Chapter 95 Three North Shelterbelt

Ming, Jinling City, people from the Science Department stared at the comment section, trying to find a method to prepare colchicine.

"Smecta next door said he was such a barbarian that he couldn't even cook watermelon rinds [covering his face]"

"I thought watermelons all over the world were the same, but it turns out that foreign watermelons are not ripe."

"I really want to pick one. I always thought that watermelons all over the world should be similar. I didn't expect that the watermelons we eat are the best in the world."

《Four yuan a pound is a bit expensive, but it’s seedless and sweet, it’s pretty good》

"China is a country with real fruit freedom. There are hundreds of kinds of edible fruits. The fruits we have never seen are just those that are not produced due to regional reasons or that taste average."

In the Science Department, Sun Chuanshi and others looked at the pictures in the comment section and swallowed their saliva.
Whether it is dark red or bright red, its high quality can only be seen when photographed up close.

"So, a watermelon tastes best when you hold it in half and eat it with a spoon?"

Many people have made up their minds to buy one and try it out after a few months.

The colchicine that he had been looking for was finally found when he was almost at the bottom.

“取秋水仙或黄花菜花蕊,加入5倍高度酒精,在80 - 85℃下回流提取3-5小时”

[For 50 years, three generations of Chinese people have been fighting against the wind and sand, with an average life expectancy as low as 52 years, and have been silently planting trees for 40 years]

[In the past 18 years, more than 175 million square kilometers of trees have been planted, which is equivalent to greening one South Korea every year]

[This project is the Three North Shelterbelt Project, which covers 42.4% of China's land area and has received little attention.]

[It is the world's largest greening project, a project that has made important contributions to China's overall victory in poverty alleviation]

[We have read in books since childhood that China is a country with vast land and abundant resources, but another fact is that my country is one of the countries with the largest desert areas in the world. There are eight major deserts, three major sandy areas and vast Gobi in the three northern regions alone.]

[The total desertified area is as high as 158 million square kilometers, accounting for 16% of my country's land area. Nearly 1/5 of the area is desert Gobi, and these deserts are expanding outward at a rate of 2000 square kilometers per year.]

[So 20 years ago, what troubled many northern cities was not smog but sandstorms, and not the PM2.5 that everyone is familiar with today, but PM 250 or 2500]

[In 2002, there was a sandstorm that hit Beijing for 49 hours, with a total of 3 tons of sand and mud, which means each person got 2 kilograms of sand on average... There were countless other smaller sandstorms.]

[In this situation, in order to curb the desert and protect our living soil, our country has started a project unprecedented in human history: the Three North Fire Prevention Plan]

[Starting from 1978, the project planning period is 73 years. It is planned to use four generations of people to build a Northeast, North China, Northwest China, and North China region, including 13 provinces, cities, and districts such as Heilongjiang, Jilin, Beijing, Hebei, Shaanxi, and Qinghai. A greening project with an area of ​​406.9 million square kilometers, accounting for 42.4% of China's land area]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

“Is this the Three North Shelterbelt Project that has been mentioned many times?”

Li Shimin and others were already numbed by the shock. This great project of the century, spanning 73 years, covered an area so vast that it almost reached half of the country's land area.

This kind of courage, coordination, management and execution ability is unprecedented in history.

The decline of Chang'an had been mentioned before, and people had not felt the impact of the excessive development and use of water resources and land until now. Now when they see the yellow sand covering the sky and the sun in Beijing, like the end of the world, they suddenly realize it.

This desertification is expanding outward at an extremely alarming rate every year, and the capital is within the range affected by the wind and sand. It can be said that it is like a knife is being held to the neck.

This is equivalent to cleaning up the mess caused by previous over-exploitation and deforestation. There are problems related to the present as well as those left over from previous dynasties. If we really divide the responsibilities, it will take hundreds of years to sort them out.

Li Shimin remained silent. If the sandstorm in Beijing in 2006 that Tianmu mentioned happened, he would probably have to issue an edict of remorse.

What should Chang'an do if it falls into such a situation? With the national strength of the Tang Dynasty, it is not capable of managing such a vast desert, so the only option left is to move the capital.

The sight of the sandstorm alone was enough to alert Li Shimin and others to the dangers of deforestation.

[Not only did we plan it, we actually did it. We have persisted for 40 years now. Countless famous and unknown heroes have fought against the yellow sand all their lives. For example, in order to green Saihanpa and block the sandstorms.]

[The Three North Shelterbelt Project cannot be solved by throwing money at it. What it needs more is people. For example, Saihanba was once the royal hunting ground of the Qing Dynasty. During the Anti-Japanese War, it was plundered by Japanese invaders and the original forest of Saihanba has disappeared.]

[In 1962, 369 young people from 18 provinces and cities across the country, with an average age of less than 24, came here]

[Then they stayed in the local area to plant trees for 58 years. Three generations have persisted to this day. Today, Saihanba has abundant water and grass and dense forests, and has become a national forest park.]

[Also, the Maowusu Desert surrounded by the Yellow River has 80% of its area under control, water and soil loss has stopped, and the annual sand transport of the Yellow River has been reduced by 4 million tons.]

[There is also Yin Yuzhen in the Maowusu Desert, an ordinary farmer. When he married here at the age of 19, all he had was a small house by the desert.]

[In order to save the house, every time the sandstorm blows through, you have to use a shovel to clean the sand outside the door, otherwise it will be buried by the second sandstorm.]

[In order to survive, her husband would go out against the wind to pick up dead cattle and sheep every time he encountered a storm. Every time he went out, it might be the last time she and her husband met. Under the double blow of poverty and the emperor, she finally exploded][.]

Ming, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang also sighed secretly. Such a project involving such a wide range and such a long time span, both in terms of money and manpower, is enough to bring down any country in history.

More importantly, this project has no visible output, so it is very likely to cause dissatisfaction and backlash, and be affected by influences from within the court.

This is from a macro perspective. From the perspective of project executors and those who contribute silently, there seems to be no end in sight.

This kind of life is too hard.

This hardship comes from both the existing environment and the spiritual side. For example, the Yin Yuzhen couple mentioned in the sky curtain sold their only sheep in exchange for 600 seedlings, but only 10 survived in the end.

Faced with this kind of blow, facing the mighty force of nature, human power seems so insignificant. During these countless days and nights, wouldn't their hearts be confused, hesitant and numb?

Zhu Yuanzhang had no way of knowing whether they had ever wavered in their hearts, but he guessed that they had, just like the three years when he went out begging for alms.

All we know from the sky is that in the following 32 years, they planted another 200 million trees and turned 7 acres of sandy land into green.

Such cases are definitely not exceptions, otherwise there would not be the current achievements.

This is about transforming nature, man can conquer nature, and planting trees in the desert where water is extremely scarce. Zhu Yuanzhang found it both bizarre and extremely admiring.

Zhu Biao, Liu Ji and others were shocked when they heard this number. What does 7 acres mean?
Few people can survive with 7 acres of rice lying there waiting for you to harvest, let alone transform such a desert.

Hu Weiyong and Wang Guangyang were both silent. When it came to large-scale engineering construction and logistical support, Han Guogong's abilities were unmatched. Perhaps he was most impressed by the Three North Shelterbelt Project.

But even if he comes, it will be difficult, as this project cannot be completed in ten or eight years.

Zhu Biao counted silently in his mind, from the control of the Yellow River to the Three North Shelterbelt Project, all of them were major projects that would benefit the present and future generations. If one of them was accomplished, it would be enough to go down in history.

Each of these projects is a textbook demonstration, especially some measures such as the grass grid sand fixation and prevention.

Zhu Biao was excited about the achievements of desert control in later generations, but at the same time he felt helpless after self-reflection. With the current national strength of the Ming Dynasty, it would be best not to even think about such a large project, otherwise it would be the end of the Sui Dynasty.

In the Hexing Tea and Snack Shop, Manager Wan fell silent. If he were in the desertified area in the north, and if the imperial court really had the courage to control the desert, he would definitely risk his life to create green mountains and clear waters for future generations.

This kind of governing policy that wholeheartedly serves the people is the foundation of a country's strength.

"7 acres." Mr. Su's heart trembled. If he had such perseverance, what could he not accomplish?
[These are just the tip of the iceberg of the triple shelterbelt project. The entire project has invested more than 100 billion yuan and involves 14 provinces, 551 counties, and 3.13 million workers.]

[In 40 years, the three hundred project areas have seen a net increase of 2156 million hectares of forest area and 12.6 billion cubic meters of forest stock]

[Three generations of Chinese people have quietly planted trees for half a century, building a 5000-kilometer-long forest]

[A great project spanning 70 years. Because of its existence, China's forest area has increased more than the total of all countries in the world. The world's artificial forest area is 1.4 million hectares, of which China accounts for 7000 million. The Three North Shelterbelt Project has made an indelible contribution.]

[Of course, the current Three North Shelterbelts are facing increasing difficulties. For example, the cost of planting trees and labor costs are increasing linearly. For example, the single-species forests are prone to erosion by pests and diseases, and they are in urgent need of change.]

[But if there are too many difficulties, will we just stop doing it? I know that many people on the Internet today say that the Three North Shelterbelt Project is not good, and they have many reasons, using some strange papers or theories from books to make their arguments.]

[For example, consuming groundwater will cause trouble later, or planting trees cannot control the desert at all, etc. I just want to say one thing, go to the three northern regions and listen to what the locals say]

In Jinling City, countless people looked at the contrast in the sky and were deeply shocked.

Deserts can really be controlled, and it is entirely possible for a desert to become an oasis.

"My hometown is Qinghai. I remember when I was a kid, the sandstorms were terrible. When I grew up and worked in other places, I occasionally went back and saw green mountains and clear waters. There are basically no sandstorms in spring now. The climate has changed. Our country's greening project is really amazing."

"I went to the Bird Island of Qinghai Lake in 93. When I came back, sand could be poured out of all my pockets [covering my face]. In 2010, I went to see rapeseed flowers all over the mountains. There was no sand in the wind either. It was really nice."

"I'm impressed! Tianjin residents have a deep understanding of sandstorms. There are indeed no more of them now."

"When I was in fifth grade, in 1999, I was in Weifang, Shandong. One afternoon, the sky suddenly darkened. A strong wind blew quickly, bringing dust. Visibility dropped to a few meters. When school was almost over, mud began to rain from the sky..."

Late Han Dynasty, Nanjun.

Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang's mouth corners are harder to suppress than AK. Just looking at the description in the comments section, I feel it is extremely scary, and there is a bit of humor in the scary.
They were nearly 1800 years away from future generations at this time, so they could not empathize with many things. Only after seeing this near-natural disaster did they realize the importance of desert control.

If these deserts are managed, they will not only protect large tracts of land and be transformed into forests after many years, but it will also be more likely that these lands will be utilized through moderate development and generate considerable economic benefits.

This was a good policy that could not be discredited, and it also raised the favorability of Zhuge Liang and others in the eyes of future generations.

(End of this chapter)

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