In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 130: To deal with Frostmourne, you still need Fire's Joy

Chapter 130: To deal with Frostmourne, you still need Fire's Joy

After hearing Odin's words, Laufey was not afraid. Instead, a slightly paranoid grin appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Haha! Odin! I feel it!" Laufey growled, "I feel it, you are afraid! The dead souls of Asgard are responding to me!!"

On the other side, he walked out of Asgard. It was okay for Laufey, Ron hadn't paid much attention to him from the beginning - after all, although Laufey was very powerful in the setting, and even brought a world-destroying crisis to the Stone Age Avengers in some universes, in general, just like his performance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he was more often a powerful third-rate background villain.

In terms of popularity, he is not even comparable to top stars like Baiteman, Zhou Keer, and Failed Man. Even other second- and third-tier villains can beat him.

But the problem is the weapon in his hand. If I'm not mistaken, it should be Frostmourne, right?

As a weapon that is competing for the second-most popularity in the history of gaming, it can be said that no one can resist the temptation of Frostmourne.

Frostmourne, the representative sword of the Death Knight, possesses a powerful evil force and a soul blade with a strong sense of sorrow. Regardless of its ability, from the perspective of its appearance, as a cold weapon, it can be said to satisfy people's imagination of all the magic weapons in the fantasy world. The strong blade, the broad but not heavy blade, the flashing runes, the serrated teeth like fangs, the evil skull, and the soul fire surging with evil thoughts...

It can be said that just from the shape, one can feel that Frostmourne is definitely not an ordinary weapon. If it was just Frostmourne, it would be fine, but the key is the wrong size! Normally, Frostmourne looks just right in the hands of a two-meter-tall armored man. But the one in Laufey's hand looks at least four meters long!

And more importantly, why would Frostmourne appear here? In the Marvel Universe? Could it be that there was a leak in the Celestial World?
Thinking of this, Ron glanced at Loki who was above Laufey's head and couldn't help but complain: "Did you give this sword to your father?"

"I guess so. It's just another me that is more distant." Old Loki seemed very casual. He stood above Laufey's head, with the mysterious energy of the universe floating around him. Old Loki squinted his eyes and said:

"Although the plan has been brought forward, it's just as I thought. I've already made backup plans... Really, worthy of me! Even hiding it from me!"

As he spoke, Old Loki also looked at Laufey below: "Then there is nothing to say. Either destroy Asgard today, or answer Jotunheim once again and never see the light of day again!"

"I know, I know better than you, don't order me!" Laufey glanced at old Loki indifferently. If Laufey only felt familiar when he saw Loki in the base universe, but didn't think too much about it, then now, after seeing old Loki, Laufey quickly realized that this guy was the one who caused the fight between Asgard and Jotunheim thousands of years ago.

Although he was an enemy, Laufey did not think of killing Bor completely, because this would lead to a deadly war between the two civilizations. But who knew that Bor would die inexplicably while tracking him.

Now it seems that there is no doubt that this is all the work of the person in front of us.

But now Laufey has no time to pay attention to this guy. He knows very well that the most important thing now is Asgard in front of him - even if he can't destroy it, he must find a way to take back the Ice Box!
But before Laufey could take any action, Ron's voice came from the side.

"Although we only met once, don't tell me you didn't notice the conspiracy behind this."

A dark figure jumped out of the magnificent Fairy Palace, and the large hunting windbreaker rustled with the bone-chilling cold wind coming from the Rainbow Bridge. Ron didn't care about the chill, he just pressed down the brim of his hat, and then said speechlessly:

"Although it's just a rough perception, this sword has begun to merge with your soul. You should be able to notice such an obvious trap, right? No way, no way?"

After hearing what Ron said, Laufey narrowed his eyes slightly, then pointed at Ron and said, "Are you the wizard from Kamar-Taj? I remember that you should have stayed in Jotunheim... Never mind, it doesn't matter how you came here. Your appearance here means that Kamar-Taj has lost its neutral status."

"Whatever, I'm not from Kamar-Taj anyway." Ron spread his hands and said, "I just said it casually, who knew you would really believe it. You can't blame me for this, right? How about we find a way to download the Nine Realms Anti-Fraud APP?"

"And don't change the subject. Where did you get the sword in your hand?"

Ron said, "Any fool knows there's no such thing as a free lunch. Don't you know that?"

After hearing what Ron said, Laufey just glanced at the Frostmourne in his hand, and then said indifferently: "As long as it works well, that's enough."

Obviously, Laufey knew there was a conspiracy behind this. But the guy who called himself the God of Stories was not wrong, at least they were on the same page in terms of short-term goals. And now the opportunity might be the only one Jotunheim could have, and Laufey couldn't convince himself to give up...

At worst, after this matter is over and the Ice Box is taken back, I will cut ties with that guy called the God of Stories! !
“Everyone who takes drugs thinks they can resist it through willpower.”

After looking at Laufey, Ron shook his head and turned to Odin and others behind him and said, "I smell something familiar. Although I'm not sure if it's a world virus, there's no need to hesitate. Let's kill him here."


Hearing that Roen was also going to join the battle, Odin's eyes also showed a hint of passion. Although Roen and Old Loki had been in a standoff for a long time before, if you really want to count it, this is all the family affairs of this world itself. As a member of the World Tree field, Roen can just sit on the sidelines and watch - as long as there is no intolerable situation, there is no need to interfere unnecessarily.

But now, just by looking at the Frostmourne in Laufey's hand, which had been magnified several times, Ron could be sure that this matter was definitely not as simple as it seemed. Not to mention Laufey, even old Loki was just a pawn in these things.

Feeling the biting cold wind, a black light flashed in Ron's hand, and the heavy meat saw added a hint of bloody rust smell in the cold wind.

Looking at Laufey, Ron didn't waste any words. He took out the sandpaper and rubbed it along the blade. With a noisy sound, a blazing flame ignited on the rough blade. However, unlike ordinary flames, these flames were not burned by substances such as kerosene, but by Ron's blood as a medium, combining the material of the sandpaper itself and the hunters' concepts to form flames.

Seeing the flames, Lao Fei's eyes showed a hint of contempt, and then he sneered:
"Because we are called Frost Giants, you use this kind of fire to attack? How ridiculous! Maybe I should reconsider whether the brains of the Midgard mages are working properly!"

As he spoke, Laufey raised the Frostmourne in his hand high. Although it was only his first contact, through the whispering of the soul, Laufey still familiarized himself with the weapon in his hand at an astonishing speed. Without too much nonsense, the heavy sword fell straight down, piercing directly into the ground like cutting tofu, accompanied by the wanton spread of ice-blue mystic energy, and the entire Rainbow Bridge began to be covered with a layer of white frost at an astonishing speed.

With the rhythm of energy, the white frost spread rapidly towards Asgard. Seeing this, Odin's eyes showed a solemn look, and he flew up. Gungnir in his hand lit up several runes, and a roar of thunder broke through the air, but before it could get close to Laufey, with a swing of the sword, the cold wind that seemed to freeze even the soul easily shattered the lightning.

After seeing this scene, not to mention Odin, even Laufey who was wielding the sword widened his eyes in surprise.

Looking at the long sword in his hand, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. Without saying too much nonsense, he just raised a barely concealed grin at the corner of his mouth, and then dragged the long sword, with the frost spreading under his feet, and marched towards Asgard.

Behind him, the frost giants had already gathered, and they walked out hesitantly one after another. After seeing Asgard, there was a hint of confusion in their eyes at first, but when they looked at Laufey's figure, the confusion soon turned into excitement.

"Don't worry! Children of Jotunheim!" Laufey growled in a deep voice, "The hard-won opportunity is right in front of us!"

“Either die on the charge, or die on a sickbed in Jotunheim, watching your children go through the same life as you. Now, it’s time to change all that! Destroy Asgard, take back the Ice Box! Take back the civilization of Jotunheim!”

There was no need for any inflammatory words. Laufey just expressed his purpose and his thoughts in the simplest way. But the Frost Giants have been trapped in Jotunheim for too long, so long that even other countries and civilizations have forgotten that there was a powerful race that made the universe tremble. Now, when they knew that the opportunity to change all this was at hand, they only hesitated for a short time, then looked at each other and followed Laufey's steps with a roar.

Seeing Laufey's actions, Odin snorted coldly, and then lightning flashed behind him, and soldiers in armor rushed out from all corners of Asgard one after another. Not only soldiers, but even ordinary citizens put on their armor at home and took up weapons to participate in the war.

Martial arts are a popular sport, and for the Asgardians, nothing can be more exciting than a good fight.

With the sound of whistling wind, Thor flew from a distance holding a hammer. His cloak fluttered wildly behind him, floating in the air side by side with Odin. Thor just said excitedly: "Father! Is the war about to begin? Haha! It's the Frost Giants of Jotunheim! Great! They are the best opponents! I have been waiting for a long time! Finally I have this chance!"

Because of historical issues, the Frost Giants appear as villains in many Asgard heroic stories. This has led to many Asgardians taking it as an honor to defeat the Frost Giants. The long peace and the constraints of the Nine Realms have made them lose this opportunity, and now that this opportunity has come again, how can they not be excited?
Feeling Thor's fighting spirit, Odin was a little helpless, but the current situation was a little special, so he didn't say much, just reminded: "Pay attention to the enemy's movements."

Then, he exchanged glances with Ron, and then Odin let out a battle cry, and a handsome eight-horse came galloping from a distance, stepping on lightning. It can be seen that this is an old horse, and sitting on the old friend again, even Odin couldn't help but reveal a touch of nostalgia in his eyes. But then, this nostalgia turned into the unique strength of his youth.

"Here we go, old fellow!"

The eight-legged divine horse gave a cry as if in response, and then took off and rushed towards Laofei at an astonishing speed.

On the other side, facing Lao Fei's ridicule, Ron did not care, lowered the center of gravity of his body, and the mottled meat saw turned into a long-handled battle axe with the opening and closing of the mechanism. With an instant burst of power, Ron's whole body turned into a black afterimage.

His heart suddenly trembled, and a startling chill made the hairs on his body stand up. Without the slightest hesitation, he waved the giant sword in his hand to block in front of him. With a crisp sound, the burning meat saw left a blazing fire track in the air. The blades collided, and although Laufey successfully resisted, the tearing flames still formed a large amount of flowing fire along with the collision and flew towards the frost giants behind him.

It looked like just an ordinary flame, but the moment the flame touched the Frost Giant, it began to burn violently like a maggot on the tarsal bone. Under the intense pain, several Frost Giants immediately lost their fighting power and collapsed to the ground, unable to get up again.

Thoughts are also a kind of medium. When the collective has the same cognition and consciousness, then through guidance, it can change the composition of matter itself at the energy level. Just like the fire charm was originally just hunters who thought that fire should be used to hunt monsters, but slowly, some monsters began to have a morbid fear of fire.

"Ordinary flames cannot harm frost giants, but the joy of fire after the ritual is different!"

Looking at the heavy Laufey, Ron showed his white teeth. A lightning bolt struck from above, forcing Laufey to dodge and retreat. Ron took advantage of the situation and rushed forward again, using his arms and back to form a lever to carry the deformed meat saw on his body, and smiled:

"Ron, join the hunt!"

(End of this chapter)

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