In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 129: The Frost Giant uses Frostmourne. Doesn’t that make sense?

Chapter 129: The Frost Giant uses Frostmourne. Doesn’t that make sense?

Walking out of the Rainbow Bridge holding a cold steel knife, Lao Fei's eyes were full of doubts.

Just now, Laufey was still in the palace of Jotunheim thinking about what his future should be like - although it seemed reckless, but as a recognized leader of a race, how could Laufey be really stupid and ignorant?
In terms of civilization, Jotunheim was once as advanced as Asgard, and in terms of individual combat power, a frost giant could easily defeat several Asgardians.

It’s just that the number of Frost Giants is too small, and Odin is more capable than his father, and found the weakness of the Frost Giants through the primordial runes.

In addition, the loss of the Ice Box, the ultimate weapon of the Frost Giants and the core of their civilization, has led to Jotunheim now looking like a barbaric tribe.

It can only be said that Roan's arrival disrupted the development of many things. Under normal circumstances, when Laufey knew that Loki was the prince of Asgard, he would definitely treat Loki as well as possible. Because Loki could touch the Ice Box - in fact, Loki did touch it.

Even if they just touched it, they couldn't take it away because of the restriction imposed by Odin. But it didn't matter. As long as the right time came, the Frost Giants could take back the core of Jotunheim's civilization through a surprise attack.

But unfortunately, this time Loki came too suddenly, and he already knew the love of Odin and Frigga for him before he met Laufey, so this time Loki was no longer looking for the Frost Giants to return to his roots, but wanted to know what his biological parents were like...

But now, it was clear that Rocky was disappointed.

Therefore, now Laufey is thinking more about the attitude of the Midgard mages represented by Ron.

In the past, Laufey had been dismissive of the mages of Midgard, but now, after going through so many things, even Odin treated Midgard with courtesy after conquering the Nine Realms, and did not interfere or influence it at all, but completely let Midgard develop on its own... This alone made Laufey realize some things that he had overlooked.

"If we can master dimensional magic, even if we can only tear a hole, the Frost Giants will be able to re-enter the sea of ​​stars..."

"No, according to the records in ancient books, there are many demons outside the dimension. If we can get their help directly and use their power to reactivate Jotunheim..."

Many thoughts kept flashing through his mind, and Lao Fei's ice-blue face was full of solemnity, and even his breathing became gradually heavier.

No matter what, this dimensional mage must stay here!

But just as Laufey was still thinking, before he could come to his senses, a colorful glare lit up over the entire Jotunheim. Seeing this blazing stream of light, Laufey felt his eyes split at first - he remembered it, this was the Rainbow Bridge, the large-scale jump spell that allowed Odin to reverse the balance of the battlefield, directly gain the upper hand, and leave Jotunheim almost powerless to fight back.

After a little perception, and after confirming that no Asgard army had descended on the Rainbow Bridge, Laufey's eyes also showed a hint of doubt. Because in the Rainbow Bridge, Laufey felt a completely unknown breath...

Is that... Loki?
Laufey recognized the guy in front of him. It was none other than his son who came to Jotunheim with the messenger from Midgard and was lost thousands of years ago. Laufey didn't care much about Loki, let alone take him seriously. But now, looking at Loki walking out of the Rainbow Bridge, Laufey keenly realized that something was wrong.

This guy was not the Loki he had just met. To be more precise, he was even more chaotic, with an upright posture and wearing an exquisite black suit. Although it was an exquisite suit, his body was filled with a burning black color. Especially his eyes, which were pure black without any extra impurities or reflections, giving people the feeling that some colors were absorbed completely.

"Ha, another one of my fathers. This is the nth one I have seen?"

Black-eyed Loki said with a twisted smile on his face, "But you don't have to worry about it, because our interests are the same. Although the plan was disrupted a little and we were unable to directly pull this world with extraordinary potential into the inverted tree, this kind of thing cannot be forced... Come on, continue."

As he spoke, Black-Eyed Loki took out a frost-covered greatsword from the rainbow bridge behind him and handed it to Laufey.

"……who are you."

Laufey did not take the greatsword, but looked at Loki in front of him warily, and picked up the sword on the side, with a hidden murderous intent in his eyes.

Instinct told Laufey that this guy was very dangerous and any deal with him would be a fight to the death. But Black Eyed Loki didn't care, he just shook his head and said:

"No, you misunderstood me. Although I look similar, I am not your poor son... Well, in another universe, maybe. But now, you can call me... the God of Stories."

Looking at Laufey in front of him, Dark-eyed Loki's face was full of relaxation.

"If I want, I can use a simpler and more straightforward method to make you become my... well, I should say, a servant of the Upside-Down Tree, or the Dark Multiverse. The process is very simple. All I need to do is let you come into contact with the secret energy called the World Virus."

"But I hate this method, because the secret powers left behind will only make the guys in the World Tree more vigilant. And the more traces left, the more disadvantageous it will be for the Upside-Down Tree. So, instead of direct enslavement, I would rather find someone with a strong obsession, and then stand with them and fight side by side."

Loki thrust the frost-covered greatsword in front of Laufey. The icy blade sank into the hard stone slabs of the Frost Giants' Palace. As if inspired by some will, strange elven runes lit up on the greatsword, and two breathtaking cold lights lit up in the eye sockets of the skull at the sword's base.

"Frostmourne comes from one of the countless worlds that fell into the upside-down tree. It has the power to absorb souls and control the dead."

"I know that you long for the revival of Jotunheim. You need power. You want to take back the Ice Box... I know that you are like this in every universe."

"But you failed every time, including this time, without exception."

"Why? Because Jotunheim has long been weakened."

Black-eyed Loki smiled and said, "The remaining soldiers of the Frost Giants can only keep you alive in Jotunheim, and cannot support you in launching a new round of expedition. But others may not know, but you do? Asgard is not a civilization. Five thousand years ago, they were even more barbaric than they are now. The bones buried in Asgard are enough to fill a small dimension! And now, this sword will give you enough power and... enough soldiers."

After hearing the words of Black-Eyed Loki, or the God of Stories, Laufey's eyes flickered. However, facing the temptation so close at hand, Laufey did not lose his mind, nor was he overwhelmed. Instead, he asked in a deep voice:

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because our interests are the same~" the God of Stories said: "I want Asgard to perish, and you want Jotunheim to revive. Our ideas are not contradictory, right? As for other things, we don't need to care so much. After all, living in the present is the most important thing."

The God of Stories came to Laufey's side and put his hand on Laufey's shoulder without any hesitation. Feeling the God of Stories' movements, Laufey's eyes flashed with a throbbing, but he did not attack, but let the God of Stories put his hand on him.

Looking at Laufey in front of him, Loki raised his head with a smile, pointed to Frostmourne and the Rainbow Bridge in front of him, and said: "Power is within reach, and so is the future."

In response, after his eyes flickered for a moment, Lao Fei snorted coldly, without answering, he just placed his hand indifferently on the huge and heavy Frostmourne.

As an indescribable chill spread along his arm to his entire body, Laofei could clearly feel an inexplicable consciousness awakening in his body. Although he hadn't opened his eyes yet, his mere presence had already begun to whisper from the soul level.

But as the king of the Frost Giants for tens of thousands of years, how could Laufey's will be easily shaken by the whisper of a soul? Feeling this slightly noisy whisper of the soul, Laufey knew that this whisper was not eroding him, but trying to merge with him. It was not to devour each other, but to make the sword and the man form a whole in terms of matter, energy, and soul. This is the so-called Lich King.


Laufey had no interest in becoming the Lich King, but through whispers, he clearly felt the power of the sword.

"Use it with confidence." Loki, the black-eyed god of stories, said as he walked around Laufey with his hands behind his back: "This sword has been immersed in the shadow of the upside-down tree. Both its power and form have been fully increased. Believe me, it must be worthy of your power. The first thing to do now is to destroy this annoying Asgard... What do you think?"

Hearing this, there was silence for a long time, and then Lao Fei nodded.

"I think you're right."

Picking up Frostmourne and feeling the power filling his body, Laufey could clearly feel that he was stronger than ever before - Frostmourne? Yes, it was a good name. It was time for the Asgardians to feel the sorrow and pain endured by the frost giants!

As for the whisper hidden in the sword and the tricks of this guy who calls himself the God of Stories... Laufey can feel it, but he doesn't care. Just like a drowning person will grab everything he can grab, Laufey can feel the conspiracy behind it. But there are no more possibilities in Jotunheim now. It has been silent for too long.

He needs an opportunity, even if there are countless crises hidden behind this opportunity!

Even if I die, dying on the road of charge is better than dying on this desolate ice bed!

The Rainbow Bridge is just around the corner. Since it is already dangerous enough, there is no need to remain conservative - increase your strength as much as possible!

As for what happens after this, the worst that can happen is that I will quit! It's just a short-term use, the remaining soul in this sword can't affect me!
With this belief, Laufey snorted coldly and roared behind him, echoing throughout the main city of the Frost Giants. As the warriors rushed over after hearing the news, Laufey just said indifferently: "Prepare for battle!"

Then, Laofei picked up the heavy sword and was the first to step into the torrent of the Rainbow Bridge.

As the breathtaking cold light spread, Heimdall, who was on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge holding the Rainbow Sword and trying to communicate with Odin, felt a chill in his back. Looking back, he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure walking out of the Rainbow Bridge holding a ferocious sword.

Although Laufey has forgotten what Heimdall looks like because he has not left Jotunheim for too long, Heimdall is different - as the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall also has a mission to monitor the nine realms for dangerous elements that may threaten Asgard. Among them, Laufey is undoubtedly on the list.

Although Jotunheim had lost the ability to jump between realms due to the loss of Under the Ice, Heimdall was aware of Laufey's power. Therefore, even when eating the local specialties from Midgard - fried chicken, watermelon, and grape soda, Heimdall did not forget to monitor the Nine Realms.

And now, why did Laufey appear here through the Rainbow Bridge? Was it King Odin? The order to activate the Rainbow Bridge did come from King Odin's Gungnir, but why did King Odin do this? !
Just when Heimdall was still in a state of confusion, on the other side, in the Asgard Palace, accompanied by a roar, a tiny figure was blown away by the shining lightning.

Feeling the impact of the lightning and bathing in it, Old Loki's face did not show any fear. Instead, he shouted with excitement:

"Hahaha! My old father! Do you really think that I have just been enjoying my childhood here for the past few hundred years?!"

The dark green mystical energy unfolded in an instant, and it formed twisted venomous snakes, vying to bite the lightning that pounced on Loki. Even if the two lightning bolts broke through the magical snakes, they were easily shattered when they reached old Loki.

Floating in mid-air, Odin's hair and beard were all spread out, waving wildly like flames, bursting out with endless power.

Looking down at old Loki, he and Laufey looked at each other. When he noticed the ferocious sword in Laufey's hand, Odin's eyes revealed a solemn look.

"Laufy, go back to your Jotunheim!!"

(End of this chapter)

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