiled, and countless oil droplets and water mist rose up. The three people were so scared that they ran away quickly.

"Ouch, it hurts!" Gao Chen threw away the stick, covered his hand and grimaced.

He came from a well-off family and had never been in the kitchen, so he had no time to react when the oil splashed on him. Fortunately, it was only a small drop of oil.

Ji Changshou and Du Ping smiled at each other. They ran fast and were not burned by the oil drops.

"Hurry up and add the rest!" Du Ping continued to direct, and the two of them worked together to pour in another portion of the solution.

Gao Chen blew on his burning skin, endured the pain, picked up the wooden stick, and joined in.

According to the previous steps, a small pot of oil is quickly added to half a basin of water and the preparation is completed, and then the extracted osmanthus liquid is poured in.

The fragrance filled the house for a moment.

"Done! Bring the bamboo tube over here!" Gao Chen wiped the sweat off his forehead, very excited.

The three of them poured the prepared viscous solution into eight bamboo tubes in total.

"The next step is to wait for it to cool down. Is there really no problem with the store?"

"Leave it to me!" Gao Chen smiled. He had his own way.

"How much do you think we should sell them for?" The quiet Ji Changshou was also very excited at this moment.

"At least ten cents, right?"

"If there really is a time traveler, this thing would probably have to sell for more than 100 coins, and it's exclusive!"

"It's so dark!" The three of them looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

"Of course not. If it weren't for the sky curtain, no one would know how to do this!"

Soon another month passed and the sky brightened as promised.

Emperors, officials, common people and teachers in all times and spaces have long been accustomed to it and have already prepared fruits and tea.

The sky is a rural scene from later times, with a man with an injured hand (matchmaker) and a woman chatting at the door.

【The charm of matchmaker’s language】

[Matchmaker: I just came back from Myanmar]

[Female: Yes]

[Matchmaker: I heard there is a lot of money to be made over there]

[Female: Yes, I make money, but I’m missing a kidney]

The scene then changes to the matchmaker delivering a message to the South.

[The matchmaker tells lies with open eyes: overseas returnees]

[Cracking melon seeds, rolling his eyes a few times, and saying loudly: My waist is broken and I have a fortune]

[Niu Daguo: Hey, my brother-in-law, he’s a returnee. He’s disabled but has a lot of money, which means he’s rich. Don’t introduce Erwa to me. I’m so annoyed.]

[Male: Oh, you’ve been holding it in for more than ten periods, how can you hold it in for a few more periods?]

[Male: She is a returnee. Does that mean she has a high level of education? What is her education level?]

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin was amused: "From the accent, it seems like they are from the Jiannan Road area?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The ministers couldn't help laughing when they saw the guilty look on the matchmakers' faces. These matchmakers were indeed good at talking and swindling, to put it bluntly, they were just cheating.

The scene changes again to the woman's home.

[Matchmaker: What is your educational background?]

[Female: Educational background, my left foot is Tsinghua University and my right foot is Peking University]

【Matchmaker: And then? 】

[Female: Then I slipped and rolled back to the countryside. Oh, I got 211 points in the college entrance examination. What do you think of my academic qualifications? Hahaha]

[Matchmaker swore: Graduated from 211 University]

[Niu Daguo: Oh my god, it’s a 211 prestigious university, it’s totally worthy of this undergraduate]

[Zaijiuzi: No wonder he is a sea turtle. He is so capable. What does his father do?]

In Chang'an City, many matchmakers' eyes lit up, as this was a lesson given by a senior.

The men and women of marriageable age were terrified, thinking this was a scam.

And that bald guy, I’m afraid he’s in cahoots with the matchmaker to deceive people!
It seems that I have to ask in detail when I see myself.

[Matchmaker: What does your uncle do for a living?]

[Woman: I am a junk collector. The market is not good right now. The junk I collected last year is still piled up in front of the house and I can’t sell it.]

[Matchmaker: A collector who knows how to turn waste into treasure]

[Niu Daguo: Oh my god, you are a collector, usually only rich people play with it, your ancestors’ graves are going to smoke again hahahaha]

[Male: Collector, he must have some connections, what does his mother do?]

[Matchmaker: By the way, what does that aunt do for a living?]

[Female: Oh my god, he was taken back from Miandian last year and he hasn’t come out yet]

[The matchmaker spits out melon seeds, her face changes drastically, and she turns to leave: I’m afraid your conditions are a joke, I can’t find one.]

[Female: Oh, Erwa brother, please help me, I beg you, this is a little gift from me]

[Matchmaker: He is also a sea turtle. He returned to his hometown last year. Now he is back to his hometown and operates a sewing machine. He has already run a national chain.]

[Niu Daguo: Wow, brother-in-law, this is incredible. A chain store is definitely a family business. If you can marry her, you will be at the peak of your life from now on.]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Biao thought about his future marriage, and if he had never even met the woman, such embarrassing things might happen, and his face turned awkward.

This is too deceptive.

Compared with Zhu Biao's identity, many men and women in Jinling City felt helpless at this moment. They had long heard that matchmakers could make the dead look alive, but they didn't expect that there were even more powerful ones.

"Bald is the matchmaker's strongest assistant [covering face]"

《With Commission》

Balenciaga is a classic

"Eight Separations and Four Marriages [Covering Face]"

Isn't a life of alcohol and tobacco a classic?

Bar Dancer

"The most beautiful woman in the world, Zhishu will beat you up [dog head]"

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

The unmarried scholar was shocked. Is this how he could return home with wealth and glory?
And Balenciaga, I will beat you up!!!
The sky screen switched again.

[Give her a chance to play chess, she can beat AlphaGo]

[Main business is delivering takeout, side business is playing Go, other anchors have many trophies behind them, but he only has curtains to show off]

[Netizens thought he was keeping a low profile, but when they checked his record, it was 2-16. He is an abstract master in the Go world. He is the professional Go player Zhan Ying]

[There are 362 Chinese chess players ranked in total, and Zhan Ying ranks 359th. However, this aroused the curiosity of netizens, who is so bad that he could lose to Zhan Ying]

"Hey, this is not simple. It must be the two behind him." Someone speculated, and this speculation is indeed in line with common sense.

"Yes! Is there anything to say about this?" someone responded. They did not understand Go, but they knew that the ranking was definitely based on strength, and those ranked higher were definitely better than those ranked lower.

"I feel the same way!"

[However, if you don’t search, you will be surprised to find that the value of 2-16 is ridiculously high]

[One of the games won by Zhanying was against the former top female Go player Rui Naiwei]

Not only them, but also Li Shimin and others in front of the Taiji Hall were also confused. How could the last-ranked player beat the former No. 1 female Go player?

Too outrageous
During the Yuanshou period, Liu Che frowned, as he was the son of the Han chess master.

His Go level is not bad either. As someone who knows Go well, he knows that it is a game that really tests one's IQ, and there is a high possibility that luck can influence the outcome of the game.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it!

How did you win this?

[Rui Naiwei never expected that the young War Eagle would be so unethical and use the War Eagle tactic to outlast the old lady]

[It took 7 hours, and finally the 26-year-old Zhan Ying relied on his excellent physical strength to make the 59-year-old Rui Lao suffer from hypoglycemia, and successfully defeated Rui Naiwei]

[The other winner was Yu Zhiying, the number one female Go player in modern times. However, Yu Zhiying was a 15-year-old girl who had just started out.]

[After that, Zhan Ying lost to Yu Zhiying 8 times in total, and was nicknamed "Eight Losers" by netizens]

Eight defeated friends.

In Chang'an City, Liu Che was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. This statement was extremely humorous in later generations.

And the Warhawk’s only two wins, one being the former women’s number one and one being the current women’s number one, are really ridiculous.

During the Zhenguan period, Li Shimin was also somewhat at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

He himself was a Go master and often invited his ministers to play Go.

When he looked at Zhanying, he saw some of the same rogue tricks he used when he played chess with his brothers.

[When facing the ultimate opponent of Go, the artificial intelligence AlphaGo, Ke Jie, the last human chess master, was defeated and lost to the AI ​​in the end.]

[When the Warhawk faced AI, AlphaGo became abstract, and the world-leading AI also saw the dangers of society for the first time.]

[When War Eagle saw that he was no match for his opponent, he started to use his tricks in Go and directly took away the chess box so that AlphaGo could not take the pieces.

[Then Zhanying mixed the white and black pieces together, trying to make the AI ​​make the wrong move]

[As expected of a man who can use Old Lady Ao’s tactics, Zhan Ying has taken the lack of martial ethics to the extreme.]

[Five-star General MacArthur said that 14 hours of endurance is the limit of AlphaGo, not the limit of Eagle One]

"The time assassin of the Go world, delivering a fatal blow to every national player when he is at his weakest [狗头]"

"Chess Player Warhawk is Eating Your Takeaway"

"The first woman who defeated the past in the present, the first woman who defeated the present in the past. Zhan Ying cut through the long river of time with her own strength and ruled the world for eternity [狗头]"

Time Assassin - War Eagle

Punching the old Lu Bu and kicking the young Guan Yu [dog head]

In Nanjun at the end of the Han Dynasty, Guan Yu did not expect that he would appear in this way
Is this considered praising yourself?
Zhang Fei led the group in laughing.

"Some chess fans think they can beat the old man"

“So that person’s account was cancelled, hahaha [dog head]”

"That's the 13th out of 300 billion"

"The True Teachings of the Great Han Chess Master [Dog Head]"

Liu Bei felt offended on behalf of Liu Qi
(End of this chapter)

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