Short video spoiler history: The beginning of modern warfare

Chapter 67 How to Rebuild the Scientific System

Chapter 67 How to Rebuild the Scientific System
In fact, even if the imperial court did not repeat this experiment, many people in the society would try their best to do this experiment, especially in major clinics and pharmacies.

This was a huge event for them. If what Tianmu said was correct, then the medical theories they had read all their lives and practiced for decades might very well be wrong.

This is just the slap in the face of bacteria. If the virus theory is also correct, that will be another slap in the face. There are also other theories that have never been heard of.
It can be said that the theoretical system formed by thousands of years of sorting out of diseases in medical books from ancient times to the present is already crumbling.

The hard work of our predecessors is about to be burned.

This is why they have to take it seriously.

In front of the Wuying Hall, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly remembered something, so he asked someone to bring the records about the plague in later generations.

His eyes shrank for a moment, then quickly jumped away.

did not find.
All the ministers were a little puzzled and didn't understand what His Majesty was looking for. Soon His Majesty accurately said a word: smallpox virus.

So the clerk in charge of this part of the content quickly located the contents of the manuscript according to the titles of the volumes and found exactly what Your Majesty wanted.

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up. He finally found the difference between bacteria and viruses!

"After the curtain is over, the recorded contents must be sorted and published according to medical and scientific categories as soon as possible."

Hu Weiyong was puzzled, but he soon understood after receiving the circulated content.

After the content was circulated, Zhu Yuanzhang slowly spoke: "Plague is caused by viruses, such as smallpox."

Most people know this, after all, they learned about it from Tianmu before, but because they don’t have a deep impression, they tend to forget it.

Now that I think of it again, I can't help but gasp.

Previously, we only knew about the virus, but it had not been verified. In addition, the name contained the word "poison", so we naturally assumed that the plague was caused by poisonous items.

According to Tianmu, the virus that caused the plague is just like bacteria, it is alive and everywhere.
No matter how vicious and lethal bacteria are, it is still easy to deal with them, but plague
When Hu Weiyong thought of this, cold sweat oozed out, so he said: "Your Majesty."

Zhu Yuanzhang interrupted him coldly: "Why panic? These bacteria and viruses are everywhere. If a plague could break out, it would have broken out long ago."

This statement has some of the feeling of "a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water", but it also makes sense.

Zhu Yuanzhang paced back and forth, thinking carefully in his heart: The names given to various bacteria and viruses by later generations show that they had a certain understanding of these bacteria and viruses, especially viruses.

Thinking of this, he remembered the comments on the picture. He naturally knew which three years of the plague were, and he also knew that there was only one way to deal with the plague in ancient and modern times, and that was to blockade until the plague naturally died out.

But considering the flow of people in later generations, it is too difficult.

If it cannot be blocked, it will be an absolute catastrophe.

He didn't know the total number of casualties worldwide, but he suddenly understood the pain of the comments in the comment section.

"The Ministry of Industry must speed up the production of the microscope!" Zhu Yuanzhang gave the order with an expressionless face.

The Minister of Works Anran smiled bitterly and could only agree. He naturally understood the significance of the microscope.

The sky screen switched at the right time, and everyone's attention returned to the sky screen again.

[If you traveled back to ancient times or were reborn in the end times, have you ever thought about how to rebuild the modern scientific system? ]

【Based on several subjects in junior high and high school, we can initially establish several important branches of the natural science system, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy, and then fill different knowledge into each branch.】

[But it is almost impossible for one person to accomplish this feat alone. ]

[But we can cultivate the seeds of a scientific outlook on development, improve the talent training system and scientific research system, and persevere. The dawn of modern science will shine again in your hands]

[We can roughly plant the seeds of modern science from three aspects: scientific thinking, basic mathematics, and measurement units]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

"Physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy?" Zhu Yuanzhang smiled bitterly. He thought that the science Tianmu was talking about was profound enough, but he didn't expect that it was a general term for several major subjects.

No wonder it always feels weird. Sometimes it's objects falling, sometimes it's electricity and the periodic table, and now there are bacteria and viruses. These things are so diverse and don't connect at all. It turns out that they are all studies of different disciplines.

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that these studies required a thorough investigation, and although they were sometimes very unusual, they were still relatively easy to understand after understanding. In other words, there was no such obscure and difficult knowledge that needed to be "understood" in later generations. All cause and effect relationships were clear, and you could basically understand them as long as you spent some time.

These subjects are learned from junior high school and high school, and then there is university. How thick is the entire branch of knowledge?
Thinking of this, even Zhu Yuanzhang, who considered himself diligent and studious, couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation on his scalp.

No wonder I often see comments like: God will punish those who persuade others to study medicine.
Zhu Biao was also thinking that bacteria and viruses should be included in the branch of biology.

What about electricity? What about the periodic table? Which subjects should they be classified under?

Not only in front of the Wuying Palace, but also everywhere in Jinling City, people were discussing it. After all, this was the first time that people had systematically seen the so-called scientific system.

[First: Scientific thinking means keeping an open mind, being brave to observe and explore, not blindly believing in authority, and having logical thinking ability]

[Solving problems can be done by following these steps: observe the phenomenon—find the problem—propose a hypothesis—verify the hypothesis—draw a conclusion, and repeat this process.]

[Second: Mathematics is the key to open the door to science and is the foundation of natural science. It is actually very simple and mainly consists of the following three aspects]

[The first thing that needs to be defined is the decimal Arabic numerals, 012345678910;]

【The second is the concept of positive numbers, negative numbers and 0;】

[Use of the third addition, subtraction, multiplication and division]

During the Zhenguan period, Chang'an City.

Fang Xuanling and others glanced sideways. They were all knowledgeable people and quite agreed with the process of "observation, discovery, hypothesis, and verification" mentioned in the sky curtain.

This method has a bit of the flavor of peeling off silk from a cocoon, and it is also the basis for various academic disciplines in later generations to be able to speak with certainty.

However, it is really not easy to maintain scientific thinking. Just like the falling object experiment, it is a cage formed by the combination of authoritative thinking and common sense. It is very difficult to break this cage of thinking.

"Mathematics is arithmetic, right? How can it be the key to open the door to science?" someone asked puzzled.

Li Shimin didn't quite understand the logic behind this. Although the imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty was also a subject, it wasn't evaluated as exaggeratedly as it was in later generations, right?

Although he didn't quite understand it, Li Shimin still recorded the question truthfully.

[The third item: measurement units. Nowadays, measurement units are basically conventional. For the sake of convenience, various units are generally designed to be similar to today’s units.]

[For example, the definition of temperature, 0 degrees is a mixture of ice and water, 100 degrees is boiling water, and taking 100 equal parts is the division of temperature]

[The pendulum effect can be used to define length and time. For any pendulum, as long as its length is 99.4 cm, no matter how high the pendulum is pulled before you let go, the time it takes for the pendulum to swing once after you let go is 1 second]

[In this way, as long as the experiment is repeated many times, the length and time of 1 second can always be determined. You can also refer to the two suns and divide the noon time into 24 hours]

[One kilogram is equal to the weight of one liter of water, which is a cube with a side length of 1 centimeters filled with water. With these basics, other units can basically be deduced.]

[With these three aspects as the foundation, plus some basic guidance and the talent training system you set up, you will gradually be on the right track]

During the Hongwu period, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking about this passage as he read it, so he had many doubts in his mind, such as how to determine how long 99.4cm is? If 1cm is not determined, then 1kg and 1 liter are out of the question.

These are still relatively basic units, and the units that have not been derived are the bulk.

This is a cause that countless people have been pursuing for hundreds of years. Only by truly trying to understand and establish a scientific system can one know the hardships involved.

Only then did I realize how "blessed by God" it was to learn all kinds of knowledge from the sky.

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced back and forth and saw that the generals were switching back and forth between "wandering in the sky" and "doubting themselves", which showed that they didn't understand at all.

The civil officials were not much better off. They had no idea how to derive other units from the basic units.

There are still few talents.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt even more that there were not enough talents, and that the Ministry of Science currently did not have anyone talented enough to shoulder the heavy responsibility and lead the times.

At Hexing Tea and Snack Shop, the little boy who was previously excited about becoming a "scientist" is now overwhelmed.
(End of this chapter)

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