Chapter 97 Parasite Prevention
Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin and others also had a look of confusion on their faces. There was a huge difference in the accuracy of information conveyed when describing this problem using language and using mathematical symbols. No wonder most people in the comment section were cursing.

If I were to go up and ask the question myself, I wouldn’t understand the person who set the question’s ideas.

In an era that demands accuracy, conciseness, and rigorous science, Li Shimin really couldn't imagine what kind of brain could come up with such a torturous question.

[Recently I saw someone say that ascariasis has become less common in recent years and is almost extinct. I wonder if it is an illusion.]

[In fact, this is not an illusion. According to the report of the National Key Infectious Diseases and Vector-Borne Pathogen Monitoring System, the Ascaris infection rate among the population at 2013 soil-transmitted nematode monitoring sites across the country was 22% in 0.76.]

[From the data report, we can see that the number of people infected with roundworms in my country is indeed very small, which also indirectly shows that my country's public health work is doing well. ]

[Because as early as several decades ago, ascariasis was still very common. Ascaris is also called Jiao Xi. As early as in "Lingshu", this parasite was mentioned: Heart and intestine pain, tingling pain, swelling, moving up and down, pain that comes and goes, abdominal heat, thirst and salivation, are Jiao Xi.]

【Zhang Zhicong, a famous medical scientist in the Ming and Qing dynasties, wrote Lingshu Jizhu, which gave a modern explanation of the word Jiaoqi. He said, "Jiaoqi is roundworm."】

[Ascaris is distributed all over the world and is the most common type of parasite in the human body. Not only that, the infection rate of ascaris is also very high, reaching more than 70%. ]

[If we look at the infection rate by region, the infection rate in rural areas is higher than in cities. If we look at the individual cases, the infection rate among children is significantly higher than that among adults. This is probably why most people's childhood memories have "pagoda candy" in them! ]

[Yes, many people have eaten a kind of candy distributed for free by school organizations when they were young. It is colorful and looks like a "pyramid". That is pagoda candy, which is used to prevent roundworms. ]

Ming, Jinling City.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't expect the sky to suddenly change, and the scene was so terrifying.

The generals who had always killed people like crazy were all like this, their faces were pale, because compared to the enemy, this kind of parasite was parasitic in the human body, and just thinking about it was disgusting enough.

This disease is actually very common, especially among children, many of whom suffer from it.

It's not that it's difficult to treat, it's just quite disgusting and it keeps coming back.

It has been recorded in many medical works, such as "Shengji Zonglu" and "Zhubingyuanhoulun".

The Treatise on the Origin and Symptoms of Various Diseases says: The worms are one foot long, and some are five or six inches long. They may move due to weakness of the internal organs, or due to eating sweet and fatty foods. When they move, there will be pain in the abdomen, swelling, coming and going, with intervals. They may also attack the heart, and the mouth will spit out saliva and clear water. If they penetrate the heart, the person will die.

The worms here are the dragonworms, which are also known as heartworm disease, long worm disease, etc.

If there is a dragon shell in the abdomen, the symptoms may be mild, such as sallow complexion, thin body, and loss of appetite. Severe cases may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, upper abdominal cramps, etc., and in more serious cases, it may be life-threatening.

This disease has been almost eradicated in later generations!

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that these were the prevention and treatment concepts and experiences of later generations, which were very valuable things, so he did not dare to be careless and asked the clerks to copy down every word that Tianmu said.

"Public health." Zhu Yuanzhang repeated the term he heard for the first time. From the name and the examples listed above, one could roughly guess its inner meaning, which was roughly about paying attention to people's diseases and prevention and control, but more information was needed to support it.

All the civil and military officials lowered their heads but listened attentively. The scene was really funny and ridiculous, but no one could laugh.

In the video shot by Tianmu, the dragonfly was wriggling in the stomach. Its lethality was truly too terrifying.

But at the same time, they are eager to know how people in later generations prevented and treated the disease. They themselves may not care, but they have children at home, and children are most susceptible to this disease, so they dare not be careless.

In Jinling City, doctors in countless drug halls and pharmacies have become more alert. Nowadays, there are many ways to treat the dragonworm, such as Wumei Pills, and boiling water with pepper and fresh orange leaves, which are all very effective in expelling the dragonworm.

But these are only temporary solutions and not a fundamental solution. Perhaps the nationwide comprehensive prevention and control mentioned by Tianmu is the only fundamental solution.

For those patients whose disease recurs repeatedly, these preventive and therapeutic measures are what they need most.

[Ascaris is a kind of nematode parasite that lives in the body of humans and animals. It belongs to the phylum Nematoda and is a very stubborn parasite.]

[In terms of appearance, it looks more like an earthworm and is stretchable, and can better control the hydraulic pressure in the body. Ascaris is both mysterious and terrifying]

[In most rural areas and towns in the 1970s and 1980s, people’s living standards were low and sanitary conditions were poor. The feces of poultry and livestock were seriously polluted. Chemical fertilizers were not widely used in fields and vegetable gardens, and farmyard manure was used for fertilization.]

[So many crops are contaminated with ascarid eggs, and ascariasis is transmitted through fecal-oral transmission]

[If people do not wash their hands before meals or after defecation, eat raw vegetables without washing them, or drink raw water, they may be infected with roundworms.]

[When humans accidentally eat food contaminated with Ascaris eggs, such as vegetables or raw water, these eggs will enter the stomach and intestines along with the food. Under such constant temperature and humidity conditions, Ascaris larvae will quickly hatch.]

Jinling City, Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

Manager Wan and others all frowned, leaned back, and looked at the sky curtain with disgust. Most people learned about the growth and development of parasites from the sky curtain, and knew the harm it caused to the human body.

Especially when I read that it can lay more than 3000 million eggs a day, my stomach churned!!!

The measures to prevent this disease are not complicated. Simply put, wash your hands, wash your food, and drink boiled water. "Is it that simple?" Shopkeeper Wan was stunned. This Jiaoxian disease that has troubled people for thousands of years has been controlled just like that?
"This is actually not that simple." Someone in the store sighed. As Tianmu said, if the living standards cannot be improved, people will not have so much time to think about these things. For example, free-range poultry and livestock will cause feces pollution, which is foreseeable.

The feces of these poultry and livestock are one of the fertilizers, which are used to fertilize rice, vegetables, etc.

"The most important thing is probably the popularization of ideas. It is not so easy to change customs and habits."

In front of Fengtian Hall.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others also summarized several preventive measures, which were actually similar to those summarized by the general public. Regarding their anti-insect measures, it seemed that they only mentioned a "pagoda candy", and its raw materials were not mentioned.

This is not very important. Nowadays, there are complete prescriptions for expelling parasites, and the effect is not bad.

However, the most important thing is prevention and treatment. As Tianmu said, only by raising people's awareness of prevention can we effectively carry out prevention and control.

After all, various anthelmintic prescriptions cannot prevent people from accidentally eating insect eggs, nor can they eliminate these insect eggs.

Especially in the countryside, the environment is a little worse, and there is no relevant concept, so many people are troubled by dragons and snakes.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it and summoned the Imperial Hospital's Director and Judge to discuss the compilation of an authoritative book on the prevention and treatment of common diseases.
Although there is a lot of popular science and publicity about the prevention and treatment methods for the jiao si disease, there are still many diseases that are actually very simple to prevent and treat. If this can be accomplished, it will be a meritorious deed.

This matter naturally fell on the head of the Imperial Medical Bureau. Director Zhang agreed without even thinking about it. This was a great thing.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it and felt that the book was easy to compile, but less than 10% of the people were literate, so he would be like flirting with a blind man.

Liu Ji did come up with a good idea, which was to turn these methods into catchy slang, so that the publicity would be more effective.

So why did roundworms gradually disappear?

[The main reason was that the living standard was low and the sanitary conditions were poor at that time. Many people could not even wash their hands before meals and after defecation, and did not drink raw water.]

[Especially the action of boiling water before drinking it. Don’t underestimate it. Few of the various parasites, bacteria, and viruses that are invisible to our naked eyes can survive two rounds of boiling water. Boiling drinking water before drinking it can kill most of the various parasite eggs, bacteria, viruses, etc. at high temperature, greatly reducing the risk of disease from the mouth.]

[Nowadays, people's living standards have improved significantly, they have a strong sense of hygiene, and they pay great attention to daily food hygiene, which greatly reduces the chance of infection.]

[In the past, most poultry and livestock in rural areas were raised in the wild, and the excrement and food residues were not cleaned up in time. Now, they are all raised on a large scale, and the excrement of poultry and livestock is also placed in a centralized place for harmless treatment.]

[These measures also cut off the spread of roundworm eggs from the source. In the past, vegetables and grain crops all used farmyard manure, and chemical fertilizers were not popular.]

[Before the 90s, my country planted Artemisia annua, which is an important raw material for making pagoda candy, making pagoda candy widely popular.]

[At the same time, relevant knowledge on infection prevention has been widely disseminated, which has also led to fewer and fewer people being infected with roundworms.]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin frowned and took notes seriously, writing down the measures mentioned by Tianmu one by one.

Apart from the slightly nauseating scenes involved in the video, the preventive measures are quite simple, but I didn't expect that the combination would have such a great effect.

In particular, boiling water before drinking it is a rare concept because no one wants to drink hot water in the hot summer.

This is quite counterintuitive. If he had not already known the existence of pathogenic factors such as bacteria and viruses, he would probably have scoffed at it.

But this initiative is right. We can only say that fortunately, with the popularization of the skylight, the court can worry less and there will be fewer obstacles in promoting it. After all, this view has appeared on the skylight.

"What Tianmu says is much more effective than what the court says." Li Shimin sometimes thought sadly.

Tianmu must have put a lot of thought into popularizing this kind of hygiene knowledge. This approach is low-cost and effective quickly, so he decided to follow suit.

"Boiled water can kill most parasites, bacteria, viruses, etc." In Chang'an City, many doctors and physicians also carefully recorded some fragmentary points of knowledge. Each point of knowledge is useful and can be turned into effective prevention and treatment measures.

"Everyone who has experienced childhood nightmares knows how terrifying it is."

"I'm so scared, I'm going to buy some anthelmintics tomorrow"

Dare not look

Fang Xuanling and others looked at some of the comments mentioned in the comment section. Just reading the descriptions made them feel itchy all over and their stomachs churning.

He never got tired of looking at the sky curtains before, but this one made his scalp tingle. He felt a little scared, but also wanted to look at it.

The situation of other colleagues was not much better. Their faces were pale and they had to look up at the sky every once in a while. After looking up, their faces turned even paler.


(End of this chapter)

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