Chapter 107: Play the Clown's Song
After hearing Barry's words, the three little ones of the Bat Family opened their mouths in disbelief, and there was a hint of disbelief in their eyes.

After sorting out his chaotic thoughts, Drake couldn't help but ask, "Wait, wait a minute. If that guy is the Batman from another world, then why is he the father of Batman in our world? That's not right. According to the theory of parallel worlds, shouldn't the Batman in another world also be Mr. Bruce?"

“So the problem arises here as well.”

Barry rubbed his temple and said, "Since you all know that Bruce is Batman, you should also know what happened in Bruce's life that has had an irreversible impact on Bruce until now..."

"Crime Alley."

Todd on the side quickly said: "So the old Bat showed the pistol to Alfred... Damn, you're not going to say that in the parallel world, it was Bruce and Ms. Martha who died in Crime Alley?!"

"That's not it."

"What's that?" Todd was a little surprised: "Did only Ms. Martha die?"

"Only one Bruce died."

Barry shrugged his shoulders. Ron, who was standing beside him, interrupted and said, "In addition, Ms. Martha from another world could not bear the pain of losing her son, and because of the Kane family's inherited mental problems, she became a clown from another world."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Then Todd couldn't help swallowing and pursing his lips. His eyes kept changing, as if he was in intense thought.

However, except for Ron, no one noticed Todd's ideological problems. Because it was not just Todd, but all three members of the Bat Squad were thinking intensely.

But others may not know, but Ron also may not know?
In the hearts of many Robins and Batgirls, Bruce is like a father figure and the patriarch of the Bat Family. Even if there are differences in ideas, when they encounter difficulties, the first thing they think of is still to ask Bruce for help.

In this situation, Drake and Barbara were thinking, "It's over, Grandpa is coming! Should I inform Bruce? What should I do? What should I do?"

But Todd is different - they are both members of the Batfamily, and from the perspective of his behavior, fighting style, and means of dealing with things, no matter from which angle, Thomas is obviously more to Tod's liking.

In other words, Todd could feel that the way he wanted to "rule Gotham" could be found in Thomas.

Although Thomas is from another world, he is still a member of the Bat Family. This is far from being a betrayal, right? But, can I really find the ideals I desire in this guy? If he is the same as Bruce...

While Todd was still struggling, Ron coughed lightly to attract everyone's attention and said leisurely:

"This old man is completely different from your old man. You can ask the Flash how dangerous that world is. In that apocalyptic world, all countries are destroyed, the entire earth is broken apart, the land is cursed, and the air is filled with poison. Only a few large cities have built high walls to ensure the survival of a small number of humans. Even the Flash was almost trapped and died in that world and was buried with that world."

"Under such circumstances, this old man personally built Gotham into an airtight fortress. Well, using more pure fear and death, it is no problem to say that he is the biggest crime boss in Gotham. He kills to stop killing, and kills until all criminals are so frightened that they would rather freeze to death or starve to death than dare to have those evil thoughts..."

"Oh my god, this is so scary..." Upon hearing this, Barbara on the side couldn't help but say, "This is a Batman who has no bottom line!"

"Or the poor father who was driven mad by the pain of losing his son?" Ron crossed his arms with a leisurely look on his face.

"That's horrible..." Drake agreed with Barbara.

After a moment of silence, Drake looked at Todd and asked hesitantly, "Todd, what do you think?"

Todd just glanced at Ron. But he saw Ron was also looking at him with a smile. It was also because of Ron's gaze that Todd was now extremely sure that the words Ron just said when he seemed to introduce the old man were not spoken to others, but to himself... He knows me very well? !
Thinking in his heart, Todd silently clenched his fists and replied in a cold voice: "These are just his words. As far as I know, even if the speedsters can travel through other worlds, they are forbidden to take away or bring in any substances to prevent the balance between the worlds from being broken by the butterfly effect."

"This is indeed the iron rule of the Lightning Family, but the problems encountered in that world are very special."

Hearing this, Barry on the side helplessly explained: "Although I am a speedster, I don't even have the right to make suggestions on issues related to that world. In the end, it was this guy who determined the rules with God."

Barry pointed at Ron beside him. The three kids were full of doubt. Then, Drake expressed his doubts directly:
"...God? Can you see God? No, should I say, does God really exist?"

In response, Ron shrugged and said, "You can think of it as the creator god of your multiverse. It exists in every dimension of your multiverse, but mostly in the form of a projection of its original body. Generally speaking, unless there is a major crisis at the multiverse level, you probably won't have a chance to meet it."

"Then how did you encounter it?" Drake asked doubtfully: "According to Mr. Flash, you are only facing a crisis at the level of a single universe..."

Hearing this, Ron smiled proudly: "Sorry~ I'm the anti-virus program of the World Tree. Although my hard power may not be able to beat even the superman in your world, I'm so awesome because I have a system."

"Well, he can't kill me."


In response, Drake and the others just continued to remain silent, and for a moment they were a little unsure whether what Ron and Barry said was true or false. After all, with this level of intelligence, let alone them, even if Bruce himself came, it would take a while to barely distinguish the truth from the false.

Ron could more or less sense everyone's doubts. He thought about it, then slapped his head, raised a finger and said, "Oh! I remember!"

As he spoke, facing everyone's gaze, Ron took out the long-treasured Superman head from the system's space.

"Look! This is the souvenir I brought from another world, the head of Kal-El, the Superman from another world! Damn, it makes me angry just thinking about it. Those guys at Marvel don't know what I'm talking about, they just think I'm a pervert with necrophilia. You are good friends with Superman, you should be able to tell whether it's real or fake!"


Looking at the dried head in Ron's hand, everyone present couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Although the head had lost its flesh and blood due to drying, Superman was the soul of the Justice League and the "biggest threat" in Batman's mind. Even though it was dried, the Batman family still recognized the head at a glance. It was undoubtedly Superman's head.

"But, but this is too unbelievable..."

Drake on the side couldn't help but complain. Ron didn't get angry either, he simply broke off a piece of the mummy and threw it to Drake. While Drake was still taking it in a panic, Ron on the other side also said: "If you don't believe it, go back and study it yourself. I don't believe that old pervert Bruce doesn't have superhuman physiological data."

"Also, don't worry about the curse being contagious. I've already dealt with it in advance. The threatening and replicable secret energies have all been stripped away through blood draws."

The latter sentence was not said to Drake, but to Barry. After hearing Ron's words, Barry breathed a sigh of relief. After experiencing the despair of the Flashpoint world, Barry was extremely vigilant about any possibility that his world would be infected by the world virus. "Come on, young masters and young ladies of the Bat Family." Ron said with a smile, "Let's catch up quickly. I can't wait to see what kind of surprised expression Bruce will show when he comes back. Hehehe~"


They looked at each other, and then looked at Ron in tacit understanding. Barbara and the others couldn't help but lower their heads, with a hint of shame in their eyes.

Damn it, this guy in front of me obviously wants to see Batman make a fool of himself. As Batman's garrison, as Robin and Batgirl, they should have stood up immediately to stop this evil behavior. But, but why, why can't their hands and feet move - No! My hands and feet are moving! But why don't they obey orders!
Standing up tacitly, the boys and girls followed the direction Thomas and Alfred left with some reluctance but also some expectation.

Batman once said that there is an Eastern proverb called "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles."

Yes, they are not betraying Batman, but to better determine this guy's evil plan! Then stand up in time to thwart this conspiracy!

That's right! That must be it!

"Are there any chips? I want to watch this while I eat a snack."

"Yes," Barbara replied, "There are plenty in the refrigerator. Do you need a drink?"

"Ice cream~"

While Ron and the others were getting ready to watch the show, the clown... or rather the clown's wife Martha came to a chaotic neighborhood alone.

She wore a smart women's suit on the upper body and an elegant long skirt on the lower body. She also wore a sun hat with a long brim that covered most of Martha's face, revealing only her slightly pale chin and her strangely smiling red lips.

This surprised the people on the street, because the clothes Martha was wearing were definitely not ordinary goods. The smooth and delicate fabrics were usually only seen on the clothes of dignitaries. And how could such dignitaries come to such a chaotic slum?

Moreover, it was in the slums late at night...

At any other time, the idlers hiding in the shadows would have started whistling and greeting, and then rushed forward, dragged this otherworldly lady to a dirty corner, lined her up and down, and brought her the best "Gotham blessings".

But now, people did not act rashly, because they felt an inexplicably familiar aura from this woman...

That is the owner of this area, the leader of the Joker Gang, the aura of the Joker.

Clearly he was not doing anything, just walking and laughing, but he conveyed a strange and bizarre sense of distortion with incredible accuracy.

This was not her first time here, and Martha seemed to be familiar with every plant and tree here. She did not feel uneasy at all while walking here, and even felt like a free bird, humming a cheerful ballad while walking.

"That's how life is, everyone says so~"

"You were so proud yesterday, but you are totally defeated today~"

"But I know I will change this pattern~"

"I will regroup tomorrow~"

"That's how life is, even though it sounds funny~"

"Some people just like to trample on other people's dreams~"


As she walked, Martha sang and danced briskly. The melodious tune accompanied by her clear voice spread to every corner of the slum. Just like the spiritually enlightened princess in Disney animation, everyone clearly felt the thoughts contained in this melodious music.

Although Martha's voice was extremely relaxed, gentle, and contained undisguised joy, the thoughts revealed between the words still made people feel cold.

Soon, a man appeared in the middle of the road, and it seemed that he appeared because he heard the song.

To Martha's singing, the thin man danced and sang to his heart's content, seeming to be completely immersed in the madness hidden in the melody. It was clearly their first meeting, but their singing and dancing were so in sync—

But no matter how beautiful the dance and song are, there will always be a moment when it ends.

"But life! That's life!"

"I have thought about giving up so many times, but my heart just won't compromise!"

"But if life is really uneventful,

"I'd rather end this life sooner."

As the last line of the lyrics fell, Martha and the man's footsteps landed at the same time, making a crisp sound.

After tidying up her green curly hair that was a little messy due to dancing, Zhou Keer (Joker)'s eyes were filled with morbid joy.

"Oh~ What a beautiful girl, what a beautiful voice~"


"It's just another me~"

"So, my other self, why did you come to see me?"

(End of this chapter)

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