In American comics, all your teammates are the main characters and bosses

Chapter 133: Enough of fun, let’s clean up and end it

Chapter 133: Enough of fun, let’s pack up and end it

After hearing Ron's words, there was not much change on old Loki's face, but Ron could still feel the fluctuation in old Loki's spirit at that moment.

Although he cannot freely observe and interfere with other timelines, being able to come to this universe at least proves that old Loki knows more or less what is happening in other worlds. And for Loki in any timeline, Frigga definitely plays the role of a mother.

But it was obvious that every time old Rocky decided to do this, he had given up something he had insisted on in the past.

"Loki?! Are you really Loki?! Damn it, what the hell just happened!"

Thor, who was standing by, could not suppress his anger after noticing old Loki. Before, Thor could still tell himself that this guy just looked a little like Loki. But now, after getting the confirmation, Thor could no longer suppress his anger. He controlled the hammer and wanted to fly over to beat this guy up to wake him up.

However, before he could take off, a golden light stopped her.

Coming to Thor's side, Frigga whispered, "Loki is being controlled now. His body is being controlled by an evil person from another world. He is very powerful. Don't act rashly."


Hearing this, Thor felt very awkward for a moment - because the other party's body was Loki's, if he was not careful and caused too much damage, such as breaking his face...

Seems pretty good?!

After all, Thor had always felt that Loki's face lacked the masculinity of an Asgardian.

On the other side, Ron picked up the meat saw and rushed back to the battlefield. Looking at the Scourge coming from one side, Ron could clearly see that under the impact of these undead, Asgard's originally stable formation was being broken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Generally speaking, the Scourge has little impact on the real high-level combat power. Especially in the extraordinary world view of Marvel, where Supo and Heirou exist, it only takes a few breaths for a superpowered god to destroy a legion. But now, the resurrected dead are not only the heroes sleeping in the Asgard Heroes Cemetery, but also the prototypes of heroes in the legends of Asgard. Among the resurrected strong men, King Bor, Odin's father, is undoubtedly the strongest. But there are no less than three people with similar strength who are controlled by Frostmourne together with King Bor!

"Generally speaking, shouldn't cemeteries be in the mountains? Why is this one here?!" Ron couldn't help but complain: "Who would build a highway toll station next to a cemetery?"

"Going to war bathed in the glory of warriors will allow Asgard's warriors to feel the will of their ancestors and become stronger..." Odin also fought with Laufey with some effort, and after pulling away:
"In fact, Valhalla in Asgard can resurrect the dead and fight for Asgard again. But now, the land of Asgard has been eroded. That damned ice sword has tarnished the glory of Asgard and destroyed the integrity of Valhalla!"

"No wonder."

After hearing Odin's words, Ron nodded and said, "We can't let Asgard continue to be eroded, otherwise there will be more resurrected corpses. Get ready, you go and suppress them, and we will change the battlefield!"

Ron could clearly feel that there was more than one cemetery in Asgard. In addition to the Cemetery of Heroes and the cemetery of ordinary civilians, there were also some places similar to the Dungeon of the Gods. The bones buried there were no less than those in the Cemetery of Heroes. Among those bones, there were many powerful and brutal beasts who had been invincible in Asgard for ten thousand years. And some dead ancient gods, such as Odin's grandfather...

Odin's biological father is tricky enough. Although he doesn't know whether Odin's grandfather is here or even dead, Ron doesn't intend to take the risk.

"This guy has been on guard against fluctuations in space and dimensions. We must destroy his perception of time and space, otherwise the dimensional gate will not be able to pull him into the Infinite City!"

Odin was not surprised to hear Roan's words. In the war between Jotunheim and Asgard, the reason why Jotunheim was defeated was that the frost giants at that time knew nothing about the existence of the rainbow bridge and had no awareness of defense. Asgard won the victory in one fell swoop and confirmed its authority as the king of the nine realms that had been calculated for thousands of years.

In this case, if Laufey had no defense against the fluctuations in space, it could only be said that over the past few thousand years, Laufey's brain had expanded and contracted due to the low temperature of Jotunheim.

But after the plan was confirmed, Odin did not say much. One after another, lightning bolts burst out from the gaps in the Destroyer's armor. Facing Laufey's fierce smile, Odin urged the eight groups of divine horses under his crotch to turn into a stream of light and rush forward towards his body. Seeing this, Laufey's eyes also showed a hint of excitement, and he did not say anything. With the casualties of Asgard and the frost giants, Laufey's power continued to surge in the process. In just a moment, a layer of surging ice-blue light surrounded his body.

The golden and ice-blue colors constantly collided and competed. The aftermath of the fight alone left deep and bottomless gullies on the vast land of Asgard. Lightning flashed in his eyes, and Odin roared. The leaping runes condensed on the tip of the spear. Before he stabbed out, a cloud of blood mist burst out from Laufey's shoulder. By interfering with the law of causality, Odin made a sure hit, but after that, he did not make a thrust, but had to grit his teeth and retract his spear to withstand Laufey's powerful and heavy blow.

Facing Odin's tense face, feeling the power surging in his body, and the penetrating wound that recovered in just a few breaths, Laufey felt that his anger and frustration for thousands of years were all dissipated in one day.

"I have waited so long for this day... Now it seems that it is all worth it!!"

As he spoke, Laufey could clearly feel a wave of mystical energy rising from Odin's body. This was not caused by Laufey, but by the backlash caused by Odin not releasing the cause after the "effect" was completed after disrupting the cause-effect relationship and stabbing the Spear of Destiny. His face flushed with sickness, but Odin did not show any anger or fear. On the contrary, facing Laufey's puzzled gaze, an undisguised grin appeared between his brows, as if he had accomplished some unknown trick.

The next moment, a world gate opened in front of Odin without any warning. In fact, before the world gate was fully opened, Ron suddenly kicked out.

The kick hit Laufey's chest. Although Ron's kick looked insignificant compared to Laufey's size, at the moment of impact, Laufey felt as if his brain was hit by a heavy hammer. His stable soul was shaken for a moment by the impact, but before Laufey could come to his senses, Ron opened the dimensional door directly, and with Odin's roar, the two of them and the horse worked together to crash it into the Infinite City!
After opening his eyes again, Laufey felt a chill around him. This chill was not just physical chill, nor was it a so-called drop in body temperature. As a frost giant of Jotunheim, Laufey had adapted to the low temperatures that were everywhere in Jotunheim since he had memories. But now, Laufey could clearly feel that his body temperature was constantly dissipating... or in other words, all the "warmth", "heat" and "energy" in his body were constantly being consumed.

"Welcome to Infinite City."

He reappeared in front of Laufey, but this time, Ron was different from before. Although he was still wearing a black hunting windbreaker, the weapon in his hand had changed from a meat saw burning with blazing flames to a meat saw covered with frost.

Ron had originally thought about getting a Heat Death Sword or something like that to use in battle. But after thinking about it, he realized that no matter how hard he tried, it would be extremely difficult to surpass Frostmourne in terms of style and form as an "ice weapon".

For Ron today, the so-called weapons are not so much a means of combat as a medium to carry various abilities and energies that may have a negative impact on his own release.

Ron simply used the meat saw as the carrier of the moment. Standing behind Ron, Victor, the Frozen Man from the Flashpoint World, said in an orderly manner:
"After this period of improvement, the White Frost Space is basically ready for combat. As long as a unit is judged as an enemy, the warmth it perceives and the energy in its body will be continuously extracted the moment it enters the White Frost Space. Although I have thought about using this energy for the internal circulation of the Infinite City, it is a bit difficult. So far, according to the characteristics of the white frost, it is still sent into the 'vacuum' in the gaps between the universe for continuous consumption."

Hearing this, Ron nodded with satisfaction.

Hoarfrost, in the demon hunter world, is considered by elven scholars to be the vacuum between worlds. However, through the analysis of the secret energy, it has more extensions on the original basis. Its own secret energy properties are somewhat similar to the blood of the ancients, both of which open a portal through the world itself. However, unlike Ciri's world gate, the door created by hoarfrost is too small, so small that it cannot be observed by the naked eye, and can only continuously absorb the energy and heat of the material universe.

After a certain degree of development, through its ability to continuously absorb, or transfer, energy and heat, the cryogenic generator built by Professor Victor Frozen under the sponsorship of the old man, the bloody bat Thomas, has also ushered in a major update. Like now, with the engine started, all the heat and energy in the Infinite City area within Ron's perception range are being continuously extracted.

The constant loss of this energy, when manifested in a person's body, is felt as "cold".

"So, even a frost giant can feel the cold, right?"

Ron smiled and said, "This space has the property of constantly absorbing all energy. Normally, after this energy is transferred to the vacuum between the worlds, it will only be slowly added to the internal cycle by the World Tree itself and reabsorbed. But now it's different..."

Ron gripped the handle of the meat saw in his hand.

"Through the medium, this dimension is connected to the vacuum between the worlds, and then re-projected into the material world. In other words, the energy you absorbed did not dissipate in the vacuum of the world for no reason, but was transferred to the medium connected to the vacuum."

As he spoke, Ron's body disappeared in an instant. Previously, in the battle with Ron, Laufey could still clearly capture Ron's movement trajectory, fighting and calculating each other's moves. But now, with the battlefield being transferred to Ron's home court. Under the advantage of space, Laufey's various physiological functions and energy in the body began to be continuously consumed, while Ron was not only not affected, but also further improved on the original basis!
One side was getting weaker and weaker, while the other side was getting stronger by absorbing the lost power of the other side. Without further ado, when Laufey came to his senses, Ron's entire body had already appeared beside him. He swung his knife, and the black blade rolled up a bone-chilling chill.

There was a hint of horror in his eyes, and Laufey instinctively resisted, but after only one round, the Frostmourne in his hand was almost knocked away, and with Ron's slash, a huge gap deep enough to reveal the bone was directly dug out on Laufey's shoulder!

Shaking off the blood adhering to the blade, Ron said with a fiery look in his eyes:
"Although it's strange to say this, Frostmourne is very suitable for this space in terms of both its mystical form and weapon style... You'd better hand it over to me yourself!"

As he was talking, Odin came riding on his eight-legged horse, and cooperated with Ron to surround Laufey tightly. Seeing Odin's arrival, Laufey's eyes showed a solemn look, but then he said coldly: "Don't dream, Odin has come here, I want to know, what can those Asgardians outside use to resist my undead disaster!!"

In response, Ron clapped his hands with a bored look on his face and said, "Okay, it's time for you to show off."

"Tsk, I told you long ago, just let me go." Along with Ron's words, a strong female voice came from behind him. Bathed in the shadow of the Infinite City, the Paradise Island Valkyrie Corps, led by the War Lord Diana, who had experienced the Flashpoint Doomsday War and now had a full complement of more than 500 people, stepped out in unison and passed through the Infinite City one after another and were directly deployed to the battlefield.

Wearing the champion's helmet and holding the sword of Vulcan, Diana looked at Bor with a fiery gaze:

"Long live war!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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