Chapter 108: Bruce's Restless Night
Looking at the clown in front of her, Martha's face was filled with the same joy as the clown.

He did not hide his identity, but sang with a lark-like voice: "I am a clown from another world, and I came to this world to stay. But you know, this world can only have one clown."

"I know, of course I know, my beautiful love... I knew it the moment I saw you."

The Joker from Barry's world looked at Martha in front of him, his green eyes full of surprise and enthusiasm. There was no fear, no confusion, no puzzlement. It seemed that for the Joker, it was no problem for him to be visited by himself from another world.

No, it should be said that this is how it should be!
"That's right! You're right! There can only be one clown in this world! He is unique! The light and beauty of his life will be completely destroyed at a certain moment on a certain day! It's like a joke, trying his best to make people laugh, but his own tears have already dried up!"

"I smell it, I smell the scent on you." The clown moved close to Martha's face, not caring at all about the cracked corners of Martha's mouth because of his words.

"You too, right? One moment, a moment that destroyed all the good things in your life! You can't lie to me, you have this smell on you, I can smell it!"

Taking a deep breath, the clown suddenly took two steps back, looked at Martha with a smile, and said, "Come on, let's decide who is the clown who should survive."

Martha didn't care much about this, she just took out her dressing box slowly and wiped the blood oozing from her face due to the wound. After fixing her makeup, Martha also put her face close to the clown's ear.

"I won't let you continue to hurt Bruce."

Hearing this, the clown was not angry but happy, with a smile on his face, and asked back: "Why?"

“Does a mother need a reason to protect her child?”

"Mother, protect, child?"

The clown couldn't help laughing as he spoke each word.

"Hehe, hehe, hahaha~ What are you saying? You are her mother? How is that possible? Or is there something that makes you unable to suppress the Kane family's genetic disease?"

The clown's eyes narrowed slightly, and bloodshot appeared one after another in his exaggeratedly large eyeballs.

"Or rather, that fateful moment! He was the one who died! Not you!"

Martha just smiled and said nothing. The clown also fell silent after saying this, then he straightened up, adjusted his bow tie with both hands, and asked elegantly:
"So, you already know that there can only be one clown in this world. It's either you or me. Right?"

"of course."

"Then let me ask you another question. Who sent you here?"

"A man named Ron." Martha lowered her eyes and said with some relief: "Oh my God, he is simply an angel. He gave Thomas and I a chance to start over again..."

"Your husband is here too? My god, this guy named Ron is such a comedy master!"

The clown exclaimed, "Dear Mrs. Clown, don't you think you are a little crazy?"

"Crazy? No, no! This is not madness at all! This is love! Strong, motherly love!"

"You are really crazy." The clown shook his head and sighed, although his eyes looking at Martha were full of pity and hidden joy.

"But unfortunately, there can only be one clown."

As he spoke, the clown raised his hand and pointed the black muzzle of the gun at Martha's forehead.

"It's a pity that I can't see the little bat's expression when he finds out about you - but it doesn't matter! The curtain has been raised, praise the comedy master!"

As he talked, the clown couldn't help but burst into laughter, his mouth tore, and his entire face twisted into a weird smile that an ordinary person's facial muscles could never form. Paranoid, crazy, it gave people the feeling of a clown mask wearing a layer of plastic.

"You need a gift for a long-awaited reunion. Say hello to Batman for me!"

Pulling the trigger, a white flag shot out from the muzzle. Then, a bullet shot out from behind, hitting the clown right in the middle of his forehead. Even so, the clown still had a smile on his face. It could even be said that because of the pain, the clown's expression became more intense.

"Is there anything more cruel than love..."

The bullet that penetrated the clown's brain did not give the clown more time to finish his last words. After shaking twice, the clown fell to the ground with a dull sound. Looking at the clown's fallen body, Martha's face did not show any sadness or fear. Instead, she squatted down gently and cut off the clown's head along the bone seam with a knife.

"It's ridiculous. How could a mother's love make her child feel pain?"

Picking up the clown's head with a frozen smile on its face, Martha's face was full of disgust.

She totally disagreed with the Joker's theories. Similarly, she hated the Joker immensely for bringing so much torture to Bruce. It was too easy for him to die so simply.

But Martha didn't notice that the more she loved Bruce, the more the playfulness in the Joker's eyes flashed with a deadly light.

On the other side, in order to bring the vicious Mr. Freeze Victor to justice, Batman Bruce took out a needle from the universal belt around his waist and injected it into his thigh.

As the potion spread, Batman's body, which was severely damaged by the freezing gun, began to recover rapidly.

Lying on the ground, Mr. Freeze was not panicking at all. Unlike the Mr. Freeze hired by Ron, the Mr. Freeze in this world looked more gentle and still retained his human form. Although he was also wearing a cryogenic suit, at least his eyes were not embedded with red mystical lenses.

"Ha, Batman, you start again. You want to save people, but how many people can you save... Ugh! Ugh!"

Before Mr. Freeze could finish his words, Bruce stuffed a rag into the old man's mouth.

If it were in the past, Bruce wouldn't mind discussing philosophy with Mr. Freeze.

But now it was different. For some reason, Bruce felt particularly uneasy and uneasy today. It was as if something was hovering in his mind, instinctively warning him that something must be wrong somewhere.

But the question is, what went wrong? What went wrong? Where did it go wrong? And who caused the problem?
Is it the Joker? No, he just escaped from Arkham Asylum, he hasn't had time to reorganize the Joker Gang... If that's the case, what exactly is the problem?
Could it be... just my illusion?
Bruce shook his head, denying the conjecture. Whether it was an illusion or not, he had to cheer up.

When did I start to be suspicious? It should be recently... because of Barry's letter.

Bruce couldn't help but laugh as he thought about it.

Really... What on earth am I fantasizing about? Prohibiting any form of material exchange is an iron rule for every speedster, and it is also a rule that the Flash must abide by.

If there really is any problem in this regard, then you don't have to investigate it yourself, the mages will make all preparations in advance.

But at this moment, suddenly, Gordon's terrified cry came from Batman's earphones. Before Bruce could ask, he clearly saw the huge searchlight that lit up and projected the bat logo into the sky.

Something went wrong with the police department?!
Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Bruce immediately said: "Barbara! Mobilize all the cameras of the Gotham Police Department immediately. I need to find out what happened there!"

“Ah? Ah, ah!!”

After realizing it belatedly, she nodded, and then Barbara said stumblingly, "Okay, okay! I'll start preparing now!"

Although she said this, Bruce could clearly feel the pause between Barbara's words. However, Bruce did not have too much doubt because of this - on the one hand, Barbara was Bruce's old assistant. Before the first Robin appeared beside Bruce, the two had already known each other.

Barbara's father, Sheriff Gordon, works at the police station. As an important figure in the joint law enforcement of Gotham City and Batman, Bruce admires Gordon's adherence to justice. Although she grew up under Gordon's guidance and cannot trust him as completely as Alfred, Barbara can be regarded as one of Bruce's most trusted people.

On the other side, Ron clapped his hands after hearing Barbara's voice. He nodded, and Thomas' eyes flashed red, and then the communication of the entire Batcave was forcibly cut off.

On the other side, Bruce only heard a series of crackling sounds of radio waves in his headphones, and then all the signal nodes connected to the Batcave stopped working at the same time.

Bruce looked at the data on the microcomputer and his eyes were filled with solemnity. Without stopping, Bruce quickly stepped onto the Batmobile beside him and turned the handlebars. Then, under the moonlight, the motorcycle turned into a shadow and drove towards the police station at a speed of nearly 300 yards.

By the time Bruce arrived at the police station, it was deserted. The police station was on alert, and the Batplane in the sky was on cruise mode, patrolling under the intelligent AI written by Bruce himself.

Through the perspective from the Batplane above, Bruce could clearly see that someone had painted a big smiley face and a red heart representing love with white paint in the open space of the Gotham Police Department.

In the center of the graffiti, there was a gift box, and Sheriff Gordon, who was tied to the side, with a look of fear and disbelief on his face.

Seeing Gordon up there, Bruce immediately took out his grappling gun and shot. As the iron rope stretched, Bruce passed through the dark door and reached the roof directly. He asked in a deep voice, "Gordon, what happened here!"

(End of this chapter)

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