Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 59 NASA Vacuum Chamber Free Fall Experiment

Chapter 59 NASA Vacuum Chamber Free Fall Experiment

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City, Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

The diners also started to compete. Not only did they pull out a few brightly colored feathers from the feather duster on the shopkeeper's table, they also found a few small stones from somewhere and repeated the experiment that Tianmu had said.

However, the stone does fall fast.
Everyone couldn't help but scratch their heads, there was no reason.

Fortunately, the sky screen started playing again at this time.

"What if there are two stones, one small and one big? Doesn't the skylight have air resistance?" Someone suggested using two stones for the experiment.


"I have more here!" Someone handed over a few more stones that they had just picked up.

So we selected two stones of different sizes and asked Mr. Su to conduct the experiment.

Mr. Su also felt deeply honored and gladly took the job. He held a stone in each hand and stood on a stool with his arms open so that everyone could see more clearly.

“Are the two sides even?”

"It's a little higher this way."

Mr. Su followed the instructions and raised his left hand slightly until someone shouted to stop.

"Okay, now count down."




Mr. Su took a deep breath, and as the sound of "one" came, he opened his palms at the same time.

I saw two shadows falling, followed by two "thump" sounds, and the stones rolled away.

"Do you understand?" someone asked uncertainly.

“It seemed like they fell at the same time.”

“Maybe the big one falls first?”

"Do it again?" Mr. Su suggested with his palm still open.

So they repeated it several times.
Without a doubt, it is not apparent.
However, if the heavy object falls faster, the large stone should hit the ground first.

But if they fell to the ground at the same time, why did the feather fall so slowly?

"Tianmu said it was air resistance!" Shopkeeper Wan had an amazing memory and pointed out the problem accurately.

"Air resistance? What is that?"


In front of Wuying Palace.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others also knew that Galileo's reasoning was impeccable, and the conclusion that the heavier the object, the faster it falls was obviously problematic.

But for a moment it was really hard to accept this result, or it was hard to convince the public.

"What if the experiment was done with two stones?" Zhu Biao discovered that the term air resistance was mentioned in the sky curtain.

He didn't know what air resistance was, but if air resistance had a greater effect on the feather, then what would happen if two stones were used?
So he ordered people to bring two stones of different sizes and repeated the experiment several times.

Some say the big one landed first, others say the small one landed first.

Undoubtedly, no convincing conclusion was reached.
In fact, the two stones fell to the ground almost at the same time, and it is impossible to tell which one came on top or off with the naked eye.

Everyone was confused. If the heavy object fell faster, then the big stone would undoubtedly hit the ground first, but now it was a tie.
Not only Wuying Palace, but other places in Jinling City were also infuriated by Tianmu's nonsense, so many people took action to refute Tianmu's statement.

Tianmu clicked on the link in the comment section again, so the scene changed again.

This time everyone stopped the experiments in their hands. The man on the screen spoke words they had never heard before. Looking at the subtitles that contained both Chinese characters and nonsensical language, everyone knew that the man was speaking a foreign language.

[This is NASA's Space Power Plant, near Cleveland, Ohio, USA, and it is also the world's largest vacuum chamber! ]

[This place was once used to simulate the space environment and conduct spacecraft experiments]

[Then, its job is to evacuate the 30 tons of air in the room until only about 2 grams of air remains]

[This is the central part of the factory structure. Let's review the history first. ]

[The Space Power Plant was originally built in the 60s as a nuclear energy experimental facility to test nuclear propulsion systems]

[This means that the radiation problem can be easily dealt with by using aluminum, a material that is strong enough to be used in vacuum chambers]

[But it still needs an outer concrete shell to ensure that it is strong enough to withstand the huge external pressure when the inside is evacuated]

[Galileo's experiment was simple. He picked up a heavy object and a light object, then let go of them at the same time to see which one fell faster.]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Few people could understand what the man in the sky curtain said, so they could only beg someone to read the words on the sky curtain.

As Tianmu explained, everyone roughly understood that Tianmu was trying to prove Galileo's theory of free fall, and they couldn't help but get excited.

"I don't believe it. The stone must be falling faster." Inside the Hexing Tea and Snack Shop, an older customer dressed like a Confucian scholar said with a firm tone.

"That's right, unless there are ghosts at work."

"Mr. Su, what do you think?" The old Confucian scholar bowed to Mr. Su.

Mr. Su returned the gift. Although his eyes were full of confusion, he still considered it for a moment: "I don't think Tianmu would do anything without a purpose."

"So you're saying that feathers fall faster than stones?"

"I didn't say that, it's just..." "Weren't you the one in charge of the experiment just now? How come you forgot it?"

Mr. Su remained silent. In his hands, the stone indeed fell to the ground faster than a feather.

"Just go with the flow and follow the crowd." The old scholar commented, and then added: "How ridiculous! They ignore the facts right in front of them and believe the nonsense of Tianmu instead."

"Mr. Xu is brilliant!"

"That's natural. I'm not like some people who just stick to their own opinions." When Mr. Xu saw someone was trying to please him, he suddenly became talkative.

Then the man in the sky stopped talking, and someone tied a yellow-brown ball and feathers to an iron rod and raised them up at the same time. They stopped when they reached a certain height. As the order was given, the machine released both sides at the same time. You could see the heavy ball falling down with a "whoosh" sound, and the feathers floating in the air. Because the height was high enough, they did not float down for a long time.

"See, I was right!" Inside the Hexing Tea and Snack Shop, the elderly Confucian scholar laughed and clapped his hands, discussing his opinions with the diners around him.

“Really, we are right!!!”

"Ah? Is Tianmu lying?"

"There is no doubt that the facts are there."

"Mr. Su, that's right! It must be that heavy objects fall faster!" The old scholar said in a showy manner, "You are still too young to believe Tianmu's nonsense!"

"That's it."

Several people were talking at the same time, and Mr. Su was squeezed so hard that his face turned red and he remained silent.

He believed in Tianmu. So he could only say: "This video hasn't finished yet?"

"Oh, it's just a dying struggle!"

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Well, well, let's just wait," someone took over the conversation, deliberately emphasizing, "Let's talk after the video is over, otherwise some people may still be unconvinced."

In front of the Wuying Hall, Zhu Yuanzhang and others did not show much change in expression. Even if the sky curtain experiment was repeated thousands of times, the result would be the same.

What they really cared about was the experiment that Tianmu mentioned after completely pumping out the air, that is, the experiment that Tianmu mentioned after removing the influence of air resistance.

Therefore, everyone was able to keep their composure.

[In this case, the feather falls from the air slower than the bowling ball because of the existence of air resistance]

[So, in order to see the nature of gravity, we need to remove the air]

Then the machine started to work, and a heavy metal gate closed. No one could understand what it was, they could only hear a rumbling sound that lasted for a long time.

The chamber contains 80 cubic feet of air. It takes three hours to create a vacuum. Once completed, the chamber has a near-perfect vacuum.

Some fast-forward special effects appeared on the sky screen, showing that everything was ready.

[Okay, prepare for the countdown to release]







Then the camera turned to a glowing "small sky dome" similar to a "sky dome", from which one could see the scene inside the vacuum chamber.

Then, as the button was pressed, the machine released a yellow-brown ball and a feather at the same time.

From the screen's perspective, you can see the ball and the feather falling at the same time, and then slowly falling down, without any particular order, and falling out of the screen's field of view. Everyone knows that this is a slow-motion shot of the sky curtain.

Then the small sky screen cut the perspective to an angle where the ball and feather can be seen completely falling. It can be clearly and completely seen that the ball and feather are falling at the same speed, and the two are in complete sync.

Because the video was in slow motion, the entire falling process took more than ten seconds, and these ten seconds captured the entire Jinling city.

Finally, the ball and the feather fell to the ground, and because the feather was longer, it even seemed that the feather landed first.

Everyone was stunned
In front of the Wuying Palace, Zhu Yuanzhang stood up in shock, completely speechless.

Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

The older scholar's laughter suddenly stopped and the smile froze on his face.

The few people who agreed with him also opened their mouths wide and stood there at a loss as to what to do.

Mr. Su clenched his hands excitedly, then looked at the older scholar: "What did you just say? Can you say it again?"

There was silence in the store.

For a moment, the city of Jinling seemed like a deserted town, and one could hear a pin drop.

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin and others were deeply shocked as they watched the falling scene being replayed.

Even the most stubborn diehards were silent at this point.

Because they knew that the two stones, big and small, fell to the ground almost at the same time, and that experiment had proved that Dodd's theory was problematic.

Tianmu was even more cruel. He slapped people in the face without caring about their life or death.

Thinking of this, many people covered their faces and ran home. It was so embarrassing.
He originally wanted to make a name for himself by stepping on the skylight, but he didn't expect to get himself into trouble instead.

(End of this chapter)

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