Chapter 94 Seedless Watermelon
Qin, Xianyang Palace.

Ying Zheng looked at the sky in silence. He originally thought that the Great Qin would destroy the six kingdoms with one country, unify the world, and make great achievements that will last for thousands of years.

He was full of ambition and pride. Every time he conquered a country, he would build its palace to imitate its palace to show off his achievements. But when he saw the vastness of the world, he could not help but feel ashamed.

When building the Tiangong Space Station, if Ying Zheng had not known that it was two thousand years in the future, he would have almost mistakenly thought that was the immortal he had been pursuing.

Watching Zhai Zhigang carefully holding on to the spacecraft parts, everything seemed so real.

In that vast universe, there are so many lands that no one has ever set foot on since ancient times. In that mysterious outer space, there is an outer space where you can float and not fall.

Everything is more legendary than the legend. After all, legends are just people's imaginations. Without real details, they cannot stand up to scrutiny.

There were also various space station experiments, such as water cycle. Ying Zheng didn't understand them at all, but he thought it should be a very important experiment.

Ying Zheng looked up, through the deep sky, wanting to see the mysterious space station.
[The hot summer is coming soon, and iced watermelon and air conditioning are our most powerful combination to cool down]

[So what do you think of when you mention watermelon? Is it the pink flesh 8424, or the peach-colored Midu watermelon, or the golden yellow Te Xiaofeng, or the Qilin melon, the Black Beauty, the seedless watermelon, the selenium sand melon, the stone melon, etc.? ]

[my country's watermelons not only have a wide variety of varieties, but each one is sweet and juicy, and the yield is extremely amazing. Since the 60s, our annual watermelon output has always ranked first in the world and has never fallen from the top position]

[According to statistics, my country's watermelon production reached 2020 million tons in 6024, accounting for more than 59% of the world's total watermelon production, more than twice that of the second place]

[In addition, in terms of total consumption, we are still the country that eats the most watermelons, with annual watermelon consumption reaching 156 billion, and we eat them all year round, which makes Xiao Xiba and Xiao Baga next door envious]

[Imagine the snow outside the window in winter. I am a northerner with the heater on in my room. To replenish water, I eat half a watermelon with a big spoon while looking at the snow outside the window.]

[Then I heard that the watermelons of the neighbors who were living a good life next door were very expensive, so I went to Qianqian to check it out. This is a video of Moon Jae-in eating watermelon. Emmm, this kind of watermelon with thick skin, not completely red flesh, and looks crunchy. If Liu Huaqiang saw it, he would have overturned the watermelon stall.]

[To say that we can eat watermelon freely today, we have to thank Academician Wu Mingzhu. Because of her outstanding contribution, she is known as the mother of watermelon.]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin looked at the lush, pumpkin-shaped watermelons, and then looked at the juicy watermelon flesh inside, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.
What kind of watermelon is this? I have never seen it before.
Fang Xuanling had to sigh that only people in later generations know how to enjoy iced watermelon and air conditioning. Not only had no one ever heard of watermelon, the ice alone was a luxury enough. And the air conditioner must have been an electrical appliance that blows cool air. Compared with the scorching sun outside, no one would want to go out with such a life.

Looking at the various varieties of watermelons on the sky curtain, they are all big, bright red and juicy, and you can smell their sweetness through the sky curtain.

There is also the Special Xiaofeng, which is of medium size, with bright yellow flesh that is crystal clear and seedless. Even he has never seen such a treasure.

Cheng Yaojin's eyes almost popped out. Compared with the watermelon air conditioning in summer, he was more shocked by the heating plus watermelon in winter. It was snowing heavily outside the window and the trees were covered with snow, but the woman in the sky was wearing thin clothes and didn't seem to feel cold. What kind of fairy life was this?

He enjoys life better than me, Old Cheng.

In the West Market, Arab businessman Mahmoud Ben Gurion rubbed his eyes. It turned out that the green melon called "Badifu" in his hometown was called watermelon in the East.

Looking at the variety of Tianmu watermelon, the flesh looks sweet and delicious. Is this really the "Badifu" we know?

Even the sandy watermelons they disliked had thin skin and lots of flesh, and the colors were much brighter than the watermelons in my hometown. Six out of ten kilograms of watermelons in my hometown were just the skin and white sac.
The small part of the red flesh in the middle is a mixture of red and white, and it doesn't look very good. They just use it to replenish water. It can't be said to be very delicious. It tastes a little sweet, but it is juicy and refreshing to eat.

Precisely because they are not considered a delicacy, long-distance transportation is troublesome, and they are not as convenient as sheepskin, no one will trade these watermelons.

The above mentioned are still artificially cultivated ones. Some of the wild watermelons in the desert are poisonous and can be fatal if eaten accidentally.

“The mysterious East is full of benevolence and rich resources.”

Ming Dynasty, Jinling City, Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

Shopkeeper Wan looked incredulous, thinking that the watermelon was too big.

Watermelon is not a rare fruit nowadays. Everyone here has eaten or heard of it to some extent, but there has never been a watermelon with such bright-colored flesh and such rich juice.

Shopkeeper Wan couldn't help but recall the scene of eating watermelon last year. The watermelon, chilled from the deep well, still emitted a hint of coolness when it was scooped up in a wooden barrel. When it was cut open, he could smell the coolness and sweetness from the overflowing watermelon juice. When he took a bite, the watermelon juice burst out, and the sweetness filled his mouth, temporarily driving away a lot of the scorching heat.

In order to eat watermelon every year, many people have tried to plant watermelon seeds. For some reason, the watermelons produced either have more white sacs and less flesh, or are not that sweet.

Melon merchants and vendors couldn't explain why, but they all agreed that melons from the northwest, especially from the western regions, were the sweetest and juiciest.

Inside the palace.

It was the first month of the lunar year, but Zhu Yuanzhang was craving for watermelon. Zhu Biao was the same. His father practiced frugality, so as the crown prince, he naturally ate and lived the same way. Although it was better than that of ordinary people, such a treasure was unheard of and unseen.

Ordinary watermelons have thick skin and many white follicles. The middle part is also sweet and juicy when you bite it. However, if you chew it carefully for a few times, you will find the watermelon seeds, and you have to spit out the seeds, which is quite disappointing.

He couldn't even imagine what it would feel like to eat a watermelon without seeds. Just thinking about that kind of joy made him excited.

"This kind of precious watermelon cannot be grown even in the Western Regions."

"This is natural. This is probably a breed bred using hybridization technology. Just the appearance alone makes it look very expensive."

Hu Weiyong nodded. This "Special Small Feng Watermelon" was the most novel. Its flesh was bright yellow in color, which refreshed everyone's cognition.

"Hybrid breeding and improvement are natural, but how did you develop seedless watermelons?"

“Could it be gene editing technology?”

“It’s a bit of an overkill.”

Zhu Yuanzhang listened to the discussions of his ministers and nodded with satisfaction. With the experience of seeing hybrid rice and hybrid wheat before, he could now quickly point out the key to the problem when seeing various excellent watermelon varieties. This meant that he had learned all these knowledge.

If this idea is promoted, other fruits, such as oranges, lychees, etc. can also be hybridized and improved.

[Ms. Wu Mingzhu was one of the first people to collect and organize local melon varieties in Xinjiang, saving a number of endangered resources.]

【We are the first in China to combine remote ecology, remote region, multi-parent hybridization, backcrossing and radiation breeding to breed new varieties of high-quality disease-resistant sweet watermelon, and create a batch of new germplasm resources.】

[The reason why our domestic watermelon varieties are so abundant and their quality is much better than that of foreign ones is that these agricultural researchers are silently working on it]

[Having high-quality watermelon varieties is not enough. The seeds inside the watermelon are also troublesome when eating it. So we can use the biology knowledge we learned in high school to treat the watermelon seedlings with colchicine]

[It makes it impossible to form spindles when cells divide, resulting in the doubling of chromosomes in the cells, resulting in polyploid plants. Finally, normal pollen of the variety is inoculated into the polyploid plants, and triploid seeds are obtained after hybridization.]

[After the seeds grow naturally, the pollen of this variety is used to pollinate the pistil of the triploid watermelon, and finally we get the seedless watermelon we want]

[Since seedless watermelons cannot produce seeds, they can only be propagated through grafting or cuttings.]

[Generally speaking, the fruits grown by polyploid plants are much larger than those grown by diploid plants. In the real world, all animals and some higher plants are diploid organisms, so many fruit trees can be cultivated and improved using this method.]

[The above is the process of selecting and improving excellent watermelon varieties. Although it sounds simple, the breeding process is actually quite long. my country started in the last century and it took decades of accumulation to achieve today’s watermelon, which can be eaten as much as you want and even fed to pigs and hippos.]

In front of Fengtian Hall.

The clerks wrote furiously, recording the words which were easy to understand when separated, but vaguely understandable when put together.

"But what is colchicine? Is it related to daffodils? Why add the word 'autumn'?" Sun Chuanshi and others scratched their heads and could only hope to get answers from the comments section.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the last two images on the screen, and saw the young man feeding the pigs with watermelons.
The watermelons used to feed the pigs were redder and fresher than any he had ever eaten. The young man was considerate enough to peel and cut the watermelons for him.

Those dirty pigs actually ate watermelons and didn’t even look at the watermelon rinds.

Another part is that watermelons that are several times larger than winter melons are transported to the zoo in trucks, and then eaten by hippos one by one.

Not to mention Xiao Xiba and Xiao Baga, Zhu Yuanzhang himself was about to be defeated. What a shameful waste!
Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

"Mr. Su, do you think we can ever have a bite of such a watermelon before we die?" asked a pot-bellied man at the next table. There was a ten-year-old child next to him, who was almost drooling.

"It might work."

"Dad, it's okay. When you die, I'll burn a few for you."


"Dad, I was just joking. Dad, I was wrong. I won't do it again."

Shopkeeper Wan was originally feeling envious and jealous, but was inexplicably amused by this scene of "father saying goodbye to son and laughing".

(End of this chapter)

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