In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 106 Chapter 105 This sounds like a science fiction story

Chapter 106 Chapter 105 This sounds like a science fiction story
To the disbelief of the three children, Alfried stared at this middle-aged man who appeared out of nowhere. If he was just staring, it would be fine. What really made the three of them unable to understand was Alfried's current state.

It is no exaggeration to say that Alfred is almost synonymous with calmness and composure in the minds of the three people - you know, even Bruce, as Batman, has reached the edge of his mental endurance more than once because of the many sinister plans of those super villains.

And every time when Bruce's spirit reached its limit, Alfred appeared in time and made Bruce relax in the most appropriate way.

In fact, it's not just Bruce, even the three little ones in front of them are - resurrected from the dead. Now Todd is full of disgust and denial of Bruce's ideas.

That is to say, Thomas and Barry appeared together now. Otherwise, Todd would not have drawn his samurai sword, but would have directly performed a very classic American Iai style.

If Batman is the patriarch of the Bat-Family, then Alfred is the Bat-Family's all-important...butler.

Although he is a butler, the responsibilities that Alfred bears are far more than these two simple words can describe. In a sense, because of the lack of management methods of a certain playboy, Alfred now also shoulders the responsibilities of the matriarch of the Bat Family, responsible for checking for omissions and filling in gaps that Bruce can't notice, such as the psychological problems of the little bat.

This also means that in the hearts of the little bats, Alfred is almost always calm and composed.

And now? Trapped in the armor, Alfred's neck and forehead were bulging with veins. As he asked in a growling voice, beads of sweat instantly covered his messy hair.

Compared to the apparent tension, what is more important is Alfred's eyes.

What a change had taken place in those eyes that were once always firm, calm, and stable. Fear, panic, hesitation, confusion, and even hidden joy intertwined into an indescribable complexity.

"Who are you! Who are you? Who sent you? What is your purpose?!"

"Don't worry, Alfred."

Feeling Alfred's fear and madness, Thomas did not become angry, but felt more satisfied instead.

Through the physiological state analysis of the steel core, Thomas was able to determine that Alfred was like this because of fear. And what was he afraid of? He was afraid that his appearance would bring irreparable pain and torture to Bruce.


Well, this is almost inevitable. As Batman in the doomsday Gotham, Thomas knows what Batman represents. Maybe the Batman in this world never kills people, but there is one thing Thomas is sure of. That is, as a bat, Bruce always achieves deterrence through fear.

Those who stare into the abyss are also stared into by the abyss. What is Bruce afraid of?

The answer is self-evident...

When Thomas and Martha appeared in Crime Alley, when Thomas saw the white petals placed in the corner that had not yet dried and rotted, Thomas knew that Bruce in this world was also dead... Little Bruce also died in Crime Alley.

No one can get out of there alive, and it will only give birth to a monster born of fear called Batman.

Thinking about it, Thomas said calmly: "I know what you are afraid of, Alfred... Don't worry, you are not mistaken, it is me."

"I'm not a cloned human, nor am I a replicant created by extracting DNA from a corpse. It's me, but I come from another world..."

Hearing Thomas say that he came from another world, Alfred was slightly startled, then he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and then said in a trembling voice: "Then why did you come here..."

"Actually, you guessed it, didn't you, Alfred?" Thomas lifted the restraints on Alfred and calmly helped Alfred tidy up his clothes.

"My presence here means something went wrong that night..."

"But you are not from this world!" Alfred could not help but grab Thomas's collar and shouted at the top of his lungs: "He, he is not from your world either! You know that, you clearly know that!"

"You know I don't care." Thomas said coldly, "Just like a drowning person doesn't care whether it's straw or driftwood, as long as he can grab it, it's enough! Similarly, you know... he doesn't care either."

"Because you know very well."

“We are not the ones who are drowning, we are the ones who are drowning.”

After hearing Thomas' words, Alfred regained his freedom and opened his mouth, but he found that he could not utter even a complete sentence.

After a long silence, Alfred could only grit his teeth and said: "No, you are not real. This is just nonsense..." Before Alfred could finish his words, suddenly, accompanied by a crisp sound, a black pistol fell in front of Alfred.

When Alfred saw the pistol, his face turned pale even though he didn't pick it up to examine it carefully.

"You already knew it, but you just lacked something to make it final." Thomas said calmly, "The Bat Guardian armor is equipped with a scanning system, which contains the data of this gun in this world... Come on, Alfred, my old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time."

Thomas said: "I thank you for everything you have done for Bruce... Don't worry, I will just come to meet him and let him know I am here, that's all."

"Why do you have to let him know you're coming?" Alfred's brows were already furrowed, and he asked with a look of hesitation and confusion:
"You know, you can also relieve the pressure on him just by looking at him silently..."

"That would only take the pressure off Batman, not Bruce."

Patting Alfred on the shoulder, Thomas said, "Okay! Alfred, I know what kind of person you are. Put away your current appearance. As an old friend, I understand your character, just like you understand mine."

"Take me around the old house. I haven't been back for a long time. And tell me about Bruce's relationship problems. Ron said that his relationship doesn't seem to be smooth sailing. He didn't even know he had a child..."

"Master has a child? Is this true?"

Alfrid was also startled, with a hint of hesitation between his brows, but after thinking for a while he finally fell silent and sighed softly, "I hope everything is fine..."

As Thomas spoke, he walked deeper into the Batcave. After a moment of silence, Alfred did not try to stop him. He just shook his head with mixed feelings and followed Thomas deeper into the cave.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, the three little ones who had been waiting for a long time fell into a long silence. They looked at each other in shock, because Thomas and Alfred's words were full of information that only they knew, so to the three of them it was like listening to a mystery.

Although they didn't understand the process, or only vaguely understood it, they all saw the final result - why did the butler start serving the other party for no apparent reason? What the hell? Did the butler betray Batman?
That’s not right either!

Those involved are often confused, but those who are watching can see more clearly. It is precisely because of this that everyone knows very well how loyal the butler is to Bruce. It is no exaggeration to say that in everyone's mind, even if they have the power of mind magic to try to make Alfred betray Bruce, it is a wishful thinking. Even if they can achieve short-term mind control, the final result will inevitably be that Alfred regains his sanity and sobriety.

but now……

According to what Bruce taught them, they were sure that Alfred had not lost his mind. At least, people who lost their minds either had cloudy and confused eyes or were extremely determined and paranoid because of the tampering of their will. Because any means of tampering with the will ultimately destroyed the sanity of the person being treated, making it impossible for them to think rationally.

Now, although he was following behind Thomas, Alfred's eyes were filled with complicated thoughts. Such complicated thoughts were almost impossible for someone whose will had been tampered with.

While the three little ones were still expressing their confusion to each other, Barry on the side couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"It's over, it's over... Ron, what should I do? I feel like I've definitely screwed up this time! Is it too late to apologize to Bruce now?"

"Remember to show your breasts when you apologize."

"Forget it, I think Bruce's should be bigger than mine."

"which aspect?"

"…Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore."

Realizing that he was only asking for trouble by complaining to Ron, Barry also looked at the three little ones beside him. The third-generation Robin Drake was not very familiar with Barry, but Todd and Barbara were old acquaintances of Barry. Not to mention the big crisis of saving the world, the Flash, who liked to run around the world when he had nothing to do, often came to Bruce to ask questions, provide some necessary intelligence support, or financial sponsorship.

Looking at Barry, Barbara also asked: "Mr. Flash, what is going on?"

"Things are a little complicated... well, it's very complicated."

Barry sighed and said, "You can think of it as the Batman from another universe coming to find the Batman from this universe... well, or the father of Bruce from another universe coming to find Bruce from our universe."


(End of this chapter)

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