Chapter 65 Death of Zhu Biao
Zhu Yuanzhang then talked to Xu Da about some of his discoveries about electricity, such as the speed and number of turns of the coil affecting the intensity of electricity. In layman's terms, it means that being electrocuted is not that painful. Xu Da wanted to ask how he discovered this. But he thought about it and forgot about it. What if His Majesty asked him to try it himself and touch it again?
For example, if you use something to isolate the copper wire from contact, you won't get electrocuted.

"The future will be a world driven by energy." Zhu Yuanzhang stroked his beard and concluded mysteriously.

Xu Da was confused. The word "energy" should come from Tianmu, but what does it mean? ?
"Your Majesty, what is this energy source?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Xu Da, who was confused, but still felt a little happy in his heart, so he explained: "Coal, oil, and electricity are all energy sources. All machines in the future world will be driven by these three. This is energy."

"Coal can be burned and used in daily life and steelmaking, and it can also generate electricity. As for oil, we don't know what it can be used for, and electricity is beyond words. We just don't know how to use it for the time being."

Xu Da nodded continuously. He had of course heard about coal. Honeycomb coal and new stoves had begun to replace hay and firewood near the coal-producing areas. After all, this stuff was durable and cheap.

And this thing is almost inexhaustible, it is truly the best fuel.

Unfortunately, the distribution of coal is extremely uneven. There are currently no discovered coal mines near Jinling City. The cost of transporting coal from the north is too high and it cannot be popularized at all. This is a great pity.

Even in the future, with its extensive transportation network, the cost of transporting coal will be considered high, let alone today.

Therefore, the imperial court also set its sights on the land south of Luzon. According to the position marked on the sky curtain, that place was almost the land closest to the Ming Dynasty, with abundant coal production and high quality.

However, the ministers roughly calculated that it would not be cost-effective for the merchant fleet to go back and forth, even if it was carrying processed clean coal.
The main reason is that coal is not expensive but heavy, and the treasure ships today cannot carry much coal.

This makes sense, and Zhu Yuanzhang did not insist. We can only wait until the treasure ship technology is improved in the future, or when the number of treasure ships reaches a certain level before discussing it.

In the blink of an eye, another half month has passed and the day has come when the sky brightens again.

Xu Da, Feng Sheng, Deng Yu, Tang He and others led their troops north at the beginning of the year and only returned recently, so this was their first time to attend such a "court meeting" in front of the sky curtain. At this moment, they were looking around and seemed a little excited.

Judging from the expressions of the others, they were basically all happy. The Ming Dynasty had actually gained many benefits in Tianmu, so the court was not willing to miss it.

[How did Crown Prince Zhu Biao die in history? 】

[The "Guoqie" records that in the summer of June in the 23rd year of Hongwu, Zhu Biao suffered from a back abscess and cried loudly. Zhu Yunwen, with tears in his eyes, caressed him day and night.]

[Hearing Zhu Biao's screams, Zhu Yunwen was also panic-stricken and in great pain, and he personally sucked the abscess on Zhu Biao's back with his mouth. After more than ten days, Zhu Biao's back abscess improved.]

[Zhu Biao was about 35 years old at the time, in the prime of his life. Given his personality and status as a crown prince, he would not normally lose control or scream out in pain unless he could not help it.]

[Zhu Yunwen was almost scared to death after hearing this scream. You can imagine how painful it was for Zhu Biao when his back carbuncle attacked.]

[Two years later, in the 25th year of Hongwu, historical records show that Yiwen was seriously ill and died.]

[In other words, two years before his death, Zhu Biao had a near-fatal back abscess.]

[There are many famous people who died of back sores in history, such as Xiang Yu's uncle Fan Zeng, the Tang Dynasty poet Meng Haoran, the Song Dynasty famous general Zong Ze, etc. ]

[The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine records: When the heat is strong, it sinks into the skin, withers the tendons and marrow, and connects to the five internal organs, exhausts the blood and qi, and when the carbuncle is formed, there is no tendon, bone, or good flesh left.]

[The tendons, bones and muscles eventually become inflamed and turn into mud, which is why the mortality rate of back abscess is so high.]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt dizzy and his ears were rumbling as if he had been hit hard. It goes without saying that the father and son had a deep affection for each other after spending two days and nights together.

He turned his head to look at Zhu Biao, whose face was a little pale, and then looked at the silent story in the sky. It was obvious that he could not associate the intelligent and kind-hearted Biaoer with such a terrible disease as back carbuncle.

Even though Biao'er's face turned a little paler after hearing the bad news, his eyes were still bright.

How could Biao'er, who was so healthy and went to court with him every day, be related to back carbuncle?

Although he knew about Zhu Biao's early death and had made many speculations, he still felt heartbroken when he heard the inside story.

Biao'er is the prince, and he will be the one who controls the divine weapon in the future.
"Call the imperial physician!" The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. He completely forgot that this happened more than 20 years later, and immediately summoned the imperial physician to see Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao looked a little pale. Although he had never seen a back carbuncle attack, he knew how serious the disease was by looking at his father's face.

Because Tianmu occasionally had news of various infectious diseases and allicin before, there would be imperial doctors waiting for them. At this time, he was a little confused when he heard the order.
The ministers all had different expressions. For example, Song Lian and others were naturally worried and anxious, while others, such as the "Yan Wang Underground Party", had unclear expressions and some regrets in their hearts.
They had certainly heard of the bad reputation of back abscesses, but since Tianmu had mentioned it, if there was a corresponding solution, then...
The imperial physician naturally did not dare to disobey orders at this time. Seeing that he had already arrived, he naturally gave Zhu Biao a careful examination.

Seeing the old imperial physician carefully taking the patient's pulse and listening attentively, the area around Wuying Palace became quiet for a moment.

Zhu Yuanzhang remained calm. Although he stood up, he suppressed his anxiety and did not cause any more trouble.

After a long while, after taking Zhu Yuanzhang's pulse, he bowed to him again and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is in good health and has no other symptoms."

"As for the back carbuncle, what Tianmu said is that it will happen twenty years later."

Of course Zhu Biao could hear the embarrassment in the imperial physician's words. But it was only the third year of Hongwu, and even if a miracle doctor were alive he would not be able to cure a patient who would be ill twenty years later. So, in order to comfort his father, he smiled and said it was nothing.

Zhu Yuanzhang was just confused for a moment, but now that he had calmed down and his rationality took over, he asked the imperial physician to leave first.

They are just a bunch of quack doctors. If their medical skills were really reliable, why would Biaoer lose his life because of them?

At this moment, I felt complicated and placed all my hopes on the sky!
In addition to the Imperial Palace, most doctors and physicians in the Imperial Hospital and large and small clinics in Jinling City stopped their work and paid close attention to the movements of the sky curtain.

After all, this is not only about the Crown Prince, but also about the disease of back carbuncle. Nowadays, the various diagnosis and treatment plans for back carbuncle are not ideal, otherwise back carbuncle would not be called a fatal disease.

"Do you think back abscesses are very similar to wound ulcers? Can allicin be used to treat them?" A doctor asked quietly. After all, back abscesses are similar to wound ulcers. "In that case, they are indeed somewhat similar, as both cause pus to flow from the affected area."

"It's worth a try next time if you encounter it!" The older doctor thought about it and decided that if he could get the patient and family's consent, he might give it a try. After all, the current moxibustion therapy has a very poor effect, and when combined with allicin, it can't be any worse than this.

“The medical skills of later generations are very different from those of today. If we could learn this part of medical skills, I’m afraid we could save many, many people,” said the young doctor.

The older doctor smiled and comforted him: "If Tianmu teaches a lot of content every month, sooner or later he will mention medical skills."

Of course, older doctors would prefer to see this kind of scene. Doctors are kind-hearted and sometimes they are the patients' adopted parents.

Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

The old doctor Zhang Zhongjing listened attentively, obviously not wanting to miss out on future generations' views and treatment plans for this terrible disease.

In the past, whenever Tianmu mentioned various infectious diseases and symptoms, he would mention the causes of the disease and treatment plans. For infectious diseases, even the methods of transmission and prevention plans would be involved.

This set of treatment plans in later generations is extremely effective, and for this reason, no doctor wants to miss it.

After all, if you learn one more treatment plan for a disease, you may be able to save one more life at any time, especially for a serious disease like carbuncle on the back.

[Now we know that back sores are bacterial infections, mainly inflammatory diseases caused by bacterial infections such as Staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococci]

[If Zhu Biao's condition were to be treated now, the affected area could be cleaned and cephalosporin combined with penicillin and other antibacterial drugs could be used internally and externally, but before the advent of antibiotics, this disease was very difficult to treat, and even more difficult to cure completely.]

【In ancient China, back sores were mostly treated with traditional Chinese medicine to enhance the body's immune system and rely on the human immune system to eliminate bacteria. This type of treatment can easily appear to be cured, but in fact, the bacteria are still lurking.】

【Back sores are considered a serious disease, and are considered a terminal illness with a "one in ten chance of death if pus forms". In traditional Chinese medicine, back sores require not only medication, but also surgery. After recovery, long-term treatment and recovery are required to prevent the recurrence of back sores, which can endanger life.】

[Historical books say that Zhu Biao's back sore was cured in ten days or so. This was almost impossible in ancient times. It is very likely that it was cured on the surface, but the lesion was still lurking.]

[And judging from the workaholic personality of the Zhu family, Zhu Biao would definitely continue to work 996 or 007 as soon as he came back from the brink of death]

[The key is that he did not have as good a body as Zhu Yuanzhang. After working at such a high intensity for a year, Zhu Biao was sent by Zhu Yuanzhang to Guanzhong and Luoyang to inspect the relocation of the capital.]

[Zhu Biao, who caught a cold on his way back to Beijing, had to continue working overtime. The blows to his body from illness in the past two years, coupled with the high-intensity work, had completely drained Zhu Biao's body.]

[In this case, the possibility of a recurrence of back sores is very high. Perhaps the cold he caught on the road was the trigger, but in essence it was a recurrence of back sores. However, both diseases present symptoms of headache, fever, and body aches, so it is possible that the historians could not distinguish them.]

[So Zhu Biao's cause of death was most likely a cold that caused a recurrence of his back ulcer, coupled with his high-intensity work, which led to poor treatment results and ultimately his untimely death.]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang personally wrote down the symptoms of back carbuncle. Although he could not understand or figure out what bacteria were, Tianmu was already his hope.

"Bacteria again! Penicillin again!" Zhu Yuanzhang naturally remembered penicillin. Tianmu had mentioned it casually when talking about the preparation of allicin, but because the preparation process was extremely complicated, he skipped it.

And allicin has lived up to its reputation as a miracle drug in the past two or three months.

For many difficult and complicated diseases, the milder ones can be cured with just one medicine. The more serious ones can recover quickly with a little conditioning, and even the most serious ones can have their deterioration slowed down.

For this reason, the entire Ming Dynasty was extremely eager for the more effective penicillin.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt like crying when he thought about the fact that penicillin, which was more effective than allicin, was skipped because of its complicated preparation process, and this penicillin was only a temporary drug.


What is even more frustrating is that later generations have been convinced that bacteria exist, and have even classified and named various bacteria, but I have never seen them.
At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked, and the lightning was invisible.
The imperial doctors of the Imperial Hospital only thought of penicillin at this time, because the young man who made the video thought the process was too complicated and skipped it, so they also choked with tears: "We don't think it's complicated."

That is almost certain to be the emperor!!!

Nanjun in the late Han Dynasty.

When Zhang Zhongjing saw the cause of the disease, Tianmu mentioned the word bacteria again, and the pen in his hand trembled.

I carefully copied down the diagnosis and treatment method, and it turned out to be cephalosporin and penicillin.
We are all old acquaintances, and at least we know that penicillin is a manufactured drug.

What exactly is this bacterium? And what is the virus mentioned earlier?
Both are invisible and intangible, what is the difference between them? Is there any other way to see it?

Zhang Zhongjing had a vague feeling that if he could find these invisible bacteria and viruses, the causes of various difficult and complicated diseases might be solved, and then diagnosis and treatment would be easier.

This is the knowledge system of later generations, symptoms-cause-diagnosis and treatment plan, which is about fundamentally understanding and solving diseases. It is a knowledge that he also admires.

Zhang Zhongjing also spent several months trying to find bacteria, but he was unsuccessful.
I feel ashamed. Future generations have pointed out the direction, but I am stuck here and can't make any progress at all.

"Before the advent of antibiotics, a cold with a high fever could be fatal at any time"

"How come Boss Cao's headache is also a matter of taking a pack of headache powder?"

"Old Zhu is also one of the murderers. The prince is in poor health, but he was sent to Xi'an to investigate the relocation of the capital. He was exhausted from the journey."

Bacterial Infection [Dog Head]

(End of this chapter)

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