Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 58 The Leaning Tower of Pisa Thought Experiment

Chapter 58 The Leaning Tower of Pisa Thought Experiment
During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

"Corn? Another new crop?" It's no wonder Hu Weiyong was so surprised. It was just that the information mentioned by Tianmu was too scary.
I originally knew that the origin of sweet potatoes, their resistance to barrenness and their easy planting were all amazing enough, but I didn't expect that in addition to sweet potatoes, there were potatoes with equally high yields, and now there is also corn.

No one had ever seen these potatoes and corn.

"Sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn" Zhu Yuanzhang muttered these three names, jealousy almost overflowing from his eyes. The Qing Dynasty was so lucky that it happened to be in a period of high-yield crops such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn.

If the Ming Dynasty had these two crops, and had nearly two hundred years of development time, I believe that the Little Ice Age would not have been so terrible by then, or the impact would have been much reduced, and many fewer people would have died.

"The Qing Dynasty was really lucky. It happened to catch up with the Age of Discovery." Someone muttered.

During the "Age of Discovery", Zhu Yuanzhang finally realized the problems with the maritime ban policy.

Maritime trade is not just about exchanging what you have. For the sake of profit, people will naturally improve technology and promote the development of various technologies. Then, in order to obtain higher profits, they will sail their ships to farther places, and finally they will discover such high-yield crops.

Everything in this world is doomed to fail. The brutal maritime ban policy brought temporary stability to the country, but it also made it impossible for the people living along the coast to make a living by farming. They had no choice but to become pirates and harass the Ming Dynasty's borders. The most important thing was that during the reign of the Fourth Prince, the navigation technology was so much ahead of Europe, but they still missed such an important thing.

As if a flash of inspiration came to him, Zhu Yuanzhang's face suddenly changed, and then he ordered someone to bring a map of the earth.

Hu Weiyong, Liu Ji and other ministers all knew that with His Majesty's calm character, he would not change his expression even when faced with a catastrophe, but now his expression suddenly changed, which must be that he discovered something, so they all stretched their necks.

Several people pondered in their hearts. Liu Ji deduced in his mind, what is the connection between sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, and great voyages?
Sweet potatoes were discovered during the Age of Discovery. Potatoes and corn were also crops we had never heard of. We didn’t even know what they looked like, etc.!

Age of Discovery, potatoes, and corn. Could it be that potatoes and corn were also discovered during the Age of Discovery?
The Great Voyages, Europe, Zheng He's voyages to the West went as far as Africa.
Liu Ji's face suddenly changed. No way!
"Spread it out." Zhu Yuanzhang calmed down a little and ordered the eunuchs to spread out the world map on the left and right. This map was drawn based on the display on the skylight.

"Do you know where the potatoes and corn are?"

The ministers looked at the map and then at His Majesty, all looking at each other in confusion, and pondering this sentence carefully. Could it be that His Majesty had guessed the origin of potatoes and corn?

It doesn't make sense, you can tell by looking at a map.
Zhu Yuanzhang looked around silently. Except for Liu Ji who looked a little strange, everyone else was still in a state of confusion.
"Your Majesty, please give us your instructions!" Liu Ji roughly guessed something, but the most important thing for a subject is not to steal the limelight from the leader, so he took the lead in asking Your Majesty for instructions.

"Your Majesty, please give me your instructions!"

Zhu Yuanzhang did not refuse. He took a deep breath, suppressed his inner excitement, and tapped the European area with the tip of the brush. The ink instantly spread out into a ball. Then he tapped Africa, Asia, and South America respectively.

"In Europe, the Age of Exploration led to the great geographical discoveries, and the discovery of sweet potatoes!"

"The three continents of Europe, Africa and Asia are closely connected. The farthest Zheng He ever went when he sailed to the West was Africa." He drew a crooked line with his pen. It was the sailing route that Tianmu had shown when he mentioned whether Zheng He made money during his voyage to the West.

When this was mentioned, all the civil officials immediately realized what was going on.

Yes, His Royal Highness the Prince of Yan once sent Zheng He to the West six times. Zheng He was definitely not a person who just wanted to do nothing. If he had seen crops like sweet potatoes, he would have brought them back long ago.

Sweet potatoes were only recorded during the Wanli period. They are still considered treasures in Luzon and Annan. It is estimated that they were introduced not long ago and the situation is not well understood.

When it was introduced to the Ming Dynasty during the Wanli period, no one dared to take risks for the sake of stability. After all, there was only so much land, and if you planted sweet potatoes, you couldn't plant anything else. So if you were conservative, you would plant it on a small scale, and large-scale promotion would take a very long time, so this is the destiny of the Qing Dynasty, not the Ming Dynasty.


There was no such thing in Asia and Africa, and certainly not in Europe, otherwise the seed-to-grain ratio would not have been only 1:4 before the Industrial Revolution, and they would not have been forced to travel around the sea to trade.

If there was nothing in Europe, Africa, or Asia, everyone's attention would slowly shift to the remaining three obvious land masses.
Australia, North America, South America.

Australia is close to Luzon and other places. If there were any high-yield crops, they would have been discovered long ago.
Thinking about this clearly, everyone's scalp is really numb
North and South America are God’s biological sons, right? Is it possible for them to be reincarnated?

If there really is a chosen continent, then these two continents really deserve it!
Are sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn all here?
Not sure, but by reasoning, these two places are the most likely.

So why haven't I heard of it before?
It's very simple, because we are separated by the ocean. If it weren't for the curtain of time, we would probably still be the frog in the well, croaking.

"It seems that we have to visit these two American continents!" Zhu Biao's eyes lit up and he was very excited.

Many people also think so in their hearts, and the emperor and his subjects have never been so united.

"I am willing to go to South America to search for the whereabouts of sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn. Your Majesty, please grant me permission!" Many generals jumped out to ask for permission.

At the beginning of the year, General Xu Da led Generals Li Wenzhong, Feng Guosheng, Deng Yu and others in the northern expedition. The generals who were unable to follow the army inevitably complained. Now, aren’t there greater military achievements waiting for us?
Moreover, the victory report of the northern expedition army has been reported back, and the generals will be returning to the capital soon. If not now is the time to grab the mission of overseas diplomatic mission, when will it be?

When they come back, will it be our turn?

Many civil officials also figured out the meaning. Bringing back any of the sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn would be a great achievement, an honor that was destined to shine for thousands of years and be recorded in history.

Although this trip is extremely risky, the rewards are even greater!

So they also jumped out one after another to express their willingness to die for Your Majesty.

The generals were immediately upset when they saw someone trying to steal their business, and then the two groups started arguing in front of the Wuying Palace.
Zhu Yuanzhang said with a dark face: "Enough, let's discuss this matter later!"

At this time, the sky screen changed again. Although I had learned to read titles a long time ago, I was still stunned when I saw this title: Ideas change the world - Galileo.

[You may have heard of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment]

[Galileo, 25 years old at the time, threw two iron balls at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The weight of the two iron balls was one large and one small.]

[They were thrown down at the same time and landed at the same time. According to our daily perception, the object with larger mass will land first.]

[For example, the falling speed of a large rock should be faster than the falling speed of a feather]

[This idea dominated the world for about 1900 years. It was first proposed by Aristotle and almost no one questioned it.]

[But Galileo overturned this idea. He proved that no matter how large the mass of two objects is, it does not affect their falling speed.]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang's expression turned strange. Is Tianmu kidding me?

Zhu Biao, Hu Weiyong and others seemed to have lost their minds, huh? ? ?
But on the other hand, they know that Tianmu never does things without a purpose, but this fact is not like power generation, and we have no say in it.
Stones fall faster than feathers.
At the Hexing Tea and Snack Shop, Shopkeeper Wan looked puzzled: "Ah??? Don't stones fall faster than feathers?"



"Ah???" Many diners were confused by the sky curtain.

"I'll go back and try tonight."

Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

After hearing such explosive words, Liu Bei fell silent. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also fell silent and looked at Zhuge Liang. The comment section said that the military advisor single-handedly made the surname Zhuge a synonym for intelligence.

Feeling everyone's eager gaze, Zhuge Liang felt a great deal of pressure.
I could only frown and think, this question is too weird.

"Hey, isn't this easy? Just take a chicken feather and try it and you'll know." Zhang Fei really couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere. Why did he always feel like his brain wasn't enough after the sky curtain appeared?

Although he couldn't understand why Tianmu was so obsessed with this issue, he knew that the most powerful evidence was the facts.

And the fact is, stones fall faster than feathers.

"Don't be anxious, third brother, and wait and see what Tianmu says!" Liu Bei hurriedly grabbed him. He didn't know what Tianmu wanted to say, but this question really aroused his curiosity.

[Today's scientific historians believe that Galileo never did this experiment, and that the Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment was made up by someone else]

[But Galileo did overturn this very strong idea at the time. What did he rely on? He relied on thought experiments.]

[That is, he conducted logical deductions in his mind and discovered the logical loopholes in this concept]

[Galileo thought about it. He said, suppose there are two stones, the larger one weighs 8 and the smaller one weighs 4. If the larger the mass of an object, the faster it falls.]

[Then the falling speed of the big stone should be 8, and the falling speed of the small stone should be 4]

[If you tie these two stones together, the speed of the big stone will be slowed down by the speed of the small stone]

[The speed of the small stone will be increased by the speed of the big stone, so the overall falling speed of the two stones after being tied together should be between 4 and 8]

[However, the total weight of the two stones tied together is 12. Logically, the total falling speed should be greater than 8, so Aristotle's theory is in a self-contradictory situation.]

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin's eyes lit up. What a clever thought experiment with impeccable logic.

Judging from this experiment, Dodd's theory does have big problems.

But isn’t this too counter-intuitive?

Fang Xuanling took a deep breath and said, "If there is something wrong with Dodd's theory, then it means that the falling speed of feathers is not slower than that of stones?"

Everyone noticed that his words were no slower than stone.

“This is too weird.”

"Could it be that there are ghosts causing trouble?" The civil officials were considered to be knowledgeable, but they still felt that their brains were not enough at this moment.

Li Shimin repeated Tianmu's words in his mind again. Dodd said that the heavier an object is, the faster it falls, and Galileo used a thought experiment to prove that this theory was wrong.

On one side is common sense, on the other side is a logically impeccable inference.

Later generations obviously think that Galileo was right, but that goes against common sense.

Who is right and who is wrong?

The courtyard is full of spring.

Miss Qingsha screamed in pain and glared at Hongmian, "Why are you pulling my hair?"

The red cotton girl took off the hairpin from her head and laughed: "It's just an experiment. For the future of mankind, I'm sorry to have to put up with it."

The so-called future of mankind is nothing more than an excuse learned from Tianmu. Miss Qingsha originally wanted to take revenge, but seeing her holding the hairpin and hair in each hand and raising them as high as she could, she did not dare to disturb her for a while.



All the girls' attention was drawn to it. They concentrated and held their breath, silently following the countdown rhythm in their hearts.




Then the Hongmian girl loosened her left and right hands at the same time. The hairpin could be seen falling down and bouncing a few times on the ground, making a "ding-ling-clang" sound.

On the other side, that long hair swirled for a long time before slowly falling down.

The girls were at a loss for what to do. Could it be that Tianmu was wrong?

[Galileo discovered this logical paradox. In order to solve this paradox, he proposed the law of free fall]

[The law of free fall states that the falling speed of an object has nothing to do with its own mass, but is proportional to the product of gravity and falling time, and becomes larger and larger as time goes by, that is, this formula: v=gt, g is gravity, t is time]

[Of course, Galileo's more important contribution was the introduction of scientific reasoning and experiments, which pointed out the direction for the development of physics]

[There is an experiment to prove this theory on the Internet. In a vacuum environment, the effect of air resistance on the feather is eliminated. When you see the feather and the iron ball falling at the same time, you will feel inexplicably shocked.]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others were still a little confused. But the reality is not like this???
Although the clerks copied down the contents, they were still very dissatisfied.

These crooked nonsense words are totally incomprehensible.
Moreover, this really goes against common sense.

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

"Scientific reasoning and experiment" Li Shimin couldn't help but shed tears. He finally grasped this idea. He knew that this idea was used to guide future generations on how to study.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is like my heart leaning towards you [Flower]

Isn't this just throwing objects from high altitude?

"The skin still has to be yours."

(End of this chapter)

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