Chapter 98 Life Expectancy
[When our country was first established, epidemics were rampant, medical care was scarce, and the average life expectancy was only 35 years old]


[How did the Chinese people double their life expectancy from 35 to 70? What is the current average life expectancy in China? Are there significant differences in life expectancy in different regions? ]

[What is China's average life expectancy? In 2021, the average life expectancy of Chinese residents reached 78.2 years, more than 35 times the 2.2 years at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China]


[The increase in life expectancy is due to the improvement of my country's comprehensive strength]

[On the one hand, there is a richer and more comprehensive food and nutrition, not only can we eat enough but also eat well]

[On the other hand, medical conditions have made great progress. Not only can various diseases be treated, but maternal and infant mortality rates have also been greatly reduced.]

Tang Dynasty, Chang'an City.

Li Shimin and others were amazed. If this data was accurate, one could imagine the national strength of future generations.

After all, it is rare for a person to live to be seventy, and the average life expectancy is almost eighty.

You know, there is not a huge difference in lifespan. It is not possible that you live for 10,000 years and he for only 30. The average lifespan is just over 5,000 years.

There is no huge gap in life expectancy, so the average data can sometimes reflect a certain situation.

Moreover, if we calculate based on a population of that size, it may be easy to lower the average life expectancy, but it is difficult to raise it.

Cheng Yaojin opened his mouth wide. The average life expectancy was too exaggerated. If this was the case, those with better conditions could live to over 90 years old.

You have to know that in today's world, only the better-off officials and wealthy men live longer, but only to around fifty years old. The poor people among the people may only live to be in their thirties or forties.

This was a time of peace and prosperity. If there had been a famine or war, staying alive would have been a luxury, let alone longevity.

If the country's strength develops, the average person can live more than 30 years longer, which is more miraculous than hiring a miracle doctor.

Fang Xuanling and his civil officials were relatively calm, but military generals such as Li Jing, Li Ji, and Cheng Yaojin were not.

Military generals have experienced life and death, and their bodies will have more or less some ailments and hidden injuries. These minor ailments will not be a big deal when they are young and strong, but when they get a little older, the situation will worsen.

The improvement of medical standards will bring significant benefits to most people.

The increase in life expectancy is an unprecedented benefit, and it is an unimaginable huge benefit for the people of the entire country.

[When our country was first established, many women gave birth at home with the help of midwives. Giving birth was like going through the gates of hell, and the mortality rate for both adults and children was very high.]

[CCTV Focus Interview data shows that at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, 10 out of every 1500 pregnant women died, and the infant mortality rate was as high as 20%. One-fifth of babies could not survive. Neonatal tetanus, postpartum hemorrhage, puerperal infection and other complications were all factors that endangered the life and health of mothers and babies.]

[After the reform and opening up, the country vigorously promoted hospital delivery. By 1990, the maternal mortality rate dropped to 0.08%, and the infant mortality rate dropped to 5%. By 2021, the maternal mortality rate dropped to 0.16‰ (per thousand), and the infant mortality rate dropped to 5‰ (per thousand)]

[From the midwife's pair of scissors and a basin of hot water to today's modern physical examination, delivery and care, the mortality rate of mothers and babies has dropped significantly, and China's life expectancy has naturally increased significantly]

[In addition to gender differences, there are also obvious regional differences in life expectancy. People always say that life in first-tier cities is stressful, and various anxieties and internal frictions can easily lead to sudden death.]

[The fact is just the opposite. According to statistics, the average life expectancy of residents in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangdong in 2020 are all at the top of the national list, with Shanghai ranking first, Beijing ranking second and Guangdong ranking sixth.]



[Although these provinces and cities have high living pressure, high housing prices, high living costs and high work intensity, they have more diverse dietary choices, more complete medical resources and systems, and people tend to have higher health awareness, all of which are conducive to increasing life expectancy]

Ming, Jinling City.

In the harem, Queen Ma stretched lazily in front of the loom, feeling deeply moved. As a mother of several children, she knew firsthand the difficulty and danger of childbirth, especially the first time. The fear and pain were almost an indelible nightmare.

As Tianmu said, how much medical knowledge do midwives who deliver babies with scissors and hot water have? How many people can tell us how to prevent the infection Tianmu mentioned?
Moreover, this kind of work basically relies on experience, and many midwives may enter this industry by accident. In this case, it is conceivable that their levels and qualities vary greatly.

Therefore, since ancient times, the chances of death among pregnant women and newborns have been extremely high.

In this case, life expectancy will naturally be much lower.

In front of the Fengtian Hall, everyone could understand the situation.

Throughout the dynasties, the royal family also attached great importance to medicine, but it only served the royal family. The development of folk medicine has always been very slow, and the causes of many diseases have not been fully summarized, and there are many ambiguous places.

A big reason for this is the limitations of the times. For example, in an era when bacteria and viruses were not known, diseases caused by them, or diseases with unclear causes, were often regarded as "evil spirits entering the body."

In the absence of correct understanding, if we want to cure these diseases, we can only rely on a large number of cases to test drugs and then summarize the experience from the successful cases.

This method is not stupid, it can only be said to be a helpless move.

We know from the sky that there are quite a few diseases induced by these microorganisms, so starting from understanding the human body and microorganisms may be one of the directions to improve medicine.

Nowadays, people have gradually discovered the secret of the convex lens' ability to magnify objects from the convex lens made of colored glass. Many small ants and bugs that are usually invisible are now clearly visible in front of people's eyes.

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that if he continued, he would soon be able to manufacture an optical microscope.

When the time comes, he will go and see for himself what bacteria and viruses look like!

"The Ministry of Industry must hurry up and manufacture the microscope!" Zhu Yuanzhang urged.

"Yes!" the Minister of Works responded.

In addition to this, as just mentioned, we need to compile some medical knowledge books to enhance people's medical knowledge and awareness of prevention. This part of the work requires the cooperation of people from the Imperial Hospital.

[Many people are also looking for various ways to prolong their lives in order to live longer. In ancient times, emperors sought elixirs of immortality, and today, some elderly people move to longevity villages.]

[According to the official website of the Chinese Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, there are 81 longevity villages recognized by the society across the country. These 81 longevity villages are mainly in South China and East China, of which Guangxi alone has 29, accounting for more than 1/3 of the country]

[According to the data from the sixth census, the three regions with the highest proportion of centenarians among the population over 65 years old are Hainan, Guangxi and Guangdong.]

[The provinces with the lowest proportion of centenarians are Shanxi, Gansu and Inner Mongolia. It can be found that the provinces with the most centenarians are all in the south, and the provinces with the least centenarians are all in the north.]

[For example, there is a world-famous longevity town in Guangxi: Bama County]

[How many centenarians are there in Bama County? But according to Nanning News Network, at the end of 2013, there were 10 centenarians per 33 people in Bama, which is five times the world standard.]

[Around the word longevity, Bama has developed a series of industries including longevity food, longevity tourism, longevity vacation, and longevity cultural tourism festival]


Jinling City, Hexing Tea and Snack Shop.

Manager Wan and others carefully summarized the methods mentioned by Tianmu to increase life expectancy. The improvement of comprehensive national strength and medical standards are things they cannot control.

As for foods that are more nutritious, you may be able to eat better if you make an effort.

In addition, there are various advanced medical concepts, prevention ideas, etc., which are incomparable today.

Many people are envious. In this age where accidentally scratching yourself while cutting vegetables can easily cause festering and swelling, and can even be life-threatening, human life is truly as cheap as grass, not to mention more serious wounds.

The difficulty of curing it is no less than that of crossing the Shu Road.

In contrast, people in later generations don’t have to worry at all, as the allicin taught by Tianmu can effectively prevent and treat this, and penicillin is even more effective.

Whether it is food and accommodation, medical level, life expectancy, etc., Manager Wan is extremely envious. If he really has a choice, he will definitely take his family to the afterlife without hesitation. After all, people like him have no hope of making a fortune.

I work so hard to make a little money, but I still don't live as well as ordinary people in the sky.

Shopkeeper Wan thought about it and realized that if the average life expectancy was so high, then the happiness of four generations living under the same roof would be seen everywhere, which would be really desirable.

Mr. Su looked at Tianmu and complained about some "incomprehensible" behaviors in pursuit of longevity, and couldn't help but smile. It's true that it's the same in ancient and modern times, no one can be indifferent to life, even in later times when science is so developed.

Such as high-intensity magnetic field, weakly alkaline mineral water, air rich in oxygen ions, caves that can cure all diseases, etc.

The names sound extremely outrageous. As an "ancient man", he may not understand what some of the names mean, but just looking at the goods he sells, isn't he simply treating people as fools?

"What is yogurt? Is it sour milk? Does it mean that eating yogurt with probiotics in the intestines of centenarians can prolong life?"

"Maybe. As the saying goes, you are what you eat."

Mr. Su: “.”

(End of this chapter)

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