Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 287 Heguang Technology COO Lu Qi!

On July 7, a piece of breaking news came like a bolt from the blue, instantly detonating the entire Internet business circle.

Qi Lu, the global executive vice president of Microsoft Group, announced today that he has joined the emerging Internet giant - Heguang Technology Group!

Major headlines are rushing to report, and various media are following up. A storm about Lu Qi is sweeping in.

During Microsoft's glorious years, Lu Qi was the general who controlled thousands of troops. From the Office family to Bing search, to the Skype communications empire, the business he led covered half of Microsoft.

He is not only a technical leader, but also a strategist, leading his team to overcome challenges one after another. His name has long become the most dazzling star among mainland Chinese on the international technology stage.

However, just when everyone thought he would continue to write his legend at Microsoft, he made a shocking decision - leaving Microsoft and joining the Hoko Technology Group as Chief Operating Officer (COO).

This is not only a change in Lu Qi's career path, but also a bold exploration into the unknown.

Heguang Technology Group, a newcomer in the short video field in recent years, has attracted the attention of countless industry elites with its forward-looking technology and product layout. The joining of Lu Qi is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for Heguang Technology, making the outside world full of infinite reverie about the company's future.

The morning light is just breaking, and the east is beginning to turn white.

The headquarters building of Heguang Technology Group looks particularly solemn and vibrant under the reflection of the rising sun.

Accompanied by Cheng Yuyan's car, Zhao Zixuan arrived at the office early, looking forward to the changes that Lu Qi would bring to Heguang Technology on his first day at work.

For Heguang Technology, the joining of Lu Qi is not only the introduction of talents, but also a strategic upgrade, and a key step for Heguang Technology to move to a higher level.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Lu Qi appeared in the lobby of Heguang Technology on time.

He was dressed in a simple and capable business suit, and his eyes revealed confidence and wisdom. In the hall, employees had already lined up to welcome him, with thunderous applause and cheers, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Zhao Zixuan personally stepped forward to greet him, and the moment they shook hands, it was as if two forces were coming together, foreshadowing infinite possibilities for the future.

"Welcome to Heguang Technology, Lu Qi."

Zhao Zixuan's words were full of sincerity and expectation.

Lu Qi smiled and responded politely, "I've heard of your name for a long time, Chairman Zhao. I never thought you were so young. It's true that heroes emerge from youth!"

His response was full of respect and humility, and he continued, “I am very honored to be a part of Wako Technology, which has an outstanding team and an exciting vision. I believe that under your leadership, we will be able to create more amazing products together and lead the industry.”

When Zhao Zixuan heard this, a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

He believes that an excellent talent must not only have outstanding abilities, but also a humble attitude and team spirit.

Clearly, Lu Qi has all of these.

"Lu Qi, your joining means a lot to us."

Zhao Zixuan said with some excitement, "I believe that with you here, the future of Heguang Technology will be even brighter. Let us work together to create our own era!"

As Zhao Zixuan finished speaking, warm applause broke out all around, and the employees cast admiring glances at Lu Qi.

At this moment, the entire Heguang Technology seemed to be united by an invisible force, and everyone felt unprecedented unity and motivation.

"Yuyan, take Mr. Lu to visit the company first."

Following Zhao Zixuan's order, Cheng Yuyan guided Lu Qi to visit the company.

From the R&D department to the product display area, from the marketing department to the sales team, wherever he went, Lu Qi listened carefully, observed meticulously, and communicated cordially with employees, demonstrating extremely high professionalism and affinity.

His arrival undoubtedly injected new vitality into Heguang Technology and inspired the fighting spirit of employees.

"Mr. Lu, this is our latest AI algorithm optimization platform, which can significantly improve data processing efficiency."

Cheng Yuyan pointed to a large display screen on which complex codes and diagrams were jumping, and technicians were working attentively.

Lu Qi nodded in approval and then raised a few well-thought-out questions, which attracted the attention of the technical staff present. His insights were precise and unique, which made people admire him.

In the product display area, Lu Qi looked at each product carefully. From design to function, he could quickly capture the highlights and potential for improvement.

He had in-depth exchanges with the designers, encouraging them to be innovative and pursue excellence.

Less than half an hour after Lu Qi joined the company, the news spread like a stone thrown into a lake, causing ripples and affecting every corner of Heguang Technology.

Discussions and exchanges among the company's top executives have also become more active because of this incident.

Everyone has their own ideas and expectations, and they have different perspectives and insights on Lu Qi's joining.


Yao Wenchang gently put down the coffee cup in his hand, frowned slightly, and whispered to Lei Ting: "Lu Qi's background is indeed impressive, but if he really wants to intervene in financial decisions, we need to be vigilant. After all, each company has a different operating model, and we can't blindly follow it."

Lei Ting said, "But I heard that he has begun to try to understand our financial situation. Could this be something that the boss wants to do?"

Liu Lei passed by the tea room and overheard the conversation. He interrupted and said, "You worry too much. Mr. Lu's joining is a good thing for us. He can bring new ideas and there will definitely be new breakthroughs in product innovation."

Xiang Liang took over the conversation: "Liu Lei is right. Lu Qi's technical background should not be underestimated. Our technical department needs such talents to promote the project."

Liu Lei sighed softly and looked out the window: "It's just that the position of CEO is still undecided, which makes people a little uneasy. We all hope to have a stable development environment."

Yang Jinwen, who arrived late, heard everyone's concerns and tried to comfort them: "Boss has his own plans. Lu Qi's joining must have been carefully considered. As for the CEO, I think Boss will make fair considerations."

At this time, an employee of the Ministry of Commerce whispered: "I think it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if Lu Qi became the CEO. At least he has experience in managing large companies and may be able to lead us to internationalization."

Yao Wenchang smiled and shook his head: "You see, this is the charm of Lu Qi. Before he officially took office, he has already convinced people."

While everyone was chatting, Huang Yingying happened to come to the tea room and prepare to pour a cup of coffee.

When Liu Lei saw her, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Huang Zhu, you're here just in time. Who do you think the boss will give the position of CEO to?"

As Zhao Zixuan's right-hand assistant, Huang Yingying has a special position in Heguang Technology and can often get first-hand information from Zhao Zixuan.

Her appearance naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the tea room, and everyone expected her to reveal some clues about the CEO candidate. Hearing Liu Lei's question, Huang Yingying smiled slightly and said softly: "The boss has far-reaching considerations for the company's future planning, and the selection of CEO is naturally well thought out. Lu Qi's joining has undoubtedly brought new vitality to the company, but the specific personnel appointment still depends on the boss's final decision."


Huang Yingying paused, looked around, and continued, "What I can tell you is that the boss attaches great importance to team cohesion and collaboration. He hopes that every member of Heguang Technology can unite and work together to move the company forward. Therefore, no matter who is the CEO candidate, the most important thing is that everyone can support each other and work together."

Huang Yingying's words were like a sobering agent, making everyone present fall into deep thought.

They realize that personal ambition and interests are important, but in the overall development of the company, team harmony and collaboration are more critical factors.

Yao Wenchang nodded slightly and agreed: "Huang Zhu is right. Each of us must consider the overall interests of the company. Although Lu Qi's arrival has brought uncertainty, it has also brought new opportunities. We should seize this opportunity instead of getting involved in unnecessary internal friction."

Yang Jinwen added: "Moreover, the boss has always had a high opinion of Lu Qi. If he really becomes the CEO, we might as well give him a chance and see where he can lead Heguang Technology."

Everyone present knew that since the establishment of Heguang Technology, Zhao Zixuan has always adhered to the people-oriented management philosophy and cared for his employees in every possible way. Both salary and career development have been unanimously praised by people inside and outside the industry.

Xiang Liang sighed softly, with gratitude in his eyes: "Indeed, we all remember the care that Boss has given us. Since he trusts Lu Qi so much, shouldn't we also give him the same trust?"

Liu Lei nodded in agreement: "That's right, the boss's vision is always right. Lu Qi must have some outstanding qualities to be chosen by him. We might as well wait and see what surprises Lu Qi can bring us."

Yao Wenchang added: "Moreover, we must do our own jobs well and support the company's decisions with practical actions. Only when the company is doing well, each of us will be better."

The atmosphere in the tea room became more harmonious, and everyone began to share their expectations and visions for the company, no longer limited to personal ambitions and gains and losses.

They realized that the reason why Heguang Technology was able to gain a foothold in the fiercely competitive market was not just due to the efforts of one individual, but the concerted efforts of all members.

Huang Yingying looked at everyone's changes and felt secretly relieved.

She knew that Zhao Zixuan's good intentions had paid off and that Heguang Technology's team spirit was gradually emerging.

She said softly: "My boss always said that the success of Heguang Technology is the result of the joint efforts of every employee. As long as we are united, there will be no difficulties that we cannot overcome."

Yao Wenchang raised the coffee cup in his hand and proposed: "Cheers to the bright future of Heguang Technology!"

Everyone responded, and laughter broke out in the tea room.

At this moment, they are no longer heads of departments working independently, but a family working together for Heguang Technology.


Office of the Chairman.

The sunlight shines through the window onto Zhao Zixuan's desk, adding a bit of warmth to this busy space.

Cheng Yuyan knocked on the door gently, and after getting Zhao Zixuan's consent, she walked into the office.


Cheng Yuyan got straight to the point, "I would like to report to you some of the situations after Mr. Lu Qi officially took office."

Zhao Zixuan put down the documents in his hand, looked up at Cheng Yuyan, who was dressed sexy and decent, with a flash of surprise in his eyes: "Tell me, I am also interested in Lu Qi's performance."

Cheng Yuyan sorted out her thoughts and began to narrate: "Mr. Lu Qi demonstrated extremely high professionalism and leadership on the first day. He not only quickly became familiar with the operations of various departments of the company, but also had in-depth exchanges with employees to understand their needs and suggestions. His approachable and open attitude won unanimous praise from everyone."


Cheng Yuyan hesitated for a moment and continued, "I overheard a conversation between several colleagues, and their views on Mr. Lu Qi have changed a lot. At first, some people were skeptical about his parachuting in, but now, they have expressed their willingness to give Mr. Lu Qi more trust and support, and look forward to him leading us to success."

After hearing this, Zhao Zixuan nodded with satisfaction and a smile on his face: "This is exactly what I want to see. I believe that Lu Qi's ability and personal charm can win the respect and support of the team. What we need to do is to give him enough space and resources so that he can give full play to his advantages."

Cheng Yuyan nodded, with determination in her eyes: "I have arranged subsequent team building activities, hoping to further enhance team cohesion and provide better support for Mr. Lu Qi's work."

"Very good, you are very thoughtful." Zhao Zixuan praised: "Team building is very important. It can deepen mutual understanding and trust and lay a solid foundation for our common goals."

"Oh, there's one more thing." Cheng Yuyan said with a hint of hesitation, "I know this is a sensitive topic, but... there are a lot of speculations within the company about the CEO candidate, and everyone is concerned about this issue."

A barely perceptible smile appeared on Zhao Zixuan's face, and he looked at the Peking University goddess in a black silk skirt in front of him with an ambiguous look: "Does Manager Cheng also have this ambition?"

Cheng Yuyan was stunned by Zhao Zixuan's sudden question. Under the man's unscrupulous gaze, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

She quickly adjusted her expression and answered in a humble yet confident tone: "Boss, I prefer to focus on my job and contribute to the company to the best of my ability. As for the position of CEO, I believe you will have the most suitable candidate."

A hint of appreciation flashed in Zhao Zixuan's eyes and he nodded, obviously satisfied with Cheng Yuyan's answer.

"Manager Cheng, I appreciate your attitude. Everyone has their own strengths and positioning. Only by focusing on the areas they are good at can they better play their value. The selection of CEO is indeed an issue that requires careful consideration. I will consider all factors and make the decision that is most conducive to the development of the company."

He paused and continued, "But I also hope you can understand that Heguang Technology is an open and fair platform. If you are interested in higher-level challenges, the company will provide you with corresponding support and opportunities. I encourage every employee to make continuous progress and realize their self-worth."

After hearing this, Cheng Yuyan felt a warm feeling in her heart.

Zhao Zixuan's words not only made her feel respected and trusted, but also made her more expectant about the future.

She can feel that Heguang Technology is not just a place to work, but also a broad stage for realizing dreams and growing.

"Boss, thank you for your encouragement..."

Cheng Yuyan said sincerely, but was interrupted by Zhao Zixuan waving his hand.

He smiled and said, "When no one is around, you should call me Master. By the way, I remember you haven't had breakfast today. I prepared some soy milk and fried dough sticks for you. Come and have some."

Cheng Yuyan was slightly stunned. She didn't expect Zhao Zixuan to make such a request.

"But... this is an office!?"

"What's wrong with the office? I just like watching you eat soy milk and fried dough sticks in the office. Is that not okay?"

Cheng Yuyan: "..." (End of this chapter)

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