In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 132: Filial Son Sword Produces Filial Sons

Chapter 132: Filial Son Sword Produces Filial Sons
As the chill spread, a series of creaking and cracking sounds began to be heard from the ground of Asgard. Realizing that something was wrong, Odin looked at Ron beside him and asked loudly, "What on earth is that sword?"

"Frostmourne, the sword of the Lich King!"

Glancing at Odin, Ron said with a headache: "This sword can create a large range of freezing air, absorb the souls of the killed to strengthen its own power, awaken and control the souls of the corpses - let me ask, where are the main cemeteries in Asgard concentrated?"

It is difficult to make an accurate conclusion on the power of Frostmourne. Its power is similar to that of a killing knife. The more people it kills, the more soul power it absorbs, and the stronger the power of the sword becomes. In addition to its own power, the most terrifying thing is the power of the Scourge that can forcibly awaken and control the dead.

However, this power is not absolute. Although the undead awakened in Azeroth will be completely controlled by Frostmourne, Azeroth is not like Asgard. Putting aside the power of Frostmourne itself, the awakened corpses mainly depend on what is buried underground.

After hearing what Ron said, Odin's face turned pale, and then he looked to the side with a hint of horror in his eyes.

Asgard is huge, but no matter how big or how civilized it is, urban construction needs to be planned in advance. Especially for a fighting nation like Asgard that regards death in battle as an honor, in order to highlight the glory of the warriors, the cemetery of heroes was designed in a corner not far from the Rainbow Bridge - far away from the city, but still echoing with Asgard and the Rainbow Bridge.

In the past, the warriors of Asgard crossed the rainbow bridge and set foot on the road to the nine realms. The cemetery of heroes in the distance would come into view, thus gaining the glory and power of their ancestors. But it is precisely because of this that it has now become Laufey's biggest goal.

Also sensing the large number of corpses buried deep in the Cemetery of Heroes, and feeling the powerful heroic spirits remaining among them, Laufey's eyes also showed a hint of excitement - "Come, let me see the power of Asgard!"

As Laufey roared, the towering monument in the distant Cemetery of Heroes collapsed. Along with the broken stones, one after another bloody corpses crawled out of the wet soil.

Most of these resurrected Asgard heroes are made up of various corpses. Except for some that have been completely weathered over the long years, the shapes of most of the other undead are basically the same as when they were alive.

Although the skin of most of these corpses had decayed and rotted, and even the gray bones were directly exposed to the air, through these corpses as a medium, the remaining soul consciousness was still forcibly taken back from the underworld by Frostmourne, and then stuffed into the former body, crawling up like a zombie, without wisdom, just following Frostmourne's orders and remaining instincts to look at the battlefield one by one with empty skulls burning with soul fire.

Most of those who were resurrected were low-level undead. Even though they were called warriors in the past, after a long time, even if they were resurrected, there was not much thinking ability left in their bodies.

In addition to these base undead who could only follow their superiors' orders instinctively, there was also a group of more powerful and elite warriors who were resurrected. Even after years of decay, the bodies of these warriors still maintained basic integrity, their armor was neatly worn, and even the weapons in their hands emitted a chilling light that captivated the soul.

They can think normally, but they do not have free will, because at the moment of resurrection, all their thoughts are based on serving the Lich King's sword, Frostmourne.

The strongest among these corpses was a burly man with a silver horned helmet, a brown animal skin battle suit, a reddish-brown beard that had been blown into pigtails, and a long-handled battle axe in his hand.

"...King Bor."

Heimdall, who was standing beside Odin and holding the rainbow sword, grew up with Odin and fought with him, and his eyes widened.

Bol Blithen, the father of Odin, is known as the strongest warrior in Asgard. Although he rarely appears in comics and only appears briefly in the movie universe as a flashback, his power is unquestionable.

Marvel's combat power hexagon is mainly composed of six attributes, namely intelligence, speed, strength, endurance, energy emission, and combat skills. The six attributes are ranked from 1 to 7 from low to high. Level 3 is weak, level 2 is normal, and level 7 is beyond ordinary. As for Bol, except for intelligence and speed, which are and respectively, the other four attributes are all the top level !
Well, Odin has all attributes 7.

When Odin saw King Bor walking out of the cemetery, there was a brief hesitation in his eyes. Then, an undisguised shock and anger began to surge in Odin's eyes.

"Good...very good! Lao Fei! This time, I won't leave you any chance to survive!!!"

With a low roar, Odin's seemingly old body swelled up, and the kindness that had been maintained for thousands of years was shattered in an instant. His whole body was filled with the secret energy of thunder that was raging with anger, and the leaping runes were venting their anger towards the surrounding space. Even if it was just an unconscious overflow, the raging energy still made the sky above Asgard covered with dark clouds.

Gravity was unbalanced, and the dust lost control and floated into the air. The weaker ones couldn't even stabilize their own center of gravity. Without further ado, in the deepest part of Asgard, in Odin's treasury, a dark silver light lit up, and then the Destroyer Armor turned into a meteor and crashed into Odin. The moment it touched, the indestructible armor turned into liquid and soft, wrapping Odin like mercury.

The only remaining eyes were filled with coldness, and he thrust out a spear. Runes flashed, and they were not the runes of the past, but the source of all rune runes and even rune magic. The original rune emitted a dazzling light.

The runes shone, but before Odin could stab out, Laufey's chest was pierced by an invisible spear of light. The heavy spear nailed Laufey to the ground, and the huge spear shaft pierced through his body. People could even clearly see the beating heart in Laufey's body through the gap. It was only after this that Odin made the action of thrusting with the spear.

In response, Laufey sneered, blood gushed from his chest, and a little scarlet flowed from the corners of his mouth, but this serious injury that was enough to kill an ordinary life did not make Laufey lose his strength directly - let alone now that he has obtained Frostmourne, even in the past, if he reached Laufey's level, he would not die from such a degree of injury. You know, as the king of the frost giants, Laufey's endurance attribute on paper is as high as level seven. In Marvel's setting, level seven endurance means that a certain degree of immortality has been achieved!
Now, with the blessing of Frostmourne, Laufey only felt endless mystical energy surging in his chest. With the rhythm of the mystical energy, Laufey could clearly feel that his vitality had not lost all its strength due to this fatal penetrating wound. On the contrary, under the nourishment of these mystical energies, his strength became stronger. The new body, except for a touch of sickly paleness, has improved in both strength and toughness!

Feeling the power surging in his body, Laufey's eyes revealed a hint of excitement. He had no time to think about the price of this power. Looking at Odin, the horrific penetrating wound on Odin's chest began to heal at an astonishing speed.

"It's useless! Odin! Meet your fate!!"

As he spoke, Laufey leaped up, and the Frostmourne in his hand left a cold afterimage in the air. The soul of the Lich King in the core of the greatsword matched Laufey's icy bloodline. Even if he defended in time, Odin's mystical energy was in a weak state after Gungnir launched the Spear of Destiny. Even if he reacted in time, the blast of wind still cut Odin's body viciously.

Under the protection of the Destroyer Armor, the runes surrounding Odin's body were strengthened to the maximum extent. Although the broken winds produced a lot of harsh noises, they still failed to cause any real and effective damage to Odin.

Seeing this, a trace of ferocity appeared in Laufey's eyes, and then he forcibly pulled away the spear in Odin's hand without paying attention to the runes surrounding Gungnir. Almost at the moment of contact, the sudden burst of rune energy shattered Laufey's arm. But Laufey did not show any fear, but raised Frostmourne in one hand and slashed Odin's head with a merciless blow!
Accompanied by the fierce collision sound between the arcane energy and the blade, Odin was able to wrestle with Laufey tenaciously at first, but as Laufey swung the sword, the muscles in his left arm bulged and blood spurted out of the blood vessels. Even Odin could only forcibly turn his head to prevent the blade of Frostmourne from hitting his face head-on.

As the distance between them increased, as Laufey's arm was reassembled, several undead from the resurrected Scourge dissipated into a pile of powerless bones. Their strength and energy were re-injected into Laufey's body in a few breaths, and a new arm was formed.

Although the arm looked a little worn out, withered, and even the skin and flesh were slightly rotten, it was undeniable that although the appearance was unsightly, the strength was not lost at all. On the contrary, it was slightly stronger due to unknown factors such as scar hyperplasia.

In contrast, there was a scar on Odin's cheek that was constantly bleeding. The sword had slashed across Odin's right eye, leaving a huge scar deep enough to see the bone on his forehead and face.

"What a pity! If you only had one more eye, your other eye would have belonged to me."

As he spoke, Laufey held the greatsword across his body, licking the blood on the blade that had been solidified by the low temperature with an extremely ferocious expression - it was not that ferocious at first, but who would have thought that the temperature of Frostmourne was lower than Laufey had imagined, and the blood of Odin had just touched his tongue, so it was frozen and could not be pulled off.

But the atmosphere had already reached this point, there was nothing he could do, Laufey could only endure the pain and pull his tongue out, then pretended to be fine and pointed at Odin and said:

"Next, your head."

In response, Odin just looked at Laufey with an indifferent look and did not respond. But in silence, Odin also tried to use the healing runes to heal the scar on his face, but unfortunately, it had little effect. Even though he had tried his best, the cold and malice left on the scar still affected Odin's magic. For a while, the scar on his face was not only not healed, but even the blood was flowing more and more!

"The wounds left by Frostmourne cannot be healed." Ron's voice came from the side, and Odin looked at Ron, as if asking why such important information could not be told earlier.

Ron was helpless about this: "Frostmourne exists in many different forms in many worlds. Apart from absorbing the power of the dead, freezing the souls, and controlling the undead scourge of the dead, all other abilities are different. Including the sword itself, which is only about 1.25 meters long under normal circumstances, with a blade length of 75 centimeters. It has its own consciousness and soul, and is not an ordinary weapon."

"But look at that sword. It's four meters away. As for why I didn't tell you everything..."

Glancing at Odin, Ron said expressionlessly, "This sword is much more popular than you think. It's no exaggeration to say it's a man's ultimate dream. Even you and I can name more than ten different but beloved ones in one breath. Can you guess how many different forms and versions of this sword there are?"

Frostmourne is not limited to World of Warcraft. Even Warcraft, which is based on the same world view, has slightly different origins and settings, not to mention the game company's successive screenwriters' behavior of eating books. In addition, this sword has obviously been alienated and even has the smell of a world virus...

Think about that sick Superman. He is almost immune to the radiation from the red sun. The kryptonite dagger only worked to a certain extent when it was stabbed into his heart. He can still fight with his head chopped off. He regards self-destruction as a continuous attack and displacement method...

"As a filial son sword, your good son Loki and this sword appearing at the same time are really...impeccable. It's a pity that this time it's not a story of a father and a son being filial, but a story of a mother and a son being filial."

As he spoke, Ron pointed at Old Loki and said with disgust:

"Old Loki, you are such a human being! Poor Queen Frigga, she has to be stabbed in the back for no reason, in the physical sense."

(End of this chapter)

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