Rebirth of wealth and freedom starts from the World Cup

Chapter 290 The richest man targeted by the Jews!

At that moment, the shutter sound captured the reunion of Zhao Zixuan and Chen Yuanyuan, and also captured their respective complicated emotions.

For Zhao Zixuan, the name Chen Yuanyuan was once an unforgettable memory in his life, the sweetest and most bitter part of his youth.

The bride price was once a gap between them, pushing the two lovers to opposite ends.


Rebirth gave Zhao Zixuan a second chance, allowing him to face the past and Chen Yuanyuan with a new attitude.

At this moment, Zhao Zixuan is no longer the little boy who was trapped by emotions back then.

He experienced the baptism of rebirth, and had a broader vision and deeper insight. When he met the young and beautiful Chen Yuanyuan again, he was no longer simply emotionally dependent, but viewed this reunion as a mature man with a peaceful mind.

As for the young and ignorant Chen Yuanyuan, she was full of curiosity about Zhao Zixuan's experiences and stories.

During this period, she heard many legends about Zhao Zixuan from Li Jiaming. Those stories about the difficulties of starting a business, the glory of his success, and his extraordinary wisdom and perseverance made Chen Yuanyuan develop a strong interest in this young entrepreneur.

She wanted to know more and what kind of power could enable a person to grow from an ordinary person to a leader in the Internet industry in such a short period of time.

After Zhao Changpeng's passionate speech ended, Chen Yuanyuan found the right time and took the initiative to chat with Zhao Zixuan in the rest area.

"Mr. Zhao, what kind of girls do you think are more attractive?"

Although Chen Yuanyuan's questions were asked in a relaxed atmosphere, they were somewhat exploratory.

What she wanted to know was not only Zhao Zixuan's personal preferences, but also his criteria for choosing a partner as a successful entrepreneur.

She was very curious about what kind of qualities could attract this young president who was rising rapidly in the Internet industry.

Chen Yuanyuan's outfit today was undoubtedly carefully designed.

She wore a simple yet stylish white shirt with a high-waist denim skirt, showing off her slender legs and graceful figure. The cuffs of the shirt were slightly rolled up, revealing her slender wrists, revealing a sense of casualness and freedom.

Her hairstyle is a refreshing high ponytail with a few strands of hair hanging casually, adding a bit of playfulness and agility.

Chen Yuanyuan's makeup is light and elegant. She only uses a little foundation to brighten her skin tone. Her lips are a natural pink, which is neither too bright nor too feminine.

In her, the breath of youth and the taste of maturity are skillfully blended. She has the vitality and vigor of a college student, while retaining the gentleness and intellectuality of a woman.

In those clear and silly eyes unique to college students, there flashed a desire for knowledge and a love for life, which made her exude a unique charm.

If the boy is just beginning to fall in love, he might really be mesmerized by her eyes and gradually fall for that seemingly beautiful and pure face.


Zhao Zixuan is no longer the ignorant young man he used to be. He is not Zhang Wansen, and of course he is not Tong Jincheng.

Faced with Chen Yuanyuan's question, he smiled slightly, looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, and he remained unmoved and calm.

He knew very well that Chen Yuanyuan's question was actually a test to understand his views on female characteristics.

Zhao Zixuan is well versed in the ways of the world. He knows that every woman has her own unique charm, and those who attract him are often those who have independent thinking, pursue self-growth and have the courage to face challenges.

Zhao Zixuan spoke slowly, his tone gentle and calm: "In my opinion, attractive women are those who have their own independent thoughts and pursuits. They may have their own merits in appearance, but their inner wisdom and courage are a radiance that cannot be concealed. Whether they are strong women in the workplace or women who focus on art or academia, as long as they can stick to themselves and bravely pursue their dreams, they are enough to make people fall in love with them."

After hearing Zhao Zixuan's answer, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but feel admiration in her heart.

She originally thought that as a successful businessman, Zhao Zixuan might pay more attention to women's external conditions, but his answer made her see a completely different perspective.

Zhao Zixuan's words revealed his respect and admiration for women's independent spirit, which made her feel surprised and moved.

"Mr. Zhao, your answer is great! I actually thought the same thing in my heart, but I can't describe the feeling."

Chen Yuanyuan's face was full of admiration. She then asked, "I would like to ask another question. How did you build your business empire in such a short time? What is the secret?"

Zhao Zixuan responded calmly: "There is no shortcut to success. What is needed is unremitting efforts and perseverance. In the early days of my business, I also encountered countless failures and setbacks, but I never gave up. I firmly believe that as long as the goal is clear, the method is correct, and with unremitting efforts, nothing is impossible."

He wanted to just say something perfunctory to Chen Yuanyuan, but he couldn't help but add a few more words: "In addition, I also attach great importance to the power of the team. No matter how capable a person is, he can't accomplish everything. I try to find partners who share the same ideals, dreams and values ​​as me. We face difficulties together and share success together. The cohesion of the team is the key to our rapid growth."

Chen Yuanyuan listened carefully, and every word of Zhao Zixuan touched her deeply. It was hard to imagine that such a successful entrepreneur would actually share so many successful experiences and insights with her face to face.

Chen Yuanyuan was inevitably a little excited and asked, "Mr. Zhao, how do you think a freshly graduated college student should plan his or her career?"

This question is very interesting. Huang Yingying, Liu Yue and Xu Lindong couldn't help but look at it sideways. They had just graduated not long ago, so they were looking forward to how Zhao Zixuan would answer this question.

Zhao Zixuan looked at Chen Yuanyuan deeply, and then gave his advice: "First, you need to find your own interests, because only true love can make you not give up easily when facing difficulties."

"Secondly, keep learning and improving your abilities. The world is changing too fast, and only by keeping learning can you keep up with the times."

“Finally, don’t be afraid of failure. Every failure is a necessary step to success. As long as you don’t give up, one day, you will find yourself standing on the other side of your dream.”

Hearing this, Xu Lindong couldn't help but applaud and said, "That's great! Boss, your speeches always benefit me a lot."

Liu Yue was unhappy that he was flattering her so directly. He gave Xu Lindong a silent look and said nothing.

Huang Yingying noticed some clues. She felt that Zhao Zixuan treated Chen Yuanyuan, whom he "met for the first time", very differently. He actually said so many profound words to her...

Isn't this too abnormal?
Coupled with Zhao Zixuan's surprised reaction when he first saw Chen Yuanyuan, Huang Yingying suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that they have known each other for a long time?
Huang Yingying hid this thought deep in her heart and did not dare to ask in person. After all, she was just an assistant and most of the time she would consider the overall situation.

If you really want to find out, just ask in private.

Chen Yuanyuan looked at Zhao Zixuan with admiration and said with emotion: "Mr. Zhao, I wish I had met you earlier. I don't know why, but I always feel that you are very familiar to me, as if we have met a long time ago..."

"Of course I have, and we were honest and naked." Of course, Zhao Zixuan was just saying this in his heart. If he really said it out loud like this, people would just think he was a pervert.

Zhao Zixuan responded with a faint smile, with a barely perceptible hint of humor in his tone: "The world is big, and meeting is beautiful. Maybe we have passed each other in a parallel universe, and many unspeakable stories have happened. But no matter what happened, everything now is the best arrangement."

Chen Yuanyuan was slightly stunned when she heard this, and then a bright smile appeared on her face. She felt the deep meaning in Zhao Zixuan's words, and also felt his unique sense of humor.

She secretly sighed in her heart, it turns out that this seemingly serious and outstanding entrepreneur also has a humorous side that is unknown to others.

Such a boy is simply the perfect prince charming in all girls' minds!
Just as Chen Yuanyuan was trying to continue to have an in-depth conversation with Zhao Zixuan, Huang Yingying suddenly pointed in a direction not far away and said to Zhao Zixuan:

"Boss, Mr. Dan from Taimeng Capital is here. It looks like he came here specifically to see you."

Zhao Zixuan looked in the direction Huang Yingying had pointed, and saw Shan Jianwei walking slowly in the crowd, surrounded by people, with a warm smile on his face.

When Shan Jianwei approached, the two men shook hands quickly, and the familiarity and respect between them were self-evident.

"Mr. Zhao, it's been a long time since we last met. We finally have the opportunity to meet again."

Shan Jianwei's smile is warm and sincere, as if he is full of anticipation for every meeting.

Zhao Zixuan smiled back, shook the other's hand tightly, and said in a friendly tone: "Mr. Shan, I am also very happy to see you again. I wonder if there is anything good that you are visiting today?"

Upon hearing this, Shan Jianwei's smile deepened. He looked around and glanced at Chen Yuanyuan.

"Mr. Zhao, can we find a quiet place to discuss this in detail? Some things are better discussed in private."

There was a hint of caution in his tone. Obviously, Shan Jianwei came to this meeting well prepared and was ready to discuss some important issues in depth with Zhao Zixuan.

Zhao Zixuan nodded. He understood that an investment tycoon like Shan Jianwei would never come here for no reason. Since he proposed a private discussion, he must have important intentions for cooperation.

He glanced at Huang Yingying beside him, indicating that she should arrange a private meeting room.

Huang Yingying acted quickly, and everything was ready a few minutes later. Accompanied by their assistants, Zhao Zixuan and Shan Jianwei entered a beautifully decorated conference room.

The conference room has soft lighting and a quiet atmosphere, providing an ideal environment for the two to have a conversation.

"Mr. Zhao, the purpose of my visit is very simple. I hope to start a deep cooperation with your company."

Shan Jianwei got straight to the point, his tone revealing his firm belief in cooperation, "I understand that Mr. Zhao is very appreciative of Zhou Shouzi of Xiaomi. If Mr. Zhao is interested, I would like to lend a hand and bring Zhou Shouzi under the command of Heguang Technology. Of course, I also have a small request, and I hope Mr. Zhao can help..."

Zhao Zixuan's eyes froze when he heard this, but then he regained his composure. He asked directly, "Mr. Shan's 'small request' doesn't mean that he wants me to sell my shares in Heguang Technology, right? I think I have made this very clear to PAG Capital. The equity structure of Heguang Technology cannot tolerate any interference from external forces, especially Jewish capital."

As soon as Zhao Zixuan finished speaking, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became subtle.

Shan Jianwei's expression did not change because of this. He still maintained his calm attitude, as if he had already anticipated Zhao Zixuan's reaction.

He chuckled and shook his head, then slowly said, "Mr. Zhao, you misunderstood. I am not here for the shares of Heguang Technology. I understand Mr. Zhao's principles and respect your decision. In fact, I am here this time to discuss a new cooperation opportunity with you."

Hearing this, Zhao Zixuan relaxed his guard a little, and he motioned Shan Jianwei to continue.

Shan Jianwei paused and continued, "Mr. Zhao, as you know, PAG Capital has been committed to finding potential investment targets around the world. As a member of PAG Capital, I naturally hope to bring more benefits to the company at the right time. Recently, I have noticed some trends of Wanda Group, and I think this is a very good opportunity for cooperation."

Zhao Zixuan frowned, quickly weighing Shan Jianwei's words in his mind.

As a giant in domestic commercial real estate, Wanda Group's commercial value and brand influence are unquestionable.

But at the same time, with the overall collapse of the real estate industry, Wanda’s financial situation and market performance in the next few years will also be affected.

Evergrande’s Xu Dai is the best example.

"What exactly do you mean by cooperation?"

Zhao Zixuan's question was filled with caution and curiosity.

Shan Jianwei smiled slightly, took out a document from his briefcase, and gently pushed it in front of Zhao Zixuan: "Please take a look, Mr. Zhao, this is my preliminary cooperation plan. My idea is that Heguang Technology will provide certain financial support to help Wanda alleviate the current financial pressure. In return, Wanda will give us corresponding equity and a series of preferential conditions. Of course, the specific details of the cooperation still need to be further refined and discussed by our teams on both sides."

Zhao Zixuan: “…”

Wang Jianlin is now the richest man in China. Does Wanda have financial pressure now?

Zhao Zixuan calculated quickly in his mind, and suddenly thought of Wanda’s future debts and business plan to sell off major real estate projects, and he suddenly had some ideas in his mind.

But at the same time, he also knows that such cooperation requires extremely sophisticated operations and precise control of risks.

Moreover, he had a good relationship with Principal Wang. If he stabbed Wan Da in the back and helped Shan Jianwei to stir up trouble at this point in time, it would be a bit unkind no matter how you looked at it...

Zhao Zixuan was silent for a moment, reached out to take the document and looked at it, and soon his brows furrowed.

The document detailed the terms of the cooperation, expected benefits and potential risks. Zhao Zixuan's eyes moved back and forth between the lines of text, his brain working at high speed, analyzing every detail.

While describing the future direction of cooperation, Shan Jianwei patiently waited for Zhao Zixuan's response.

He added softly: "I understand this is a major decision that requires time to consider. I just want to propose a possibility. As to whether it is feasible, it still requires in-depth research and evaluation by our teams on both sides."

Zhao Zixuan put down the documents, looked up at Shan Jianwei, his eyes flashing with complex light.

"I need time to discuss this proposal with my team. Wanda Group's financial situation is indeed a cause for concern, but any cooperation must be based on mutual benefit, and I must ensure that the interests of Heguang Technology are fully protected."

Shan Jianwei nodded to show his understanding. "I totally agree. But I believe that through our joint efforts, we will be able to find a solution that both sides can accept."

In the conference room, the two continued to discuss the details of the cooperation.

Zhao Zixuan raised several key issues, including the scale of capital investment, the proportion of equity distribution, the duration of cooperation and risk prevention and control measures.

Shan Jianwei answered the questions one by one. The dialogue between the two sides was full of professionalism and pragmatism, striving to find the best balance in cooperation.

At this point, Zhao Zixuan finally understood that the Jewish tycoon's ambitions were far more than just wanting to acquire shares in Wanda.

They want them all! (End of this chapter)

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