After discussing the general principles and details with Shan Jianwei, Zhao Zixuan still hadn't decided whether to start this cooperation with the other party.

After all, there is no actual conflict of interest between Wanda and Heguang Technology.

However, the conditions proposed by Shan Jianwei made Zhao Zixuan quite tempted. Not only was the other party willing to recruit Zhou Shouzi for Heguang Technology, he was also willing to increase the future shares of Wanda by 50% and share all the profits equally with Zhao Zixuan. This was full of sincerity.

Moreover, Shan Jianwei seemed to be full of confidence in his plan to take over Wanda. Even if Zhao Zixuan did not cooperate with him, Shan Jianwei was determined to intervene in Wanda.

It's just a matter of time.

After leaving the meeting room, in order to show his sincerity, Shan Jianwei immediately ordered his assistant to register a trading account on Binance. The first deposit into the account was five million, which can be said to be very wealthy.

After finishing the work, Shan Jianwei did not stay here for long. He left the bustling exchange with a group of people.

"Boss, Mr. Shan is too ambitious, and he will do anything to achieve his goals. If we really want to cooperate with him, I think we must be extremely alert to prevent him from plotting against us..."

Huang Yingying watched Shan Jianwei's back as he walked away, then walked up to Zhao Zixuan and whispered a reminder in his ear.

Just now, she was the only third person who listened to Shan Jianwei's business plan in the conference room. Although she did not say a word throughout the whole process, she had already listed Shan Jianwei as the most dangerous person in her heart.

Her sixth sense as a woman told her that Shan Jianwei was an unfathomable person, and cooperating with such a person would be like courting disaster.

"What a shame for a very talented person."

Zhao Zixuan sighed lightly. Huang Yingying's reminder was undoubtedly an accurate summary of Shan Jianwei's personality and style of doing things.

In the business battlefield, Shan Jianwei is indeed known for his ruthless means and clear goals. Every attack he makes is like a carefully planned battle, and he will not give up until he achieves his goal.

"Yingying, you are right."

Zhao Zixuan stared at Huang Yingying with appreciation and continued, "It is indeed necessary to be extremely vigilant when cooperating with an opponent like Shan Jianwei. His ambitions and methods are both opportunities and challenges for us. But we cannot back down because of this. The key is how we can protect our own interests from loss in the cooperation and at the same time, maximize the use of this opportunity."

Zhao Zixuan's gaze turned into the distance, as if he was thinking about some important decision.

He knew that cooperating with Shan Jianwei was like dancing on the edge of a knife. If he was not careful, he might lose everything.

But at the same time, this is also an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the strength of Heguang Technology and expand its business territory.

"Yingying, notify all departments immediately and hold an emergency meeting tonight. We need to comprehensively evaluate the pros and cons of cooperating with Shan Jianwei and formulate a detailed response strategy."

Zhao Zixuan's words revealed an unquestionable determination. "In addition, we must strengthen comprehensive monitoring of Wanda Group and PAG Capital and collect all possible information. We must know ourselves and our enemies, so that we can be invincible!"

When Huang Yingying heard this, a hint of admiration and almost obsessive worship flashed in her eyes.

This series of decisions made by Zhao Zixuan demonstrated his courage and wisdom as a business leader. When facing a powerful opponent, Zhao Zixuan did not choose to escape, but chose to face it head-on, which requires not only courage, but also absolute confidence in one's own strength.

As Huang Yingying left, Yuan Shiwei, Li Jiaming and Chen Yuanyuan came up to inquire about the situation. It was obvious that they were very curious about Shan Jianwei's lavish spending.

"Zixuan, who is Mr. Shan? How could he save five million in one go?"

Yuan Shiwei asked quickly.

Zhao Zixuan smiled slightly, with a hint of depth in his eyes, and explained: "He is the head of PAG Capital, a man who can call the shots in the financial world. His every move often affects the nerves of the market. This five million is just a drop in the bucket for him, but the meaning behind it is not simple."

He paused and continued, "Shan Jianwei's move was, on the one hand, to demonstrate his strength, and on the other hand, to send me a signal of his sincerity in cooperation. This person is very capable, but unfortunately he is a Jewish comprador."

Li Jiaming's eyes flashed with the clear stupidity that is unique to college students, and he asked curiously, "What is a Jewish comprador?"

Zhao Zixuan glanced at him and slowly explained: "Jewish comprador, this term may sound unfamiliar to you, but in fact, it refers to those who act as agents or partners for foreign capital, especially Jewish capital, in the local market."

"These people usually have rich business experience and extensive personal connections. They use their familiarity with the local market to open up the market for foreign capital and gain benefits. In some cases, they can even influence the trend of the local economy."

"Shan Jianwei is such a character." Zhao Zixuan continued, "His position in the financial world is largely due to his close cooperation with Jewish capital. Every major investment he makes is often backed by international capital. The reason why he chose to cooperate with me, in addition to seeing the potential of Heguang Technology, I am afraid there are deeper strategic considerations."

Yuan Shiwei immediately understood: "No wonder it is called Taimeng Capital, it turns out to be Jewish capital!"

He suddenly remembered a series of events that he had encountered in the United States before. Now it seemed that these Jews had never stopped their actions against Zhao Zixuan.

What do they want to do?
Zhao Zixuan nodded, a trace of deep thought flashed in his eyes, and explained: "Jews play an important role in the global financial world, and their capital tentacles are spread all over the world. Shan Jianwei's close connection with Jewish capital gives him a unique advantage in business operations. But at the same time, this also means that every decision he makes may be affected by the capital behind him."

"As for why they are interested in me..." Zhao Zixuan paused for a moment and continued, "This may involve a variety of factors. On the one hand, the rapid development of Heguang Technology in the field of short video social networking has attracted their attention. They are attracted by our potential in the short video market and our leading position in technological innovation. On the other hand, the global layout of Jewish capital may also require a strong local partner to better penetrate the domestic market."

"Of course." Zhao Zixuan added: "We cannot ignore the dual nature of competition and cooperation. Contact with Jewish capital may bring us huge opportunities, but it may also be accompanied by considerable challenges. We must remain vigilant to ensure that our core interests are not harmed in the cooperation."

After hearing this, Li Jiaming and Yuan Shiwei had a clearer understanding of the current situation.

They began to realize that the business world is far more complicated than they had imagined, and that it is full of games and competitions among various forces.

The influence of Jewish capital and Shan Jianwei as its important agent in the local market have added many uncertainties and challenges to the future cooperation with Heguang Technology.

"So how should we respond?"

Yuan Shiwei asked, with a hint of solemnity in his voice.

Zhao Zixuan's eyes were as deep as the sea. He looked at Zhao Changpeng who was being interviewed by reporters in the crowd, and said slowly: "First, I will have someone comprehensively evaluate Shan Jianwei's business plan to understand the pros and cons. I need to collect all relevant information and have an in-depth understanding of the background, strategy and goals of PAG Capital and Jewish Capital."

"Secondly, the company should strengthen internal management to ensure that the company's operations will not be interfered with by the outside world, while enhancing our technological barriers and market competitiveness."

"And more." Zhao Zixuan's eyes narrowed, and he continued, "We need to develop a detailed response strategy. We need to seize the opportunities brought by cooperation, such as possible capital injection, market resources and technical support, and avoid possible risks, such as loss of control and leakage of business secrets. We need to ensure that our core interests are fully protected in any cooperation."

"At the same time," Zhao Zixuan emphasized solemnly, "we must maintain transparency in communication and stay in close contact with Shan Jianwei and the capital behind him, but we must also maintain a certain degree of independence and avoid over-dependence. We cannot let external factors influence our decision-making and must always take the long-term development of the company as our primary goal."

Upon hearing this, Li Jiaming and Yuan Shiwei's eyes flashed with understanding and sighed.

They became more and more impressed with Zhao Zixuan. Before, they didn't understand why Zhao Zixuan, who was the same age as them, could achieve such a spectacular career success while they could only work for him.

Now, they understand.

Zhao Zixuan is not on the same level as them at all.

This guy is simply a "Super Saiyan" among humans!
"Lin Dong." Zhao Zixuan called softly.

The tall, taciturn genius from Peking University and Tsinghua University who had been standing behind him stepped forward.

"Boss, I'm here. What do you want me to do for you?"

Xu Lindong asked respectfully.

Zhao Zixuan looked at Xu Lindong gently and ordered, "Lindong, next I need you to use the connections of your classmates from Peking University and Tsinghua University to help me collect more information about Jewish capital in China. In particular, PAG Capital's recent movements and its network of relationships with Jewish capital in China are the key points we urgently need to understand."

Hearing this, Xu Lindong's eyes flashed with determination, "Boss, don't worry, I will start immediately. I will mobilize all the resources at my disposal to ensure that we can obtain first-hand information in a timely manner."

"Okay, go ahead," Zhao Zixuan nodded slightly.

As Xu Lindong left, Li Jiaming couldn't help but ask Zhao Zixuan, "This guy looks ordinary, but he actually graduated from Peking University or Tsinghua University?"

Zhao Zixuan smiled and nodded, "Yes, Lin Dong graduated from the Computer Science Department of Peking University and Tsinghua University, and he was always a leader there during his college years. Not only did he have excellent academic performance, but he also showed extraordinary talent in interpersonal communication and resource integration. He is a talent I discovered and can be said to be the intelligence expert in our team."

Upon hearing this, Li Jiaming and Yuan Shiwei's eyes flashed with surprise.

They didn't expect that the seemingly taciturn Xu Lindong actually had such a deep background. This gave them a new perspective on Xu Lindong and made them understand more why Zhao Zixuan valued him so much.

"Boss Zhao," Chen Yuanyuan suddenly spoke, with a hint of admiration in her voice, "Talents like Xu Lindong are rare treasures in any company. The fact that you recruited him to work under you is enough to prove your leadership charm."

Zhao Zixuan looked into the familiar yet unfamiliar eyes and said calmly, "The reason why Lin Dong is willing to join us is because he sees the potential of Heguang Technology and the cohesion of our team. More importantly, he agrees with our philosophy and vision and is willing to work with us for a common goal."

When Chen Yuanyuan heard this, a glimmer of understanding flashed in her eyes.

She realized that the reason why Zhao Zixuan was able to attract and retain outstanding talents like Xu Lindong was not only because of his personal charm, but also because he created a positive and vibrant working atmosphere for Heguang Technology, allowing every employee to find a sense of belonging and accomplishment here.

"Mr. Zhao."

Chen Yuanyuan spoke with a hint of emotion in her voice, "You remind me of a saying - 'He who gets the talent gets the world.' Not only do you have outstanding leadership, you also know how to use people. No wonder Heguang Technology has been so successful in such a short time!"

Zhao Zixuan smiled and shook his head when he heard this, with a hint of humility in his eyes. "You're too kind. All I did was to do my best to build an excellent team for Heguang Technology. Because I know that the power of one person is ultimately limited. Only the power of the team can make Heguang Technology go further and fly higher."

“This is the only way for a great company to be born!”

His words revealed his deep respect and trust for the team.

In Zhao Zixuan's view, the success of Heguang Technology is not only the result of his personal wisdom and hard work, but also the result of the joint efforts of team members. Everyone shines in their own positions and contributes to the development of the company.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly felt a strong urge in their hearts, the urge to follow Zhao Zixuan and start a business!

Yuan Shiwei seemed very excited. He clenched his fist and said, "We are deeply encouraged by your words. Don't worry, from now on, I will redouble my efforts and contribute my own strength to the development of Heguang Technology. I believe that under your leadership, Heguang Technology will be able to create more business miracles in the future."

This sounded pleasant, but Zhao Zixuan knew that this guy was flattering him, so he said with a smile: "As long as you help Zhao Changpeng concentrate on making Binance a success for me, it will be the greatest help to me and the greatest miracle."

There was a hint of light-hearted ridicule in Zhao Zixuan's words, but the deep meaning contained in them could not be ignored.

He knew that Yuan Shiwei's excitement and enthusiasm were real, but in the business world, actual actions are far more valuable than empty promises.

Just when Zhao Zixuan wanted to continue teasing his good brother, a familiar figure stood out among the crowd not far away.

"Is it her? Why are she here?"

There was a hint of surprise and joy in Zhao Zixuan's eyes. Although his voice was light, it was enough to make the air around him seem to freeze for a moment.

Everyone's curiosity was completely aroused, and they all looked in the direction he was looking, trying to solve the mystery of this girl who suddenly appeared.

Looking closely, it was a beautiful girl with outstanding looks and elegant temperament. Her appearance immediately attracted the attention of most people present.

She was wearing a simple yet elegant white suit, her steps were light and confident, and every step she took exuded a unique charm.

Her makeup is exquisite, gorgeous but not vulgar, beautiful but not greasy, and the noble temperament she exudes makes it clear at first glance that she is not an ordinary girl from an ordinary family.

Even Chen Yuanyuan, who had been confident in her figure and appearance since childhood, felt a deep sense of inferiority in her heart after seeing the other person.

"She's so beautiful!"

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling a little jealous, and her eyes were fixed on the beautiful girl who was getting closer and closer in front of her, obviously coming for Zhao Zixuan.

Zhao Zixuan's attention was completely attracted by the girl who appeared suddenly. He frowned slightly, secretly guessing her purpose.

However, he remained calm on the surface and did not let this accident disrupt his thoughts.

The girl came closer and closer, and the eyes of the people around her also focused on her. She seemed to be indifferent to all this, and only Zhao Zixuan was in her eyes.

When she stood in front of Zhao Zixuan, everything around her seemed to stop.

"Mr. Zhao, what a coincidence! I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

Her voice was clear and pleasant, with a hint of subtle tenderness and expectation.

Zhao Zixuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and responded with a slightly teasing tone: "So, is this fate, Miss Cailin?"

Yes, the person who came was Xiao Ma Ge’s daughter, Ma Cailin.

"Is not it?"

Ma Cailin responded to Zhao Zixuan's teasing with a smile. Her voice expressed her appreciation for Zhao Zixuan's sense of humor, as well as confidence and composure. "To be honest, I have always been interested in blockchain technology. It is purely a coincidence that I met him here today."

Hearing this, Zhao Zixuan looked at her deeply and did not take the initiative to expose this obviously lame excuse.

His eyes turned and he deliberately asked, "If that's the case, how much money does Miss Cailin plan to invest in Binance Exchange?"

(End of this chapter)

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