Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 288 Pinduoduo’s Series B Financing!

Lu Qi's joining made Heguang Technology a hot topic in the news for three consecutive days. In addition, Heguang Technology CEO Huang Youwei announced her resignation, and Zhao Zixuan has yet to announce the appointment of a new CEO. All these signs have made netizens curious and speculative about Heguang Technology's next move.

During this period, only Cheng Yuyan vaguely felt that it was not that Zhao Zixuan did not have a suitable candidate for CEO, but that this person was too difficult to hire. At least for the time being, Heguang Technology could not hire him.

That’s right, that person is Zhou Shouzi.

In the past few days, Zhao Zixuan has used various connections and contacted many business friends, trying to find an opportunity to get close to Zhou Shouzi for a face-to-face in-depth talk, but unfortunately, everything went against his wishes and ended in failure.

At this time, Huang Zheng suddenly announced the decision to launch Pinduoduo's Series B financing and asked Zhao Zixuan for his opinion.

Zhao Zixuan chose to continue to follow up the investment without hesitation. He had just won a bonus of 20 billion US dollars and was worried about where to use the funds on hand. Now Pinduoduo's Series B financing is equivalent to an opportunity for him to lay golden eggs, and he naturally would not miss it.

On July 7, Pinduoduo's Series B financing was officially launched.

That morning, Zhao Zixuan, along with five assistants, secretaries, and ten bodyguards, including Huang Yingying, Liu Yue, and Xu Lindong, once again came to No. 533 Loushanguan Road in Shanghai, which is Pinduoduo's headquarters building.

After Zhao Zixuan and his party arrived, they were first warmly received by Pinduoduo staff and then led to a spacious conference room.

The conference room was already filled with representatives from various investment institutions, and everyone was waiting for the meeting to begin.

When Zhao Zixuan and Zhang Zhen of Gaorong Capital met, they both smiled cordially. They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, recalling their previous pleasant cooperation and talking about Pinduoduo's amazing growth.

Zhang Zhen then introduced the other people in the conference room - Li Ming, the representative of New Horizon Capital, Wu Tao of Tengxun Industrial Win-Win Fund, Jean-Pierre, the French partner of Cathay Capital, and Kenji, the head of SoftBank's Asia region.

After the meeting officially started, Pinduoduo's founder Huang Zheng spoke first. He reviewed Pinduoduo's journey since its establishment and shared the company's achievements in the past year, including the growth in the number of users, the increase in sales, and innovative breakthroughs in the field of social e-commerce.

Huang Zheng also elaborated on Pinduoduo's future vision in detail, including further deepening supply chain reform, expanding overseas markets, and increasing investment in technology.

Afterwards, Zhao Zixuan spoke as a representative of Heguang Technology. He emphasized Heguang Technology's long-term support and trust in Pinduoduo and expressed his willingness to further increase investment in the B round of financing.

Zhao Zixuan also promised to leverage his core strengths in content creation, user interaction and algorithm recommendation to carry out in-depth cooperation with Pinduoduo.

Specifically, Heguang Technology will assist Pinduoduo in building a content e-commerce ecosystem, and through short videos, live broadcasts and other forms, increase product exposure, enhance user experience, promote user purchasing decisions, and thereby improve sales conversion rates.

As an early supporter of Pinduoduo, Gaorong Capital continued to increase its investment this time, not only providing additional funds, but also sharing its rich experience in the Internet industry to help Pinduoduo optimize its business model and improve operational efficiency.

Zhang Zhen of Gaorong Capital emphasized the strategic consensus between the two parties during the meeting and expressed his full support for Pinduoduo's long-term development.

Li Ming of New Horizon Capital focused on Pinduoduo's market expansion, especially analyzing consumer demand in lower-tier cities and providing customized marketing strategies to help Pinduoduo further penetrate third- and fourth-tier cities and rural markets.

New Horizon Capital will also leverage its deep resources in the consumer goods sector to assist Pinduoduo in establishing connections with more high-quality suppliers and optimizing the supply chain.

Wu Tao of Tengxun Industry Win-Win Fund mentioned the synergy within the Tengxun ecosystem and promised to give Pinduoduo more support in WeChat payment, social advertising and mini-programs to promote the deepening of its social e-commerce model.

Jean-Pierre of Cathay Capital shared his resources and experience in the European market, saying that he could help Pinduoduo explore cooperation opportunities in overseas markets, especially in the fashion and luxury goods sectors in France and Italy.

Kenji from SoftBank focused on SoftBank's network in other parts of Asia, especially the Japanese and Indian markets, suggesting that it could provide strong support for Pinduoduo's internationalization strategy.

During the meeting, Zhao Zixuan also noticed a familiar figure - the beautiful girl who appeared next to Hu Zemin in the previous Series A financing. She seemed to be carefully recording the key points of the meeting and occasionally whispering with Wu Tao.

Although Chen Xiaohong had reminded Zhao Zixuan that the girl was his competitor, Zhao Zixuan felt a subtle atmosphere of cooperation at today's meeting, as if everyone had a common goal - to see Pinduoduo succeed.

During the meeting, representatives of other potential investors also spoke, expressing their confidence in Pinduoduo and their expectations for future cooperation.

They discussed the value they could each bring to Pinduoduo, whether it was capital support, market insights, strategic planning or the introduction of international resources, and demonstrated a common vision for Pinduoduo's future.

The entire meeting lasted several hours, during which the parties had in-depth discussions on topics such as investment terms, corporate governance structure, and fund utilization plans.

Although there were some disagreements and discussion points, the overall atmosphere was friendly and constructive.

Finally, the meeting ended with a series of preliminary consensus reached, and all parties agreed to continue in-depth negotiations after the meeting to refine every detail of the investment agreement.

At the end of the meeting, Huang Zheng thanked every investor for their trust and support. He emphasized that Pinduoduo will live up to expectations, continue to innovate, and strive to create greater value for users, merchants and society.

Afterwards, Huang Zheng suggested that everyone move to a nearby specialty restaurant for lunch to further deepen their understanding and friendship with each other in an informal way.

Zhao Zixuan didn't really want to go, but Wu Tao from Tengxun Industrial Win-Win Fund took the initiative to invite him, which surprised Zhao Zixuan.

Wu Tao smiled and said to Zhao Zixuan: "Mr. Zhao, it's a rare opportunity for us to get together like this, why don't we relax and chat, maybe we will gain something unexpected."

Wu Tao's words were sincere, and his eyes revealed expectation and sincerity.

Zhao Zixuan thought of Wu Tao's professional performance in the meeting and the possible in-depth cooperation between Tengxun and Pinduoduo, and realized that this might be a good time to deepen personal connections and explore more possibilities for cooperation.

Moreover, the beautiful girl next to Wu Tao always made Zhao Zixuan feel a little curious.

Taking this into consideration, Zhao Zixuan nodded and agreed to Wu Tao's invitation, and also told Huang Zheng that he would attend the banquet.

Huang Zheng welcomed Zhao Zixuan's decision and said happily, "That's great, Mr. Zhao, today we can chat more casually. I believe this will be a very pleasant gathering."

As the group walked into the reserved restaurant, Zhao Zixuan noticed that the beautiful girl next to Wu Tao was staring at him intentionally or unintentionally, but every time he looked over, she would look away without leaving a trace.

After taking his seat, Wu Tao took the initiative to introduce: "Mr. Zhao, this is our investment analyst, Ma Cailin. She played an important role in our investment decisions, especially in assessing Pinduoduo's potential."

Ma Cailin nodded politely to Zhao Zixuan, her smile sweet and confident. Zhao Zixuan smiled back, and couldn't help but feel a strong curiosity about this beautiful girl who looked like a college student.

"Ma? Could it be..."

Zhao Zixuan started to wonder in his heart, and remembering Chen Xiaohong's kind reminder from before, he suddenly figured out some things.

If you look closely, you can really find some shadows of Xiao Ma Ge between Ma Cailin's eyebrows.

In the relaxed atmosphere of lunch, Zhao Zixuan skillfully guided the topic, trying to learn more about Ma Cailin inadvertently.

He asked about her educational background, career experience, and unique insights into the investment field.

Ma Cailin's answers were both professional and humble. She shared her analysis of market trends and how to use data analysis tools to evaluate investment projects, all of which demonstrated her solid professional skills and keen market insight.

When the topic turned to the cooperation between Pinduoduo and Heguang Technology, Ma Cailin demonstrated her deep understanding of the business models of both parties. She proposed several innovative cooperation models, including using Heguang Technology's short video content to enhance Pinduoduo's user stickiness, and promoting Heguang Technology's products through Tengxun's social platform. These ideas made Zhao Zixuan's eyes light up.

In the second half of lunch, the conversation between Zhao Zixuan and Ma Cailin became more in-depth.

He discovered that this newly graduated girl not only had outstanding talents in investment analysis, but also had unique insights into the integration of the Internet and social media.

Ma Cailin mentioned that the future e-commerce market will be dominated by content and social networking, and the cooperation between Heguang Technology, Tengxun and Pinduoduo is just at the forefront of this trend.

"Mr. Zhao, can we exchange contact information?"

Ma Cailin took the initiative to show her WeChat business card with the QR code on her mobile phone, and this scene made Wu Tao, who was sitting next to her, very envious.

Wu Tao smiled and teased, "Boss Zhao, you are still very charming! It is not easy for ordinary people to add our Cailin's contact information. As far as I know, this is the first time she has taken the initiative to exchange contact information with others."

Zhao Zixuan smiled slightly and didn't take this sentence to heart. He took out his mobile phone, quickly scanned Ma Cailin's WeChat QR code, and added her as a friend.

Zhao Zixuan smiled and said, "It's a great honor, Ms. Ma. I look forward to more in-depth exchanges and cooperation between us in the future. I believe that the cooperation between Heguang Technology and Tengxun will be a win-win situation."

Ma Cailin politely responded: "Mr. Zhao, I have the same expectation. I believe that through our joint efforts, we can create more innovative cooperation models, bring better experience to users, and promote the growth of both parties' businesses."

After lunch, the conversation between Zhao Zixuan and Ma Cailin did not stop, and the two continued to communicate through WeChat.

Ma Cailin shared her latest insights on market trends and some specific strategies she believes Heguang Technology can adopt in its partnership with Pinduoduo.

Zhao Zixuan agreed with her point of view and put forward some ideas of his own, including how to use Heguang Technology's short video content to create a more attractive shopping experience on the Pinduoduo platform, and how to amplify Heguang Technology's brand influence through Tengxun's social platform.

"Ms. Ma, you know a lot. You should be more than just an analyst, right?"

Zhao Zixuan wanted to test Ma Cailin's identity, so he asked this question on WeChat.

Ma Cailin responded cleverly: "Mr. Zhao, thank you for the compliment. I am just an analyst now. As for my background, I don't think it is important. What is important is that we can create something valuable together."

Zhao Zixuan was not very satisfied with Ma Cailin's answer, but he was certain that the other party had a close connection with Xiao Ma Ge.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zixuan couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he called Chen Xiaohong and asked her about Ma Cailin.

After the call was connected, Zhao Zixuan asked straight to the point: "Mr. Chen, I want to ask you about someone. Her name is Ma Cailin, and she is an investment analyst at Tengxun Industry Win-Win Fund. She is my competitor whom you told me about last time. You should still remember her, right?"

Chen Xiaohong chuckled on the other end of the phone, seeming surprised by Zhao Zixuan's call.

She said, "You two have met again? It seems like you two are destined to be together! That's right, Ma Cailin is Xiao Ma's daughter. This girl is not only beautiful but also has a good family background. If you are interested in her, I can help you be a matchmaker. How about that?"

Zhao Zixuan was a little speechless and replied: "No need, I just want to confirm her identity."

Chen Xiaohong could hear the seriousness in Zhao Zixuan's words on the other end of the phone. She sighed softly and said, "You are really a guy who doesn't understand romance sometimes. But it's okay, at least you can stay focused on your career. Ma Cailin is indeed a rare talent. Not only has she inherited Xiao Ma's business talent, but she also has her own unique insights in the field of investment. If you can establish a good cooperative relationship with her, it will definitely be a great help to Heguang Technology."

After hearing this, Zhao Zixuan's heart moved. He was indeed looking forward to working with Ma Cailin.

The powerful combination of Heguang Technology and Tengxun is exciting to think about.

But when I think of the feud between Heguang Technology and Tengxun...

The friction between him and Xiao Ma Ge due to various business competitions at that time is still vivid in his memory.

However, he also understood that in the ever-changing business world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. Establishing a cooperative relationship with Ma Cailin can not only make up for the rift between him and Tengxun in the past, but also open up a whole new world for Heguang Technology.

Zhao Zixuan took a deep breath and decided to let go of past grudges and focus on the future.

He replied to Chen Xiaohong: "Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Chen. I do hope to establish a good cooperative relationship with Tengxun."

"Really? Heguang Technology is planning to make peace with Tengxun?" Chen Xiaohong's voice was full of surprise and encouragement. "That's simply a powerful alliance. The influence should not be underestimated. It seems that I have to increase my holdings of Tengxun shares in advance..."

"But then again, Ma Cailin is a very important figure in Xiao Ma Ge's eyes. If you can get her support, Heguang Technology's position in the industry will be significantly improved. However, you must also be mentally prepared. Cooperating with a large company like Tengxun will bring challenges and pressures."

When Zhao Zixuan heard this, he already had a preliminary idea in his mind. Since Heguang Technology was able to cooperate with Old Brother Ma in the past, it might not be impossible for it to cooperate with Young Brother Ma in the future.

In the Internet age, seeking common ground while reserving differences and achieving win-win cooperation are the only way to success! (End of this chapter)

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