Chapter 160: The Severe Social Disease
"Hello, David Martinez, my name is Ron."

Ron extended his hand and shook hands with David in a familiar manner. Ron did not feel at all the strangeness that he should have felt when meeting David for the first time. On the contrary, even with the mask on, one could still clearly feel Ron's relaxation and indifference that were beyond words.

"Ah, ah! Hello, hello... do you know me?" David was not used to Ron's familiarity. He scratched his head belatedly, then half-bent his body and looked at Ron a little embarrassedly and said, "From your name... are you the head of the field department that Mr. Gu Yi mentioned?"

"It's me. Your mother looks pretty good." Ron nodded and said, looking at Gloria, who was lying on the side and receiving emergency treatment through the advanced life support device of the Trauma Team International.

"According to the timeline, your mother should have turned into ashes. Now it seems that you are lucky. Although she is still in a deep coma, her physiological state is very stable, so she will not be forced to leave the stage immediately."

"…My mother, dead?"

David was also stunned when he heard Ron's words. Ron nodded and said, "To be precise, you died in the original world. Well, I looked at Armstrong's action record. If he hadn't blocked it, the heavy car would have knocked you over. Although the trauma team will arrive in time, you are not customers, so no rescue will be carried out on you."

"Of course, your mother should not have been dead at the time. But what do you remember about the first hospital you went to? Considering that the injuries were more serious and had been delayed for a long time, she would have been dismembered by the scavengers immediately after a simple assessment, and then left with an urn. Well, think about it carefully, it's hard to say whether the urn contains cigarette ashes or your mother's ashes."

Ron patted David's shoulder, who looked confused, and said indifferently, "But this is all about the original world line. Considering that you have already joined the department of that old man Gu Yi, your fate should also change accordingly. Because even if you are really dead, it doesn't matter. You only need some small rituals to revive your mother in another state, such as now."

As he spoke, Ron reached out his hand and tapped Gloria's forehead. With an inexplicable oppressive aura spreading around, Ron also reached out his hand, then opened the dimensional door and directly pulled out Mingnu's snow-white arm. Without further ado, he twisted it hard, and then Mingnu's arm snapped into two pieces like Wangwang breaking ice. The bright red blood immediately flowed down.

David was stunned at first when he saw Ron's rough action, and then he subconsciously wanted to stop him. Unfortunately, before David could do anything, the blood formed a large number of dark red runes and circular tracks on Gloria's body. These runes and tracks overlapped and linked to each other, and then sank into Gloria's body and disappeared.

The inexplicable scene made David feel a little frightened, but just when David wanted to ask something, he just opened his mouth and saw Gloria lying on the ground coughing violently. Seeing this, David also showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then quickly helped his mother up and patted her back to help her breathe.

Seeing this, Bong Zhuang beside him adjusted his glasses with interest, then pointed at Gloria and said, "How did you do it? Was it magic? Or something else? By the way, can magic also work on prostheses?"

"It's magic, but you don't have to be so surprised. It's just a different form of expression. In essence, they are all forms of secret energy. In the eyes of people in this world, the nanotechnology on you is no different from magic."

There was no pretense, Ron was just telling the truth. Although the prosthetic technology and Ron's ancient god path seemed completely unrelated, they were essentially a way of understanding and analyzing the secret energy. If you really want to count, the core concept was to "scientifically" conduct systematic analysis, summarize and flexibly master it.

"Although the prosthesis is a kind of machine, the energy running through it, whether it is electricity, magnetism, or the composition of matter, is different forms of secret energy." As he spoke, Ron pointed to some prostheses on Gloria's body. Unlike those located inside the body, the enchantment rituals performed with the blood of the Ming woman were not integrated into these prostheses on the surface of the body, but adhered to the surface, like precision laser engravings.

"Although it looks completely different from traditional prosthetic technology, you can think of these techniques as a kind of external enhanced prosthesis. It's just that the form of the prosthesis has been simplified from the traditional one to the current one."

Hearing this, Armstrong narrowed his eyes, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Although Armstrong gives people the impression of being a reckless man, he even stood still in the duel with Raiden in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, allowing Raiden, who had completed the equipment upgrade, to hit him with two sets of punches.

But as a top student in the literal sense, Armstrong would try to learn as much as possible about any weapon the first time he touched it. Only in this way could he bring out its true power.

As a member of society, guns, swords, and even the law itself are also weapons.

Looking at Armstrong who was thinking, Ron also sighed.

The main thing was the scar on Armstrong's chest - although Armstrong did not show it, Ron knew that his failure was mostly due to carelessness, or in other words, out of his admiration for Raiden's talent, thinking that Raiden was the best proof of his socialite theory.

The strong will climb up from the bottom to become strong no matter what. Jack the Ripper, who rose from the bottom to become a feared figure, is undoubtedly the best proof of this.

Unfortunately, Raiden, who fully understands the hardships of the lower classes, does not agree with Armstrong's theory. And the power of Raiden...

Not to mention the Raiden after the equipment upgrade... Even before the equipment upgrade, the Raiden in the prologue can slash the Metal Gear Sea Devil with a sword. According to the setting, at least 100,000 tons of TNT are needed to cut through a large Metal Gear.

This is also the reason why Raiden was able to defeat Armstrong - if Armstrong had killed him earlier, Jack would not have been able to hold on until Blade Wolf woke up and threw the high-frequency Yucun Sword that could have awakened Armstrong and broken his defense to Jack.

The role of the high-frequency Yucun sword is not just a simple slash, but to separate the molecular bonds of matter through high-frequency vibration, thereby forcibly breaking Armstrong's defense. If it were someone else, it would be useless even if they got it. Because Armstrong's nano heart can completely recover and reorganize before the next attack. But Raiden's specialty is the continuous attack that is like a rainstorm.

The final result was that Armstrong broke through the defense, said something from the heart and the game was over.

While Ron was still thinking, Armstrong noticed Ron's gaze and glanced at the scar in the center of his chest, then grinned and said:
"Are you curious about this?"

"It's not curiosity, I just wonder if lightning will appear here." After hearing Armstrong's words, Ron did not hide his thoughts:

"Actually, I was a little disappointed. After all, Raiden is much stronger than you in terms of personality. Considering the situation in other worlds, once you bring out your social Darwinism ideas, you will probably be easily regarded as a villain and attacked by everyone. In fact, you are indeed a villain." "That's just that they don't understand me." After hearing Ron's words, Armstrong didn't mind much. He just laughed twice and said nonchalantly:

"When they understand me, they will find that the more wars there are, the faster the world progresses. The so-called laws or other rules are bullshit. Would you bring a legal book as thick as a brick when you go out to eat? No. And even if you did, it would be useless because the right to interpret the law is always controlled by that little loser."

"Instead of this, it would be better to allow an absolutely strong person to establish true equality."

Armstrong paused, then looked at Ron and said:

"So, you want to stop me, Ron? I know you have the right to fire me. You only need to give me an X in this mission to end all my work in this world. If that's the case, just send me back to my original world right now. This way, it's better than having to tear our faces apart in the end!"

"..." Looking at Armstrong, whose eyes were full of determination and even a hint of madness, Ron shook his head speechlessly.

Ron simply crossed his arms and looked at Armstrong and said, "Do you think too highly of yourself?"


Hearing this, Armstrong was somewhat surprised that Ron would answer him like this. He scratched his head and asked, "What does this mean?"

Similarly, after hearing Ron's words and confirming that his mother was fine and was just a little tired and drowsy due to long periods of coma, David also turned his attention to the conversation between Ron and Armstrong.

To be honest, David didn't quite understand why Ron said that.

Apart from anything else, if you look around now, the ruins you see are shocking. And the destruction here was almost all caused by Armstrong alone - well, Trauma Team International mainly provided a small missile.

Under such firepower, no matter if you have Adam's heavy hammer, Eve's axe, Morgan's Black Hand, Johnny's Silver, you will become part of the ruins, and you may even be turned into ashes.

But when it fell on Armstrong, it only destroyed one layer of his shirt...

Facing Armstrong's gaze, Ron sighed helplessly, then opened his hand, and Ron's system interface appeared directly in everyone's sight in the form of a three-dimensional projection.

"Hmm? Can the system also project? How do you do it?" Armstrong seemed a little curious.

"It's useless. This is a privilege only available to the first-level system." Ron explained, "But these are all trivial matters. Come, let's talk about them one by one."

Ron projected the many secondary and tertiary systems of the field department in a tree diagram and said, "This guy is called Wolf, and he is a ninja from ancient Japan. You think he is weak, right? But he can cut out sword energy of dozens of meters with an ordinary Bin iron sword. Well, in terms of hard power, he is definitely not as good as you. After all, your nanotechnology can directly absorb all the energy and impact."

"But you don't have to be proud. This guy named Geralt... Never mind, let's just skip this old gambler. Look, this is his daughter Ciri. Although her individual strength is average, the ancient blood in her body can freely travel between worlds and exile according to her will."

"And this ability consumes almost no energy to use. One second you are still struggling in the magma, and the next second you may be transferred to the deep sea, or directly teleported to the endless vacuum of the universe."

Ron explained: "Without the knowledge to deal with spatial displacement, you have almost no ability to resist such attacks. Not to mention other mental abilities... Well, puppetry and mental shock may not be common in a single universe, but they are definitely not rare. For example, the wolf I just mentioned can use puppetry to control the dead to fight, and can also absorb the resentment of dead warriors to enhance its own strength and transform into a ghost of resentment..."

"I don't have any opinion on your philosophy. After all, the vast majority of the world is the socialism you advocate. It's just that your firm advocacy is rare."

After hearing Ron's words, Armstrong fell into a brief silence. But not long after, the familiar smile appeared on Armstrong's face again. Looking at the other members of the team, Armstrong did not argue too much, but suppressed his excitement and said:
"Isn't that great? Doesn't this prove that my philosophy is correct?"

"Each of them is the best proof of my philosophy! It is the chaos and suffering that shaped them into what they are today, allowing them to awaken their hidden talents and possess this unparalleled power!"

"...Okay, I get it." Ron rolled his eyes and said, "If soda is a disease, then you are really terminally ill and there is no hope for you..."

If other members of the team knew about his remarks, not only would there be a fight, but their favorability would drop directly to negative numbers.

"But it doesn't matter. There are enough problematic people in the team, and you are not a big problem."

As they were talking, a few black spots appeared in the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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